
Please find below the list of the Supervisors (with a link to their CV) and their PhD Projects proposed for the academic year 2023/2024.

6 project-based fellowships

Project-based fellowship SCC1: BENEDETTI FRANCESCO

Funded in the context of financing pursuant to DM 118 of 2 March, 2023 (M4C1 – Inv. 4.1 - Ricerca PNRR)

SCC1: Biological signature of cognitive impairment in eating disorders

Project-based fellowship SCC2: BROMBIN CHIARA

Funded in the context of financing pursuant to DM 118 of 2 March, 2023 (M4C1 – Inv. 4.1 - Ricerca PNRR)

SCC2: Self-image perception in the digital era: exploring a multifaceted construct within a multidimensional framework involving individual characteristics, psychological traits and social environment

Project-based fellowship SCC3FERINI-STRAMBI LUIGI

Funded in the context of financing pursuant to DM 118 of 2 March, 2023 (M4C1 – Inv. 4.1 - Pubblica Amministrazione)

SCC3: Internet - delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for insomnia: a Step Care model in order to improve cost-benefits and effectiveness

Project-based fellowship SCC4: SALSONE MARIA

Funded in the context of financing pursuant to DM 118 of 2 March, 2023 (M4C1 – Inv. 4.1 - Pubblica Amministrazione)

SCC4: Digital Integrated Monitoring System of Public Health Spending in Patients with Insomnia

Project-based fellowship SCC5: TOBIA VALENTINA ANTONIA

Funded in the context of financing pursuant to DM 118 of 2 March, 2023 (M4C1 – Inv. 4.1 - Pubblica Amministrazione)

SCC5: The role of school climate and innovation in promoting students’ and teachers’ well-being and students’ cognitive skills