Giustina Andrea Professore ordinarioMedicinaMED/13 – Endocrinologia




Nato a Milano  24/01/1962

Posizione attuale Professore Ordinario di Endocrinologia e Metabolismo

Istituzione Universita’ Vita e Salute San Raffaele Milano

28-Nov-1986: Iscrizione Albo Provinciale dei Medici Chirurghi di BRESCIA (Ordine della Provincia di BRESCIA) N. 0000006379

Luglio 1986 Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia

Novembre 1986 Abilitazione Professionale

Anno 1988 Vincitore del Premio del Congresso Nazionale G.T.G.

Anno 1989/1990 Professore a contratto Scuola di Specializzazione

1990/1991 Endocrinologia – Università di Brescia –

Anno 1990 Vincitore Premio Congresso Nazionale SID

Maggio 1991 Ricercatore Universitario in Medicina Interna U.O.P. Scienze Mediche, Università di Brescia – convenzionato come Assistente presso Ospedali Civili di Brescia

Anni 1991/1994 Associate Professor of Endocrinology, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee (USA)

Luglio 1992 Specialista in Medicina Interna

Maggio 1994 Conferma in ruolo come Ricercatore in Endocrinologia (opzione per raggruppamento F07E)

Ottobre 1995 Affidamento Insegnamento di Endocrinologia, Facoltà di Medicina, Università di Brescia

Novembre 1995 Titolarietà Corsi di Endocrinologia (III Anno Scuola di Specializzazione in Pediatria) e Psicoendocrinologia (Scuola di Specializzazione in Psichiatria)

Febbraio 1996 Riconoscimento della qualifica di Aiuto in Endocrinologia a fini assistenziali

Ottobre 1996 Eletto nel Consiglio Direttivo S.I.D. Lombardia

Gennaio 1997 Attribuzione della Responsabilità del Day Hospital di Endocrinologia degli Spedali Civili di Brescia

Luglio 1997 Eletto Segretario del Gruppo Italiano di Studio su Glucocorticoidi e Osso (GISGO)

Ottobre 1997 Specializzazione in Endocrinologia e Malattie del Ricambio

Novembre 1997 Titolarietà corso di Endocrinologia nel D.U. Scienze Infermieristiche

Novembre 1997 Titolarietà dei Corsi di Endocrinologia presso le seguenti Scuole di Specializzazione: Medicina Interna, Ginecologia, Ostetricia e Medicina dello Sport

Novembre 1997 Titolarietà dei Corsi di Fisiopatologia Endocrina, Oncologia Endocrina e Clinica delle Endocrinopatie presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Endocrinologia e Malattie del Ricambio

Gennaio 1998 Nominato membro dell’Editorial Board del Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism

Febbraio 1998 Nominato membro della Commissione Pubblicazioni della Società Italiana Endocrinologia

Aprile 1998 Nominato membro dell’Editorial Board di Pituitary

Luglio 1998 Nominato membro della Commissione Scientifica Nazionale della Società Italiana di Diabetologia

Novembre 1998 Nominato membro dell’Editorial Board di Clinical Endocrinology

Dicembre 1998 Nominato Direttore Responsabile Notiziario Società Italiana di Diabetologia – Sezione Lombarda –

Gennaio 1999 Nominato Responsabile del Settore Endocrinologia della Rivista Italiana Biologia e Medicina

Luglio 1999 Attivazione di Convenzione per Consulenza Endocrinologica presso l’Azienda Ospedaliera “Carlo Poma” di Mantova

Ottobre 1999 Titolarietà Corso di Endocrinologia D.U. Ostetriche

Novembre 1999 Attribuzione della responsabilità di Coordinatore della Unità di Endocrinologia dell’Ospedale “C. Poma” di Mantova

Febbraio 2000 Nominato membro del Comitato Scientifico del Centro di Ricerca sull’Osteoporosi dell’Università di Brescia

Novembre 2001 Professore Associato di Medicina Interna, Universita’ Degli Studi di Brescia

Ottobre 2002 Presidente eletto Societa’ Italiana di Diabetologia Sezione Lombardia

Dicembre 2002 Visiting Professor of Endocrinology, Cedars Sinai Medical Center – UCLA, Los Angeles

Gennaio 2003 Membro Commissione Scientifica SIE (Societa’ Italiana di Endocrinologia)

Febbraio 2003 Membro Commissione Regionale Antidoping Regione Lombardia

Marzo 2003 Presidente SIE – Lombardia

Novembre 2004 Presidente SID Lombardia

Gennaio 2005 Nominato revisore area Medicina per il CIVR (Comitato Italiano Valutazione Ricerca)

Giugno 2005 Nominato editor della rivista internazionale “Pituitary”

Settembre 2005 Vincitore di idoneita’ a Professore Ordinario di Medicina Interna

Febbraio 2006 Nominato membro del Comitato delle Relazioni con le altre Societa’ della SIOMMMS

Settembre 2006 Nominato membro del Journal Managing Committee dell’Endocrine Society

Gennaio 2007 Eletto membro del consiglio direttivo SIE Lombardia

Agosto 2007 Nominato membro della Membership Task Force dell’Endocrine Society

Ottobre 2007 Presa di Servizio come Professore di Prima Fascia del Settore Med09 Medicina Interna presso l’Università di Brescia

Ottobre 2007 Responsabile Servizio di Endocrinologia, A.O. Spedali Civili di Brescia, P.O. di Montichiari

Aprile 2008 Membro, Consiglio dei Docenti Dottorato di Ricerca in “Tecnologie Biomediche in Medicina Clinica” Sede Amministrativa Roma – La Sapienza, Sede Consorziata Universita’ di Brescia

Aprile 2009 Membro Eletto, Comitato Esecutivo, Societa’ Europea di Endocrinologia

Giugno 2009 Coordinatore Scientifico, Master Universitario di II Livello in “Osteoporosi e Malattie Metaboliche Ossee”, Universita’ di Brescia

Ottobre 2009 Membro Nomination Committee, Societa’ Europea di Endocrinologia

Febbraio 2010 Membro Commissione Rapporti Internazionali, Societa’ Italiana di Endocrinologia

Aprile 2010 Membro Commissione Proposte Innovative, Societa’ Italiana di Endocrinologia

Giugno 2010 Membro Commissione Proposte Innovative SIE

Luglio 2010 Membro dell’Editorial Board di European Endocrinology

Settembre 2010 Presidente X Congresso Nazionale SIOMMMS

Settembre 2010 Vincitore Premio SIOMMMS alla carriera scientifica

Ottobre 2010 Conferma in ruolo come Professore Ordinario di Medicina Interna

Febbraio 2011Editor in Chief Endocrine

Marzo 2011 Membro POC 12th Pituitary Congress (Boston)

Marzo 2011 Presidente GIOSEG

Aprile 2011 Chairman, Nomination Committee, European Society of Endocrinology

Giugno 2011 Membro, Board of Directors, Pituitary Society

Luglio 2011 Coordinatore, Commissione Internazionalizzazione SIE

Gennaio 2012 Membro, Steering Committee Phase III Internationaly study su Octreolin in Acromegalia

June 2012 Membro dell’ Executive Committee dell’ International Society of Endocrinology

Settembre 2012  Co-Chair Sixth Fellows Forum on Metabolic Bone Diseases (Minneapolis)

Ottobre 2012 Professore Ordinario in Endocrinologia e Metabolismo, Universita’ di Brescia

Ottobre 2012 Direttore Scuola di Specializzazione in Endocrinologa e Malattie del Metabolismo Universita’ di Brescia

Novembre 2012 Direttore Scientifico Centro di Ricerca su Osteoporosi e Metabolismo Osseo (CROMO) Universita’ di Brescia

Dicembre 2012  Principal Investigator, Italian multicenter study LANHD (Lanreotide High dose in Acromegaly)

Febbraio 2013  Coordinatore Unita’ operativa, PRIN MIUR su Osso e cuore

Aprile 2013 Membro, Clinical Committee dell’ European Society of Endocrinology

Giugno 2013  Membro del POC 13th Pituitary Congress (San Francisco)

Agosto 2013 Responsabile Struttura Ambulatoriale di Endocrinologia, Spedali Civili di Brescia

Settembre 2013 Co-Chair Seventh Fellows Forum on Metabolic Bone Diseases (Baltimore)

Febbraio 2014  Direttore, Corso di Alta Formazione in Malattie Ipofisarie Universita’ di Brescia

Marzo 2014 Chairman Sesto Skeletal Endocrinology Meeting – 1st Translational ESE Bone Course (Brescia)

Marzo 2015 Presidente Eletto Pituitary Society

Giugno 2015 Membro della Commissione Nazionale MIUR Scuole di Specializzazione

October 2015   Eletto membro del Consiglio Diretttivo SIOMMMS

Gennaio 2016  Chairman Comitato Scientifico SIOMMMS

Aprile 2016  Membro POC ECE 2017

Giugno 2016 Presidente Pituitary Society

Gennaio 2017 Professore Ordinario di Endocrinologia e Malattie del Metabolismo, Universita’ Vita-Salute San Raffaele Milano



1) Development of type II autoimmune polyglandular syndrome in a patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
R. Candrina, A. Giustina
Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, 24: 57-58, 1988.

2) Low dose acyclovir and acute renal failure.
A. Giustina, G. Romanelli, A. Cimino, G. Brunori
Annals of Internal Medicine, 108: 312, 1988.

3) Growth hormone deficiency rapidly reversible during glucocorticoid replacement in a case of adrenocorticotropin deficiency.
A. Giustina, R. Candrina, G. Romanelli
The Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 33: 219-297, 1988.

4) Development of isolated ACTH deficiency in a man with type I diabetes mellitus.
A. Giustina, R. Candrina, A. Cimino, G. Romanelli
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 11: 375-377, 1988.


5) Effects of benfluorex on glucose tolerance, metabolic control, beta-cell secretion, and peripheral sensitivity to insulin in obese type II diabetic patients on a body-weight maintaining diet.
A. Giustina, L. Rocca, G. Romanelli, F. Zuccato, G. Giustina.
Current Therapeutic Research, 45: 33-42, 1989.

6) Effect of age on beta-cell response to glucagon in man.
A. Giustina, P. Cravarezza, G. Romanelli, S. Spandrio, F. Zuccato.
Hormone and Metabolic Research, 21: 277-279, 1989.

7) Short-term effect of captopril on microalbuminuria in¬duced by exercise in normotensive diabetics.
G. Romanelli, A. Giustina, A. Cimino, U. Valentini, E. Agabiti-Rosei, G. Muiesan, G. Giustina.
British Medical Journal, 298: 284-288, 1989.

8) Effects of intranasal calcitonin administration on pituitary GH response to GHRH (1-29)NH2 in normal adult subjects.
A. Giustina, M. Doga, G. Pizzocolo, G. Romanelli, G. Giustina.
Clinical Endocrinology, 30: 699-704, 1989.

9) Growth hormone deficiency in patients with idiopathic adrenocorticotropin deficiency resolves during glucocor¬ticoid replacement.
A. Giustina, R. Candrina, G. Romanelli, G. Giustina.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 68: 120-124, 1989.

10) Growth hormone response to thyrotropin releasing hor¬mone and placebo in a group of insulin dependent diabetic patients.
U. Valentini, A. Cimino, A. Rotondi,  L. Rocca, R. Pelizzari, A. Giustina, C. Marchetti, G. Romanelli
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 12: 643-646, 1989.

11) Effects of short-term glucocorticoid deprivation on growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone in man.
A. Giustina, G. Romanelli, S. Bossoni, A. Girelli, G. Pizzocolo, U. Valentini, F. Zuccato
Hormone and Metabolic Research, 21:693-4, 1989.


12) Acute effects of cortisone acetate on growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone in normal adult subjects.
A. Giustina, M. Doga, C. Bodini, A. Girelli, F. Legati, S. Bossoni, G. Romanelli
Acta Endocrinologica (Copenaghen), 122: 206-210, 1990.

13) A single dose of aztreonam in the prevention of urinary tract infections in elderly catheterized patients.
G. Romanelli, A. Giustina, S. Bossoni, A. Caldonazzo, P. Cravarezza, F. Zuccato, A. Turano
Journal of Chemotherapy, 2: 178-183, 1990.

14) Pyridostigmine blocks the inhibitory effects of glucocorticoids on growth hormone releasing hormone stimulated growth hormone secretion in man.
A. Giustina,  A. Girelli, M. Doga, C. Bodini, S. Bossoni, G. Romanelli, W.B. Wehrenberg
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 71: 580-5, 1990.

15) Effects of calcitonin on GH response to pyridostigmine in combination with GHRH (1-29)NH2 in normal adult subjects.
A. Giustina, C. Bodini, S. Bossoni, M. Doga, A. Girelli, G. Pizzocolo, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Clinical Endocrinology, 33: 375-380, 1990.

16) Short term administration of captopril and nifedipine and exercise induced albuminuria in normotensive diabetic patients with early stage nephropathy.
G. Romanelli, A. Giustina, S. Bossoni, A. Caldonazzo, A. Cimino, P. Cravarezza, G. Giustina
Diabetes, 39: 1333-1338, 1990.

17) Central alpha-2 adrenergic function in patients with essential hypertension. Comparative study of growth hormone (GH) secretion stimulated by clonidine and GH-releasing hormone.
A. Giustina, M. Doga, S. Bossoni, C. Bodini, F. Legati, G. Pizzocolo, G. Romanelli
Hormone and Metabolic Research, 22: 451-452, 1990

18) Mechanisms of calcitonin-induced suppression of the growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone in nor¬mal men. Role of somatostatin.
A. Giustina, M. Doga, S. Bossoni, A. Girelli, G. Pizzocolo, W.B. Wehrenberg
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 13 (Suppl. 2): 111, 1990.

19) Impaired growth hormone (GH) response to pyridostig¬mine in type 1 diabetic patients with exaggerated GH-releasing hormone stimulated GH secretion
A. Giustina, S. Bossoni, A. Cimino, G. Pizzocolo, G. Romanelli, W.B. Wehrenberg
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 71: 1486-1450, 1990.

20) Effects of methimazole treatment on growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone in patients with hyperthyroidism.
A. Giustina, C. Ferrari, C. Bodini, M.G. Buffoli, F. Legati, M. Schettino, F. Zuccato, W.B. Wehrenberg
Acta Endocrinologica, 123: 613-619, 1990.

21) Glucocorticoid inhibition of growth in rats: partial reversal with somatostatin antibodies.
W.B. Wehrenberg, P.J. Bergman, L. Stagg, J. Ndon, A. Giustina
Endocrinology, 127: 2705-2708, 1990.


22) Role of the cholinergic tone in the modulation of the dose-response curve of growth hormone-releasing hormone in¬duced growth hormone secretion in normal man.
A. Giustina,  S. Bossoni, C. Bodini,, M. Doga, A. Girelli, M.G. Buffoli, M. Schettino, W.B. Wehrenberg
Metabolism, 40: 519-523, 1991

23) Low-dose octreotide is able to cause a maximal inhibi¬tion of the glycemic responses to a mixed meal in obese type 2 diabetic patients treated with insulin.
A. Giustina, A. Girelli, M. G. Buffoli, A. Cimino, F. Legati, U. Valentini, G. Giustina
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 14: 47-54, 1991

24) Effects of pyridostigmine on spontaneous and growth hormone-releasing hormone stimulated growth hormone secre¬tion in children on daily glucocorticoid treatment after liver transplantantion.
A. Giustina, A. Girelli, D. Alberti, S. Bossoni, F. Buzi, M. Doga, M. Schettino, W.B. Wehrenberg
Clinical Endocrinology, 1991; 35: 491-498

25) Albuminuria induced by exsercise in hypertensive type I and type II diabetic patients: a randomised, double-blind study on the effects of acute administration of captopril and nifedipine.
G. Romanelli, A. Giustina, P. Cravarezza, A. Caldonazzo, M.L. Muiesan, E. Agabiti-Rosei
Journal of Human Hypertension, 5: 167-173, 1991

26) Acute effect of propranolol on the growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone in patients with hyperthyroidism.
A. Giustina, M.G. Buffoli, C. Ferrari, N. Gazzoli, G. Pizzocolo, C. Tassi, W.B. Wehrenberg
Hormone Metabolic Research, 23: 461-514, 1991.

27) Effect of exogenous growth hormone pretreatment on the pituitary growth hormone response to growth hormone-releasing hormone alone or in combination with pyridostig¬mine in type I diabetic patients.
A. Giustina, S. Bossoni, C. Bodini, A. Cimino, G. Pizzocolo, M. Schettino, W.B. Wehrenberg
Acta Endocrinologica, 125: 510-517, 1991

28) Acute effect of clonidine and growth hormone (GH)-releasing hormone on GH secretion in patients with hypertyroidism.
A. Giustina, M.G. Buffoli, A.R. Bussi, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Hormone Research, 36:192-195, 1991


29) Effect of galanin on growth hormone (GH)-releasing hormone stimulated GH secretion in adult patients with nonendocrine diseases on long-term daily glucocorticoid treatment.
A. Giustina, A. Girelli, S. Bossoni, F. Legati, M. Schettino, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Metabolism, 41:548-551, 1992

30) Thyrotropin and prolactin secretion are not affected by porcine and rat galanin in normal subjects.
A. Giustina, A. Girelli, M. Licini, M. Schettino, A. Negro-Vilar.
Hormone and Metabolic Research, 24:351-352, 1992

31) Hypothalamic regulation of impaired growth hormone secretion in diabetic rats. 1: Studies on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
J.A. Ndon, A. Giustina, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Neuroendocrinology, 55:500-505, 1992

32) Hypothalamic regulation of impaired growth hormone secretion in diabetic rats. 2: Studies in spontaneously diabetic BB Worcester rat.
J.A. Ndon, A. Giustina, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Neuroendocrinology, 55:506-511, 1992

33) Acute effect of hydrocortisone on circulating growth hormone levels in patients with acromegaly.
A. Giustina, A.R. Bussi, M. Licini, G. Pizzocolo, M. Schettino, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Hormone Research, 37:212-216, 1992

34) Comparative effect of galanin and pyridostigmine on the growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone in normal aged subjects.
A. Giustina, A.R. Bussi, C. Conti, M. Doga, F. Legati, C. Macca, F. Zuccato, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Hormone Research, 37:165-170, 1992

35) The role of glucocorticoids in the regulation of growth hormone secretion. Mechanisms and clinical significance.
A. Giustina, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 3:306-311, 1992

36) Arginine normalizes the growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone in adult patients receiving chronic daily immunosuppressive glucocorticoid therapy.
A. Giustina, S. Bossoni, C. Bodini, A. Girelli, G.P. Balestrieri, G. Pizzocolo, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 74:1301-1305, 1992

37) Galanin decreases circulating growth hormone levels in acromegaly.
A. Giustina, C. Bodini, M. Doga, M. Schettino, G. Pizzocolo, G. Giustina.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 74:1296-1300, 1992

38) Effect of galanin on the growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone in acromegaly.
A. Giustina, M. Schettino, C. Bodini, M. Doga, G. Giustina.
Metabolism, 41:1291-1294, 1992

39) Basic counterpoint: mechanisms and pathways of gonadal steroid modulation of growth hormone secretion.
W.B. Wehrenberg, A. Giustina.
Endocrine Reviews, 13:299-308, 1992

40) Pyridostigmine-mediated growth hormone release: evidence for somatostatin involvment.
W.B. Wehrenberg, S.D. Wiviott, D.M. Voltz, A. Giustina.
Endocrinology, 130:1445-1450, 1992

41) Comparative effect of porcine and rat galanin on growth hormone secretion in normal adult men.
A. Giustina. A. Girelli, C. Bodini, M. Doga, M. Schettino, A. Negro-Vilar.
Hormone and Metabolic Research, 24:90-91, 1992

42) Effect of pretreatment with pyridostigmine on the thyrotropin response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone in patients with Cushing’s disease.
A. Giustina, S. Bossoni, M.G. Buffoli, C. Ferrari, A. Pozzi, T. Scalvini, M. Schettino.
Hormone and Metabolic Research, 24:248-250, 1992

43) Comparative effect of clonidine and growth hormone (GH)-releasing hormone on GH secretion in adult patients on chronic glucocorticoid therapy.
A. Giustina, M.G. Buffoli, A.R. Bussi, M. Doga, A. Girelli, G. Pizzocolo, A.Pozzi,W.B. Wehrenberg.
Hormone and Metabolic Research, 24:240-243, 1992

44) Galanin does not affect the growth hormone (GH)-releasing hormone-stimulated GH secretion in patients with hyperthyroidism.
A. Giustina, A.R. Bussi, F. Legati, S. Bossoni, M. Licini, M. Schettino, F. Zuccato, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Acta Endocrinologica, 127:504-508, 1992

45) Effect of arginine on the growth hormone (GH)-releasing hormone stimulated GH-secretion in patients with hyperthyroidism.
A. Giustina, M. Schettino, A.R. Bussi, F. Legati, M. Licini, F. Zuccato, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Hormone Research, 38:256-259, 1992


46) Picotamide, a dual TXB Synthetase inhibitor and TXB Receptor antagonist, reduces exercise-induced albuminuria in microalbuminuric patients with NIDDM.
A. Giustina, S. Bossoni, A. Cimino, M.T. Comini, N. Gazzoli, G.B. Leproux, W.B. Wehrenberg, G. Romanelli, G. Giustina.
Diabetes;42:178-182, 1993

47) Effect of galanin on the growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone in patients with Cushing’s disease.
A. Giustina, S. Bossoni, A.R. Bussi, A. Pozzi, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Endocrine Research, 19:47-56, 1993

48) Effects of sex and age on the growth hormone response to galanin in healthy human subjects.
A. Giustina, M. Licini, A.R. Bussi, A. Girelli, G. Pizzocolo, M. Schettino, A. Negro-Vilar.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism; 76:1369-1372, 1993

49) Effect of galanin, and arginine, alone or in combination on growth hormone secretion in adult patients treated with glucocorticoids.
A. Giustina, M. Licini, A. Girelli, A.R. Bussi, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Neuroendocrinology; 57:843-848, 1993

50) Isradipine decreases exercise-induced albuminuria in patients with essential hypertension.
A. Giustina, S. Bossoni, C. Macca, G. Romanelli.
Renal Failure; 15:509-514, 1993

51) Effect of long-term treatment with bromocriptine on the growth hormone response to galanin in patients with acromegaly.
A. Giustina, M. Doga, A.R. Bussi, M. Licini, M. Schettino.
Acta Endocrinologica; 128:131-135, 1993

52) Hypothalamic regulation of growth hormone secretion during food deprivation in the rat.
B.A. Janowski, N.C. Ling, A. Giustina, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Life Sciences; 52:981-987, 1993

53) The biological potency of equimolar amounts of somatostatin-14 and somatostatin-28 in rats.
D.M. Volts, A. Giustina, R.C. Gaillard, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Endocrine Journal; 1:235-239, 1993

54) Effects of metoclopramide on the paradoxical growth hormone response to galanin in acromegaly.
A. Giustina, M. Doga, C. Bodini, S. Bossoni, E. Bresciani, A.R. Bussi.
Endocrine Research; 19:303-315, 1993

55) Variability in the growth hormone response to growth hormone releasing hormone alone or combined with pyridostigmine in type 1 diabetic patients.
A. Giustina, C. Bodini, S. Bossoni, U. Valentini, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation; 16:585-590, 1993

56) Effects of metoclopramide on the growth hormone response to galanin in normal man.
A. Giustina, A.R. Bussi, M. Doga, M. Licini, M. Schettino, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Hormone and Metabolic Research; 25:457-506, 1993

57) Arginine blocks the inhibitory effects of hydrocortisone on circulating growth hormone levels in patients with acromegaly.
A. Giustina, M. Schettino, S. Bossoni, A.R. Bussi, M. Doga, M. Licini, W.B. Wehrenberg.


58) Physiological role of galanin in the regulation of anterior pituitary function in humans.
A. Giustina, M. Licini, M. Schettino, M. Doga, G. Pizzocolo, A. Negro-Vilar.
American Journal of Physiology, 266:(29) E57-E61, 1994

59) Acute effects of octreotide, a long-acting somatostatin analog, on insulinemic and glycemic response to a mixed meal in patients with essential obesity. A. dose-response study.
A. Giustina, A.R. Bussi, G. Pizzocolo, A. Cimino, G. Giustina.
Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolism, 7:35-41, 1994

60) Growth hormone neuroregulation in diabetes mellitus.
A. Giustina, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 5:73-78, 1994

61) Effect of long-term administration of picotamide on baseline and exercise-induced urinary albumin excretion in patients with type II diabetes mellitus and incipient nephropathy.
A. Giustina, P. Ianniello, S. Bossoni, M.T. Comini, P. Desenzani, N. Gazzoli, G. Romanelli.
Clinical Therapeutics, 16:191-199, 1994

62) Effect of hydrocortisone on the growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone in acromegaly.
A. Giustina, A.R. Bussi, M. Doga, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Hormone Research, 41:33-37, 1994

63) Acute and chronic effect of systemic administration of interleukin-1B and endotoxin on the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis in the rat.
W.B. Wehrenberg, P. Saudan, R. Corder, D.M. Voltz, A. Giustina, R.C. Gaillard.
Endocrine Journal, 2:273-277, 1994

64) Effect of galanin on the growth hormone (GH) response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) in patients with acromegaly.
A. Giustina, A.R. Bussi, E. Bresciani, M. Doga, M. Licini, M. Schettino, G. Giustina.
Neuroendocrinology Letters, 16:151-158

65) Hexarelin (His-D-2Methyl-Trp-Ala-Trp-D-Phe-Lys-NH2), a new GH-releasing peptide, is biologically active in male and female rats.
L.K. Conley, A. Giustina, B.P. Imbimbo, L.C. Stagg, R. Deghenghi, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Endocrine Journal, 2: p. 691-695, 1994

66) Effect of the combined administration of galanin and clonidine on serum growth hormone levels in normal subjects and in patients under chronic glucocorticoid treatment.
A. Giustina, S. Bossoni, M. Licini, C. Macca, G. Milani, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Endocrine Research, 20:151-164, 1994

67) Effect of pyridostigmine on the growth hormone response to growth hormone-releasing hormone in lean and obese type II diabetic patients.
A. Giustina,, E. Bresciani, C. Tassi, A. Girelli, U. Valentini.
Metabolism.Vol 43 (7) p. 893-898. 1994.

68) Reciprocal relationships between the level of circulating cortisol and the growth hormone responsiveness to growth hormone releasing hormone in man. Studies in hypoadrenal patients.
A. Giustina, E. Bresciani, S. Bossoni, M. Doga, V. Misitano, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinological and Metabolism. Vol. 79 (5) p 1266-1272. 1994.

69) Serum lipoprotein(a) is not increased in niddm patients with microalbuminuria.
A. Girelli, A. Cimuno, L. Rocca, A. salvi, S. Spandrio, U. Valentini, A. Giustina.
Diabetes Care. Vol. 17 (5) p. 456-457. 1994.

70) Effects of pirydostigmine on the hydrocortisone-mediated decrease of circulating growth hormone levels in acromegaly.
A. Giustina, A.R. Bussi, M. Doga, C. Iacobello,W.B. Wehrenberg.
Hormone and Metabolic Research Vol 26, (6) p. 288-392. 1994.

71) Effects of beta2-agonist during cardiopolmonary exercise test in COPD patients.
M. Malerba, E. Boni, G. Romagnoni, B. Filippi, A. Politi, A. Giustina, C. Tantucci, V. Grassi.
Monaldi Archives of Chest Diseases, 49: 389-393, 1994

72) Inhibitory effect of galanin on growth hormone releases from rat pituitary tumor cells (GH1) in culture.
A. Giustina, C. Bonfanti, M. Licini, C. De Rango, G. Milani.
Life Sciences, 55: p. 1845-1851, 1994


73) Effects of recombinant human growth hormone (GH) on bone and intermediary metabolism in patients receiving chronic glucocorticoid treatment with suppressed endogenous GH response to GH-releasing hormone.
A. Giustina, A.R. Bussi, C. Jacobello and W.B. Wehrenberg.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 80: 122-129, 1995

74) Characterization of the paradoxical growth hormone inhibitory effect of galanin in acromegaly.
A. Giustina, E. Bresciani, A.R. Bussi, A. Bollati, C. Bonfanti, G. Bugari, L. Chiesa and G. Giustina.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 80: 1333-1340, 1995

75) Changes in the growth hormone axis due exercise training in male and female rats: secretory and molecular responses.
J.A. Butkus, R.S. Brogan, A. Giustina, G. Kastello, M.Sothmann and W.B. Wehrenberg.
Endocrinology, 36: 2664-2670, 1995

76) Cardiopulmonary adaptation to exercise after acute weight loss in severely obese subjects.
E. Boni, A. Giustina, E. Borra, A.R. Bussi, V. Grassi.
Monaldi Archives of Chest Disease, 50: 264-268, 1995

77) Hexarelin, a novel GHRH-6 analog, counteracts the inhibitory effect of hydrocortisone on growth hormone secretion in acromegaly.
A. Giustina, E. Bresciani, G. Bugari, A.R. Bussi, R. Deghenghi, B. Imbimbo, G. Giustina.
Endocrine Research, 21: 569-582, 1995

78) Relationship between  pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of eptastigmine in young healthy volunteers.
B.P. Imbimbo, M. Licini, M. Schettino, A. Mosca, E. Onelli, L. Zecca, A. Giustina.
The Journal  of Clinical Pharmacology, 35: 285-290,1995

79) Effect of glucocorticoids on the paradoxical growth hormone response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone in patients with acromegaly.
A. Giustina, M. Doga, E. Bresciani, A.R. Bussi, L. Chiesa, V. Misitano and G. Giustina.
Metabolism, 44: 379-383, 1995

80) Adrenergic and cholinergic involvement in basal and growth hormone-releasing hormone-stimulated growth hormone secretion in glucocorticoid-treated rats.
A. Giustina, V. Misitano, D. Voltz, A. Piering, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Endocrine Research, 21: 719-732, 1995

81) Comparison of the effects of growth hormone-releasing hormone and hexarelin, a novel growth hormone-releasing peptide-6 analog, on growth hormone secretion in human with or without glucocorticoid excess.
A. Giustina, A.R. Bussi, R. Deghenghi, B. Imbimbo, M. Licini, C. Poiesi, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Journal of Endocrinology, 146: 2227-2232, 1995

82) Cardiopulmonary performance during exercise in acromegaly, and the effects of acute suppression of growth hormone hypersecretion with octreotide.
A. Giustina, E. Boni, G. Romanelli, V. Grassi, G. Giustina.
The American Journal of Cardiology, 75: 1042-1047, 1995

83) Role of galanin in the regulation of somatotrope and gonadotrope function in young ovulatory women.
A. Giustina, C. Gastaldi, G. Bugari, L. Chiesa, G. Loda, C. Tironi, A. Negro-Vilar.
Metabolism, 44: 1028-1032, 1995

84) Effect of two B2-agonist drugs, salbutamol and broxaterol, on the growth hormone response to exercise in adult patients with asthmatic bronchitis.
A. Giustina, M. Malerba, E. Bresciani, P. Desenzani, M. Licini, G. Zaltieri and V. Grassi.
Journal of  Endocrinological Investigation, 18:847-852, 1995

85) Influence of thyroid hormones on the regulation of growth hormone secretion.
A. Giustina and W.B. Wehrenberg.
European Journal of Endocrinology, 133: 646-653, 1995

86) Galanin countercts the inhibitory effects of glucocorticoids on growth hormone secretion in the rat.
A. Giustina, D.M.Voltz, J. Teik, W.B. Wherenberg.
Metabolism, Vol 44, (2), p.224-227. 1995.

87) Effect of GHRP-6 and GHRH on GH secretion in rats following chronic glucocorticoid treatment.
D.M.Voltz, A.W. Piering, M. Magestro, A. Giustina, W.B. Wherenberg.
Life Sci. Vol.56, (7), p. 491-497. 1995.

88) Mechanism of action of hexsarelin and GHRP-6: analysis of the involvment of GHRH and somatostatin in the rat.
L.K. Conley, J.A. Teik, R. Deghenghi, B.P. Imbimbo, A. Giustina, V. Locatelli, W.B. Wherenberg.
Neuroendocrinology. Vol. 61, (1) p. 44-50. 1995.


89) Impaired spontaneous growth hormone secretion in severe dilated cardiomyopaty.
A. Giustina, R. Lorusso, V. Borghetti, G. Bugari, V. Misitano and O. Alfieri.
American Heart Journal, 131/3: 629-622, 1996

90) Effect of galanin on growth hormone (GH) response to thyrotropin releasing hormone of rat pituitary GH-secreting adenomatous cells (GH1) in culture.
A. Giustina, C. Bonfanti, M. Licini, B. Stefana, G. Ragni, A. Turano.
Life Sciences, 58: 83-90, 1996

91) Immunocytochemical and molecular analysis of the effects of glucocorticoid treatment on the hypothalamic-somatotropic axis in the rat.
S.K. Fife, R.S. Brogan, A. Giustina, W.B. Wehrenberg.
Neuroendocrinology, 64:131-138, 1996.

92) Hypothalamic control of GH secretion in type 1 diabetic men: effect of the combined administration of growth hormone (GH)-releasing hormone and Hexarelin, a novel GHRP-6 analog.
A. Giustina, P. Desenzani, P. Perini, R. Deghenghi, G. Bugari, W.B. Wehrenberg, G. Giustina.
Endocrine Research, 22:159-174, 1996.

93) The Pharmacological Aspects Of The Treatment Of Acromegaly.
A. Giustina, G. Zaltieri, F. Negrini, and W.B.Wehrenberg.
Pharmacological Research,Vol.34, p.247-268, 1996.


94) Glutamate Decarboxylae Autoimmunity and Growth Hormone Secretion in Type I Diabetes Mellitus.
A. Giustina, P. Desenzani, P. Perini, E. Bazzigaluppi, C. Bodini, S. Bossoni, C. Poiesi, W. B. Wehrenberg, and E. Bosi.
Metabolism, Vol. 46, N. 4, p. 382-387, 1997.

95) Inhibitory Effects of Galanin on Growth Hormone (GH) Release in Cultured GH-Secreting Adenoma Cells: Comparative Study With Octreotide, GH-Releasing Hormone, and Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone.
A. Giustina, G. Ragni, A. Bollati, R. Cozzi, M. Licini, C. Poiesi, S. Turazzi, and C. Bonfanti.
Metabolism, Vol. 46, N. 4, p.425-430, 1997.

96) Hexarelin, a novel GHRP-6 analog, stimulates growth hormone (GH) release in a GH-secreting rat cell line (GH1) insesitive to GH-releasing hormone.
A. Giustina, C. Bonfanti, M. Licini, G. Ragni, B. Stefana.
Regulatory Peptides Vol 70, p. 49-54, 1999.

97) Haemodynamic effects of intravenous growth hormone in congestive heart failure.
M. Volterrani, P. Desenzani, R. Lorusso, A. D’Aloia, F. Manelli, A. Giustina.
The Lancet. Vol. 349, N. 9058, p.1067-1068, 1997.

98) Gowth hormone in end-stage heart failure.
A. Giustina, M. Volterrani, P. Desenzani.
The Lancet.Vol. 349, N. 9068, p.1843, 1997.

99) Maturation of the Regulation of Growth Hormone Secretion in Young Males with Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism Pharmacologically Exposed to Progressive Increments in Serum Testosterone.
A. Giustina, T. Scalvini, C. Tassi, P. Desenzani, C. Poiesi, W.B.Wehrenberg, A.D. Rogol, and J.D. Veldhuis.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Vol. 82, n 4, p 1210-1219. 1997.

100) Effects of Food Deprivation on the GH Axis: Immunocytochemical and molecular Analysis.
R. S. Brogan, S. K. Fife, L. K. Conley, A. Giustina, W. B. Wehrenberg.
Neuroendocrinology, 65: 129-135, 1997.

101) Modulation by Galanin of Growth Hormone and Gonadotropin Secretion from Perifused Petuitary and Median Eminence of Prepubertal Male Calves.
M. Baratta, R. Saleri, C. Mascadri, D. H. Coy, A. Negro-Vilar, C. Tamanini, A. Giustina.
Neuroendocrinology, 66: 271-277, 1997.

102) Physiological Role of the Opioid-Cholinergic Interaction in Growth Hormone Neuroregulation: Effect of Sex and Food Intake.
L. De Marinis, A. Mancini, D. Valle, C. Fiumara, G. Conte, A. Bianchi, M. Perrelli, R. Gentilella, A. Giustina.
Metabolism, Vol. 46, N. 7, pp. 740-744, 1997.

103) Effects of tamoxifen on GH and IGF-I levels in Acromegaly.
R. Cozzi, R. Attanasio G. Oppizzi, P. Orlandi, A. Giustina, S. Lodrini, N. Da Re, and D. Dallabonzana.
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. 20: 445-451, 1997.


104) Effects of repeated doses and continuous infusions of the growth hormone-releasing peptide hexarelin in conscious male rats.
L. K. Conley, R. C. Gaillard, A. Giustina, R. S. Borgan, W. B. Wehrenberg.
Journal of Endocrinology, 158, 367-375, 1998.

105) Long-Term Treatment with the Dual Antithromboxane Agent Picotamide Decreases Microalbuminuria in Normotensive Type 2 Diabetic Patients.
A. Giustina, P. Perini, P. Desenzani, S. Bossoni, P. Ianniello, M. Milani, G. Davì, G. Romanelli.
Diabetes, Vol. 47, N 3, p.423-430. 1998.

106) Growth, Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I), and IGF-Binding Proteins 1 and 3 in Children with Severe Liver Disease before and after Liver Transplantation: A Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Study.
F. Buzi, A. M. Bontempelli, D. Alberti, J. Jones, A. Pilotta, A. M. Lombardi, A. Giustina, M. A. Preece.
Pediatric Research, Vol. 43, N. 4, p. 478-483. 1998.

107) Pathophysiology of the Neuroregulation of Growth Hormone Secretion in Experimental Animals and the Human.
A. Giustina, J. Veldhuis.
Endocrine Reviews 19(6):717-797, 1998


108) Short-Term glucocorticoid administration decreases both hypothalamic and pituitary galanin synthesis in adult male rat.
R.S. Brogan, L.K. Coney, W.B. Wehrenberg, G. Beretta, and A. Giustina.
Metabolism, Vol. 48, N 6, p 792-796. 1999.

109) Effects of galanin infusion on  GH secretion and GHRH-induced GH release in prepubertal male lambs.
R. Saleri, M. Baratta, R. Renaville, D. Portetelle, D.H. Coy, A. Giustina, C. Tamanini.
Small Ruminant Research, 33 , 231-237. 1999.

110) Cardiovascular effects of a single slow release Lanreotide injection in patients with acromegaly and left ventricular hypertrophy.
F. Manelli, P. Desenzani, E. Boni, G. Bugari, F. Negrini, G. Romanelli, V. Grassi, and  A. Giustina.
Pituitary; 2:205-210. 1999.

111) Dehydropiandrosterone sulfate enhances natural killer cell cytotoxicity in humans via locally generated  immunoreactive insulin-like growth factor I.
S.B. Solerte, M. Fioravanti, G. Vignati, A. Giustina, L. Cravello, and E. Ferrari.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology e Metabolism, Vol 84, N 9, 3260-3267. 1999.

112) Endocrine predictors of acute hemodynamic effects of growth hormone in congestive heart failure.
A. Giustina, M. Volterrani, F. Manelli, P. Desenzani, C. Poiesi, R. Lorusso, and A. Giordano.
American Heart Journal, Vol 137, N 6, p 1035-1043,  1999.


113) Growth Hormone (GH) responses to GH-releasing hormone alone or combined with  Arginine in patients with adrenal incidentaloma: evidence for enhanced somatostatinergic tone.
M. Terzolo, S. Bossoni, A. Alì, M. Doga, G. Reimondo, G. Milani, P. Peretti, F. Manelli, A. Angeli, and A. Giustina.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Vol 85, N 3, p. 1310-1315. 2000.

114) Effects of Galanin on Growth hormone and Prolactin Secretion in Anorexia Nervosa.
L. De Marinis, A. Mancini, D. Valle, A. Bianchi, R. Gentilella, D. Milardi, C. Mascadri, and A. Giustina.
Metabolism. Vol. 49, N 2, p. 155-159. 2000.

115) Exercise-induced microalbumunuria in patients with active acromegaly. Acute,effects of slow-release Lanreotide,a long-acting Somatostating analog.
F. Manelli, S. Bossoni, A. Burattin, M. Doga, S.B. Solerte, G. Romanelli, and A. Giustina.
Metabolism, Vol.49, N 5. p. 634-639. 2000.

116) Acute and chronic galanin administration decreases hypothalamic galanin  synthesis in both male and  female, adult rats. Evidence for a long-loop galanin autofeedback.
A. Giustina, R. Brogan, L. Conley, D. Godi, F. Manelli, and W.B. Wehrenberg.
Metabolism, Vol.49, N 6, p. 778-783. 2000.

117) Glucocorticoid-induced Osteoporosis.
F. Manelli, and A. Giustina.
Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism. TEM Vol 11, N 3, p 79-85. 2000.

118) CONSENSUS. Criteria for Cure of Acromegaly: A Consensus Statement.
A. Giustina, A. Barkan, F.F. Casanueva, F. Cavagnini, L. Frohman, K. Ho, J. Veldhuis, J. Wass, K. Von Werder, and S. Melmed.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Vol 85, N 2, p. 526-529. 2000.

119) Strategies for appraising suspected growth hormone, deficiency in the adult.
J. Veldhuis, A. Giustina.
The Endocrinologist . Vol.10: p.34-50. 2000.

120) The Effects of a Continuos Infusion of Exsarelin on Pulsatile Growth Hormone Release, Growth Asix and Galanin Gene Expression  and on the Response of the Growth Axis to Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone.
L.K. Conley, R.S. Brogan, A. Giustina, and W.B. Wehrenberg.
Pituitary . Vol 2, N 4, p. 253-260. 2000.

121) Baseline and stimulated catecholamine secretion in normotensive patients with active acromegaly: acute effects of continous octreotide infusion.
G.Del Rio, A. Velardo, C. Mascadri, G. Zaltieri, G. Papi, R. Menozzi, A. Giustina.
European Journal of Endocrinology. 142:179-186, 2000

122) Role of  food intake in the modulation of Hexarelin-induced growth hormone release in normal human subjects.
L. De Marinis, A. Mancini, D. Valle, D. Izzi, A. Bianchi, R. Gentilella, A. Giampietro, P. Desenzani, A. Giustina.
Hormone and Metabolic Research. vol. 32, p. 152-156. 2000.

123) Role of Growth Hormone in Chronic Heart Failure.
(Therapeutic Implications)
M. Volterrani, F. Manelli, M. Cicoira, R. Lorusso and A. Giustina
Drugs 2000. 60:711-719, 2000.


124) Somatostatin analogs selective for subtype 2 and 5 of the somatostatin receptor suppress with different patterns growth hormone (GH) secretion in human GH-secreting adenoma cells cultured in vitro.
G. Tulipano, C. Bonfanti, G. Milani, B. Billeci, A. Bollati, R. Cozzi, G. Maira, W.A. Marphy, C. Poiesi, S. Turazzi, A. Giustina.
Neuroendocrinology. 73: p. 344-351. 2001.

125) Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis: summary of a workshop.
E. Canalis, A. Giustina.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinoloy and Metabolism. Vol. 86, p 5681-5685, 2001.

126) IGF-1, IGFBP-2 and -3 but not GH concentrations are different in normal and poor growing piglets.
R. Saleri, M. Baratta, G.L. Mainardi, R. Renaville, A. Giustina, F. Quintavalla, C. Tamanini.
Reproduction Nutrition Development vol. 41, (2) p. 163-172. 2001.

127) Acquired growth hormone resistance in patients with chronic heart failure: implication for therapy with growth hormone.
S.D. Anker, M. Volterrani, C.D. Pflaum, C.J. Strasburger, K.J. Osterziel, W. Doehner, M.B. Ran. ke, P.A. Poole-Wilson, A. Giustina, R. Dietz, A.J.S. Coats.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Vol 38, p. 443-452, 2001.

128) Primary Lymphoma of the pituitary. an emerging clinical entity.
A. Giustina, M. Gola, M. Doga, and E. Agabiti Rosei.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 86 (10), p. 4567-4575.2001.


129) Bisphosphonates in the treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis.
M. Doga, S. Bonadonna, A. Burattin, R. Carpinteri, F. Manelli, A. Giustina.
Front Horm Res. Vol 30, p. 150-164. 2002.

130) Growth hormone in glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis.
F. Manelli, S. Bonadonna, A. Burattin, S. Bossoni, E. Agabiti Rosei, A. Giustina.
Front Horm Res. Vol 30, p. 174-183. 2002.

131) Long-term effects of lanreotide LAR on tumor shrinkage and GH hypersecretion in patients with previously untreated acromegaly.
G. Amato, G. Maziotti, M. Rotondi, S. Iorio, M. Doga, F. Sorvillo, G. Manganella, F. Di Salle, A. Giustina, C. Carella.
Clinical Endocrinology Vol 56, p.65-71, 2002.

132) Leptin regulates GH gene expression and secretion and nitric oxide production in pig pituitary cells.
M. Baratta, R. Saleri, G.L. Mainardi, D. Valle, A. Giustina C. Tamanni.
Endocrinology. Vol. 143, p.551-557, 2002.

133) Preoperative Growth Hormone response to Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone and oral glucose tolerance test in acromegaly: a retrospective evaluation of 50 patients.
L. De Marinis, A. Mancini, A. Bianchi, A. Gentilella, D. Valle, A. Giampietro, P. Zuppi, C. Anile, G. Maira, A. Giustina.
Metabolism, Vol. 51 (5) p. 616-621. 2002.

134) A. retrospective hormonal and immunohistochemical evaluation of 47 acromegalic patients: prognostic value of preoperative plasma prolactin.
L. De Marinis, P. Zuppi, D. Valle, A. Mancini, A. Bianchi, L. Lauriola, P. Pasquini, C. Anile, G. Maira, A. Giustina.
Hormone and Metabolic Research. Vol. 34, p.137- 143, 2002.

135) Characterization of new selective somatostatin receptor subtype-2 ( sst2 ) antagonists, BIM-23627 and BIM-23454. Effects of BIM-23627 on GH release in anesthetized male rats after short-term high-dose dexamethasone treatment.
G. Tulipano, D. Soldi, M. Bagnasco, M.D. Culler, J.E. Taylor, D. Cocchi, and A. Giustina.
Endocrinology 143 (4), p.1218-1224, 2002.

136) CONSENSUS. Guidelines for acromegaly management.
S. Melmed, F.F. Casanueva, F. Cavagnini, P. Chanson, L. Frohman, A. Grossman, K. Ho, D. Kleinberg, S. Lamberts, E. Laws, G. Lombardi, M.L. Vance, K. Von Werder, J. Wass and A. Giustina, for the Acromegaly Treatment Consensus Workshop Participants.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Vol 87, N 9, p. 4054-4058. 2002.

137) Efficacy and safety of the new 60-mg formulation of the long-acting somatostatin analog lanreotide in the treatment of acromegaly.
M.A. Ambrosio, P. Franceschetti, M. Bondanelli, M. Doga, P. Maffei, R. Baldelli, G. Tamburrano, N. Sicolo, A. Giustina, and E. degli Uberti.
Metabolism vol. 51, n 3, p 387-393, 2002.

138) Growth hormone secretagogue ( GHS ) analogue, hexarelin stimulated GH from peripheral lymphocytes.
L. Poppi, V.D. Dixit, M. Baratta, A. Giustina, C. Tamanni, N. Parvizi.
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes.Vol 10, p. 343-347, 2002.

139) Consensus document on substitution therapy with testosterone in hypoandrogenic elderly men.
G. Valenti, S. Bossoni, A. Giustina, D. Maugeri, M. Motta, G. B. Vigna, R. Fellin, F. Corica, A. Corsonello, G. Paolisso, M. Barbagallo, L. Dominguez, L. Denti, GP.Ceda, E. Ferrari, B. Pontiggia, F. Strollo.
Aging clinical and experimental research. Vol. 14, p. 439-464. 2002.


140) Preliminary observation on the effect of acute infusion of growth hormone on coronary vasculature and on myocardial function and energetics of an isolated and blood-perfused heart.
R. Lorusso, E. Pasini, A. Cargnoni, C. Cecconi, M. Volterrani, A. Burattin D. Valle, R. Ferrari and A. Giustina.
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation . Vol. 26, N 1, p.RC1-RC4. 2003.

141) Acromegaly consensus the next step
A. Giustina, S. Melmed.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Vol 88, N 4, p.1913-1914. 2003

142) Developementof meningioma in a patient with acromegaly during octreotide treatment. Are there any causal relationships ?
E. De Menis, G. Tulipano, S. Villa, D. Billeci, C. Bonfanti, P. Pollara, P.Pauletto, A. Giustina.
Journal Endocrinolological Investigation. Vol. 26, p.359-363,  2003.

143) Trasformation of a MGUS to overt multiple myeloma: the possible role of a pituitary macroadenoma causing high levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1).
A. Tucci, S. Bonadonna, C. Cattaneo, M. Ungari, A. Giustina, and G. Rossi.
Leukemia & Lymphoma. Vol 44 n° 3 p 543-545. 2003.

144) Diagnosis and treatment of acromegaly complications.
A. Giustina F.F. Casanueva, F. Cavagnini, P. Chanson, D. Clemmons, L.A. Frohman, R. Gaillard, K. Ho, P.Jaquet, D.L. Kleinberg, S.W. Lamberts, G. Lombardi, M. Sheppard, C.J Strasburger, M.L. Vance, J. Wass, S. Melmed.
Journal Endocrinological Investigation, Vol 26 N 12. p.1242-1247. 2003

145) Influence of type 2 diabetes on funtional and structural properties of coronary artery bypass conduits.
R. Lorusso, S. Pentiricci, R. Raddino, T.M. Scarabelli, V. Villanucci, A. Burattin, G. Romanelli, S. Casari, R. Scelsi, A. Giustina.
Diabetes Vol 52 p 2814-2820. 2003.

146) Diagnosis and complications of Cushing’s syndrome: a consensus statement.
G. Arnaldi, A. Angeli, A.B. Atkinson, X. Bertagna, F. Cavagnini, G.P. Chrousos, G.A. Fava, J.W. Findling, R.C. Gaillard, A.B. Grossman, B. Kola, A. Lacroix, T. Mancini, F. Mantero, J. Newell-Price, L.K. Nieman, N. Sonino, M.L. Vance, A. Giustina, M. Boscaro.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vol 88 N 12. p.5593-5602. 2003


147) Perspectives on glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis.
E. Canalis, J.P Bilezikian, A. Angeli A. Giustina.
Bone. Vol. 34 (8), p 593-8. 2004.

148) Leptin stimulates growth hormone secretion via a direct pituitary effect combined with a Decreases somatostatin tone in a median eminence-pituitary perifusion study.
R. Saleri, A. Giustina, C. Tamanini, D. Valle, A. Burattin, W.B.Wehrenberg, M. Baratta.
Neuroendocrinology.Vol. 79 (4) p. 221-228. 2004.

149) Effects of the selective estrogen receptor modulator ( SERM) LY117018 on growth hormone (GH) secretion: in vitro study.
G. Tulipano, C. Bonfanti, C. Poiesi, A. Burattin, S. Turazzi, G. Barone, R. Cozzi, A. Bollati, D. Valle, A. Giustina.
Metabolism. Vol.53, N 5, p. 563-570. 2004.

150) Acromegalic patients show the presence of hypertrophic remodeling of subcutaneous smoll resistence arteries.
D. Rizzoni, E. Porteri, , A. Giustina, C. De Ciuceis, I. Sleiman, G.E. Boari, C. Castellano, M.L.Muiesan, S. Bonadonna, A. Burattin, B. Cerudelli, E. Agabiti-Rosei.
Hypertension. Vol. 43, N 3, p. 561-565. 2004

151) Primary pituitary lymphpoma: a clinical-patological update.
M. Gola, M. Doga, S. Bonadonna, A. Giustina
The Endocrinologist. 14(5):288-292, 2004

152) Glucocorticocoids and bone: cellular, metabolic and endocrine effects.
M. Doga, S. Bonadonna, A. Giustina.
Hormones. Vol 3, N° 3,  p.184-190. 2004

153)  High serum osteoprotegerin levels in patients with hyperthyroidism: effect of medical tretment.
G. Amato, G. Mazziotti, F. Sorvillo, M. Piscopo, E. Lali, B. Biondi, S. Iorio, A. Molinari, A. Giustina,, C. Carella.
Bone, Vol. 35, n 3, p. 785-791. 2004.

154) Cushing’s syndrome and bone.
Mancini T, Doga M, Mazziotti G, Giustina A.
Pituitary. 2004;7(4):249-52.


155) Chronic glucocorticoid treatment alter spontaneous pulsatile parathyroid hormone secretory dynamics in human subjects.
S. Bonadonna, A. Burattin, M. Nuzzo, G. Bulgari, E. Agabiti-Rosei, D. Valle, N. Iori, G.P. Bilezikian, J.D. Veldhuis and  A. Giustina.
European Journal of Endocrinology. 152: N° 2 p. 199-205, 2005

156) Growth hormone response to growth hormone-releasing hormone is reduced in adult asthmatic patients receving long-term inhaled corticosteroid treatment.
M. Malerba, S. Bossoni, A. Radaeli, E. Mori, S. Bonadonna, A. Giustina and C. Tantucci.
Chest Vol. 27 p. 515-521. 2005.

157) Current guidelines for adult GH replacement.
M. Doga,  S. Bonadonna , M. Gola, S.B. Solerte, G. Amato, C. Carella and,  A. Giustina.
Reviews in Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders. Vol 6, p 63-70. 2005

158) Decreased release of the angiogenic peptide vascular endothelial growth factor in Alzheimer’s disease: recovering effect with insulin and DHEA sulfate.
Solerte SB, Ferrari E, Cuzzoni G, Locatelli E, Giustina A, Zamboni M, Schifino N, Rondanelli M, Gazzaruso C, Fioravanti M.
Dementia Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. 19(1): p. 1-10. 2005.

159) The somatostatin subtype-2 receptor antagonist, BIM-23627, improves the catabolic effects induced by long-term glucocorticoid treatment in the rat.
Tulipano G, Rossi E, Culler MD, Taylor JE, Bonadonna S, Locatelli V, Cocchi D, Giustina A.
Regulatory Peptides 2005 ;125(1-3):85-92.

160) Clinical review: Growth hormone and cardiovascular risk factors.
Gola M, Bonadonna S, Doga M, Giustina A.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and  Metabolism. 2005 ;90(3):1864-70.

161) Ghrelin regulates proliferation and differentiation of osteoblastic cells.
Maccarinelli G, Sibilia V, Torsello A, Raimondo F, Pitto M, Giustina A, Netti C, Cocchi D.
Journal of Endocrinology 2005 ;184(1):249-56.

162) Recombinant human TSH modulates in vivo C-telopeptides of type-1 collagen and bone alkaline phosphatase, but not osteoprotegerin production in postmenopausal women monitored for differentiated thyroid carcinoma.
Mazziotti G, Sorvillo F, Piscopo M, Cioffi M, Pilla P, Biondi B, Iorio S, Giustina A, Amato G, Carella C.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2005 ;20(3):480-6.

163) Primary empty sella.
De Marinis L, Bonadonna S, Bianchi A, Maira G, Giustina A.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2005 ;90(9):5471-7.

164) Cardiac and metabolic effects of chronic growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I excess in young adults with pituitary gigantism.
Bondanelli M, Bonadonna S, Ambrosio MR, Doga M, Gola M, Onofri A, Zatelli MC, Giustina A, degli Uberti EC.
Metabolism. 2005 ;54(9):1174-80.

165) Increased prevalence of radiological spinal deformities in active acromegaly: a cross-sectional study in postmenopausal women.
Bonadonna S, Mazziotti G, Nuzzo M, Bianchi A, Fusco A, De Marinis L, Giustina A.
J Bone Miner Res. 2005 ;20(10):1837-44.

166) Cardiovascular risk in aging and obesity: is there a role for GH.
Gola M, Bonadonna S, Doga M, Mazziotti G, Giustina A.
J Endocrinol Invest. 2005 ;28(8):759-67.

167) Consensus statement: medical management of acromegaly.
Melmed S, Casanueva F, Cavagnini F, Chanson P, Frohman LA, Gaillard R, Ghigo E, Ho K, Jaquet P, Kleinberg D, Lamberts S, Laws E, Lombardi G, Sheppard MC, Thorner M, Vance ML, Wass JA, Giustina A.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2005 ;153(6):737-40.


168) Bone ultrasonometric features and growth hormone secretion in asthmatic patients during chronic inhaled corticosteroid therapy.
Malerba M, Bossoni S, Radaeli A, Mori E, Romanelli G, Tantucci C, Giustina A, Grassi V.
Bone. 2006 Jan;38(1):119-2

169) Erectile dysfunction and angiographic extent of coronary artery disease in type II diabetic patients.
Gazzaruso C, Pujia A, Solerte SB, Amici ED, Emanuele E, Falcone C, Geroldi D, Giustina A, Garzaniti A.
Int J Impot Res. 2006 May-Jun;18(3):311-5.

170) Association of the metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance with silent myocardial ischemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Gazzaruso C, Solerte SB, De Amici E, Mancini M, Pujia A, Fratino P, Giustina A, Garzaniti A.
Am J Cardiol. 2006 Jan 15;97(2):236-9.

171) Resistance to somatostatin analogs in acromegaly: an evolving concept?
Gola M, Bonadonna S, Mazziotti G, Amato G, Giustina A.
J Endocrinol Invest. 2006 Jan;29(1):86-93.

172) High prevalence of asymptomatic vertebral fractures in post-menopausal women receiving chronic glucocorticoid therapy: a cross-sectional outpatient study.
Angeli A, Guglielmi G, Dovio A, Capelli G, de Feo D, Giannini S, Giorgino R, Moro L, Giustina A.
Bone. 2006 Aug;39(2):253-9.

173) Increased prevalence of radiological spinal deformities in adult patients with GH deficiency: influence of GH replacement therapy.
Mazziotti G, Bianchi A, Bonadonna S, Nuzzo M, Cimino V, Fusco A, De Marinis L, Giustina A.
J Bone Miner Res. 2006 Apr;21(4):520-8.

174) Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: an update.
Mazziotti G, Angeli A, Bilezikian JP, Canalis E, Giustina A.
Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2006 May-Jun;17(4):144-9

175) Development of Graves’ hyperthyroidism during the early phase of pregnancy in a patient with pre-existing and long-standing Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.
Gola M, Doga M, Mazziotti G, Bonadonna S, Giustina A.
J Endocrinol Invest. 2006 Mar;29(3):288-90.

176) Active acromegaly enhances spontaneous parathyroid hormone pulsatility.
Mazziotti G, Cimino V, De Menis E, Bonadonna S, Bugari G, De Marinis L, Veldhuis JD, Giustina A.
Metabolism. 2006 Jun;55(6):736-40.

177) Guidelines of the Pituitary Society for the diagnosis and management of prolactinomas.
Casanueva FF, Molitch ME, Schlechte JA, Abs R, Bonert V, Bronstein MD, Brue T, Cappabianca P, Colao A, Fahlbusch R, Fideleff H, Hadani M, Kelly P, Kleinberg D, Laws E, Marek J, Scanlon M, Sobrinho LG, Wass JA, Giustina A.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2006 Aug;65(2):265-73.

178) Thyroid autoimmunity and spontaneous cervical artery dissection.
Pezzini A, Del Zotto E, Mazziotti G, Ruggeri G, Franco F, Giossi A, Giustina A, Padovani A.
Stroke. 2006 Sep;37(9):2375-7.

179) Neuroendocrine tumors secreting growth hormone-releasing hormone: Pathophysiological and clinical aspects.
Gola M, Doga M, Bonadonna S, Mazziotti G, Vescovi PP, Giustina A.
Pituitary. 2006; 9: 221-9

180) Consensus Document on substitution therapy with DHEA in the elderly.
Valenti G, Denti L, Sacco M, Ceresini G, Bossoni S, Giustina A, Maugeri D, Vigna GB, Fellin R, Paolisso G, Barbagallo M, Maggio M, Strollo F, Bollanti L, Romanelli F, Latini M.
Aging Clin Exp Res. 2006 Aug;18(4):277-300.

181) Growth hormone deficiency in the adult.
Doga M, Bonadonna S, Gola M, Mazziotti G, Giustina A.
Pituitary. 2006;9(4):305-11

182) Development of acromegaly in a patient with anorexia nervosa: Pathogenetic and diagnostic implications.
de Menis E, Gola M, Giustina A.
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 2006 Oct;29(9):821-5.


183) Functional effects of nitric oxide-releasing aspirin on vein conduits of diabetic patients undergoing CABG NO-aspirin and vein grafts in type-2 diabetes mellitus.
Lorusso R, De Cicco G, Beghi C, Gherli T, Poli E, Corradi D, Maestri R, Bonadonna S, Mancini T, Giustina A.
Int J Cardiol. 2007; 118: 164-9

184. Mechanisms of anabolic therapies for osteoporosis.
Canalis E, Giustina A, Bilezikian JP.
N Engl J Med. 2007 Aug 30;357(9):905-16.

185. Does growth hormone replacement therapy improve cardiac function?
Giustina A.
Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Sep;3(9):614-5.

186. Glucocorticoid inhibition of growth in rats: partial reversal with the full-length ghrelin analog BIM-28125.
Tulipano G, Taylor JE, Halem HA, Datta R, Dong JZ, Culler MD, Bianchi I, Cocchi D, Giustina A.
Pituitary. 2007;10(3):267-74.

187. Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: pathophysiology and therapy.
Canalis E, Mazziotti G, Giustina A, Bilezikian JP.
Osteoporos Int. 2007 Oct;18(10):1319-28

188. Long-term effects of the combination of pegvisomant with somatostatin analogs (SSA) on glucose homeostasis in non-diabetic patients with active acromegaly partially resistant to SSA.
De Marinis L, Bianchi A, Fusco A, Cimino V, Mormando M, Tilaro L, Mazziotti G, Pontecorvi A, Giustina A.
Pituitary. 2007;10(3):227-32.

189. Impact of somatostatin analogs on the heart in acromegaly: a metaanalysis.
Maison P, Tropeano AI, Macquin-Mavier I, Giustina A, Chanson P.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 May;92(5):1743-7.

190. Functional effects of nitric oxide-releasing aspirin on vein conduits of diabetic patients undergoing CABG.
Lorusso R, De Cicco G, Beghi C, Gherli T, Poli E, Corradi D, Maestri R, Bonadonna S, Mancini T, Giustina A.
Int J Cardiol. 2007 May 31;118(2):164-9.

191. Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: clinical and therapeutic aspects.
Mazziotti G, Giustina A, Canalis E, Bilezikian JP.
Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol. 2007 Nov;51(8):1404-12.

192. Pegvisomant in acromegaly: why, when, how.
Colao A, Arnaldi G, Beck-Peccoz P, Cannavò S, Cozzi R, degli Uberti E, De Marinis L, De Menis E, Ferone D, Gasco V, Giustina A, Grottoli S, Lombardi G, Maffei P, Martino E, Minuto F, Pivonello R, Ghigo E.
J Endocrinol Invest. 2007 Sep;30(8):693-9.


193. The management of the patient with acromegaly and headache: a still open clinical challenge.
Giustina A, Gola M, Colao A, De Marinis L, Losa M, Sicolo N, Ghigo E.
J Endocrinol Invest. 2008 Oct;31(10):919-24.

194. Guidelines for the treatment of growth hormone excess and growth hormone deficiency in adults.
Giustina A, Barkan A, Chanson P, Grossman A, Hoffman A, Ghigo E, Casanueva F, Colao A, Lamberts S, Sheppard M, Melmed S; Pituitary Society; European Neuroendocrine Association.
J Endocrinol Invest. 2008 Sep;31(9):820-38.

195. Prevention and treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis.
Doga M, Mazziotti G, Bonadonna S, Patelli I, Bilezikian JP, Canalis E, Giustina A.
J Endocrinol Invest. 2008 Jul;31(7 Suppl):53-8.

196. Assessment of the awareness and management of cardiovascular complications of acromegaly in Italy. The COM.E.T.A. (COMorbidities Evaluation and Treatment in Acromegaly) Study.
Giustina A, Mancini T, Boscani PF, de Menis E, degli Uberti E, Ghigo E, Martino E, Minuto F, Colao A; COM.E.T.A. (COMorbidities Evaluation and Treatment inAcromegaly) Italian Study Group.
J Endocrinol Invest. 2008 Aug;31(8):731-8.

197. Prevalence of vertebral fractures in men with acromegaly.
Mazziotti G, Bianchi A, Bonadonna S, Cimino V, Patelli I, Fusco A, Pontecorvi A, De Marinis L, Giustina A.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Dec;93(12):4649-55

198. Sleep apnoea syndrome is highly prevalent in acromegaly and only partially reversible after biochemical control of the disease.
Davi’ MV, Dalle Carbonare L, Giustina A, Ferrari M, Frigo A, Lo Cascio V, Francia G.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2008 Nov;159(5):533-40

199. Biochemical evaluation of patients with active acromegaly and type 2 diabetes mellitus: efficacy and safety of the galanin test.
Mazziotti G, Bonadonna S, Doga M, Patelli I, Gazzaruso C, Solerte SB, De Menis E, Giustina A.
Neuroendocrinology. 2008;88(4):299-304.

200. Nutritional supplements with oral amino acid mixtures increases whole-body lean mass and insulin sensitivity in elderly subjects with sarcopenia.
Solerte SB, Gazzaruso C, Bonacasa R, Rondanelli M, Zamboni M, Basso C, Locatelli E, Schifino N, Giustina A, Fioravanti M.
Am J Cardiol. 2008 ;101(11A):69E-77E
201. Erectile dysfunction as a predictor of cardiovascular events and death in diabetic patients with angiographically proven asymptomatic coronary artery disease: a potential protective role for statins and 5-phosphodiesterase inhibitors.
Gazzaruso C, Solerte SB, Pujia A, Coppola A, Vezzoli M, Salvucci F, Valenti C, Giustina A, Garzaniti A.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008 May 27;51(21):2040-4.

202. Prognostic significance of the Ki-67 labeling index in growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas.
Fusco A, Zatelli MC, Bianchi A, Cimino V, Tilaro L, Veltri F, Angelini F, Lauriola L, Vellone V, Doglietto F, Ambrosio MR, Maira G, Giustina A, degli Uberti EC, Pontecorvi A, De Marinis L.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jul;93(7):2746-50.

203. Growth hormone, insulin-like growth factors, and the skeleton.
Giustina A, Mazziotti G, Canalis E.
Endocr Rev. 2008 Aug;29(5):535-59.

204. Pituitary testing: a reappraisal.
Giustina A.
Pituitary. 2008;11(2):113-4.

205. Hyperprolactinemia and prolactinomas.
Mancini T, Casanueva FF, Giustina A.
Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2008 Mar;37(1):67-99, viii.

206. Relationship between instrumental activities of daily living and blood glucose control in elderly subjects with type 2 diabetes.
Bossoni S, Mazziotti G, Gazzaruso C, Martinelli D, Orini S, Solerte SB, Romanelli G, Giustina A.
Age Ageing. 2008 Mar;37(2):222-5.

207. The long-term cardiovascular outcome of different GH-lowering treatments in acromegaly.
De Marinis L, Bianchi A, Mazziotti G, Mettimano M, Milardi D, Fusco A, Cimino V, Maira G, Pontecorvi A, Giustina A.
Pituitary. 2008;11(1):13-20.

208. Effect of gonadal status on bone mineral density and radiological spinal deformities in adult patients with growth hormone deficiency.
Mazziotti G, Bianchi A, Cimino V, Bonadonna S, Martini P, Fusco A, De Marinis L, Giustina A.
Pituitary. 2008;11(1):55-61.


209. Pituitary tumours: inflammatory and granulomatous expansive lesions of the pituitary.
Carpinteri R, Patelli I, Casanueva FF, Giustina A.
Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Oct;23(5): 639-650
210.  Pituitary gland: Medical therapy for acromegaly: can we predict response?
Giustina A, Porcelli T.
Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2009 Aug;5:425-7.
211. Vertebral fractures in males with type 2 diabetes treated with rosiglitazone.
Mancini T, Mazziotti G, Doga M, Carpinteri R, Simetovic N, Vescovi PP, Giustina A.
Bone 2009; 45(4):784-8
212.  High-dose intramuscular octreotide in patients with acromegaly inadequately controlled on conventional somatostatin analogue therapy: a randomised controlled trial.
Giustina A, Bonadonna S, Bugari G, Colao A, Cozzi R, Cannavo S, de Marinis L, Degli Uberti E, Bogazzi F, Mazziotti G, Minuto F, Montini M, Ghigo E.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2009 Aug;161:331-8.
213. Influence of growth hormone receptor d3 and full-length isoforms on biochemical treatment outcomes in acromegaly.
Bianchi A, Giustina A, Cimino V, Pola R, Angelini F, Pontecorvi A, De Marinis L.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Jun;94(6):2015-22.
214. Treatment with metformin is protective against limitations in instrumental activities of daily living in older subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Mazziotti G, Bossoni S, Orini S, Salimbeni P, Gazzaruso C, Solerte BS, Vescovi P, Romanelli G, Giustina A.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2009 Mar;57(3):562-4.

215. Guidelines for acromegaly management: an update.
Melmed S, Colao A, Barkan A, Molitch M, Grossman AB, Kleinberg D, Clemmons D, Chanson P, Laws E, Schlechte J, Vance ML, Ho K, Giustina A; Acromegaly Consensus Group.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 May;94(5):1509-17.

216. Effects of somatostatin analogs on glucose homeostasis: a metaanalysis of acromegaly studies.
Mazziotti G, Floriani I, Bonadonna S, Torri V, Chanson P, Giustina A.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 May;94(5):1500-8.

217. Growth hormone receptor polymorphism and the effects of pegvisomant in acromegaly.
Bianchi A, Mazziotti G, Tilaro L, Cimino V, Veltri F, Gaetani E, Pecorini G, Pontecorvi A, Giustina A, De Marinis L.
Pituitary. 2009;12(3):196-9.


218. Effects of lanreotide SR and Autogel on tumor mass in patients with acromegaly: a systematic review.
Mazziotti G, Giustina A.
Pituitary 2010; 13: 60-67

219. Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis and parathyroid hormone.
Carpinteri R, Porcelli T, Mejia C, Patelli I, Bilezikian JP, Canalis E, Angeli A, Giustina A, Mazziotti G.
J Endocrinol Invest. 2010;33(7 Suppl):16-21.

220 Treatment of Cushing disease: overview and recent findings.
Mancini T, Porcelli T, Giustina A.
Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2010 Oct 21;6:505-16.

221. Drug-induced osteoporosis: mechanisms and clinical implications.
Mazziotti G, Canalis E, Giustina A.
Am J Med. 2010 Oct;123(10):877-84.

222.  A consensus on criteria for cure of acromegaly.
Giustina A, Chanson P, Bronstein MD, Klibanski A, Lamberts S, Casanueva FF, Trainer P, Ghigo E, Ho K, Melmed S; Acromegaly Consensus Group.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Jul;95(7):3141-8.

223. Glucocorticoid replacement therapy and vertebral fractures in hypopituitary adult males with GH deficiency.
Mazziotti G, Porcelli T, Bianchi A, Cimino V, Patelli I, Mejia C, Fusco A, Giampietro A, De Marinis L, Giustina A.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2010 Jul;163(1):15-20

224. Primary empty sella: Why and when to investigate hypothalamic-pituitary function.
Giustina A, Aimaretti G, Bondanelli M, Buzi F, Cannavò S, Cirillo S, Colao A, De Marinis L, Ferone D, Gasperi M, Grottoli S, Porcelli T, Ghigo E, degli Uberti E.
J Endocrinol Invest. 2010 May;33(5):343-6

225. Serum TSH values and risk of vertebral fractures in euthyroid post-menopausal women with low bone mineral density.
Mazziotti G, Porcelli T, Patelli I, Vescovi PP, Giustina A.
Bone. 2010 Mar;46(3):747-51


226. Diabetes in Cushing syndrome: basic and clinical aspects.
Mazziotti G, Gazzaruso C, Giustina A.
Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Dec;22(12):499-506.

227. Erectile dysfunction can improve the effectiveness of the current guidelines for the screening for asymptomatic coronary artery disease in diabetes.
Gazzaruso C, Coppola A, Montalcini T, Valenti C, Garzaniti A, Pelissero G, Salvucci F, Gallotti P, Pujia A, Falcone C, Solerte SB, Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2011 Oct;40(2):273-9.

228. Influence of diabetes mellitus on vertebral fractures in men with acromegaly.
Mazziotti G, Gola M, Bianchi A, Porcelli T, Giampietro A, Cimino V, Doga M, Gazzaruso C, De Marinis L, Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2011 Aug;40(1):102-8.

229. Vertebral fractures in males with prolactinoma.
Mazziotti G, Porcelli T, Mormando M, De Menis E, Bianchi A, Mejia C, Mancini T, De Marinis L, Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2011 Jun;39(3):288-93.

230. Assessment of the awareness and management of sleep apnea syndrome in acromegaly. The COM.E.TA (Comorbidities Evaluation and Treatment in Acromegaly) Italian Study Group.
De Menis E, Giustina A, Colao A, Degli Uberti E, Ghigo E, Minuto F, Bogazzi F, Drigo R, Cattaneo A, Aimaretti G; COM.E.T.A. Italian Study Group.
J Endocrinol Invest. 2011 Jan;34(1):60-4. Erratum in: J Endocrinol Invest. 2011 Feb;34(2):169.

231. Erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease in patients with diabetes.
Gazzaruso C, Coppola A, Giustina A.
Curr Diabetes Rev. 2011 Mar;7(2):143-7.

232. High prevalence of radiological vertebral fractures in women with prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas.
Mazziotti G, Mancini T, Mormando M, De Menis E, Bianchi A, Doga M, Porcelli T, Vescovi PP, De Marinis L, Giustina A.
Pituitary. 2011 Dec;14(4):299-306.

233. Effects of high-dose octreotide LAR on glucose metabolism in patients with acromegaly inadequately controlled by conventional somatostatin analog therapy.
Mazziotti G, Porcelli T, Bogazzi F, Bugari G, Cannavò S, Colao A, Cozzi R, De Marinis L, degli Uberti E, Grottoli S, Minuto F, Montini M, Spinello M, Giustina A.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2011 Mar;164(3):341-7

234. Current management practices for acromegaly: an international survey.
Giustina A, Bronstein MD, Casanueva FF, Chanson P, Ghigo E, Ho KK, Klibanski A, Lamberts S, Trainer P, Melmed S.
Pituitary. 2011 Jun;14(2):125-33. doi: 10.1007/s11102-010-0269-9.


235. Prevalence of thoracic vertebral fractures in hospitalized elderly patients with heart failure.
Mazziotti G, Baracca M, Doga M, Porcelli T, Vescovi PP, Giustina A.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2012 Dec;167(6):865-72.

236. Growth hormone deficiency and cardiovascular risk: do we need additional markers?
Gola M, Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2012 Oct;42(2):240-2.

237. Keep an eye on nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas.
Giustina A.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012 Nov;77(5):656-7.

238. Points of integration between the intracellular energy sensor AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity and the somatotroph axis function.
Tulipano G, Faggi L, Sibilia V, Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2012 Oct;42(2):292-8.

239. Meta-analysis on the effects of octreotide on tumor mass in acromegaly.
Giustina A, Mazziotti G, Torri V, Spinello M, Floriani I, Melmed S.
PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e36411.

240. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with faster degeneration of bioprosthetic valve: results from a propensity score-matched Italian multicenter study.
Lorusso R, Gelsomino S, Lucà F, De Cicco G, Billè G, Carella R, Villa E, Troise G, Viganò M, Banfi C, Gazzaruso C, Gagliardotto P, Menicanti L, Formica F, Paolini G, Benussi S, Alfieri O, Pastore M, Ferrarese S, Mariscalco G, Di Credico G, Leva C, Russo C, Cannata A, Trevisan R, Livi U, Scrofani R, Antona C, Sala A, Gensini GF, Maessen J, Giustina A.
Circulation. 2012 Jan 31;125(4):604-14.

241. High prevalence of radiological vertebral fractures in HIV-infected males.
Torti C, Mazziotti G, Soldini PA, Focà E, Maroldi R, Gotti D, Carosi G, Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2012 Jun;41(3):512-7. doi: 10.1007/s12020-011-9586-7

242. New understanding and treatments for osteoporosis.
Mazziotti G, Bilezikian J, Canalis E, Cocchi D, Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2012 Feb;41(1):58-69. doi: 10.1007/s12020-011-9570-2.

243. Lipoprotein(a) and homocysteine as genetic risk factors for vascular and neuropathic diabetic foot in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Gazzaruso C, Coppola A, Montalcini T, Baffero E, Garzaniti A, Pelissero G, Collaviti S, Grugnetti A, Gallotti P, Pujia A, Solerte SB, Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2012 Feb;41(1):89-95.

244. Screening for asymptomatic coronary artery disease can reduce cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in type 2 diabetic patients.
Gazzaruso C, Coppola A, Montalcini T, Valenti C, Pelissero G, Solerte SB, Salvucci F, Gallotti P, Pujia A, Garzaniti A, Giustina A.
Intern Emerg Med. 2012 Jun;7(3):257-66. doi: 10.1007/s11739-011-0527-5. Epub 2011 Feb 5.


245. Octreotide for acromegaly treatment: a reappraisal.
Giustina A, Karamouzis I, Patelli I, Mazziotti G.
Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2013 Dec;14(17):2433-47.

246. Commentary: Postsurgical monitoring of acromegaly.
Giustina A, Mazziotti G, Fontanella M.
Neurosurgery. 2013 Oct;73(4):E746-8.

247. Fat utilization and arterial hypertension in overweight/obese subjects.
Ferro Y, Gazzaruso C, Coppola A, Romeo S, Migliaccio V, Giustina A, Pujia A, Montalcini T.
J Transl Med. 2013 Jul 2;11:159.

248. Vertebral fractures in patients with acromegaly: a 3-year prospective study.
Mazziotti G, Bianchi A, Porcelli T, Mormando M, Maffezzoni F, Cristiano A, Giampietro A, De Marinis L, Giustina A.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Aug;98(8):3402-10

249. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for critical limb ischemia in very elderly diabetic patients.
Gazzaruso C, Coppola A, Collaviti S, Saluzzo CM, Furlani F, Gallotti P, Clerissi J, Solerte BS, Giustina A.
Aging Clin Exp Res. 2013 May;25(2):225-8.

250. Primary headache and silent myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary artery disease.
Falcone C, Bozzini S, Gazzaruso C, Calcagnino M, Ghiotto N, Falcone R, Coppola A, Giustina A, Pelissero G.
Cardiology. 2013;125(3):133-8.

251. Effect of different diabetes mellitus treatments on functional decline and death in elderly adults with diabetes mellitus.
Gazzaruso C, Coppola A, Luppi C, Giustina A, Solerte SB.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 Apr;61(4):666-7

252. Should we abandon statins in the prevention of bone fractures?
Esposito K, Capuano A, Sportiello L, Giustina A, Giugliano D.
Endocrine. 2013 Oct;44(2):326-33

253. Transcutaneous oxygen tension as a potential predictor of cardiovascular events in type 2 diabetes: comparison with ankle-brachial index.
Gazzaruso C, Coppola A, Falcone C, Luppi C, Montalcini T, Baffero E, Gallotti P, Pujia A, Solerte SB, Pelissero G, Giustina A
Diabetes Care 2013 June; 36: 1720-5

254. Glucocorticoids and the regulation of growth hormone secretion.
Mazziotti G, Giustina A.
Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2013 May;9(5):265-76.

255. Effects of AMPK activation and combined treatment with AMPK activators and somatostatin on hormone secretion and cell growth in cultured GH-secreting pituitary tumor cells.
Tulipano G, Faggi L, Losa M, Mortini P, Spinello M, Sibilia V, Pagani F, Cocchi D, Giustina A.
Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2013 Jan 30;365(2):197-206.

256. Effects of recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone on bone turnover markers in infertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization procedure.
Omodei U, Mazziotti G, Donarini G, Gola M, Guella V, Pagani F, Bugari G, Porcelli T, Giustina A.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Jan;98(1):330-6.

257. A consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of acromegaly complications.
Melmed S, Casanueva FF, Klibanski A, Bronstein MD, Chanson P, Lamberts SW, Strasburger CJ, Wass JA, Giustina A.
Pituitary. 2013 Sep;16(3):294-302.


258. Use of Pegvisomant in acromegaly. An Italian Society of Endocrinology guideline.
Giustina A, Ambrosio MR, Beck Peccoz P, Bogazzi F, Cannavo’ S, De Marinis L, De Menis E, Grottoli S, Pivonello R.
J Endocrinol Invest. 2014 Oct;37(10):1017-30.

259. Investigational drugs targeting somatostatin receptors for treatment of acromegaly and neuroendocrine tumors.
Giustina A, Mazziotti G, Maffezzoni F, Amoroso V, Berruti A.
Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 2014 Dec;23(12):1619-35.

260. Role of bone mineral density in predicting morphometric vertebral fractures in patients with HIV infection.
Porcelli T, Gotti D, Cristiano A, Maffezzoni F, Mazziotti G, Focà E, Castelli F, Giustina A, Quiros-Roldan E.
Osteoporos Int. 2014 Sep;25(9):2263-9.

261. Outcome of glucose homeostasis in patients with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis undergoing treatment with bone active-drugs.
Mazziotti G, Maffezzoni F, Doga M, Hofbauer LC, Adler RA, Giustina A.
Bone. 2014 Oct;67:175-80.

262. Molecular imaging in acromegaly: should clinicians look carefully at developments in the field?
Giustina A, Mazziotti G, Giubbini R.
Nucl Med Commun. 2014 Sep;35(9):897-9.

263. GH receptor isoforms and skeletal fragility in acromegaly.
Mormando M, Nasto LA, Bianchi A, Mazziotti G, Giampietro A, Pola E, Pontecorvi A, Giustina A, De Marinis L.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2014 Aug;171(2):237-45

264. Association between l-thyroxine treatment, GH deficiency, and radiological vertebral fractures in patients with adult-onset hypopituitarism.
Mazziotti G, Mormando M, Cristiano A, Bianchi A, Porcelli T, Giampietro A, Maffezzoni F, Serra V, De Marinis L, Giustina A.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2014 Jun;170(6):893-9

265. Elevated intraocular pressure in patients with acromegaly.
Quaranta L, Riva I, Mazziotti G, Porcelli T, Floriani I, Katsanos A, Giustina A, Konstas AG.
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2014 Jul;252(7):1133-9

266. Impaired growth hormone secretion associated with low glucocorticoid levels: an experimental model for the Giustina effect.
Giustina A, Mazziotti G.
Endocrine. 2014 Nov;47(2):354-6

267. Expert consensus document: A consensus on the medical treatment of acromegaly.
Giustina A, Chanson P, Kleinberg D, Bronstein MD, Clemmons DR, Klibanski A, van der Lely AJ, Strasburger CJ, Lamberts SW, Ho KK, Casanueva FF, Melmed S; Acromegaly Consensus Group.
Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2014 Apr;10(4):243-8.

268. Growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1, and the kidney: pathophysiological and clinical implications.
Kamenický P, Mazziotti G, Lombès M, Giustina A, Chanson P.
Endocr Rev. 2014 Apr;35(2):234-81.

269. Treatment of skeletal impairment in patients with endogenous hypercortisolism: when and how?
Scillitani A, Mazziotti G, Di Somma C, Moretti S, Stigliano A, Pivonello R, Giustina A, Colao A; ABC Group.
Osteoporos Int. 2014 Feb;25(2):441-6.

270. Cardiovascular risk in adult patients with growth hormone (GH) deficiency and following substitution with GH–an update.
Gazzaruso C, Gola M, Karamouzis I, Giubbini R, Giustina A.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Jan;99(1):18-29.

271. Interplay between the intracellular energy sensor AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and the estrogen receptor activities in regulating rat pituitary tumor cell (GH3) growth in vitro.
Tulipano G, Faggi L, Cacciamali A, Spinello M, Cocchi D, Giustina A.
Pituitary. 2014 Jun;17(3):203-9.


272. Parathyroid hormone pulsatility: physiological and clinical aspects.
Chiavistelli S, Giustina A, Mazziotti G.
Bone Res. 2015 Jan 27;3:14049

273. Growth hormone replacement therapy and fracture risk.
Giustina A, Mazziotti G.
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2015 May;3(5):307-8.

274. Cortisol and the muscle-bone axis: response to comments by Molfino et al.
Scillitani A, Mazziotti G, Di Somma C, Moretti S, Stigliano A, Pivonello R, Giustina A, Colao A; ABC 2011.
Osteoporos Int. 2015 May;26(5):1661-2.

275. Pituitary diseases and bone.
Mazziotti G, Chiavistelli S, Giustina A.
Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2015 Mar;44(1):171-80.

276. Safety and efficacy of oral octreotide in acromegaly: results of a multicenter phase III trial.
Melmed S, Popovic V, Bidlingmaier M, Mercado M, van der Lely AJ, Biermasz N, Bolanowski M, Coculescu M, Schopohl J, Racz K, Glaser B, Goth M, Greenman Y, Trainer P, Mezosi E, Shimon I, Giustina A, Korbonits M, Bronstein MD, Kleinberg D, Teichman S, Gliko-Kabir I, Mamluk R, Haviv A, Strasburger C.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Apr;100(4):1699-708.

277. Growth hormone deficiency in treated acromegaly.
Mazziotti G, Marzullo P, Doga M, Aimaretti G, Giustina A.
Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Jan;26(1):11-21.

278. Bone turnover, bone mineral density, and fracture risk in acromegaly: a meta-analysis.
Mazziotti G, Biagioli E, Maffezzoni F, Spinello M, Serra V, Maroldi R, Floriani I, Giustina A.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Feb;100(2):384-94

279. Optimal use of pegvisomant in acromegaly: are we getting there?
Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2015 Feb;48(1):3-8.

280. Role of AMP-activated protein kinase activators in antiproliferative multi-drug pituitary tumour therapies: effects of combined treatments with compounds affecting the mTOR-p70S6 kinase axis in cultured pituitary tumour cells.
Tulipano G, Faggi L, Cacciamali A, Spinello M, Cocchi D, Giustina A.
J Neuroendocrinol. 2015 Jan;27(1):20-32.

281. Insulin and GH-IGF-I axis: endocrine pacer or endocrine disruptor?
Giustina A, Berardelli R, Gazzaruso C, Mazziotti G.
Acta Diabetol. 2015 Jun;52(3):433-43.


282. Current and future medical treatments for patients with acromegaly.
Maffezzoni F, Formenti AM, Mazziotti G, Frara S, Giustina A.
Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2016 Jun 28:1-12.

283. Current and Emerging Aspects of Diabetes Mellitus in Acromegaly.
Frara S, Maffezzoni F, Mazziotti G, Giustina A.
Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Jul;27(7):470-83.

284. Skeletal Fragility in Endogenous Hypercortisolism.
Mazziotti G, Delgado A, Maffezzoni F, Formenti A, Giustina A.
Front Horm Res. 2016;46:66-73

285. The Modern Criteria for Medical Management of Acromegaly.
Frara S, Maffezzoni F, Mazziotti G, Giustina A.
Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2016;138:63-83.

286. Treatment of hypothyroidism: all that glitters is gold?
Formenti AM, Mazziotti G, Giubbini R, Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2016 Jun;52(3):411-3.

287. Vitamin D-binding protein: one more piece in the puzzle of acromegalic osteopathy?
Mazziotti G, Maffezzoni F, Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2016 May;52(2):183-6

288. High prevalence of radiological vertebral fractures in adult patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
Mazziotti G, Dordoni C, Doga M, Galderisi F, Venturini M, Calzavara-Pinton P, Maroldi R, Giustina A, Colombi M.
Bone. 2016 Mar;84:88-92.

289. The role of patient education in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes: an overview.
Coppola A, Sasso L, Bagnasco A, Giustina A, Gazzaruso C.
Endocrine. 2016 Jul;53(1):18-27

290. Incidence of morphometric vertebral fractures in adult patients with growth hormone deficiency.
Mazziotti G, Doga M, Frara S, Maffezzoni F, Porcelli T, Cerri L, Maroldi R, Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2016 Apr;52(1):103-10.

291. SAGIT®: clinician-reported outcome instrument for managing acromegaly in clinical practice–development and results from a pilot study.
Giustina A, Bevan JS, Bronstein MD, Casanueva FF, Chanson P, Petersenn S, Thanh XM, Sert C, Houchard A, Guillemin I, Melmed S; SAGIT Investigator Group.
Pituitary. 2016 Feb;19(1):39-49.

292. Bone and Joint Disorders in Acromegaly.
Claessen KM, Mazziotti G, Biermasz NR, Giustina A.
Neuroendocrinology. 2016; 103: 86-95

293. New oral anticoagulants and pituitary apoplexy.
Doglietto F, Costi E, Villaret AB, Mardighian D, Fontanella MM, Giustina A.
Pituitary. 2016 Apr;19(2):232-4.

294. Growth hormone receptor isoforms and fracture risk in adult-onset growth hormone deficient patients
Mormando M, Chiloiro S, Bianchi A, Giampietro A, Angelini F, Tartaglione L, Nasto L, Milardi D, Formenti AM, Giustina A, De Marinis L
Clin Endocrinol 2016 Nov 85: 717-724

295. High-resolution-cone beam tomography analysis of bone microarchitecture in patients with acromegaly and radiological vertebral fractures.
Maffezzoni F, Maddalo M, Frara S, Mezzone M, Zorza I, Baruffaldi F, Doglietto F, Mazziotti G, Maroldi R, Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2016 Nov;54(2):532
296. New medical therapies of acromegaly.
Maffezzoni F, Frara S, Doga M, Mazziotti G, Giustina A.
Growth Horm IGF Res. 2016 Oct – Dec;30-31:58-63

297. Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: pathophysiological role of GH/IGF-I and PTH/VITAMIN D axes, treatment options and guidelines.
Mazziotti G, Formenti AM, Adler RA, Bilezikian JP, Grossman A, Sbardella E, Minisola S, Giustina A.
Endocrine. 2016 Dec;54(3):603-611.

298. Acromegalic osteopathy.
Mazziotti G, Maffezzoni F, Frara S, Giustina A.
Pituitary. 2016 Oct 5. [Epub ahead of print]

299. Erectile dysfunction as a predictor of asymptomatic coronary artery disease in elderly men with type 2 diabetes.
Gazzaruso C, Coppola A, Pujia A, Falcone C, Collaviti S, Fodaro M, Gallotti P, Solerte SB, Giustina A, Pelissero G, Luzi L, Montalcini T.
J Geriatr Cardiol. 2016 Sep;13(6):552-6.
300. [Acromegaly: reducing diagnostic delay].
Giustina A.
Recenti Prog Med. 2016 Aug;107(8):450-1.

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