Furlan Roberto Professore AssociatoMedicinaMED/04




Dopo la laurea in Medicina all’Università di Milano, ha fatto ricerca all’Università di Chicago, quindi nei Laboratori Clinici dell’Ospedale Sao Rafael a Salvador-Bahia, Brasile. Ha lavorato come post-doc nel Dipartimento di Genetica Molecolare e Biochimica dell’Università di Pittsburgh. U.S.A. Ha ottenuto il Dottorato di Ricerca dalla Open University of London lavorando nell’Unità di Neuroimmunologia dell’Istituto Scientifico San Raffaele di Milano e poi completato la Scuola di Specialità in Neurologia. Lungo tutta la sua carriera ha indagato i meccanismi e sviluppato trattamenti sperimentali delle malattie neuro-infiammatorie. Attualmente è Direttore dell’Istituto di Neurologia Sperimentale del San Raffaele di Milano, Presidente della Associazione Italiana di Neuroimmunologia e Presidente eletto della Società Internazionale di Neuroimmunologia. Al 2023 ha pubblicato più di 200 lavori su riviste internazionali, ha più di 17.000 citazioni e un H-index di 69.

Orcid 0000-0001-7376-9425; Scopus Author ID: 7005770529; ResearcherID: J-9177-2016



  • 1991    Medical Degree, University of Milano, Italy, (110/110 and honours)
  • 2001    PhD, Open University, London, UK
  • 2007    Residency in Neurology, Vita e Salute University, Milan, Italy


Cariche attuali e precedenti

  • 1984-85          Research Fellow, "M. Negri" Institute for Pharmacology Research, Milano, Italy
  • 1988    Internship, Institute of Pharmacology, University of Milano, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy
  • 1991-94          Post-doctoral fellow, Neuroimmunology Unit - DIBIT, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy
  • 1992    Visiting Scientist, Department of Neurology, University of Chicago, U.S.A..
  • 1993    Visiting Scientist, Clinical Laboratories, Sao Rafael Hospital, Salvador-Bahia, Brazil.
  • 1994-95 Post-doctoral fellow, Dept. of Molecular Genetics and  Biochemistry,University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.
  • 1999-2001    Non-tenured Research Assistant, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
  • 2002-present       Research assistant, then Group Leader, finally Head of Unit, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy.
  • 2004-2023       Non-tenured professor, Vita e Salute University, Milano, Italy
  • 2017-2021       Deputy-Director of the Institute of Experimental Neurology, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy


Attività clinica

Ha svolto per oltre 15 anni attività di pronto soccorso neurologico e mantiene attualmente un ambulatorio di neurologia generale.

Premi e riconoscimenti

  • 1992                Fellowship, "Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla", Genova, Italy
  • 1994                Fellowship, "Istituto Superiore di Sanità", Roma, Italy
  • 1995                De Visart" Award for Neurological Research, University of Milano, Italy
  • 1999              Teva and Marion Hoechst Award on MultipleSclerosis, European
  •                        Charcot Found.
  • 2009                Rita Levi Montalcini Award, AISM, Roma, Italy
  • 2009                Board member of the Italian Neuroimunology Association – AINI
  • 2009-2010      EC evaluator for the Sixth Framework Programme Project “Neuropromise”
  • 2010- present  Scientific Board member of the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association
  • 2010- present  Secretary of the Residential Courses of Neuroimmunology – CRNI
  • 2010-2018      Secretary-Treasurer of the International Neuroimmunology Society – ISNI
  • 2012- present  Board Member of the Europan School of Neuroimmunology
  • 2014- 2016     Secretary of the Italian Higher School of Neurology
  • 2019- present  President of the Italian Neuroimmunology Association – AINI
  • 2021-2023      Vice President of the International Neuroimmunology Society – ISNI
  • 2023-2025      President of the International Neuroimmunology Society – ISNI




  1. Enrico P, Delvecchio G, Turtulici N, Pigoni A, Villa FM, Perlini C, Rossetti MG, Bellani M, Lasalvia A, Bonetto C, Scocco P, D'Agostino A, Torresani S, Imbesi M, Bellini F, Veronese A, Bocchio L, Gennarelli M, Balestrieri M, Colombo G, Finardi A, Ruggeri M, Furlan R, Brambilla P. Classification of psychoses based on immunological features: a machine learning study in a large cohort of first-episode and chronic patients. Schizophrenia Bullettin 2021 doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbaa190.
  2. Furlan R. A tolerizing mRNA vaccine against autoimmunity? Mol Ther 2021 doi: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2021.02.03
  3. Gelibter S, Pisa M, Croese T, Dalla Costa G, Orrico M, Preziosa P, Sangalli F, Martinelli V, Furlan R, Filippi M. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio: a marker of neuro-inflammation in multiple sclerosis? J Neurol. 2021 doi: 10.1007/s00415-020-10322-7.
  4. Dalla Costa G, Croese T, Pisa M, Finardi A, Fabbella L, Martinelli V, Leocani L, Filippi M, Comi G, Furlan R. CSF extracellular vesicles and risk of disease activity after a first demyelinating event. MS Journal. 2021 doi: 10.1177/1352458520987542 .
  5. Gelibter S Pisa M,  Croese T, Finardi A, Mandelli A, Sangalli F, Colombo B, Martinelli V, Comi G, Filippi M, Furlan R. Spinal fluid myeloid microvesicles predict disease course in multiple sclerosis. Ann. Neurol. 2021 DOI:10.1002/ana.26154.
  6. Aggio V, Fabbella L, Mazza E, Finardi A, Colombo C, Benedetti F, Furlan R. Neurofilaments light: Possible biomarker of brain modifications in bipolar disorder. J Affect Disord. 2022 300:243-248. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.12.122.
  7. Gelibter S, Marostica G, Mandelli A, Siciliani S, Podini P, Finardi A, Furlan R. The impact of storage on extracellular vesicles: a systematic study. J Extracell Vesicles. 2022 11(2):e12162. doi: 10.1002/jev2.12162 (I.F. 25.841)
  8. Guerrera G*, Mandelli A*, Finardi A, Orrico M, D’Orso S, Picozza M, Noviello M, Beretta V, Bonetti B, Calabrese M, Marastoni D, De Rossi N, Capra R, Salvetti M, Buscarinu MC, Inglese M, Uccelli A, Moiola L, Raposo C, Muros-Le Rouzic E, Pedotti R, Filippi F, Bonini C, Battistini L, Borsellino G*, Furlan R2* on behalf of the Italian Covid-19 Alliance in MS. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 T stem cell memory persists in ocrelizumab treated MS patients. Mult. Scler. 2022 28:1937-1943. doi: 10.1177/13524585221102158.
  9. Enrico P, Delvecchio G, Turtulici N, Aronica R, Pigoni A, Squarcina L, Villa F, Perlini C, Rossetti MG, Bellani M, Lasalvia A, Bonetto C, Scocco P, D'Agostino A, Torresani S, Imbesi M, Bellini F, Veronese A, Bocchio-Chiavetto L, Gennarelli M, Balestrieri M, Colombo G, Finardi A, Ruggeri M, Furlan R, Brambilla P. A machine learning approach on whole blood immunomarkers to identify an inflammation-associated psychosis onset subgroup. Mol. Psychiatry. 2023 Jan 6. doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01911-1.

Genchi A, Brambilla E, Sangalli F, Radaelli M, Bacigaluppi M, Furlan R, Andolfo A, Drago D, Magagnotti C, Scotti G, Greco R, Vezzulli P, Ottoboni L, Bonopane M, Capilupo D, Ruffini F, Belotti D, Cabiati B, Cesana S, Matera G, Leocani L, Martinelli V, Moiola L, Vago L, Panina-Bordignon P, Falini A, Ciceri F, Uglietti A, Sormani MP, Comi G, Battaglia MA, Rocca M, Storelli L, Pagani E, Gaipa G, Martino G. Neural stem cell transplantation in patients with progressive multiple sclerosis: An open label, phase I study. Nat Med. 2023 Jan 9. doi: 10.1038/s41591-022-02097-3

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