Abutalebi Jubin Professore associatoPsicologiaM-PSI/02



English version


MD (Italy), PhD (Hong Kong) born in Vienna (Austria) is a Cognitive Neurologist and Associate Professor of Neuropsychology at the Faculty of Psychology, University Vita Salute San Raffaele in Milan. He graduated with Summa cum Laude at the University of Brescia Medical School in 1998, and specialized with Summa Cum Laude in Neurology at the University Vita Salute San Raffaele in 2003. Prof. Abutalebi has, furthermore, done both clinical and research activities in the Neurology Dept. of the University Vita Salute San Raffaele and abroad in prestigious institutes such as the Dept. of Experimental Neurology at the Charité Hospital, Humboldt Universität Berlin, Germany and the Istitute Universitaire de Gériatrie, Université de Montréal, Canada, and the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong.

From 2004 to 2008, he was a post-Doc and contracted professor at the Psychology Dept. University Vita Salute San Raffaele.

From 2008 to 2014, he was Assistant Professor of Neuropsychology at the Psychology Faculty of the University Vita Salute San Raffaele in Milan, Italy.

Clinically, Prof. Abutalebi is involved in various aspects of neurorehabilitation such as speech therapy with aphasics in the Dept. of Clinical Neurosciences of the San Raffaele Turro Hospital.

Jubin Abutalebi is the editor-in-chief of the prestigious international journal “Bilingualism: Language and Cognition” (Cambridge University Press).


The results of his researches have been published in the main international neuropsychological, neuroimaging and neurosciences journals. His research has contributed to enlighten the cerebral basis of language control in bilinguals.


Selection of Representative Publications

Abutalebi J, Guidi L, Borsa V, Canini M, Della Rosa PA, Parris BA, Weekes BA. (2015). Bilingualism provides a neural reserve for aging populations. Neuropsychologia, 69, 201-210.

Abutalebi J, Canini M, Della Rosa PA, Sheung LP, Green DW, & Weekes BS. (2014). Bilingualism protects anterior temporal lobe integrity in aging. Neurobiology of Aging, 35, 2126-2133.

Green DW, & Abutalebi J. (2013). Language control in bilinguals: the adaptive control hypothesis. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 25, 515-530.

Abutalebi J, Della Rosa PA, Ding G, Weekes BS, Costa A & Green DW. (2013). Language proficiency modulates the engagement of cognitive control areas in multilinguals. Cortex, 49, 905-911.

Della Rosa PA, Videsott G, Borsa VM, Canini M, Weekes B, Franceschini R, Abutalebi J. (2013). A Neural Interactive Landmark for Multilingual Talent. Cortex, 49, 605-608.

Abutalebi J, Della Rosa PA, Castro Gonzaga A, Keim R, Costa A, & Perani D. (2013). The role of the left putamen in multilingual language production. Brain & Language, 125, 307-315.

Zou L, Abutalebi J, Zinszer B, Yan X, Shu H, Peng D, Ding G. (2012). Second language experience modulates functional brain network for the native language production in bimodal bilinguals. NeuroImage, 62, 1367-1375.

Abutalebi J, Della Rosa PA, Green DW, Hernandez M, Scifo P, Keim R, Cappa SF, & Costa A. (2012) Bilingualism tunes the anterior cingulate cortex for conflict monitoring. Cerebral Cortex, 22, 2076-86.

Abutalebi J, Della Rosa PA, Tettamanti M, Green DW, & Cappa SF (2009). Bilingual aphasia and language control: A follow-up fMRI and intrinsic connectivity study. Brain & Language, 109,141-156.

Abutalebi J. (2008). Neural processing of second language representation and control. Acta Psychologica, 128, 466–478.

Abutalebi J, Annoni JM, Seghier M, Zimine I, Lee-Jahnke H, Lazeyras F, Cappa SF, & Khateb A. (2008). Language control and lexical competition in bilinguals: an event-related fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex, 18, 1496-505

Abutalebi J. & Green D. (2008). Control mechanisms in bilingual language production: Neural evidence from language switching studies. Language and Cognitive Processes 23(4), 557 – 582.

Abutalebi J, Brambati SM, Annoni JM, Moro A, Cappa SF, & Perani, D. (2007). The neural cost of the auditory perception of language switches: an event-related fMRI study in bilinguals. Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 13762-13769.

Abutalebi J, & Green DW. (2007). Bilingual language production: The neurocognition of language representation and control. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 20, 242-275.

     He is also an editorial board member of the “Journal of Neurolinguistics” (Elsevier) and “Cogent Psychology: Developmental Psychology” (Taylor & Francis).

English version

Jubin Abutalebi, MD, born in Vienna (Austria) is a cognitive neurologist and Assistant Professor of Neuropsychology at the Faculty of Psychology, University Vita Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. He graduated with Summa cum Laude at the University of Brescia Medical School in 1998, and specialized with Summa Cum Laude in Neurology at the University Vita Salute San Raffaele in 2003. Dr. Abutalebi has, furthermore, done both clinical and research activities in the Neurology Dept. of the University Vita Salute San Raffaele and abroad in prestigious institutes such as the Dept. of Experimental Neurology at the Charité Hospital, Humboldt Universitaet Berlin, Germany and the Istitute Universitaire de Gériatrie, Université de Montréal, Canada, and the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong.

From 2004 to 2008, he was a post-Doc and contracted professor at the Psychology Dept. University Vita Salute San Raffaele. From 2008, he is Assistant Professor of Neuropsychology at the Psychology Faculty of the University Vita Salute San Raffaele in Milan, Italy. The results of his researches have been published in the main international neuropsychological, neuroimaging and neurosciences journals. His research has contributed to enlighten the cerebral basis of language control in bilinguals. Clinically, Dr. Abutalebi is involved in various aspects of neurorehabilitation such as speech therapy with aphasics.

Starting January 2014, Jubin Abutalebi is the editor-in-chief of the prestigious international journal “Bilingualism: Language and Cognition” (Cambridge University Press).


Selection of Representative Publications

  • Green DW, & Abutalebi J. (2013). Language control in bilinguals: the adaptive control hypothesis. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 25, 515-530.
  • Abutalebi J, Della Rosa PA, Ding G, Weekes BS, Costa A & Green DW. (2013). Language proficiency modulates the engagement of cognitive control areas in multilinguals. Cortex, 49, 905-911.
  • Della Rosa PA, Videsott G, Borsa VM, Canini M, Weekes B, Franceschini R, Abutalebi J. (2013). A Neural Interactive Landmark for Multilingual Talent. Cortex, 49, 605-608.
  • Abutalebi J, Della Rosa PA, Castro Gonzaga A, Keim R, Costa A, & Perani D. (2013). The role of the left putamen in multilingual language production. Brain & Language, 125, 307-315.
  • Zou L, Abutalebi J, Zinszer B, Yan X, Shu H, Peng D, Ding G. (2012). Second language experience modulates functional brain network for the native language production in bimodal bilinguals. NeuroImage, 62, 1367-1375.
  • Abutalebi J, Della Rosa PA, Green DW, Hernandez M, Scifo P, Keim R, Cappa SF, & Costa A. (2012) Bilingualism tunes the anterior cingulate cortex for conflict monitoring. Cerebral Cortex, 22, 2076-86.
  • Abutalebi J, Della Rosa PA, Tettamanti M, Green DW, & Cappa SF (2009). Bilingual aphasia and language control: A follow-up fMRI and intrinsic connectivity study. Brain & Language, 109,141-156.
  • Abutalebi J. (2008). Neural processing of second language representation and control. Acta Psychologica, 128, 466–478.
  • Abutalebi J, Annoni JM, Seghier M, Zimine I, Lee-Jahnke H, Lazeyras F, Cappa SF, & Khateb A. (2008). Language control and lexical competition in bilinguals: an event-related fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex, 18, 1496-505
  • Abutalebi J. & Green D. (2008). Control mechanisms in bilingual language production: Neural evidence from language switching studies. Language and Cognitive Processes 23(4), 557 – 582.
  • Abutalebi J, Brambati SM, Annoni JM, Moro A, Cappa SF, & Perani, D. (2007). The neural cost of the auditory perception of language switches: an event-related fMRI study in bilinguals. Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 13762-13769.
  • Abutalebi J, & Green DW. (2007). Bilingual language production: The neurocognition of language representation and control. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 20, 242-275.

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