Bianchi Giuseppe Professore EmeritoMedicina




Giuseppe Bianchi, MD, Milan University. Training in Pharmacology cardiovascular-renal pathophysiology, biochemistry and clinic in Pharma Companies, Universities of Milan, Parma, Padua, London and Glasgow, PhD in Pharmacology, Specialities in Cardiology and Nephrology. Honorary MD at the Universities of Berlin and Uppsala, awards from British, American, and Italian societies of Hypertension, National Kidney Foundation USA, International Union of Physiological Science USA, Accademia dei Lincei Rome, University of Naples and other scientific organizations.
Former Director of the Division of Nephrology, Dialysis and Hypertension, Chair and School of Nephrology, “Vita Salute” San Raffaele University, Milan University and past Scientific Director of the Prassis Sigma-Tau Cardiovascular Research Institute and of CVie Therapeutic Taiwan and China and past CSO at Windtree Therapeutics USA.
Present: Professor Emeritus at the “Vita Salute” San Raffaele University.
Past and present member of the Editorial Boards of 12 international journals and invited speaker or chairman at more than 600 national and international meetings. He has published more than 300 articles in peer-review journals (including Lancet, J Clin Invest, New Engl J med, PNAS, Science Trans Med etc.)  and more than 200 chapters in books or in meeting proceedings. Over the years, Prof. Bianchi has combined his academic and clinical experience with parallel work in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies (Lepetit S.p.A., Farmitalia Carlo Erba, Prassis Sigma-Tau S.p.A., CVie Therapeutics Taiwan and Windtree Therapeutics USA) in order to develop a targeted therapeutic approach to cardiovascular diseases through laboratory and clinical practice.


Precision Medicine is based on the principle that curative therapy must target the molecular abnormalities involved in the onset and/or maintenance of the disease. These molecular abnormalities may be triggered either by:

  1. primary genetic factors, or
  2. a variety of genetic, environmental, or biological factors, such as SERCA2a activity deficiency in cardiac failure in both animal models and patients.

The more potent and selective the novel drug is on these molecular targets, the greater the benefit-to-risk therapeutic ratio that may be achieved. The common strategy for both approaches consists of gathering findings from different contexts and then developing scientific hypotheses capable of accommodating them, after properly accounting for their specific context-dependent components.

Prof. Bianchi's clinical and research activities have been focused on the discovery or validation of both types of molecular abnormalities. These studies have addressed:

A) the genetic mechanisms regulating the activity of adducin and the synthesis and metabolism of endogenous ouabain that may affect hypertension with associated cardiac and renal damages.

B) the deficiency of SERCA2 activity in heart failure as the most important cause of cardiomyocyte Ca2+ abnormalities involved in cardiac mechanical abnormalities, arrhythmias, and metabolic dysfunction, including the increase of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) due to an increase in mitochondrial Ca2+.


Project A) Initially, this project aimed to find answers to the following questions: Can a "normal" kidney play a primary role in the development of "primary" or "essential" arterial hypertension? And if so, is it possible to develop a "causal" therapy for this form? The pursuit of these answers involved various fields including clinical medicine, pathophysiology, animal modeling, translational medicine, kidney physiology (including micro puncture), cell physiology, molecular biology, genetics, medicinal chemistry, molecular and clinical pharmacology. Naturally, this interdisciplinary approach necessitated collaboration among experts in different disciplines. Broadly, the strategy can be outlined in seven steps:

  1. Defining in an animal model and patients the temporal sequence of pathophysiological changes, along with responses to therapeutic interventions, associated with increased blood pressure following a known type of kidney injury such as renal artery constriction. Insights from these studies informed subsequent steps.
  2. Assessing, in appropriate animal model the Milan hypertensive rat (MHS) and in humans, whether a direct intervention like kidney cross-transplantation could influence blood pressure in primary or essential hypertension. These studies revealed that hypertension is influenced by the kidney.
  3. Identifying, in the MHS (an animal model sharing similarities with human patients in functional and biochemical abnormalities), the subcellular structures potentially responsible for subtle cellular abnormalities leading to hypertension despite an otherwise "normal" kidney. A membrane cytoskeleton abnormality was discovered, potentially speeding up ion transport across the basolateral membrane of kidney cells, leading to increased tubular Na+ reabsorption (as demonstrated by whole kidney studies in both species) via increased basolateral membrane expression of Na-K pump units.
  4. Through various genetic studies, pinpointing the "abnormal" cytoskeleton protein(s) and their association with cellular and whole-body abnormalities leading to hypertension in both animals and humans, along with associated organ damage. Adducin proteins and their gene variants emerged as prime candidates for these effects.
  5. Exploring other bodily mechanisms that could modulate the aforementioned constitutive kidney abnormalities. Many hormones play roles in adapting kidney function to bodily needs; endogenous ouabain, targeting the Na-K pump, emerged as a primary candidate for this function.
  6. Transitioning from association to validation, a highly selective, potent, and safe chemical compound (Rostafuroxin) was developed for use in animal models and patients. At a concentration of 10-11 M, Rostafuroxin selectively disrupts the binding of mutant adducin or ouabain-activated Na-K pumps to the SH2 domain of cSrc, selectively blocking the effects of mutant adducin and endogenous ouabain on Na-K pumps at both cellular and whole-body levels without affecting their normal functions.
  7. Validating the involvement of the two molecular mechanisms (mutant adducin and endogenous ouabain) through two phase II trials in patients. The effect of Rostafuroxin was tested in 518 Caucasians, carriers, and non-carriers of a combination of gene variants (gene profile) known to impact these two molecular mechanisms' effects on cellular and bodily physiopathology. In profile carriers with mild hypertension, Rostafuroxin at a daily oral dose of 0.06 mg resulted in a significant reduction in blood pressure (approximately 23 mmHg), compared to a negligible reduction (about 2 mmHg) observed in non-carriers. Conversely, the response to Losartan and HCTZ in 338 Caucasian patients was unaffected by the profile. Given that the profile is present in about 1/4 of hypertensive patients, these findings could be significant for optimizing blood pressure levels and preventing organ damage in a large number of patients. However, in 107 Chinese patients, the effect of Rostafuroxin was much lower, likely due to faster metabolic degradation in this population.

Project B) SERCA2a activation
Among a series of compounds synthetized to optimize their interaction with the Na-K pump, one molecule, subsequently named Istaroxime, has been characterized because its cardiac inotropic activity was associated to none or mild pro-arrhythmic activity, much lower than that of the known Na-K pump inhibitors. 

A series of appropriate studies in different contexts have demonstrated that Istaroxime, beside its Na-K pump inhibition sustaining its inotropic action, also displays a SERCA2a stimulatory activity that may mitigate the arrhythmias and favor diastolic relaxation with the associate improving of the heart pumping capacity. Moreover, during Istaroxime infusion there is the formation of a main and long-lasting metabolite, PST3093, endowed with the sole SERCA2a activity at plasma concentrations well above the ones stimulating SERCA2a in vitro.

Istaroxime has been investigated in vivo in animal models of HF, displaying safety and efficacy in improving the cardiac indexes of both systolic and diastolic function.  It was then developed for the in-hospital intravenous treatment of Acute Heart Failure patients. The results of the Phase I and II clinical trials, involving 350 patients, indicated that Istaroxime is a safe and effective luso-inotropic agent able to improve Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure (PCWP), Cardiac Index (CI) (especially in patients with basal CI < 2.5 L/min/m2), without reducing, but even slightly enhancing SBP, and mildly reducing heart rate when intravenously infused for 6 hours. A Phase IIb clinical trial in patients with acute heart failure investigated the safety and efficacy of Istaroxime over a 24 hour at the intravenous infusion of 0.5 and 1 g/kg/min. It was shown that Istaroxime increased stroke volume index (SVI) and decreased the indexes of venous congestions, such as left atrium area (LAA) and inferior vena cava diameter (IVCD) after 24 hours infusion at the low dose of 0.5 g/kg/min, that persisted up to 48 hours from Istaroxime infusion start, when the parent compound is no more present in plasma, while the Istaroxime long-lasting metabolite PST3093 plasma concentrations are high enough to stimulate SERCA2a. As at 72 hours from the infusion start, the plasma concentration of the metabolite PST3093 is still in the concentration range able to stimulate SERCA2a, it is likely that an infusion of 24 hours may produce beneficial cardiac effect for 72 hours. Compared to the placebo treated patients, these beneficial effects occur without affecting plasma Hs-TnT and a decrease by 57% of the cardiovascular adverse events. These long term Istaroxime beneficial effects are very likely supported by the metabolic ones produced by the PST3093 SERCA2a activation mentioned above

With a medicinal chemistry program, a pure and very selective SERCA2a activator has been developed that, after intravenous or oral administration in an animal model of heart failure, demonstrated a pharmacological profile similar to that of PST3093.



Rostafuroxin and Istaroxime, along with its metabolites, are first-in-class drugs targeting specific molecular mechanisms underlying clinical symptoms. The available experimental and clinical data support the notion that they may be 'causal' drugs with an unprecedentedly high level of benefit-to-risk ratio, compared to that of the same class available drugs. This is because the available drugs target normal physiological mechanisms, aiming to mitigate the clinical symptoms caused by the pathological ones.



The results with the corresponding conclusions described above were already available on December 2018, when these projects were transferred to Windtree Therapeutic (USA). Unfortunately, as of today (March 2024), the management of this company has not yielded significant results regarding the progression towards the use of these compounds in the clinical practice. This failure is mainly due to the choice of a business driven developmental strategy disregarding the previous scientific knowledge and skill needed to assess the causal mechanisms of clinical symptoms and how to correct them with a “causal” drug.  The choice of the vasoconstrictor effect of the higher doses of istaroxime for the cardiogenic shoch therapy is an example of this Windtree’ strategy. This. strategy ignores that. compared to the lower doses, the previous data showed a clear reduction of the patients’ benefits/risk ratio at the higher doses. After countless unsuccessful attempts to correct this wrong strategy, in April 2022 prof Bianchi rejected the Windtree ‘ proposal to continue the collaboration with Windtree.


  1. Maffii G, Bianchi G. Effetti del 9-fluoro-prednisolone e di altri steroli sul contenuto in Na, K e glicogeno del diaframma isolato di ratto a riposo. Arch Inter Pharmacodyn 1958; 117: 30-43
  2. Maffii G, Bianchi G. Effetti del 9 alfa-fluoro-prednisolone, dell'idrocortisone e dell'l-desossicorticosterone sull'attività contrattile e il contenuto in Na e K del diaframma isolato di ratto. Arch Inter Pharmacodyn 1958; 117: 44-52
  3. Maffii G, Silvestrini B, Bianchi G. Attività farmacologica di derivati beta-lattamici. Nota II: Azioni sistemiche del 3-metil-3-fenil-2-azedinone e del 3-etil-3-fenil-2-azetidinone. Il Farmaco (Ed. Sci) 1959; 14: 269-287
  4. Bianchi G, Maffii G. Effetto dell'eserina, dell'adrenalina e dell'isopropilnoradrenalina su alcuni riflessi mono e polisinaptici nel gatto e nel coniglio. Boll Soc It Biol Sper 1959; 35: 1745-1749
  5. Maffii G, Bianchi G. Anticholinergic activity of tropine-alfa-methyltropate. Nature 1960; 185: 844-845
  6. Maffii G, Schiatti P, Bianchi G, Serralunga MG. Rifomycin. XVIII - Pharmacological studies with rifomycin SV. Il Farmaco (Ed. Sci) 1961; 16: 235-245
  7. Maffii G, Bianchi G, Schiatti P, Gallo GG. Rifomycin. XIX - Absorption, biliary excretion and distribution of rifomycin SV. Il Farmaco (Ed. Sci) 1961; 16: 246-262
  8. Maffii G, Bianchi G, Schiatti P, Silvestrini B. Action of 5,5-diethyl-1,3-oxazine-2,4-dione (dioxone) on respiration and circulation. Brit J Pharmac Chemoter 1961; 16: 231-243
  9. Cignarella G, Nathansohn G, Bianchi G, Testa E. Antiadrenergici di sintesi. Gazz Chim Ital 1962; 92: 3-16
  10. Maffii G, Bianchi G. L'ipertensione sperimentale nel ratto nella valutazione dei farmaci ipotensivi. Arch Ital Sci Farmacol 1962; 12: 3-18
  11. Bianchi G, Maffii G. L'azione parasimpaticolitica dell'alfa-idrossimetil alfa fenilpropionato di beta-diisopropilaminoetile (Cloridrato). Il Farmaco (Ed. Sci) 1963; 18: 346-369
  12. Bianchi G. Inibizione del riflesso peristaltico dell'intestino isolato di cavia da parte di alcuni parasimpaticolitici introdotti nel lume intestinale. Il Farmaco (Ed. Sci) 1963; 18: 370-377
  13. BECCARI E, Maffii G, Bianchi G. Cinetica della rifamicina SV nel cane. Arch Tisiol Mal App Resp 1963; 18: 5-11
  14. Maffii G, Schiatti P, Bianchi G. Distribuzione della rifamicina SV nell'organismo animale. Aspetti farmacologici e orientamenti terapeutici. Chemioterapia 1963; 7: 158-169
  15. Bianchi G, Azzone GF. Sul meccanismo di ossidazione dei Flavosubstrati. VIII° Congresso Soc. Ital. Patol, Perugia; 24-26Maggio 1963; 397-401
  16. Testa E, Wittgens A, Maffii G, Bianchi G. Chemistry and pharmacology of azetidines. Res Progr in Organic Biol and Med Chemistry 1963; 1: 477-583
  17. Bianchi G, Penso G, Azzone GF. Oxidation of glycerol l-phosphate by rat-liver mitochondria. Biochem Biophys Acta 1964; 92: 154-156
  18. Bianchi G, Azzone G.F. Oxidation of choline in rat-liver mitochondria. J Biol Chem 1964; 239: 3947-3955
  19. Bianchi G, Riva D. Prime determinazioni con due metodi di titolazione della renina nel plasma nei soggetti normali ed in alcune condizioni patologiche. Minerva Medica 1965; 56: 4239-4245
  20. Bianchi G, Riva D, Vegeto A. Ipertensione arteriosa da stenosi dell'arteria renale. Rass di Urologia e Nefrologia 1965; 3: 313-332
  21. Bianchi G, Maffii G. Farmacologia della 3-fenil-azetidina e di alcuni suoi derivati Il Farmaco (Ed. Sci) 1966; 21: 131-154
  22. Bianchi G, Brown JJ, LeverR AF, Robertson JIS. Concentrazione plasmatica della renina e pressione arteriosa nel cane sveglio. Minerva Nefrologica 1966; 13: 116-119
  23. Bianchi G, Campolo L, Riva D, Vegeto A. Concentrazione plasmatica della renina nell'ipertensione arteriosa umana. Minerva Nefrologica 1966; 13: 119-122
  24. Bianchi G, De Zulian VM, Kramer M, Maffii G, Quinton RM, Serralunga MG. Spasmolytic and cholinergic blocking properties and toxicity of levomepate, l-tropine a-methyltropate. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 1967; 10: 424-443
  25. Brown JJ, Davies D, Lever AF, Robertson JIS, Bianchi G, Imbs JL, Johnson VW, Lawrence M, Frazer R, James VHT. Renin and blood pressure. Proc. of 3rd Int. Congr. Nephrol., Washington 1966, (Karger, Basel/New York, 1967); l: 226-239
  26. Bianchi G, Brown JJ, Lever F, Robertson JIS, Roth N. Changes of plasma renin concentration during pressor infusion of renin in the conscious dog: the influence of dietary sodium intake. Clin Sci 1968; 34: 303-314
  27. Bianchi G. Isolamento di ceppi di ratti ipertesi mediante la tecnica dell'incrocio. Atti dell'Accademia Medica Lombarda 1968; 23: 2, 1-8
  28. Litta Modignani R, Cavagnini F, Bianchi G, Campolo L. Considerazioni endocrine e metaboliche su pazienti obesi trattati con terapia di digiuno. Estratto dal Bollettino ed Atti della Società Italiana di Endocrinologia 1968; 13: 184-195
  29. Bianchi G, Campolo L, ALE' S, Sala G. Iperaldosteronismo primitivo. Descrizione di un caso clinico. Minerva Medica 1969; 60: 1604-1614
  30. Bardi U, Bianchi G, Ezechieli S. La reninemia nelle malattie associate a ritenzione idrico-salina. Nota 1: Potassio scambiabile e reninemia nella cirrosi epatica. Estratto da "La Riforma Medica" Napoli, 1969; suppl 51: 1-14
  31. Bianchi G, Ezechieli S, Giovanelli CA, Foresti A. La reninemia nelle malattie associate a ritenzione idrico-salina. Nota 2: La reninemia nella cirrosi epatica. Estratto da "La Riforma Medica" Napoli, 1969; suppl 51: 1-15
  32. Bianchi G, Ezechieli S, Giovanelli CA, Bardi U. La reninemia nelle malattie associate a ritenzione idrico-salina. Nota 3: Effetto del mannitolo sulla diuresi, natremia e reninemia nel cirrotico ascitico. Estratto da "La Riforma Medica" Napoli, 1969; suppl 51: 1-12
  33. De Ambroggi L, Riva D, Bianchi G. Studio dell'ansa vettocardiografica T nei soggetti normali con il sistema di derivazioni di Mac Fee e Parungao. Minerva Cardioangiologica 1969; 17: 18-25
  34. Cavagnini F, Bianchi G, Litta Modignani R. Hyperthyroidism and increased plasma TSH in a woman with lung cancer. Folia Endocrinologica, 1969; 22: 285-292
  35. Zaini GF, Bardi U, Spinelli Rossi F, Campolo L, Bianchi G. Il radionefrogramma e l'urografia minutata nella diagnosi delle nefropatie monolaterali ipertensive. Estratto da 'Folia Cardiologica' 1969; 28: 318-333
  36. Bianchi G, Tenconi LT, Lucca R. Effect in the conscious dog of constriction of the renal artery to a sole remaining kidney on haemodynamics, sodium balance, body fluid volume, plasma renin concentration and pressor responsiveness to angiotensin. Clin Sci 1970; 38: 741-766
  37. Bianchi G, Ponticelli G, Campolo L, Redaelli B, Bardi U, De Ponti G, Della Grazia M. Alcuni aspetti patogenetici dell'ipertensione arteriosa di origine renale. Comunicazione al X Congresso Nazionale della Societa Italiana di Nefrologia, Genova 7-8 Dicembre 1969 Minerva Nefrologica, 1970; 17: 3, 85-89
  38. Bianchi G, Campolo L, Vegeto A, Pietra V, Piazza U. The value of plasma renin concentration per se, and in relation to plasma and extracellular fluid volume in diagnosis and prognosis of human renovascular hypertension. Clin Sci 1970; 39: 559-576
  39. Bianchi G, Campolo L, Pietra V. The Amytal and the cold pressor tests in relation to the aetiology and to the therapy of arterial hypertension. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol 1970; 3: 70, 261-266
  40. Bianchi G. Presupposti fisiopatologici dei criteri di operabilità dell'iperteso renovascolare. Estratto da 'Problemi di metodologia e diagnostica cardiologica'. Atti del Corso Superiore di Aggiornamento Cardiologico, 1971; 355-369
  41. Campolo L, Vegeto A, Bianchi G, Berardinelli L. Funzione renale separata nella diagnostica delle nefropatie monolaterali - Studio su 47 casi. Minerva Medica 1971; 62: 1885-1895
  42. Bianchi G, Bardi U, Ponticelli C, Campolo L, Lucca R. Introduzione al problema dei rapporti fra renina, sodio e spazi idrici nella patogenesi dell'ipertensione renale. Relazione al XII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, Bologna 8-9 Ottobre 1971, Minerva Nefrologica, 1972; 19: 96-103
  43. Bianchi G, Ponticelli C, Bardi U, Redaelli B, Campolo L, De Ponti G, Graziani G. Role of the kidney in "salt and water dependent hypertension" of end-stage renal disease. Clin Sci 1972; 42: 47-55
  44. Bianchi G, Baldoli E, Lucca E, Barbin P. Pathogenesis of arterial hypertension after the constriction of the renal artery leaving the opposite kidney intact both in the anesthetized and in the conscious dog. Clin Sci 1972; 42: 651-664
  45. Ponticelli C, Bianchi G, Bardi U, D'amico G, Graziano G, Pincella G, Romagnoni M, Redaelli B. Sul ruolo pressorio del rene nell'ipertensione arteriosa della uremia cronica terminale. Minerva Nefrologica 1972; 19: 104-107
  46. Bianchi G. Il problema della renina nella diagnosi dell'ipertensione arteriosa. Relazione al Congresso A.M.CO. - Firenze, Maggio 1972 Atti al III Congresso Nazionale Scientifico della Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri. Edizioni Luigi Pozzi, Roma, 1972; 52-58
  47. Baldoli E, Sardi A, Caravaggi AM, Bianchi G. Sul meccanismo d'azione di un nuovo ipotensivo: 3-idrazino- 6-N,N-bis-(2-idrossietil)-amino-piramizina cloridrato (L 6150). Boll Chim Farm 1972; 111: 480-488
  48. Bianchi G, Ponticelli C. Arterial hypertension in the last stage of chronic uraemia. Proceeding of the 18th World Congress of the International college of Surgeons (Rome, 28-31 May 1972), Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam (ISBN 90 219 0207 9): 137-140
  49. Bianchi G, Fox U, Di Francesco GF, Bardi U, Radice M. The hypertensive role of the kidney in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Clin Sci Mol Med 1973; 45 (suppl I): 135s-139s
  50. Baldoli E, Sardi A, DeZulian V, Capellini M, Bianchi G. On the pharmacology of 3-hydrazino-6 N,N-bis (2-hydroxyethyl) amino-pyridazine-dihydrochloride (L 6150). Arzneim. Forsh. 1973; 23: 1591-1595
  51. Bianchi G, Fox U, Pagetti D, Giovanetti AM. The role of the kidney in the pathogenesis of the hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Proceedings of the Symposium on Current Problems of Hypertension. Mainz, November 2 - 3, 1973, ed. Georg Thiene Verlag, 34-46, Stuttgart 1974
  52. Bianchi G, Caravaggi AM, Barone D. Punti di attacco della terapia antiipertensiva. Atti del Corso di Aggiornamento Cardiologico "Farmacologia e Terapia Clinica" Milano, Settembre 1974, Ed. Piccin 573- 583
  53. Fox U, Bianchi G. Effect of kidney transplantation soon after weaning on systolic pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats and normotensive rats. Preliminary results. Proc. of the Int. Microsurgery Soc. III° Mondial Workshop Rome, Agosto 1974
  54. Bianchi G, Fox U, Imbasciati E. The development of a new strain of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Life Sci 1974; 14: 339-347
  55. Bianchi G, Fox U, Di Francesco GF, Giovanetti AM, Pagetti D. Blood pressure changes produced by kidney cross-transplantation between spontaneously hypertensive rats and normotensive rats. Clin Sci Mol Med 1974; 47: 435-448
  56. Bianchi G, Fox U, Pagetti D, Caravaggi AM, Baer PG, Baldoli E. Mechanisms involved in renal hypertension. Kidney Int 1975; 8: S165-S173
  57. Fox U, Bianchi G. Il ruolo del rene nella patogenesi della ipertensione ereditaria nel ratto. Estratto dalla rivista "L'Ospedale Maggiore" Milano anno XLIX - nuova serie, 1974; 3: 209-218
  58. Bianchi G, Baer PG, Fox U, Duzzi L, Pagetti D, Giovanetti AM. Changes in renin, water balance, and sodium balance during development of high blood pressure in genetically hypertensive rats. Circ Res 1975; 36&37 (suppl I): I153-I161
  59. Bianchi G, Baer PG, Fox U, Pagetti D. Kidney function and blood pressure in a genetic type of hypertension. Proceedings of VI International Congress of Nephrology Florence, June 1976; 274-283
  60. Cuesta V, Bianchi G, Brown JJ, Caravaggi AM, Davies DL, Deheneffe J, FraserR R, Lever AF, Oelkers W, Robertson JIS, Schalekamp MADH. Arterial pressure and plasma angiotensin II concentration in renal hypertension. Proceedings of IV International Congress of Nephrology, Florence, June 1976; 243-254
  61. Porcelli G, Bianchi G, Croxatto HR. Urinary kallikrein excretion in a spontaneously hypertensive strain of rats. Proceedings of The Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 1975; 149: 983-986
  62. Caravaggi AM, Bianchi G, Brown JJ, Lever AF, Morton JJ, Powell-Jackson JD, Robertson JIS, Semple PF. Blood pressure and plasma angiotensin II concentration after renal artery constriction and angiotensin in the dog (5-Isoleucine) angiotensin II and its breakdown fragments in dog blood. Circ Res 1976; 38: 315-321
  63. Bianchi G, Baer PG. Characteristics of the Milan hypertensive strain (MHS). Proceedings of the Symposium on Spontaneous Genetic Hypertension in Rats. Dunedin, New Zealand 4-6 March 1976, Clin Exr Pharmacol P 1976; suppl 3: 15-20
  64. Baer PG, Bianchi G. Micropuncture study of altered renal function in rats of the Milan hypertensive strain (MHS). Proceedings of the Symposium on Spontaneous Genetic Hypertension in Rats. Dunedin, New Zealand, 4-6 March 1976, Clin Exp Pharmacol P 1976; suppl 3: 41-45
  65. Fox U, Bianchi G. The primary role of the kidney in causing the blood pressure difference between the Milan Hypertensive strain (MHS) and the normotensive rats (MNS). Proceedings of the Symposium on Spontaneous Genetic Hypertension in Rats. Dunedin, New Zealand, 4-6 March 1976, Clin Exp Pharmacol P 1976; suppl 3: 71-74
  66. Brown JJ, Davies DL, Robertson JIS, Lever AF, Bianchi G, Schalekamp MADH. Mechanisms of renal hypertension. Lancet 1976; I: 1219-1221
  67. Bianchi G, Bielli M, Romeo PB, Vitolo E, Folli G. Studio dell'attività ipotensiva dell'associazione di un nuovo farmaco vasodilatatore (DL 150-IT) con la clonidina in confronto con alfa-metildopa. Atti XXXVII Congresso della Società Italiana di Cardiologia. Salsomaggiore 29 Aprile - 3 Maggio 1976, Boll Soc Italiana di Cardiologia 1976; XXI: n. 8: 1293-1301
  68. MARIOTTI GC, GUIDI E, Bianchi G, FERRARI P, PAGETTI D, FOLLI G. Ruolo del sistema renina angiotensina aldosterone e delle catecolamine nell'ipertensione arteriosa. Atti del Corso di Aggiornamento in Cardiologia, Ospedale Niguarda, Milano; Attualita' in Cardiologia, Ed. Pozzi, Roma, 1976; 152-169
  69. HALLBACK M, JONES J, Bianchi G, FOLKOW B. Cardiovascular control in the Milan strain of spontaneously hypertensive rat (MHS) at "rest" and during acute mental "stress". Acta Physiol Scand 1977; 99: 208-216
  70. GUIDI E, MARIOTTI GC, CANTALUPI A, DALL'OSTA V, PONTICELLI G, BUCCIANTI G, MECCA G, MARITANO S, Bianchi G. Influenza della familiarita' per l'ipertensione del donatore sulla pressione arteriosa del ricevente un trapianto di rene. Atti del Congresso Società Italiana di Nefrologia, Rapallo 1976, ed. Minerva Nefrologica, 1977; 24: 191-194
  71. Bianchi G, BAER PG, FOX U, GUIDI E. The role of the kidney in the rat with genetic hypertension. Postgr Med J 1977; 53: suppl 2, 123-135
  72. BROWN JJ, CUESTA V, DAVIES DL, LEVER AF, MORTON JJ, PADFIELD PL, ROBERTSON JIS, TRUST P, Bianchi G, SCHALEKAMP MADH. Can Angiotensin II cause renal hypertension when its plasma concentration is normal? Contr Nephrol 1977; 8: 57-60
  73. BROWN JJ, DAVIES DL, MORTON JJ, ROBERTSON JIS, CUESTA V, LEVER AF, PADFIELD PL, TRUST P, Bianchi G, SCHALEKAMP MADH. Renal hypertension: role of renin. Postgr Med J 1977; 53: suppl 3, 31-34
  74. Bianchi G, PAGETTI D, FERRARI P, PONTICELLI C, BAER PG, ROMAGNONI M. Increase in plasma extracellular fluid volume ratio caused by bilateral nephrectomy in patients on maintenance haemodialysis. Nephron 1978; 20: 75-82
  75. CUSI D, FERRARI P, BARLASSINA MC, GATTI M, LUPI CP, Bianchi G. Influenza della familiarita' ipertensiva sulla funzione renale di giovani normotesi. Estr. da Minerva Medica 1978; 25: n. l: 51-55
  76. BAER PG, Bianchi G. Renal micropuncture study of normotensive and Milan hypertensive rats before and after development of hypertension. Kidney Int 1978; 13: 452-466
  77. Bianchi G, PICOTTI GB, BRACCHI G, CUSI D, GATTI M, LUPI GP, FERRARI P, BARLASSINA C, COLOMBO G, GORI D. Familial hypertension and hormonal profile, renal haemodynamics and body fluids of young normotensive subjects. Clin Sci Mol Med 1978; 55: suppl 4, 367s-371s
  78. Bianchi G, CUSI D, RONZONI L. Meccanismo renale su base genetica nella patogenesi dell'ipertensione essenziale. Ospedale Maggiore 1978; 73: 86-88
  79. Bianchi G, BAER PG, FOX U, DUZZI L, CARAVAGGI AM, MOHRING J. Pathogenesis of hypertension in the Milan hypertensive strain of rats (MHS). Proc. of the III International Symposium on SHR and related studies, Kyoto, September 1978, Jpn Heart J 1979; 20: suppl l, 173-177
  80. Bianchi G, PICOTTI GB, BRACCHI G, CUSI D, GATTI M, LUPI GP, FERRARI P, BARLASSINA C, COLOMBO G, GORI D, RONZONI L. Relationship between kidney function and familial hypertension in young normotensive subjects. Prophylactic Approach to Hypertensive Disease, Ed. Y. Yamori, Raven Press, New York, 1979; 157-163
  81. Bianchi G, CUSI D, GATTI M, LUPI GP, FERRARI P, BARLASSINA C, PICOTTI GB, BRACCHI G, COLOMBO G, GORI D, VELIS O, MAZZEI D. A renal abnormality as a possible cause of "essential" hypertension. Lancet 1979; I: 173-177
  82. DI PADOVA F, COMO G, QUARTO DI PALO F, Bianchi G. Su di un caso di omotrapianto renale da cadavere, funzionante senza terapia immunodepressiva da quasi tre anni. Folia Allergologica et Immunologica Clinica 1979; 26: 51-54
  83. CHATENEOUD LM, DI PADOVA F, Bianchi G. Critical review on the methods employed for circulating immune complexes detection. Haematologica 1979; 64: 494-504
  84. Bianchi G, BAER PG, FOX U, DUZZI L, CARAVAGGI AM, MOHRING J, CUSI D. Kidney function studies in the Milan hypertensive strain of rats. Proc. of the Symposium "The kidney in arterial hypertension" Ed. Bianchi G. and Bazzato G., Venezia June 1978, Bunge Scientific Publishers, Utrecht, 1979; pp. 144-151
  85. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, BRACCHI B, PICOTTI GB, GATTI M, LUPI P, FERRARI P, MARIOTTI G, GUIDI E, VELIS O, Bianchi G. E' l'ipertensione essenziale sostenuta da un difetto intrarenale primitivo? Minerva Nefrologica 1979; 26: n. 2, 139-143
  86. PALAZZI P, DI PADOVA F, MORANDI E, MAGNI M, Bianchi G. Osservazioni su due casi di ipogammaglobulina comune variabile. L'Ospedale Maggiore 1979; 74: 421-426
  87. DI PADOVA F, QUARTO DI PALO F, MORANDI E, BALDINI L, Bianchi G, MAZZEI D, POLLI E. Is long term immunosuppressive treatment necessary to maintain good kidney graft function? Brit Med J 1979; 308: 421-423
  88. Bianchi G, CUSI D, GUIDI E, PALAZZI P, DI PADOVA F, GHIZZONI E. Regolazione renale del volume plasmatico. Atti del Convegno Intern. di Taormina "L'ipertensione arteriosa in nefrologia". Ed. R. Maiorca - G. Maschio, 1979; 67-77
  89. GUIDI E, DALL'OSTA V, CANTALUPI A, Bianchi G. Rene e ipertensione essenziale. Importanza della familiarita' per l'ipertensione del donatore sulla pressione arteriosa del ricevente un trapianto renale. Minerva Nefrologica 1980; 27: 11-14
  90. DI PADOVA F, MARCOVINA S, VEZZOLI G, MARIANI P, POLLINI E, Bianchi G. On a test for rapid cryoglobulin detection. La Ricerca Clin Lab 1980; 10: 81-84
  91. MAZZEI D, Bianchi G. Le glomerulonefriti (compresa la sindrome nefrosica). Trattato Italiano di Patologia Medica, Ed. Piccin, Padova, 1980; 1169-1200
  92. Bianchi G, CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, DUZZI L, CARAVAGGI AM, LUPI GP, GATTI M, VELIS O, COMO G, SALVIOLI G. Transcapillary protein escape in arterial hypertension. La Ricerca Clin Lab 1980; 10: 163-170
  93. GUIDI E, PAGETTI D, CIVATI G, GUASTONI C, Bianchi G, MINETTI L. Comportamento dei volumi corporei dopo emodialisi e dopo emofiltrazione isolata. Atti dell'Incontro Hospal sul Poliactilonitrile-AN 69, S. Margherita di Pula, (Cagliari) 9-10 Maggio 1980; 121-124
  94. DE MENDOCA M, GRICHOIS ML, GARAY P, BEN-ISHAY D, SASSARD J, Bianchi G, CARAVAGGI AM, MEYER P. Abnormal net sodium and potassium fluxes in erythrocytes of four varieties of genetically hypertensive rats. Int. Symposium on Intracellular electrolytes and arterial hypertension, Ed. H. Zimkley - H.Losse, Univ. Press, Munsher (Germany) G. Thieme, 1980; 116-121
  95. Bianchi G, CARAVAGGI AM, CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, LUPI GP, DUZZI L, GATTI M, FERRARI P, VELIS O. Is an abnormal kidney development involved in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension? Hypertension in Children and Adolescents, Ed. G. Giovannelli, 1981; 75-88
  96. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, FERRANDI M, PALAZZI P, CELEGA E, Bianchi G. Relationship between altered Na-K cotransport and Na-Li countertransport in the erythrocytes of "essential" hypertensive patients. Clin Sci 1981; 61: 33s-36s
  97. Bianchi G. Renal function changes preceding the development of spontaneous hypertension in rats and "essential" hypertension in humans. New Trends in Arterial Hypertension, INSERM Symposium n. 17, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, 1981; 281-303
  98. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, SALVIOLI G, LUPI P, CELEGA E, Bianchi G. Alterazione dei trasporti cationici nei globuli rossi di giovani normotesi predisposti alla ipertensione essenziale. Minerva Nefrologica 1981; 28: n. 3, 283-287
  99. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, FERRANDI M, LUPI P, FERRARI P, Bianchi G. Familial aggregation of cation transport abnormalities and essential hypertension. Clin Exp Hypertens 1981; 3 n. 4, 871-884
  100. Bianchi G. Renal mechanisms in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension. Frontiers in Hypertension Research, Ed. J.H. Laragh, F.R. Buhler, D.W. Seldin, Springer Verlag, 1981; 169-172
  101. Bianchi G. Terapia medica o terapia chirurgica della ipertensione nefrovascolare? Seminari di Medicina Interna, Ed. G.C. Neri Serneri, Conti Firenze - Punta Ala, 27-30 Aprile 1981; pp. 281-288
  102. FERRARI P, PICOTTI GB, MINOTTI E, BONDIOLOTTI GP, CARAVAGGI AM, Bianchi G. Plasma concentrations of catecholamines in two strains of spontaneously hypertensive rats at different ages. Clin Sci 1981; 61: 199s-202s
  103. Bianchi G, FERRARI P, CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, DUZZI L, FERRANDI M. Abnormalities in red blood cell membrane and in kidney functions in the Milan hypertensive strain of rats. Table Ronde Roussel-Uclaf "Membrane in hypertension", N°42, Paris, December 3-4, 1981
  104. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, FERRANDI M, ORAZI E, VEZZOLI G, Bianchi G, POLLI E. Alterazioni dei flussi cationici eritrocitari nella ipertensione essenziale. Atti dell'LXXXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna, pubb. Pozzi, 1981; pp. 210-211
  105. GUIDI E, Bianchi G, DALL'OSTA V, CANTALUPI V, VALLINO F, POLLI E. The influence of familial hypertension of the donor on the blood pressure and antihypertensive therapy of kidney graft recipients. Nephron 1982; 30: 318-323
  106. Bianchi G, CUSI D, FERRARI P, BARLASSINA C, FERRANDI M, GUIDI E. Changes in cell membrane transport and kidney function in relation to essential hypertension. Contr Nephrology 1982; 30: 192-197
  107. Bianchi G, con la collaborazione di CUSI D, FERRARI P, BARLASSINA C, GUIDI E, LUPI GP, GATTI M, SALVIOLI G, FERRANDI M, DUZZI L. Risultati ottenuti durante il triennio 1979-1981 dall'unita' Operativa del sottoprogetto Ipertensione Arteriosa dell'Istituto di Clinica Medica I dell'Universita' di Milano. Estratto dalla relazione "L'ipertensione Arteriosa Essenziale" (Progetto Finalizzato Medicina Preventiva - Sottoprogetto Ipertensione, C.N.R. - Roma) Atti dell'82° Congresso della Societa' Italiana di Medicina Interna, Firenze 11-14 Ottobre 1981, Ed. Luigi Pozzi S.r.l. Roma, 1982; 130-136
  108. Bianchi G. Role of the kidney in the pathogenesis of primary hypertension. Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease: Pathophysiology and treatment. Ed. A. Amery, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, 1982; pp. 249-263
  109. FERRARI P, CUSI D, BARBER BR, BARLASSINA C, VEZZOLI G, DUZZI L, MINOTTI E, Bianchi G. Erythrocyte membrane and renal function in relation to hypertension in rats of the Milan hypertensive strain. Clin Sci 1982; 63: 61s-64s
  110. Bianchi G, GUIDI E, CUSI D, FERRARI P, BARLASSINA C, VEZZOLI G, POLLI E. Involvement of the kidneys in essential hypertension in human beings and in spontaneous hypertension in Milan rats. Salt and hypertension. Proceedings of the Lewis K. Dahl Symposium, Ed. J. Iwai, Brookhaven National Lab, Upton N.Y, Igaku- Shoin, 1982; pp. 281-291
  111. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, FERRANDI M, BREVI R, VAZZOLA A, Bianchi G. Erythrocyte membrane transport systems as possible markers for essential hypertension. Clin Sci 1982; 63: 57s-59s
  112. Bianchi G, ORAZI E. Terapia dell'ipertensione arteriosa con insufficienza renale. Medico e Paziente 1982; 7: 157-166
  113. Bianchi G, FERRARI P, CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, GUIDI E, PATI C, AVANZI C, POLLI E. Nell'ipertensione arteriosa essenziale è più evidente un ruolo primario del rene o del sistema nervoso simpatico? Atti XXIII Congresso Nazionale della Societa 'Italiana di Nefrologia'. Verona 10-12 Giugno 1982; Ed. Wichtig-Milano; pp. 3-8
  114. Bianchi G, CUSI D, FERRARI P, BARLASSINA C, FERRANDI M, BARBER BR, PALAZZI P. The kidney in essential hypertension: culprit or victim? Serono Symposium N. 50, "Endocrinology of Hypertension" Ed. F. Mantero, E.G. Biglieri and C.R.W. Edwards, Academic Press, London and New York, 1982; pp. 271-278
  115. BARLASSINA C, CUSI D, FERRANDI M, LUPI GP, SALVIOLI G, Bianchi G. Active and inactive renin and kidney function in young subjects with different predisposition to develop essential hypertension. Clin Exp Hypertens 1982; A4: 2341-2349
  116. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, FERRANDI M, ORAZI E, VEZZOLI G, Bianchi G, POLLI EE. Alterazione dei flussi cationici eritrocitari nell'ipertensione arteriosa. Rend Soc It Med Int, 1982; 211-212
  117. Bianchi G, CUSI D, FERRARI P, PATI C, TRIPODI MG, NIUTTA E, POLLI E. Le anomalie del globulo rosso nell'ipertensione arteriosa essenziale. Haematologica 1983; 68: 295-305
  118. Bianchi G, CUSI D, GUIDI E. Renal hemodynamics in human subjects and in animals with genetic hypertension during the prehypertensive stage. Am J Nephrol 1983; 3: 73-79
  119. PALAZZI P, ELLI A, ORAZI E, BREVI L, VAZZOLA A, Bianchi G, QUARTO DI PALO F. Effetti del Captopril nella fase acuta del trapianto renale. Atti del III Simposio Interregionale (Soc. It. Nefrologia) Firenze, 5 Novembre 1983; 125-128
  120. Bianchi G, CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, LUPI GP, FERRARI P, PICOTTI GB, GATTI M, POLLI E. Renal dysfunction as a possible cause of essential hypertension in predisposed subjects. Kidney Int 1983; 23: 870-875
  121. Bianchi G, BARLASSINA C. Renal function in essential hypertension. Hypertension: Physiopathology and Treatment. Ed. J. Genest, 0. Kuchel, P. Hamet and M. Catin, Second Ed, Ch. 4 McGraw Hill, N.Y., 1983; pp. 54-73
  122. Bianchi G, FERRARI P. Animal models for arterial hypertension. Hypertension: Physiopathology and Treatment. Ed. J. Genest, 0. Kuchel, P. Hamet and M. Cantin, Second Ed, Ch.35, McGraw Hill, N.Y., 1983; pp. 534-555
  123. Bianchi G, FERRARI P, CUSI D. Renal models and their relation to human essential hypertension. Series in Cardiology, Ed. P. Sleight and E. Freis, Vol. 1 Hypertension, Butterworths Inter. Medical Reviews, 1983; pp. 37-55
  124. SALVATI P, CARAVAGGI AM, LAMBERTI E, MONTEGGIA M, Bianchi G. Cardiovascular effects of a new antihypertensive agent in several species. Arzn. Forshung/Drug Res 1983; 33:(II), 8, 1098-1106
  125. BERNARDI L, BOSISIO G, MANTEGANI S, SAPINI O, TEMPERILLI A, SALVATI P, DI SALLE E, ARCARI G, Bianchi G. Antihypertensive ergolinepropionamides. Arzn. Forshung/Drug Res 1983; 33:(II), 8, 1094-1098
  126. Bianchi G, CUSI D, FERRARI P, BARLASSINA C, ELLI A, ORAZI E. Rene e ipertensione essenziale. Clin Ter Cardiov 1983; 3: 121-126
  127. VEZZOLI G, ELLI A, PALAZZI P, PERTICUCCI E, GASTALDI L, RONCARI G, Bianchi G, QUARTO DI PALO F. Il calcio ionizzato e il paratormone nei pazienti portatori di trapianto renale da cadavere. Atti III Simposio Interregionale (Società Italiana di Nefrologia) Firenze 5 Novembre 1983; pp. 129-133
  128. BECK F, Bianchi G, DORGE A, RICK R, SCHRAMM M, THURAU K. Sodium and potassium concentrations of renal cortical cells in two animal models of primary arterial hypertension. J Hypertens 1983; 1: (suppl.2), 38-39
  129. TRIZIO D, FERRARI P, FERRANDI M, TORIELLI L, Bianchi G. Expression at the hemopoietic stem cell level of the genetically determined erythrocyte membrane defects in the Milan hypertensive rat strain (MHS). J Hypertens 1983; 1: (suppl.2), 6-8
  130. CUSI D, VELIS O, VALLAR G, BERTONI T, Bianchi G. Neuropsychological side-effects of antihypertensive treatment. J Hypertens 1983; 1: (suppl.2), 319-321
  131. MANTERO F, NUSSDORFER GG, ROBBA C, OPOCHER G, FERRARI P, Bianchi G. Evidence for mineralocorticoid hyperactivity in the Milan hypertensive strain of rats. J Hypertens 1983; 1: (suppl.2), 150-152
  132. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, FERRARI P, PATI C, TRIPODI G, NIUTTA E, VEZZOLI G, Bianchi G. Anomalies du transport transmembranaire dans l'hypertension spontanee chez l'homme et le rat. Leur role pathogenetique eventuel. Atti del Simposio: "L'hypertension essentielle et le transport transmembranaire". Ed. P. Meyer, pubbl. Excerpta Medica, 1983; 31-45
  133. Bianchi G, GUIDI E, CUSI D, FERRARI P, BARLASSINA C, PATI C, TRIPODI G, NIUTTA E. Scambi cationici di membrana e alterazioni della funzione renale nell'ipertensione essenziale. Attualità Nefrologiche e Dialitiche - Atti del XV Corso di Aggiornamento in Nefrologia e Metodiche Dialitiche dell'Ospedale San Carlo Borromeo di Milano. Ed. G. D'Amico - G. Sorgato - C. Bazzi, Witching Editore Milano, 1983: pp. 191-205
  134. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, FERRARI P, FERRANDI M, Bianchi G. Cation transport abnormalities in human and rat essential hypertension. Topics in pathophysiology of hypertension. Ed. H. Villarreal and M.P. Sambhi, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, 1984; pp. 136-146
  135. Bianchi G, CUSI D, FERRARI P, BARLASSINA C, BARBER BR, VEZZOLI G, LUPI P, POLLI E. Renal mechanisms in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension. Frontiers in Cardiology for the eighties. Ed. L. Donato and A. L'Abbate, Academic Press, 1984; pp. 13-16
  136. Bianchi G, VEZZOLI G, CRESSERI D. Ipertensione nefrovascolare nell'uomo: problemi diagnostici e terapeutici. In 'Ipertensione renovascolare e ischemia renale'. Ed. M. D'Addato e P. Zucchelli, Masson Italia Ed., 1984; pp. 59-67
  137. ELLI A, VEZZOLI G, PALAZZI P, MENGHETTI D, GASTALDI L, QUARTO DI PALO F, Bianchi G. Il calcio ionizzato: problemi metodologici e determinazione nel paziente portatore di trapianto renale da cadavere. Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia 1984; 1: n.l, 39-44
  138. Bianchi G, FERRARI P, CUSI D, GUIDI E, PATI C, VEZZOLI G, TRIPODI G, NIUTTA E. Genetic hypertension and the kidney. J Cardiovasc Pharm 1984; 6: S162-S170
  139. Bianchi G, CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, PATI C, TRIPODI MG, NIUTTA E, VEZZOLI G. Sodium balance and peripheral resistance in arterial hypertension. J Cardiovasc Pharm 1984; 6: (suppl.2), S457-S464
  140. THURAU K, BECK F, BORST M, DORGE A, RICK R, Bianchi G. Intracellular electrolyte composition in various experimental models of hypertension: an electron microprobe study. J Cardiov Pharm 1984; 6: S28-S31
  141. Bianchi G, FERRARI P, BARBER BR. The Milan Hypertensive strain. Handbook of hypertension.: Experimental and Genetic Models of hypertension. Ed. W. de Jong - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V, 1984; vol. 4: 328-349
  142. VEZZOLI G, ELLI A, PALAZZI P, ORAZI E, PERTICUCCI E, QUARTO DI PALO F, Bianchi G. Limits for the use of heparin in ionized calcium determination. La Ricerca in Clinica e in Laboratorio 1984; XIV:535-538
  143. PERSSON AE, Bianchi G, BOBERG U. Evidence of defective tubuloglomerular feedback control in rats of the Milan hypertensive strain (MHS). Acta Physiol Scand 1984; 122:217-215
  144. SALVATI P, PINCIROLI GP, Bianchi G. Renal function of isolated perfused kidneys from hypertensive (MHS) and normotensive (MNS) rats of the Milan strain at different ages. J Hypertens 1984; 2 (suppl.3): 351-353
  145. GUIDI E, MAGNANINI M, BARBIANO DI BELGIOJOSO G, MINETTI L, Bianchi G. Blood pressure in patients with four different primary glomerulopathies. Clin Exp Hypertens  - Theory and Practice 1984; A6 (7): 1357-1366
  146. Bianchi G. Renal abnormalities in "essential" hypertension of rats and humans: a clue for the understanding of the pathogenesis of this disease? Rep. of an EC Workshop, Pisa 3-5 May 1984 Ed. by S. Ghione, CNR Clinical Physiology Institute, Pisa; pp. 73-81
  147. Bianchi G, CUSI D, FERRARI P. Patogenesi dell'ipertensione arteriosa essenziale: ruolo del rene e dei trasporti ionici attraverso la membrana cellulare. Prospettive in Pediatria 1984; 56: 317-324
  148. PAGETTI D, CUSI D, ELLI A, VEZZOLI G, SCABINI M, BUCCIANTI G, QUARTO DI PALO F, Bianchi G. Alterazione dei trasporti cationici eritrocitari in pazienti affetti da uremia terminale in trattamento emodialitico. Atti del IV Convegno di Nefrologia e Dialisi (Bardonecchia), suppl. al Giornale Piemontese di Nefrologia 1984; pp. 245-247
  149. VEZZOLI G, CUSI D, PAGETTI D, ELLI A, MENGHETTI D, SURIAN M, Bianchi G. Valutazione della Ca-ATPasi e della Na-K ATPasi nei soggetti affetti da calcolosi renale calcica. Atti del IV Convegno di Nefrologia e Dialisi (Bardonecchia), suppl. al Giornale Piemontese di Nefrologia 1984; pp. 91-92
  150. ELLI A, VEZZOLI G, Bianchi G. Lettera: 'Calcio ionizzato e trapianto renale'. Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia 1984; 1: 150
  151. PERSSON AE, Bianchi G, BOBERG U. Tubuloglomerular feedback in hypertensive rats of the Milan strain. Acta Physiol Scand 1985; 123: 139-146
  152. Bianchi G, FERRARI P, SALVATI P. TORIELLI L, FERRANDI M. Relationship between red blood cell function, kidney function and blood pressure in genetic hypertension. Klin Wochenschr 1985; 63 (suppl III): 59-60
  153. GUIDI E, Bianchi G, RIVOLTA E, PONTICELLI C, QUARTO DI PALO F, MINETTI L, POLLI E. Hypertension in man with a kidney transplant: role of familial versus other factors. Nephron 1985; 41: 14-21
  154. SALVATI P, Bianchi G. Involvement of peripheral dopamine receptors in the antihypertensive effect of a new ergoline derivative (355/1057). Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie 1985; 274: (N.2), 291-304
  155. Bianchi G, FERRARI P, TRIZIO D, FERRANDI M, TORIELLI L, BARBER BR, POLLI E. Red blood cell abnormalities and spontaneous hypertension in the rat: A genetically determined link. Hypertension 1985; 7: 319-325
  156. GUIDI E, Bianchi G, ELLI A, RIVOLTA E, POLLI E. Influenza della familiarità per l'ipertensione arteriosa del donatore e del ricevente di un trapianto renale da cadavere sulla pressione arteriosa e sulla terapia anti- ipertensiva del ricevente. Atti del XIV Congresso Nazionale della Soc. Italiana dei Trapianti d'Organo (Verona 14-16 Aprile 1983), Ed. Giusto Ancona - Societa' Italiana dei Trapianti d'Organo, 1985; pp. 211-219
  157. QUARTO DI PALO F, ELLI A, PALAZZI P, SCABINI M, VAZZOLA A, VEZZOLI G, Bianchi G. Cyclosporine levels in whole blood and clinical nephrotoxicity in cadaver renal transplant. Transplant P 1985; Vol. XVII, suppl 2: 60
  158. Bianchi G, CUSI D. Rene e ipertension arteriosa. Ospedale Maggiore, 1985; 80 (n.2): 85-88
  159. Bianchi G, SALVATI P, BARLASSINA C, FERRARI P, GUIDI E, TRIPODI MG, NIUTTA E, PATI C, POLLI E. The kidney in essential hypertension. Contr Nephrol (Karger, Basel) 1985; 49: 173-178
  160. FERRARI P, MANTERO F, Bianchi G. Role of adrenal steroids in the rat genetic models of hypertension. Serono Symposia Publications, Eds. Mantero F, Biglieri E.G, Funder J.W, Scoggins B.A. Raven Press, New York, 1985; 27: 145-158
  161. VEZZOLI G, ELLI A, TRIPODI G, Bianchi G, CARAFOLI E. Calcium ATPase in erythrocytes of spontaneously hypertensive rats of the Milan strain. J Hypertens 1985; 3: 645-648
  162. Bianchi G, NIUTTA E, TRIPODI MG, CUSI D, BARLASSINA C. Trasporto di membrana e Canrenoato di potassio. Atti delConvegno su: Ruolo del Canrenoato di potassio nelle malattie cardiovascolari, Univ. di Milano, 1 Marzo 1985
  163. BRUSCHI G, BRUSCHI ME, ORLANDINI G, CAVATORTA A, BORGHETTI A, FERRANDI M, Bianchi G. Why is [Ca2+] increased in blood cells in primary hypertension? J Hypertens 1985; 3 (suppl 3): S45-S47
  164. PATI C, NIUTTA E, TRIPODI MG, BARLASSINA C, CUSI D, Bianchi G. Inibizione dell'azione delle sostanze endogene ad attività Ouabaino-simile da parte del canrenoato di K nell'ipertensione arteriosa essenziale. Nefrologia, Dialisi, Trapianto: Atti del XXVI Congresso Nazionale Soc. Ital. Nefrologia 1985; 247-250
  165. PALAZZI P, ELLI A, SCABINI M, VEZZOLI G, VAZZOLA A, Bianchi G, QUARTO DI PALO F. L'ipertensione arteriosa nel trapianto renale: confronto fra pazienti in trattamento con ciclosporina ed in terapia tradizionale. Moderne acquisizioni in nefrologia e dialisi: V° Convegno Nefrologico e Dialitico 1985, Ed. Ramello e Malcangi, pubbl. Monduzzi; pp. 277-280
  166. GUIDI E, CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, VOLPI A, Bianchi G. Lo studio della funzione renale nell'ipertensione essenziale. Atti GIPCIA, 1985; 51-59
  167. VEZZOLI G, ELLI A, PALAZZI P, SCABINI M, COVA T, CUSI D, SOLDATI L, ORTOLANI S, SURIAN M, QUARTO DI PALO F, Bianchi G. Ca-Mg ATPase activity in erythrocyte membrane ghosts in idiopathic hypercalciuria. Mineral Metabolism Research in Italy, pubbl. Wichtig, 1985: 6: 25-27
  168. Bianchi G, CUSI D, TRIPODI G, BARLASSINA C, VEZZOLI G, NIUTTA E. Alterazioni renali e cellulari predisponenti all'ipertensione essenziale. Nefrologia Pediatrica, Atti del 1° Congresso della Società di Nefrologia Pediatrica, ed. Edefonti e Sereni, pubbl. Abetre, 1986; pp. 57-61
  169. ELLI A, SCABINI M, MENGHETTI D, PALAZZI P, VEZZOLI G, Bianchi G, QUARTO DI PALO F. Efficacia e sicurezza della infusione continua di ciclosporina a basse dosi. Nefrologia Dialisi e Trapianto. Atti del Congresso della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, pubbl. Wichtig, 1986: pp. 121-124
  170. VEZZOLI G, ELLI A, PALAZZI P, BERTONI T, SCABINI M, QUARTO DI PALO F, Bianchi G. High plasma ionized calcium with normal PTH and total calcium levels in normal-function kidney transplant recipients. Nephron 1986; 42: 290-294
  171. NIUTTA E, TRIPODI MG, CUSI D, PATI C, FOSSI F, ELLI A, Bianchi G. Effects of captopril and of other antihypertensive drugs on cell membrane ion transport: a preliminary report. Postgrad Med J 1986; 62 (suppl l): 13-15
  172. Bianchi G, FERRARI P, CUSI D, SALARDI S, NIUTTA E, TRIPODI G. Genetic and experimental hypertension in the animal model-similarities and dissimilarities to the development of human hypertension. J Cardiovasc Pharm 1986; 8( suppl 5): S64-S70
  173. Bianchi G, FERRARI P, CUSI D, GUIDI E, SALARDI S, TORIELLI L, TRIPODI MG, NIUTTA E, ELLI A, VEZZOLI G. Cell membrane abnormalities and genetic hypertension. J Clin Hypertension 1986; 2: 114-119
  174. BRANDIS A, Bianchi G, REALE E, HELMCHEN U, KUHN K, CLAUS H, DUZZI L. Age-dependent glomerulosclerosis and proteinuria occurring in rats of the Milan normotensive strain and not in rats of the Milan hypertensive strain. Lab Invest 1986; 55 (n. 2 ): 234-243
  175. PONTREMOLI S, MELLONI E, SALAMINO F, SPARATORE B, VIOTTI P, MICHETTI M, DUZZI L, Bianchi G. Decreased level of calpain inhibitor activity in red blood cells from Milan hypertensive rats. Biochem Biophysical Res Co 1986; 138 (n. 3): 1370-1375
  176. PONTREMOLI S, MELLONI E, SALAMINO F, SPARATORE B, MICHETTI M, SACCO O, Bianchi G. Characterization of the defective calpain-endogenous calpain inhibitor system in erythrocytes from Milan hypertensive rats. Biochem Bioph Res Co 1986; 139 (no. 1): 341-347
  177. HORIE R, KIHARA M, LOVENBERG W, BEN-ISHAY D, Bianchi G, IWAI J, NAGAOKA A, RAPP JP, SASSARD J, SIMPSON FO, YAMORI Y. Comparison of various genetic hypertensive rat strains. J Hypertens 1986; 4(suppl 3): Sll-S14
  178. Bianchi G, FERRARI P, SALVATI P, SALARDI S, PARENTI P, CUSI D, GUIDI E. A renal abnormality in the Milan hypertensive strain of rats and in humans predisposed to essential hypertension. J Hypertens 1986; 4 (suppl 3): S33-S36
  179. PANG SC, LONG C, POIRIER M, TREMBLAY J, KUNES J. VINCENT M, SASSARD J, DUZZI L, Bianchi G, LEDINGHAM J, PHELAN EL, SIMPSON FO, IKEDA K, YAMORI Y, HAMET P. Cardiac and renal hyperplasia in newborn genetically hypertensive rats. J Hypertens 1986; 4(suppl 3): S119-S122
  180. PARENTI P, HANOZET G, Bianchi G. Sodium and glucose transport across renal brush-border membranes of Milan hypertensive rats. Hypertension 1986; 8: 932-939
  181. Bianchi G. Ipertensione. La diagnosi etiologica. Ipertensione Oggi 1986; 3: 75-81
  182. Bianchi G. Sodium excretion and its role in blood pressure regulation. Handbook of Hypertension, 1986; 8 : 278-294
  183. Bianchi G. Ion transport across blood cell membrane in essential hypertension. Curr Opin Cardiol 1986; 1: 634-639
  184. QUARTO DI PALO F, PALAZZI P, VAZZOLA A, SCABINI M, VEZZOLI G, ELLI A, Bianchi G. Acute tubular necrosis and arterial hypertension in renal transplant patients treated with ciclosporin. Ciclosporin in Renal Transplantation, ed. Ponticelli e De Vecchi, pubbl. Karger, 1986; pp. 133-136
  185. Vezzoli G, Elli A, Niutta E, Quarto di Palo F, Bianchi G, Carafoli E. Ca-ATPase in erythrocyte membrane ghost cells of MHS rats. Am J Nephrol 1986; 6 (suppl 1): 63-65
  186. SCHLAGER G, BARBER BR, Bianchi G. Genetic analysis of blood pressure in the Milan hypertensive strain of rat (Rattus norvegicus). Can J Genet Cyst 1986; 28: 967-970
  187. Salvati P, Ferrario RG, Bianchi G. The isolated perfused rat kidney as a model for the study of diuretics in hypertension. Proceedings of the Int. Meeting on Diuretics, Eds. Andreucci VE, Del Canton A, Martinus Nijhoff Publishing, 1986; pp. 266-267
  188. FERRARI P, TORIELLI L, FERRANDI M, CIRILLO M, Bianchi G. Volumes and Na transports in intact red blood cells, resealed ghosts and inside-out vesicles of Milan hypertensive rats. J Hypertens 1986; 4 (suppl 6): S379-S381
  189. Bianchi G, FERRARI P, CUSI D, BARBER BR, SALARDI S, TORIELLI L, TRIPODI MG, NIUTTA E, VEZZOLI G, BARLASSINA C. Membrane abnormalities in essential hypertension: physiologic and genetic links. Membrane pathology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Eds. Bianchi G, Carafoli E, Scarpa A, pubbl. New York Academy of Sciences, 1986; 488: 266-274
  190. NIUTTA E, TRIPODI MG, PATI C, CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, DOSSI F, Bianchi G. Ion transport in red blood cells and antihypertensive therapy. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Eds. Bianchi G, Carafoli E, Scarpa A, 1986; 488: 573-575
  191. CUSI D, TRIPODI MG, ALBERGHINI E, NIUTTA E, BARLASSINA C, FOSSALI E, DOSSI F, Bianchi G. Heritability of sodium transport systems and hypertension. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Eds. Bianchi G, Carafoli E, Scarpa A, 1986; 488: 576-578
  192. Ferrari P, de Wardener HE, Millet JA, Torielli L, Ferrandi M, Bianchi G, Circulating natriuretic factors in the pathogenesis of genetic hypertension of renal origin. Proceedings of the Int. Meeting on Diuretics, Eds Andreucci VE, Del Canton A, Martinus Nijhoff Publishing, 1986; pp. 174-176
  193. Bianchi G, CUSI D, FERRARI P, TRIPODI G, BARLASSINA C, VEZZOLI G, NIUTTA E. Alterazioni renali e cellulari predisponenti all'ipertensione essenziale. Atti del I Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Nefrologia Pediatrica 1986; 57-62
  194. PALAZZI P, CRESSERI D, ELLI A, VEZZOLI G, VIALE G, Bianchi G. La glomerulonefrite a depositi mesangiali: causa frequente di insufficienza renale. Atti del IV Corso di Aggiornamento in Nefrologia Medica, pubbl. Abetre, 1987: pp. 29-36
  195. Bianchi G, SALVATI P, FERRARI P, VEZZOLI G. Renal mechanisms and calcium in the pathogenesis of a type of genetic hypertension. J Cardiovasc Pharm 1987; 8 (suppl 8): S124-S129
  196. Bianchi G, BARBER BR, FERRARI P, DUZZI L. The Milan Hypertensive strain of rats and its control normotensive strain. Hypertension 1987; 9 (suppl I ) n 1: I-30/I-33
  197. SALVATI P, FERRARIO RG, PARENTI P, Bianchi G. Renal function of isolated perfused kidneys from hypertensive (MHS) and normotensive (MNS) rats of the Milan strain: role of calcium. J Hypertens 1987; 5: 31-38
  198. FERRARI P, TORIELLI L, FERRANDI M, Bianchi G. Volumes and Na transports in intact red blood cells, resealed ghosts, and inside-out vesicles of Milan hypertensive rats. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Eds. Bianchi G, Carafoli E, Scarpa A, 1987; 488: 561-563
  199. FERRARI P, FERRANDI M, TORIELLI L, CANESSA M, Bianchi G. Relationship between erythrocyte volume and sodium transport in the Milan hypertensive rat and age-dependent changes. J Hypertens 1987; 5: 199-206
  200. HOLLAND S, MILLET J, ALAGHBAND-ZADEH J, DE WARDENER H, FERRARI P, Bianchi G. Cytochemically assayable Na, K-ATPase inhibition by Milan hypertensive rat plasma. Hypertension 1987; 9: 498-503
  201. VEZZOLI G, ELLI A, PALAZZI P, COVA T, VALLINO F, Bianchi G. Calcio ione ed ipertensione arteriosa. L'Ospedale Maggiore 1987; 82: 12-14
  202. PONTREMOLI S, MELLONI E, SALAMINO F, SPARATORE B, VIOTTI P, MICHETTI M, DUZZI L, Bianchi G. Decreased level of Calpain inhibitor activity in kidney from Milan hypertensive rats. Biochem Bioph Res Co 1987; 145 (n.3): 1287-1294
  203. VEZZOLI G, ELLI A, PALAZZI P, CUSI D, COVA T, MENGHETTI D, SCABINI M, ORTOLANI S, SOLDATI L, SURIAN M, QUARTO DI PALO F, Bianchi G. Plasma membrane Ca-ATPase in idiopathic hypercalciuria. Pathogenesis and Treatment of Nephrolithiasis, ed. Linari e Marangella, pubbl. Karger, 1987; pp. 148-151
  204. FERRARI P, NUSSDORFER G, TORIELLI L, SALVATI P, TRIPODI MG, NIUTTA E, Bianchi G. Renal function and cell characteristics during the development of essential and genetic hypertension. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. - Proceeding of the early Pathogenesis of Primary Hypertension. Editors A. Hofman, D.E. Grobbee, M.A.D.H. Schalekamp 1987; pp. 63-67
  205. PALAZZI P, ELLI A, VEZZOLI G, MENGHETTI D, RIVOLTA R, Bianchi G, QUARTO DI PALO F. Valutazione della necrosi tubulare acuta nel trapianto renale con differenti modalità di immunodepressione e di prelievo dell'organo. VI Convegno Nefrologico e Dialitico su: "Moderne acquisizioni in nefrologia e dialisi", Bardonecchia, ed. Ramello e Malcangi, pubbl. Monduzzi Editore, 1987; pp. 441-443
  206. ELLI A, PALAZZI P, RIVOLTA R, SCABINI M, VEZZOLI G, Bianchi G, QUARTO DI PALO F. Ritmo circadiano delle sottopopolazioni linfocitarie con due modalita' di somministrazione della ciclosporina (CyA). Atti del 28° Congresso della Societa' Italiana di Nefrologia, pubbl. Acta Medica Edizioni & Congressi, Roma, 1987; pp. 525-526
  207. VEZZOLI G, COVA T, ELLI A, PALAZZI P, MENGHETTI D, SOLDATI L, ORTOLANI S, VALLINO F, Bianchi G. Pompa del calcio ed ipercalciuria. Atti del 28° Congresso della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, pubbl. Acta Medica Edizioni & Congressi, Roma, 1987; pp. 321-324
  208. Cusi D, Barlassina C, Tripodi G, Niutta E, Alberghini E, Pozzoli E, Pati P, Dossi F, Colombo r, fossali e, Bianchi G. Genetic factors involved in ion transport abnormalities in essential hypertension. J Hypertens 1987; 5(suppl 5): S255-S256
  209. SALVATI P, FERRARIO RG, Bianchi G. Natriuretic capacity in isolated kidneys of rats of the Milan strain before and after the development of hypertension: comparison with spontaneously hypertensive rats. J Hypertens l987; 5 (suppl 5): S235-S237
  210. FERRARI P, BARBER BR, TORIELLI L, FERRANDI M, SALARDI S, Bianchi G. The Milan hypertensive rat as a model for studying cation transport abnormality in genetic hypertension. Hypertension 1987; 10 (suppl I): I-32/I-36
  211. Parini P, Diop L, Ferrari P, Bondiolotti GP, Dausse JP, Bianchi G. Selective modification of renal alpha2-adrenergic receptors in Milan Hypertensive rat strain. Hypertension 1987; 10: 505-511
  212. Ferrandi M, Salardi S, Modica R, Bianchi G. Antigenic properties of erythrocyte membrane from a hypertensive strain of rats. NYAS, Raven Press, Endocitobiology III, 1987; 503: 584-587
  213. CUSI D, FERRARI P, SALARDI S, FERRANDI M, TRIPODI G, BARLASSINA C, NIUTTA E, VEZZOLI G, GUIDI E, Bianchi G. A primary kidney abnormality in essential hypertension. Hypertension and Renal Disease, ed. Maschio, Campese, Valvo e Oldrizzi, pubbl. Karger, 1987; pp. 1-8
  214. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, FERRARI P, TRIPODI G, ALBERGHINI E, NIUTTA E, COLOMBO R, PATI P, Bianchi G. Fattori genetici nell'ipertensione spontanea del ratto e nell'ipertensione essenziale umana. In 'Idee sull'ipertensione', R. Antonicelli e E. Paciaroni Eds, Il lavoro editoriale, Ancona, 1987
  215. Bianchi G, VEZZOLI G. La fisiopatologia della sindrome epato-renale. Fegato e Rene, ed. Volpini Bellazzi De Vincenzi e Romanini, pubbl. Abetre, 1987; pp. 65-72
  216. VEZZOLI G, ELLI A, PALAZZI P, MENGHETTI D, COVA T, SCABINI M, Bianchi G. Variazioni del calcio ione plasmatico dopo dieta ipocalcica. Moderne acquisizioni in Nefrologia e Dialisi, ed. Ramello e Macangi, pubbl. Monduzzi, 1987; pp. 543-545
  217. ELLI A, VEZZOLI G, COVA T, PALAZZI P, SCABINI M, QUARTO DI PALO F, VALLINO F, Bianchi G. An inherited defect of membrane Ca transport in idiopathic hypercalciuria. Mineral Metabolism Research in Italy, pubbl. Wichtig, 1987; 8: 115-117
  218. BARLASSINA C, CUSI D, PATI P, FERRARI P, SALARDI S, Bianchi G. Transport du sodium et hemodynamique renale dans l'ipertension arterielle d'origine genetique: Trouble primaire ou secondaire? Nephrologie 1988; 9: 9-13
  219. SALVATI P, FERRARIO RG, Bianchi G. Natriuretic capacity in isolated kidneys of rats of the Milan strain (MHS) before and after the development of hypertension: comparison with SHR. The Juxtaglomerular Apparatus,, AEG Persson and U. Boberg, Eds Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 1988; 443-447
  220. Bianchi G, CUSI D, FERRARI P, BARLASSINA C, PATI C, SALARDI S, TORIELLI L, FERRANDI M, SALVATI P, VEZZOLI G, COLOMBO R, ALBERGHINI E. Renal abnormalities at the pre-hypertensive stage of essential hypertension. J Cardiovasc Pharm 1988; 12 (suppl 3): S43-S48
  221. GMAJ P, Bianchi G, MURER H. Calcium transports in basolateral plasma membrane from kidney cortex of Milan hypertensive rats. Biochem Biophys Acta 1988; 941: 187-197
  222. Bianchi G, CUSI D, VEZZOLI G. Role of cellular sodium and calcium metabolism in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension. Seminars in Nephrology 1988; 8, n. 2 (June): 110-119
  223. Bianchi G, VEZZOLI G, CUSI D, COVA T, ELLI A, SOLDATI L, TRIPODI MG, SURIAN M, OTTAVIANO E, RIGATTI P, ORTOLANI S. Abnormal red-cell calcium pump in patients with idiopathic hypercalciuria. New Engl J Med 1988; 319: 897-901
  224. Niutta E, Cusi D, Colombo R, Tripodi G, Pellizzoni M, Pati P, Cesana B, Alberghini E, Barlassina C, Bianchi G. Antihypertensive effect of captopril, canreonate potassium, and atenolol; relations with red blood cell sodium transport and renin: Am J Hypertens 1988; 1: 364-371
  225. PONTREMOLI S, MELLONI E, SPARATORE B, SALAMINO F, PONTREMOLI R, TIZIANELLO R, BARLASSINA C, CUSI D, COLOMBO R, Bianchi G. Erythrocyte deficiency in calpain inhibitor activity in essential hypertension. Hypertension 1988; 12: 474-478
  226. CAMUSSI A, Bianchi G. Genetics of essential hypertension from the unimodal-bimodal controversy to molecular technology hypertension. Hypertension 1988; 12, 6, 620-628
  227. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, ALBERGHINI E, PATI P, NIUTTA E, COLOMBO R, ELLI A, Bianchi G. Gli ipertesi a cotrasporto alto sono un sottogruppo di pazienti con caratteristiche patogenetiche peculiari. In 'Nefrologia, Dialisi e Trapianto', 1988
  228. VEZZOLI G, CUSI D, COVA T, ALBERGHINI E, BARLASSINA C, PALAZZI P, QUARTO DI PALO F, VALLINO F, ELLI A, Bianchi G. Metabolismo ionico cellulare nella calcolosi renale. In 'Nefrologia, Dialisi, Trapianto', Atti del 29° Congresso della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, pubbl. Wichtig, 1988; pp. 309-310
  229. SALARDI S, MODICA R, FERRANDI M, FERRARI P, TORIELLI L, Bianchi G. Characterization of erythrocyte adducin from the Milan hypertensve strain of rats. Joutnal of Hypertension; 1988; 6 (suppl. 4): S196-S198.
  230. Bianchi G, BARBER RB, BARLASSINA C, CUSI D, FERRARI P, MALAVASI A, SALVATI P, SALARDI S. The genetics of essential hypertension. Concepts in Hypertension,, Ed. Mathias C.J. and Sever P., Steinkopf Verlag, Darmastadt, 1989
  231. SALVATI P, BONDIOLOTTI GP, CACCIA G, VAGHI F, Bianchi G. Mechanism of the antihypertensive effect of FCE 22716, a new ergoline derivative, in the spontaneously hypertensive rats. Pharmacology 1989; 38: 78-92
  232. Bianchi G, Niutta E, Ferrari P, Salvati P, Salardi S, Cusi D, Colombo R, Cesana B, Tripodi G, Pati P, Alberghini E. A possible primary role for the kidney in essential hypertension. Am J Hypertens 1989; 2(2 pt 2): 2S-6S
  233. NIUTTA E, CUSI D, FERRARI P, ALBERGHINI E, PATI P, COLOMBO R, BARLASSINA C, Bianchi G. Un possibile ruolo del rene nell’ipertensione essenziale. In ‘Cuore e Rene’, Abetre Edizioni, 1987. pp. 197-204     
  234. Salardi S, Saccardo B, Borsani G, Modica R, Ferrandi M, Tripodi MG, Soria M, Ferrari P, Baralle FE, Sidoli A, Bianchi G. Erythrocyte adducin differential properties in normotensive and hypertensive rats of the Milan strain (charecterization of spleen adducin m-RNA). Am J Hypertens 1989; 2, 229
  235. GLORIOSO N, TROFFA G, MANUNTA P, MADDEDU P, POZZOLA A, PALA F, MAMELI P, SALARDI S, Bianchi G. Activation of human porenin by lipidic constituents of the cell membrane. Am J Hypertens 1989; 2: 920-923
  236. SALARDI S, HOFSTEDE J, OP DEN CAMP JAF, Bianchi G. Protein and lipid composition of erythrocytes from the Milan hypertensive strain rat. J Vascular Medicine & Biology 1989; 1:4, 262-268
  237. Bianchi G, Ferrari P, Salardi S, Salvati P, Ferrandi M, Torielli L, Barber BR. Cell membrane abnormalities in genetic hypertension. In "Molecular basis of Membrane Associated Diseases", ed. Azzi, Drahota and Papa, pub. Springer-Verlag; Berlin, Heidelberg, 1989; pp. 124-129
  238. CUSI D, COLOMBO R, POZZOLI E, Bianchi G. Metabolismo cellulare del sodio e ipertensione arteriosa. Annali Italiani di Medicina Interna 1989; IV: 48-61
  239. CUSI D, ALBERGHINI E, PATI P, TRIPODI G, BARLASSINA C, COLOMBO R, COVA T, NIUTTA E, VEZZOLI G, Bianchi G. Pathogenetic mechanisms in essential hypertension. Analogies between a rat model and the human disease. Int J Cardiol 1989; 25:S29-S36
  240. VEZZOLI G, ELLI A, CUSI D, COVA T, PALAZZI P, BARLASSINA C, QUARTO DI PALO F, VALLINO F, Bianchi G. Metabolismo ionico cellulare nella calcolosi renale. Aula Medica 1989; 2: 1183-1184
  241. VEZZOLI G, COVA T, ELLI A, PALAZZI P, ALONGI GC, PARENTI M, RIVOLTA R, VALLINO F, Bianchi G. Pompa del calcio eritrocitaria e sviluppo della ipertensione arteriosa. Aula Medica 3-4, 1989; 1149-1150
  242. Bianchi G, FERRARI P, SALARDI S, SALVATI P, FERRADI M, TORIELLI L, BARBER BR. Cell Membrane Abnormalities in Genetic Hypertension 1989; 124-129
  243. Bianchi G, Ferrari P, Barber BR. Lessons from experimental genetic hypertension. In "Hypertension: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Management", ed. Laragh JH, and Brenner BM, pub. Raven Press Ltd., New York, 1990; Ch. 58
  244. Ferrandi M, Salardi S, Parenti P, Ferrari P, Bianchi G, Braw R, Karlish SJD. Na+/K+/Cl--cotransporter mediated Rb+ fluxes in membrane vesicles from kidneys of normotensive and hypertensive rats. Biochim Biophys Acta, Biomembranes 1990; 1021:13-20
  245. Salvati P, Ferrario RG, Bianchi G: Diuretic effect of bumetanide in isolated perfused kidneys of Milan hypertensive rats. Kidney Int 1990; 37:1084-1089
  246. Niutta E, Cusi D, Colombo R, Pellizzoni M, Cesana B, Barlassina C, Soldati L, Bianchi G. Predicting interindividual variations in anti-hypertensive therapy: the role of sodium transport systems and renin. J Hypertens 1990; 6 (suppl 4): S53-S58
  247. Salvati P, Corrado F, Ferrario RG, Lamberti E, Duzzi L, Bianchi G, Remuzzi G, Perico N, Benigni A, Braidotti P, Coggi G, Pugliese F, Patrono C. Role of enhanced glomerular synthesis of thromboxane A2 in progressive kidney disease. Kidney Int 1990; 38: 447-458
  248. Bianchi G, Ferrari P, Cusi D, Tripodi G, Barber BR. Genetic aspects of ion transport systems in hypertension. J Hypertens 1990; 8 (suppl.  7): S213-S217
  249. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, STELLA P, POZZOLI E, Bianchi G. Genetic polymorphism of Na-K cotransport in essential hypertension. J Hum Hypertens 1990; 4: 307-311
  250. Bianchi G, Cusi D, Ferrari P, Ferrandi M, Torielli L, Salardi S, Barlassina C, Tripodi G. Les causes rénales de l'ipertension artérielle essentielle. French Edition-Feb: Recherches actuelles sur l'angiotensine II (Symposium Paris 21-22 Sept 1990); JAMA 1991: suppl, 87-92
  251. CUSI D, ELLI A, Bianchi G. Il rene nella genesi dell'ipertensione, effetti della ipertensione sul rene e terapia antiipertensiva. In "Nefrologia", G. Bartoli Ed, nella Collana 'Medicina Interna', diretta da Carlo Zanussi, Utet Editore, Torino, II edizione, 1990; pp. 39-87
  252. CUSI D, Bianchi G. Genetic aspects of essential hypertension. In 'First Taormina Course on Nephrology', ed. Guido Berlinghieri, Messina, 1990
  253. Bianchi G, CUSI D. Abnormalities in ion transport systems in hereditary forms of hypertension. Eur J Pediatr Nephrol 1990
  254. CUSI D, MANUNTA P, MELIS MG, POZZOLI E, BARLASSINA C, STELLA P, GLORIOSO N, Bianchi G. Polimorfismo genetico del cotrasporto Na-K nell'ipertensione essenziale. In: 'Nefrologia, Dialisi e Trapianto', 1990
  255. STELLA P, BARLASSINA C, POZZOLI E, CUSI D, Bianchi G. Ipertensione arteriosa e trasporti eritrocitari: meccanismi patogenetici in un sottogruppo di pazienti. Argomenti in Cardiologia 1990; 1:131-135
  256. VEZZOLI G, PARENTI M, ELLI A, CORGHI E, COSTANTINO A, SARUGGIA M, VALLINO F, Bianchi G. Utilizzo di un nuovo test per lo studio dell'assorbimento intestinale del calcio nella IRC. Nefrologia Dialisi e Trapianto 1990; Atti del 31° Congresso della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, pubbl. Wichtig; pg. 1197
  257. Soldati L, Molinari I, Salardi S, Barber B, Ruggiero M, Serra F, Bianchi G. Calpastatin level in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Biochem Bioph Res Co 1991; 175(2): 468-91.
  258. Yang XP, Madeddu P, Micheletti R, English E, Rossi R, Giacalone G, Benatti P, Bianchi G. Effects of intravenous endothelin on hemodynamics and cardiac contractillity in conscious Milan normotensive rats. J Cardiovasc Pharm 1991; 17: 662-669.
  259. Stella P, Cusi D, Duzzi L, Bianchi G. Relations between hypertension and glomerulosclerosis in first-generation hybrid rats of the Milan strains. Child Nephrology and Urology 1991; 11: 6-9
  260. Bianchi G, Cusi D, Ferrari P, Tripodi MG, Barber BR. Ion transport abnormalities in the development of hypertension. In 'Nephrology' (Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Nephrology), M. Hatana Ed., Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 1991; pp. 303-311
  261. Tripodi G, Piscone A, Borsani G, Tisminietzky S, Salardi S, Sidoli A, James P, Pongor S, Bianchi G, Baralle FE. Molecular cloning of an adducin-like protein: evidence of a polymorphism in the normotensive and hypertensive rats of the Milan strain.  Biochem Bioph Res Co 1991; 177(3): 939-947
  262. Ferrari P, Torielli L, Cirillo M, Salardi S, and Bianchi G. Sodium transport kinetics in erythrocytes and inside-out vesicles from Milan rats. J Hypertens 1991; 9(8): 703-711
  263. Bianchi G, Cusi D. Anomalie del trasporto ionico e sviluppo dell'ipertensione. Ann Ital Med Int 1991; 6(suppl 1): 15-21
  264. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, NIUTTA E, ELLI A, QUARTO DI PALO F, Bianchi G. Mechanisms of cyclosporine-induced hypertension. Clin Invest Med 1991; 14 (6): 607-613
  265. CUSI D, STELLA P, ROBBA C, Bianchi G. Hypertension in animal models: key genetic factors at molecular and cellular levels. In 'Hypertension as an insulin-resistant disorder. Genetic factors and cellular mechanisms'; Smith U, Bruun NE, Hender T and Hokfelt B eds, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1991; 11-26
  266. CUSI D, FOSSALI E, PIAZZA A, TRIPODI G, BARLASSINA C, POZZOLI E, VEZZOLI G, STELLA P, SOLDATI L, Bianchi G. Heritability estimate of erythrocyte Na-K-Cl contrasport in normotensive and hypertensive families. Am J Hypertens 1991; 4: 725-734
  267. CUSI D, Bianchi G. The kidney in the pathogenesis of hypertension. Seminars in Nephrology 1991; 11: 523-537
  268. NIUTTA E, BARLASSINA C, COLOMBO R, DOSSI F, PELLIZZONI M, CUSI DM, CESANA B, Bianchi G. Renal lithium clearance in the different stages of hypertension. J Hypertens 1991; 9: 1135-1142
  269. Ganau A, Arru A, Saba PS, Piga G, Glorioso N, Tonolo G, Maddedu G, Bianchi G. Stroke volume and left anatomy in relation to plasma volume in essential hypertension. Proc. 5th Eur Meeting on Hypertension, 7-10 June; Milan Italy; J Hypertens 1991; 9(suppl 6): S150-151
  270. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, NIUTTA E, ELLI A, QUARTO DI PALO F, Bianchi G. Hypertensive role of cyclosporine in kidney transplant recipients. Clin Invest Med 1991; 14: 607-613
  271. VEZZOLI G, REINA MC, STELLA P, CASIRATI P, VALLINO F, Bianchi G. Studio dell'assorbimento intestinale del calcio nei pazienti con ipercalciuria idiopatica. Atti del 32° Congresso della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, pubbl. Monduzzi, 1991; pp. 765-767
  272. PARENTI P, VILLA M, GIRGIO M, HANOZET GM, FERRANDI M, FERRARI P, Bianchi G. Increase Na pump activity in the kidney cortex of the Milan hypertensive rat strani. FEBS 1991; 290(1-2): 200-204.
  273. Foulkes R, Ferrario G, Salvati P, Bianchi G. Differences in ouabain-induced natriuresis between isolated kidneys of Milan hypertensive and normotensive rats. Clin Sci 1992; 82: 185-190
  274. Parenti P, Ferrandi M, Hanozet GM, Bianchi G. Effect of Amiloride analogues on sodium transport in renal brush border membrane vesicles from Milan hypertensive rats. Biochem Bioph Res Co 1992; 183, 1: 55-61
  275. Bianchi G, FERRARI P. Renal factors involved in pathogenesis of genetic forms of hypertension. Genetic Hypertension 1992; 218: 447-458
  276. FERRARI P, CUSI D, TORIELLI L, Bianchi G. Transport processes in genetic hypertension. In 'Acid-Base Balance, Molecular, Cellular and Clinical Aspects', ed. Bios, 1992; 175-186
  277. GUIDI E, Bianchi G. Renal transplantation, blood pressure and hypertension. In "Renovascular and Renal Parenchymatous Hypertension", ed. Springer-Verlag, 1992; 481-496
  278. CUSI D, Bianchi G. Genetic and molecular aspects of primary hypertension. In: 'Clinical Hypertension (Handbook of Hypertension)', ed. J.I.S. Robertson, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, London, New York, 1992; 15: 63-94
  279. YANG XP, SAMAJA M, ENGLISH E, BENATTI P, TARANTOLA M, CARDACE G, MOTTERLINI R, MICHELETTI R, Bianchi G. Hemodynamic and metabolic activities of Propionyl-L-Carnitine with pressure-overload cardiac hypertrophy. J Cardiovasc Pharm 1992; 20: 88-98
  280. MOTTERLINI R, SAMAJA M, TARANTOLA M, MICHELETTI R, Bianchi G. Functional and metabolic effects of propionyl-L-carnitine in the isolated perfused hypertrophied rat heart. Mol Cell Biochem 1992; 116: 139-145
  281. FERRANDI M, MINOTTI E, SALARDI S, FLORIO M, Bianchi G, FERRARI P. The ouabain-like factor in the Milan hypertensive rats (MHS). Am J Physiol (Renal Fluid Electrol.) 1992; 263: F739-F748
  282. FERRARI P, TORIELLI L, SALARDI S, RIZZO A, Bianchi G. Na+/K+/Cl- cotransport in resealed ghosts from erythrocytes of the Milan hypertensive rats. Biochim Biophys Acta 1992; 1111: 111-119
  283. Bianchi G, TRIPODI G, FERRARI P, CASARI G, TORIELLI L, BARBER BR, CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, POLLI EE. A molecular approach to the pathogenesis of primary hypertension. In: Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, Rendiconti, 1992; 126: 83-95
  284. BARLASSINA C, CUSI D, BOLLINI P, ROBBA C, Bianchi G. Renal function in primary hypertension. Acta Diabetol 1992; 29: 173-177
  285. CUSI D, Bianchi G. Genetics of essential (primary) hypertension: the contribution of renin-studies in rat and man. In: 'The Renin-Angiotensin System', Robertson JIS, Nicholls MG (eds), Gower Medical Publishing, London, New York, 1992; 1: 61.1-61.10
  286. FERRARI P, TORIELLI L, BARBER BR, SOLDATI L, DUZZI L, Bianchi G. Characteristics of recombinant strains of Milan rats. J Hypertens 1992; 10 (suppl. 4): S14
  287. CUSI D, NIUTTA E, BARLASSINA C, BOLLINI P, STELLA P, CASIRATI P, PELLIZZONI M, ROBBA C, LEVATO G, SOLDATI L, Bianchi G. L'eritrocita come modello della cellula tubulare renale. XXXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, Roma, 1992. Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia 1992; 9 (s2): 33a
  288. Bianchi G, VEZZOLI G, PELLIZZONI M. Fattori di rischio nella patogenesi della litiasi renale. In: "Fattori di rischio prevenzione e terapia della nefrolitiasi", Ed. Vallino Bassinidialisi, Milan, 1992; 9-12
  289. VEZZOLI G, COVA T CASIRATI P, VALLINO F, Bianchi G. L'ipercalciuria idiopatica come disturbo famigliare. In: "Fattori di rischio prevenzione e terapia della nefrolitiasi", Vallino (ed), Bassinidialisi, Milan, 1992: 31-36
  290. VEZZOLI G, REINA MC, STELLATO T, CASIRATI P, Bianchi G. Misura dei flussi eritrocitari di calcio nell'ipercalciuria idiopatica. Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia 1992; 9 (s-2): 59
  291. VEZZOLI G, REINA MC, CASIRATI P, STELLATO T, BOLLINI P, Bianchi G. Influsso eritrocitario di Ca nell'ipercalciuria idiopatica. Ital J Mineral Elecrolyte Metab, suppl. per 14° Congresso della SIMM, 1992; pp. 86
  292. MICHELETTI R, DONATO DI PAOLA E, SCHIAVONE A, ENGLISH E, BENATTI P, CAPASSO JM, ANVERSA P, Bianchi G. Propionyl-L-Carnitine limits chronic ventricular dilations after myocardial infarction in rats. Am J Physiol 1993; 264 (33): H1111-H1117
  293. SECCHI A, LA ROCCA E, MARTINENGHI S, CALDARA R, BERNARDI M, SPOTTI D, MELANDRI M, FERRARI G, CASTOLDI R, STAUDACHER C, GALLIOLI G, GIUDICI D, TORRI G, Bianchi G, DI CARLO V, POZZA G. Life survival and transplanted kidney survival after pancreas transplantation in uremic diabetic patients. Transplant P 1993; 25, 1: 1342-1344
  294. CUSI D, Bianchi G. Ruolo del rene nel controllo della pressione arteriosa. In: 'Terapia Nefrologica', Schena F.P. ed. UTET, Torino, 1993; 56-63
  295. FERRANDI M, MINOTTI E, SALARDI S, FLORIO M, Bianchi G, FERRARI P. Characteristics of a ouabain-like factor from Milan hypertensive rats. J Cardiovasc Pharm 1993; 22 (suppl 2): S75-S78
  296. GLORIOSO N, MELIS MG, MANUNTA P, TROFFA C, TONOLO G, SORO A, MADEDDU P, PAZZOLA A, PALA F, CUSI D, Bianchi G. Different sensitivity to hydrochlorothiazide and to potassium-canreonate among essential hypertensive patients. Clin Exp Hyperenst 1993; 15 (suppl. 1): 187-196
  297. CUSI D, NIUTTA E, BARLASSINA C, BOLLINI P, CESANA B, STELLA P, ROBBA C, MERATI GP, Bianchi G. Erythrocyte Na+K+Cl- cotransport and kidney function in essential hypertension. J Hypertens 1993; 11: 805-813
  298. SALARDI S, FALCHETTO R, TROFFA C, PARENTI P, BARBER BR, PASTORE S, GLORIOSO N, Bianchi G. Relationships among alterations in renal membrane sodium transport, renin and aminopeptidase M activities in genetic hypertension. Biochim Biophys Acta 1993; 1182: 22-29
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  300. FERRARI P, FERRANDI M, MINOTTI E, DUZZI L, Bianchi G. Effect of canrenone and hydrochlorothiazide on the development of hypertension in rat models of genetic hypertension. J Hypertens 1993; 11 (suppl. 5): S330-S331
  301. CUSI D, MELZI ML, SERENI F, Bianchi G. Genetic models of arterial hypertension. Role of tubular ion transport. Pediatr Nephrol 1993; 7: 865-870
  302. CUSI D, TRIPODI G, CASARI G, ROBBA C, BOLLINI P, MERATI G, Bianchi G. Genetics of renal damage in primary hypertension. Am J Kidney Dis 1993; 21 (suppl. 2): 2-9
  303. VEZZOLI G, REINA MC, SOLDATI L, MORO GL, RUBINACCI A, RIGATTI P, Bianchi G. Erythrocyte Ca transport in idiophatic hypercalciuria: relation to Ca intestinal absorption and bone mineral density. Kidney Int 1993; 43: 763
  304. CUSI D, NIUTTA E, BARLASSINA C, BOLLINI P, STELLA P, CASIRATI P, PELLIZZONI M, ROBBA C, LEVATO G, SOLDATI L, Bianchi G. The erythrocyte as a model for kidney tubule cell. Kidney Intl 1993; 43: 757
  305. CUSI D, COLOMBO R, TALAMO AR, Bianchi G. Registrazione continua della pressione arteriosa in pazienti con ipertensione arteriosa dopo trattamento con nicardipina in due diverse formulazioni. Clin Ter Cardiovasc 1993; 12:33-36
  306. FERRARI P, Bianchi G. Genetic abnormalities of the Na-K-Cl cotransport in experimental and primary hypertension. In: "Ionic Transport in Hypertension: New perspectives", Coca A., Garay RP., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 1994; 2: 25-44
  307. MICHELETTI R, GIACALONE G, CANEPARI M, SALARDI S, Bianchi G, REGGIANI C. Propionyl-l-carnitine prevents myocardial mechanical alterations due to pressure overload in rats. Am J Physiol 1994; 266 (35): H2190-H2197
  308. Bianchi G, TRIPODI G, CASARI G, SALARDI S, BARBER BR, GARCIA R, LEONI P, TORIELLI L, CUSI D, FERRANDI M, PINNA LA, BARALLE FE, FERRARI P. Two point mutations within the adducin genes are involved in blood pressure variation. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1994; 91: 3999-4003
  309. Bianchi G, BARBER BR, TORIELLI L, FERRARI P. The Milan hypertensive strain of rats. In: "Textbook of Hypertension", ed. Swales JD, Blackwell Scientific Publications (Oxford, U.K.), 1994; 457-460
  310. BARBER BR, FERRARI P, Bianchi G. The Milan hypertensive strain: a description of the model. In: "Handbook of Hypertension", Ch. 14: Experimental and Genetic Models of Hypertension, eds. Ganten D. and de Jong W. eds., Birkenhäger W.H., Reid J.L., Elsevier Science Publishing (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 1994; 16: 316-345
  311. VEZZOLI G, REINA MC, CUSI D, CASIRATI P, SOLDATI L, AZZANI T, MUIRHEAD R, Bianchi G. Erythrocyte membrane calcium transport in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. Biochem Bioph Res Co 1994; 202, 3: 1505-1510
  312. NIUTTA E, DOSSI F, COLOMBO R, BREVI R, CESANA BM, DE AMBROGGI L, Bianchi G. Birth weight, blood pressure and family hystory of hypertension. High Blood Pressure 1994; 3: 163-168
  313. VEZZOLI G, REINA MC, SOLDATI L, MORO GL, RUBINACCI A, RIGATTI P, Bianchi G. Erythrocyte Ca transport in idiophatic hypercalciuria: relation to Ca intestinal absorption and bone mineral density. Ital J Miner Elect M 1994; 8:14
  314. CUSI D, LANZANI C, NEMBRI P, BIANCHI G. Rene e ipertensione: quale rapporto patogenetico? In ‘Rene e Ipertensione Arteriosa’, ed. A. Antonelli, Editoriale Bios, 1994: pp. 9-21
  315. CASARI G, BARLASSINA C, CUSI D, ZAGATO L, MUIRHEAD R, RIGHETTI M, NEMBRI P, AMAR K, GATTI M, MACCIARDI F, BINELLI G, BIANCHI G. Association of the alpha-adducin locus with essential hypertension. Hypertension 1995; 25: 320-326
  316. MULLER D, MOLINARI I, SOLDATI L, BIANCHI G. A genetic deficiency in calpastatin and isovalerylcarnitine treatment is associated with enhanced hippocampal long-term potentation. Synapse 1995; 19: 37-45
  317. FERRARI P, BIANCHI G. Lessons from experimental genetic hypertension. In: "Hypertension: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Management". 2nd edition (Laragh J.H., Brenner B.M. eds.) Raven Press, New York, 1995; ch. 74, 1261-1279
  318. SOLDATI LP, BARBER BR, SALARDI S, MOLINARI I, BIANCHI G. A new rat model for studying the calpain-calpastin system. Lab Anim 1995; 29: 420-426
  319. TRIPODI G, CASARI G, TISMINETZKY S, BIANCHI G, DEVESCOVI G, MURO A, TUTEJA R, BARALLE FE. Characterisation and chromosomal localisation of the rat alpha and beta-adducin-encoding genes. Gene 1995; 166: 307-311
  320. TISMINETZKY S, DEVESCOVI G, TRIPODI G, MURO A, BIANCHI G, COLOMBI M, MORO L, BARLATI S, TUTEJA R, BARALLE FE. Genomic organisation and chromosomal localisation of the gene encoding human beta adducin. Gene 1995; 167: 313-316
  321. MICHELETTI R, SCHIAVONE A, BIANCHI G. Effect of propionyl-L-carnitine on rats with experimentally induced cardiomyopathies. In: "The Carnitine Systems - A new therapeutical approach to cardiovascular diseases". (De Jong J.W., Ferrari R. eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 1995; Ch. 22: 307-322
  322. SOLDATI LP, FRANCESCHI M, ALBERONI M, BIANCHI G. Calpain-calpastatin system in aging and in Alzheimer's disease. J Cell Biochem 1995; suppl. 21B: 106 Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York
  323. SOLDATI L, VEZZOLI G, SALARDI S, BARBER B, AZZANI T, BIANCHI G. Effect of calcium-activated neutral proteinase (Calpain) on rat erythrocyte plasma membrane calcium pump. Bone 1995; 16:391
  324. SOLDATI L, ALBERONI M, BIANCHI G, FRANCESCHI M. Erythrocytic calpain-calpastatin system in Alzheimer's disease. J Neurol 1995; 242 (suppl. 2): S54
  325. TORIELLI L, CONTI F, CINATO E, CEPPI E, ANVERSA P, BIANCHI G, FERRARI P. Alterations in energy metabolism of hypertrophied rat cardiomyocytes: influence of Propionyl-L-Carnitine. J Cardiovasc Pharm 1995; 26: 372-380
  326. LI P, PARK C, MICHELETTI R, LI B, CHENG W, SONNENBLICK EH, ANVERSA P, BIANCHI G. Myocyte performance during evolution of myocardial infarction in rats: effects of propionyl-L-carnitine. Am J Physiol (Heart Circ. Physiol. 37) 1995; 268:H1702-H1713
  327. FERRARI P, BIANCHI G. Membrane ion transports in hypertension. In: "Handbook of hypertension: Pathophysiology of Hypertension", (eds. Zanchetti, Mancia) Birkenhäger W.H., Reid J.L., Elsevier Science B.V. ; 1995, vol. 17: 935-974
  328. VEZZOLI G, CORGHI E, EDEFONTI A, PALAZZI P, DELL'ANTONIO G, ELLI A, AZZANI T, VALLINO F, BIANCHI G. Non-acidotic kidney proximal tubulopathy with absorptive hypercalciuria. Am J Kidney Dis 1995; 25, 2: 222-227
  329. BIANCHI G, CUSI D. The alpha-adducin polymorphism: a paradigm to analyse the genetics of primary hypertension. Nephrol Dial Transpl 1995; vol. 10, no. 6: 763-766
  330. BIANCHI G. Razionale per una terapia metabolica nella disfunzione ventricolare sinistra. Cardiologia 1995; suppl. 1 al n. 12: 33-39
  331. BIANCHI G, SWALES JD. Do we need more anti-hypertensive drugs: lessons from the new biology. Lancet 1995; 345: 1555-1557
  332. VEZZOLI G, REINA MC, ZERBI S, SPAVENTA R, SOLDATI L, CUSI D, BIANCHI G. (Ca+Mg) ATPase and calcium influx in erythrocytes of patients with idiopathic hypercalciuria. Biochem Biophys Res Co 1995; 217 (3): 1099-1104
  333. BIANCHI G, TRIPODI MG, CASARI G, TORIELLI L, CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, STELLA P, ZAGATO L, BARBER BR. Alpha-adducin may control blood pressure both in rats and humans. Clin Exp Pharmacol P 1995; vol. 22 (suppl. 1): S7-S9
  334. RIGHETTI M, CUSI D, STELLA P, RIVERA R, BERNARDI L, DEL VECCHIO L, BIANCHI G. Na+, K+, Cl- cotransport is a marker of distal tubular function in essential hypertension. J Hypertens 1995; vol. 13 no. 12 (Part 2): 1775-1778
  335. BIANCHI G, FERRARI P. A genetic approach to the pathogenesis of primary hypertension and to its treatment. Clin Exp Pharmacol P 1995; suppl. 2: S399-S405
  336. VEZZOLI G, REINA MC, SOLDATI L, MORO GL, RUBINACCI A, RIGATTI P, BIANCHI G. Erythrocyte Ca transport in idiophatic hypercalciuria: relation to Ca intestinal absorption and bone mineral density. Kidney Int 1995; 47: 363-365
  337. BIANCHI G. Therapeutic approach. In: Cardionephrology (Editoriale Bios), estratto da Quinto Corso Europeo di Aggiornamento 'Il Cuore nelle Nefropatie e nella Dialisi', 1995: 341-344
  338. MICHELETTI R, DONATO DI PAOLA R, SCHIAVONE A, ROSSI R, BIANCHI G. Effect of propionyl-l-carnitine and enalapril on cardiac function of pressure-overloaded rats during increase in load. Eur J Pharmacol 1995; 286: 147-154
  339. FERRANDI M, MINOTTI E, FLORIO M, BIANCHI G, FERRARI P. Age-dependency and dietary influence on the hypothalamic ouabain-like factor in Milan hypertensive rats. J Hypertens 1995; 13: 1571-1574
  340. TRIPODI G, VALTORTA F, TORIELLI L, CHIEREGATTI E, SALARDI S, TRUSOLINO L, MENEGON A, FERRARI P, MARCHISIO PC, BIANCHI G. Hypertension-associated point mutations in the adducin alpha and beta subunits affect actin cytoskeleton and ion transport. J Clin Invest 1996; 97 (no. 12): 2815-2822
  341. ANVERSA P, DI SOMMA S, BIANCHI G, LI B, KAJSTURA J, CHENG W, SONNENBLICK EH, OLIVETTI G, LI P. Cellular mechanisms of cardiac failure in the infarcted heart. Cardiologia 1995; 40 (12): 909-920
  342. VEZZOLI G, BIANCHI G. The erythrocyte as a model in the study of nephrolithiasis. Ital J Miner Elect M 1996; 10: 49-55
  343. VEZZOLI G, REINA MC, CUSI D, SOLDATI L, ZERBI S, SPAVENTA R, BARAGETTI I, BIANCHI G. Different effects of PTH on erythrocyte calcium influx. Ital J Miner Elect M 1996; 10: 149-152
  344. SOLDATI L, ALBERONI M, BIANCHI G, CANAL N, FRANCESCHI M. Erythrocytic calpain-calpastatin system in Alzheimer's disease. Aging Clin Exp Res 1996; vol. 8 n. 2: 106-108
  345. CUSI D, BIANCHI G. Renal mechanisms of genetic hypertension: from the molecular level to the intact organism. Kidney Int 1996; vol. 49: 1754-1759
  346. SOLDATI L, VEZZOLI G, SALARDI S, SPAVENTA R, BARBER BR, AZZANI T, BIANCHI G. Association between plasma membrane (Ca+Mg) ATPase and calpain/calpastatin system in rat erythrocytes. Biochem Bioph Res Co 1996; 222/2: 572-575
  347. GUIDI E, MENGHETTI D, MILANI PHARM S, MONTAGNINO G, PALAZZI P, BIANCHI G. Hypertension may be transplanted with the kidney in humans. J Am Soc Nephrol 1996; 7: 1131-1138
  348. DE COBELLI F, MELLONE R, SALVIONI M, VANZULLI A, SIRONI S, MANUNTA P, LANZANI C, BIANCHI G, DEL MASCHIO A. Value of three-dimensional phase-contrast mr angiography with phased-array multicoil. Radiology 1996; 201: 697-703
  349. FERRANDI M, TRIPODI G, SALARDI S, FLORIO M, MODICA R, BARASSI P, PARENTI P, SHAINSKAYA A, STEVEN K, BIANCHI G, FERRARI P. Renal Na-K ATPase in genetic hypertension. Hypertension 1996; 28 (no. 6): 1018-1025
  350. BARLASSINA C, CITTERIO L, AZZANI T, BIANCHI G. Il rene vittima o causa di ipertensione: il contributo della genetica. Cardiologia 1996; 41:1-6.
  351. GRILLO P, DEL VECCHIO L, CERUTTI R, CUSI D, BIANCHI G. Glomerulopathies and genes. Messina-Taormina, October 4th-6th, 1996. Editoriale Bios 1996; pp. 113-124
  352. MANUNTA P, DEL VECCHIO , AMAR K, BIANCHI G. Genetic determinants and renal mechanisms in essential hypertension. J Hum Hypertens 1996; 10: 649-656
  353. RIVERA R, MANUNTA P, LANZANI C, STELLA P, RIGHETTI M, FERRANDI M, CUSI D, BIANCHI G. Variazioni della ouabaina endogena durante carico salino acuto. Atti del XIII Convegno Nefrologico e Dialitico. Bardonecchia 13-14 Aprile 1996, Wichtig Editore
  354. MICHELETTI R, GIACALONE G, BIANCHI G. Effect of propionyl-L-Carnitine on the mechanics of right and left papillary muscles from volume-overloaded rat hearts. J Cardiovasc Pharm 1996; 27:52-57
  355. MANUNTA P, CERUTTI R, BERNARDI L, STELLA P, BIANCHI G. Renal genetics mechanisms of essential hypertension. J Nephrol 1997; 10: 172-178
  356. BIANCHI G, ZAGATO L. Genetics of primary hypertension. International Yearbook of Nephrology 1997. Eds. V. Andreucci (Naples) & L.G. Fine (London), Oxford University Press, 1997; ch. 7: 68-80
  357. VEZZOLI G, BIANCHI G. The erythrocyte as a model in the study of nephrolithiasis. Ital J Miner Elect M 1996; 10: 49-55
  358. LANZANI C, RIGHETTI M, BIANCHI G. Implicazioni cliniche derivanti dai modelli di ipertensione arteriosa. Cardiologia 1997; 42 (3): 269-280
  359. VEZZOLI G, ZERBI S, BARAGETTI I, SOLDATI L, MORA S, DELL'ANTONIO G, BIANCHI G. Nonacidotic proximal tubulopathy transmitted as autosomal dominant trait. Am J Kidney Dis 1997; 29 (no. 4): 490-495
  360. CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, AZZANI T, CASARI G, CITTERIO L, DEVOTO M, GLORIOSO N, LANZANI C, MANUNTA P, RIGHETTI M, RIVERA R, STELLA P, TROFFA C, ZAGATO L, BIANCHI G. Polymorphisms of alpha-adducin and salt sensitivity in patients with essential hypertension. Lancet 1997; 349: 1353-1357
  361. BIANCHI G. Pathophysiology of hypertension. (Editorial Comment). Curr Opin Nephrol Hy 1997; 6: 167-168
  362. BIANCHI G, GLORIOSO N. Nefropatie vascolari. In: ‘Medicina Interna’, Gentilini P., eds. Società Editrice Universo, Roma, 1997; 30: 699-703
  363. QUADRI L, BIANCHI G, CERRI A, FEDRIZZI G, FERRARI P, GOBBINI M, MELLONI P, SPUTORE S, TORRI M. 17-b-(3-Furyl)-5b-androstane-3b, 14b, 17a-triol (PST 2238). A very potent antihypertensive agent with a novel mechanism of action. J Med Chem 1997; 40: 1561-1564
  364. SOLDATI L, SPAVENTA R, VEZZOLI G, ZERBI S, ADAMO D, CAUMO A, RIVERA R, BIANCHI G. Characterization of voltage-dependent calcium influx in human erythrocytes by fura-2. Biochem Bioph Res Co 1997; 236: 549-554
  365. MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G. Rassegna: Genetica dell’ipertensione arteriosa essenziale. Meccanismi genetici renali nell’ipertensione arteriosa essenziale. Ipertensione e Prevenzione Cardiovascolare 1997; 4 (no.3): 109-116
  366. LANZANI C, BIANCHI G. Rassegna: Genetica dell’ipertensione arteriosa essenziale. Contributo dei modelli sperimentali allo studio della genetica dell’ipertensione arteriosa. Ipertensione e Prevenzione Cardiovascolare 1997; 4 (no.3): 102-108
  367. DEL VECCHIO L, MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G. Rassegna: Genetica dell’ipertensione arteriosa essenziale. Ruolo dell’ipertensione arteriosa e dei fattori genetici nella progressione delle glomerulonefriti croniche primitive. Ipertensione e Prevenzione Cardiovascolare 1997; 4 (no.3): 117-123
  368. FERRANDI M, MANUNTA P, RIVERA R, BIANCHI G, FERRARI P. Rassegna: Genetica dell’ipertensione arteriosa essenziale. Ruolo del fattore ouabaino-simile e della pompa Na-K nell’ipertensione genetica del ratto e dell’uomo. Ipertensione e Prevenzione Cardiovascolare 1997; 4 (no.3): 124-133
  369. MUNDO E, SOLDATI L, BELLODI L, BIANCHI G. The calpain-calpastatin system in obsessive compulsive disorder. Biol Psychiat 1997; 42: 228-229
  370. FERRANDI M, MANUNTA P, BALZAN S, HAMLYN JM, BIANCHI G, FERRARI P. Ouabain-like factor quantification in mammalian tissues and plasma. Comparison of two independent assays. Hypertension 1997; 30 (no. 4): 886-896
  371. TRIPODI G, SZPIRER C, REINA C, SZPIRER J, BIANCHI G. Polymorphism of gamma-adducin gene in genetic hypertension and mapping of the gene to rat chromosome 1q55. Biochem Bioph Res Co 1997 237: 685-689
  372. STELLA P, SOLDATI L, CIURLINO D, VEZZOLI G, CUSI D, BIANCHI G. Erythrocyte calpain activity and left ventricular mass in essential hypertension. J Hypertens 1997; 15 (no.12/2): 1775-1778
  373. BARLASSINA C, CITTERIO L, BERNARDI L, BUZZI L, D’AMICO M, SCIARRONE T, BIANCHI G. Genetics of renal mechanisms of primary hypertension: the role of adducin. J Hypertens 1997; 15 (no.12/2): 1567-1571
  374. DE COBELLI F, VANZULLI A, SIRONI S, MELLONE R, ANGELI E, VENTURINI M, GARANCINI MP, QUARTAGNO R, BIANCHI G, DEL MASCHIO A. Renal artery stenosis: evaluation with breath-hold, three-dimensional, dynamic, gadolinium-enhanced versus three-dimensional, phase-contrast MR Angiography. Radiology 1997; 205: 689-695
  375. HEELEY RP, CASARI G, ZAGATO L, TORIELLI L, SUTCLIFFE RF, BIANCHI G, KENYON CJ. Glucocorticoid receptor mutations in genetically hypertensive rats: markers of glucocorticoid insensitivity? Biochemical Society Transaction; 1997; 25.
  376. KENYON CJ, PANARELLI M, ZAGATO L, TORIELLI L, HEELEY RP, HOLLOWAY CD, FRASER R, CASARI G, SUTCLIFFE RG, BIANCHI G. Glucocorticoid receptor polymorphism in genetic hypertension. J Mol Endocrinol 1998; 21: 41-50
  377. BARLASSINA C, MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G. The role of adducin in hypertension. Current Opinion in Endocrinology and Diabetes 1998;
  378. MANUNTA P, CUSI D, BARLASSINA C, RIGHETTI M, LANZANI C, D’AMICO M, BUZZI L, CITTERIO L, STELLA P, RIVERA R, BIANCHI G. Alpha-adducin polymorphisms and renal sodium handling in essential hypertensive patients. Kidney Int 1998; 53: 1471-1478
  379. CUSI D, BIANCHI G. A primer on the genetics of hypertension. Kidney Int 1998; 54: 328-342
  380. VEZZOLI G, BARAGETTI I, ZERBI S, CAUMO A, SOLDATI L, BELLINZONI P, CENTEMERO A, RUBINACCI A, MORO G, BIANCHI G. Strontium absorption and excretion in normocalciuric subjects: relation to calcium metabolism. Clin Chem 1998; 44/3: 586-590
  381. FERRARI P, TORIELLI L, FERRANDI M, PADOANI G, DUZZI M, FLORIO M, CONTI F, MELLONI P, VESCI L, CORSICO N, BIANCHI G. PST2238: a new antihypertensive compound that antagonizes the long-term pressor effect of ouabain. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1998; 285: 83-94
  382. BIANCHI G. Evidence-based medicine. (Editorial Comment). Curr Opin Nephrol Hy 1998; 7:185-187
  383. CUSI D, BIANCHI G. Ipertensione arteriosa. In ‘Terapia Medica Sistematica’. Eds. Rugarli C., Milano, Masson 1998; Ch. 11: 145-155
  384. SPOTTI D, BIANCHI G. Insufficienza renale. In ‘Terapia Medica Sistematica’. Eds. Rugarli C., Milano, Masson 1998; Ch. 39: 417-427
  385. SPOTTI D, BIANCHI G. Glomerulonefriti. In ‘Terapia Medica Sistematica’. Eds. Rugarli C., Milano, Masson 1998; Ch. 40: 431-441
  386. SPOTTI D, BIANCHI G. Nefriti tubulo-interstiziali. In ‘Terapia Medica Sistematica’. Eds. Rugarli C., Milano, Masson 1998; Ch. 41: 444-446
  387. VEZZOLI G, BIANCHI G. Malattie delle vie urinarie. In ‘Terapia Medica Sistematica’. Eds. Rugarli C., Milano, Masson 1998; Ch. 42: 447-452
  388. VEZZOLI G, DI LUCCA G, BIANCHI G. Tumori renali e delle vie urinarie. In ‘Terapia Medica Sistematica’. Eds. Rugarli C., Milano, Masson 1998; Ch. 43: 454-458
  389. MANUNTA P, BARLASSINA C, BIANCHI G. Adducin in essential hypertension. Febs Lett 1998; 430: 41-44
  390. LODWICK D, ZAGATO L, KAISER MA, TORIELLI L, CASARI G, BIANCHI G, SAMANI NJ. Genetic analysis of the SA and Na+/K-ATPase alpha1 genes in the Milan hypertensive rat. J Hypertens 1998; 16 (no. 2): 139-137
  391. FERRANDI M, MANUNTA P, RIVERA R, BIANCHI G, FERRARI P. Role of the ouabain-like factor and Na-K pump in rat and human genetic hypertension. Clin Exp Hypertens 1998; 20 (5&6): 629-639
  392. GUIDI M, COZZI MG, MINETTI E, BIANCHI G. Donor and recipient family histories of hypertension influence renal impairment and blood pressure during acute rejections. J Am Soc Nephrol 1998; 9: 2102-2107
  393. BIANCHI G, TORIELLI L. From renin to the genetic renal mechanism of primary hypertension. In: "Renin-Angiotensin". (H.R. Ulfendahl - Aurell, eds.) Portland Press L.t.d., London (U.K.), 1998; Ch. 20: 253-264
  394. BIANCHI G, CUSI D. Genetics of hypertension. In “Textbook of Nephrology” (4th Edition). Edited by S.G. Massry and R.J. Glassock, Williams and Wilkins Publications, Baltimore (USA), 2001; Ch.60:1136-1140
  395. MANUNTA P, BURNIER M, D’AMICO M, BUZZI L, MAILLARD M, BARLASSINA C, LANELLA G, CUSI D, BIANCHI G. Adducin polymorphism affects renal proximal tubule reabsorption in hypertension. Hypertension 1999; 33:694-697
  396. FERRARI P, FERRANDI M, TRIPODI G, TORIELLI L, PADOANI G, MINOTTI E, MELLONI P, BIANCHI G. PST 2238: A new antihypertensive compound that modulates Na-K ATPase in genetic hypertension. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1999: 288: 1074-1083
  397. FERRARI P, FERRANDI M, TORIELLI L, TRIPODI G, MELLONI P, BIANCHI G. PST 2238: a new antihypertensive compound that modulates Na-KATPase and antagonizes the pressor effect of OLF. Cardiovasc Drug Rev 1999: 17 (no. 1): 39-57
  398. MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G. Le basi molecolari dell’ipertensione. Cardiologia 1998; 43 (suppl. 2): 1025-1030
  399. BIANCHI G. Genetic renal mechanisms of hypertension: the role of adducin. Physiol Res 1998: 47 (no. 5): 37p
  400. VEZZOLI G, CAUMO A, BARAGETTI I, ZERBI S, BELLINZONI P, CENTEMERO A, RUBINACCI A, MORO GL, ADAMO D, BIANCHI G, SOLDATI L. Study of calcium metabolism in idiopathic hypercalciuria by strontium oral load test. Clin Chem 1999;45(2):257-261
  401. FERRANDI M, SALARDI S, TRIPODI G, BARASSI P, RIVERA R, manunta p, goldshlager r, ferrari p, BIANCHI G, karlish sjd. Evidence for an interaction between adducin and Na+-K+-ATPase: relation to genetic hypertension. Am J Physiol 277 (Heart and Circulatory Physiol 46 1999; H1338-H1349
  402. SOLDATI L, ADAMO D, ZERBI S, CAUMO A, SPAVENTA R, BIANCHI G, VEZZOLI G. Erythrocyte voltage-dependent calcium influx is reduced in hemodialysed patients. Kidney Int 1999;56:190-197
  403. BARLASSINA C, SCHORK NJ, MANUNTA P, CITTERIO L, SCIARRONE MT, LANELLA G, BIANCHI G, CUSI D. Synergetic effect of alpha-adducin and ACE genes in causing blood pressure changes with body sodium and volume expansion. Kidney Int 2000; 57/3: 1083-1090
  404. Barlassina C, Norton GR, Samani NJ, Woodwiss AJ, Candy G, Radevski I, Citterio L, BIANCHI G, Cusi D. Alpha-adducin polymorphism in hypertensives of South African ancestry. Am J Hypertens 2000; 13 (no.6): 719-723
  405. CITTERIO L, AZZANI T, DUCA S, BIANCHI G. Genomic organization of the human alpha-adducin gene. Biochem Bioph Res Co 1999; 266: 110-114
  406. MANUNTA P, STELLA P, RIVERA R, CIURLINO D, CUSI D, FERRANDI M, HAMLYN JM, BIANCHI G. Left ventricular mass, stroke volume, and ouabain-like factor in essential hypertension. Hypertension 1999; 34: 450-456
  407. GLORIOSO N, MANUNTA P, FILIGHEDDU F, TROFFA C, STELLA P, BARLASSINA C, LOMBARDI C, SORO A, DETTORI F, PINNA PARPAGLIA P, SCIARRONE ALIBRANDI MT, CUSI D, BIANCHI G. The role of alpha-adducin polymorphism in blood pressure and sodium handling regulation may not be excluded by a negative association study. Hypertension 1999; 34: 649-654
  408. STELLA P, MELANDRI M, CIURLINO D, SPOTTI D, SLAVIERO G, VEZZOLI G, BIANCHI G. Performance cardiaca e adeguatezza dialitica in emodialisi. 7th European Meeting on Cardionephrology. 7° Corso di Aggiornamento "Il cuore nelle nefropatie e nella dialisi". In "Cardionephrology 5". Eds. Timio M, Wizelmann V, Venanzi S, Editoriale Bios, 1999: 117-119
  409. STELLA P, MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G. Ouabain-like factors in cardiac dysfunctioln in uremic patients. 7th European Meeting on Cardionephrology. In "Cardionephrology 5" (2nd edition), Eds. Timio M, Wizelmann V, Venanzi S, Editoriale Bios, 1999: 55-58
  410. FERRARI P, BIANCHI G. Pharmacogenomics in arterial hypertension. Molecular Genetics of Hypertension - Bios Scientific Publishers Ltd. eds. A.F. Dominiczak, J.M.C. Connell and F. Soubrier, 1999: 231-243
  411. FERRARI P, BIANCHI G. Genetic mapping and tailored antihypertensive therapy. Cardiovasc Drug Ther 2000; 14: 387-395.
  412. FERRANDI M, BIANCHI G. Genetic mechanisms underlying the regulation of urinary sodium excretion and arterial blood pressure: the role of adducin. Acta Physiol Scand 2000; 168: 187-193
  413. FERRARI P, BIANCHI G. The genomics of cardiovascular disorders: therapeutic implications. Drugs 2000; 59 (5): 1025-1042
  414. AGARWAL AK, GIACCHETTI G, LAVERY G, NIKKILA H, PALERMO M, RICKETTS M, McTERNAN C, BIANCHI G, MANUNTA P, STRAZZULLO P, MANTERO F, WHITE PC, STEWART PM. CA-repeat polymorphism in Intron 1 of HSD11B2. Effects on gene expression and salt sensitivity. Hypertension 2000; 36: 187-194
  415. BIANCHI G, CUSI D. Association and linkage analysis of alpha adducin polymorphism. Is the glass half full or half emty? Am J Hypertens 2000; 13 (6): 739-743
  416. VEZZOLI G, ZERBI S, ADAMO D, BARAGETTI I, BIANCHI G, SOLDATI L. Factors determining bone loss and calcium excretion in idiopathic hypercalciuria. In "Kidney stones", L. Borghi, T, Meschi, A. Briganti, T. Schianchi, A. Novarini, Editoriale Bios, 1999; 477-479
  417. SOLDATI L, ADAMO D, SPAVENTA R, BIANCHI G, VEZZOLI G. Chloride fluxes activated by parathyroid hormone in human erythrocytes. Biochem Bioph Res Co 2000; 269: 470-473
  418. RIVERA R, SOLDATI L, MANUNTA P, ZERBI S, ADAMO D, BIANCHI G, VEZZOLI G. Role of plasma circulating Ouabain-like factor in idiopathic hypercalciuria. In "Kidney stones", L. Borghi, T, Meschi, A. Briganti, T. Schianchi, A. Novarini, Editoriale Bios, 1999; 481-483
  419. FERRARI P, FERRANDI M, TORIELLI L, TRIPODI G, BIANCHI G. PST 2238: A New Antihypertensive Compound that Modulates the Na-K Pump "in Vivo" and "in Vitro". Hypertension Research. 2000;23 suppl.:15-19.
  420. DE COBELLI F, VENTURINI M, VANZULLI A, SIRONI S, SALVIONI M, ANGELI E, SCIFO P, GARANCINI MP, QUARTAGNO R, BIANCHI G, DEL MASCHIO A. Renal arterial stenosis: prospective comparison of color doppler US and breath-hold, three dimensional dynamic, gadolinium-enhanced MR Angiography. Radiology 2000; 214: 373-380
  421. STELLA P, BIGNOTTI G, ZERBI S, CIURLINO D, LANDONI C, FAZIO F, BIANCHI G. Concurrent pheochromocytoma, diabetes insipidus and cerebral venous thrombosis - a possible unique pathophysiological mechanism. Nephrol Dial Transpl 2000; 15: 717-718
  422. ZAGATO L, MODICA R, FLORIO M, TORIELLI L, CASARI G, BIHOREAU MT, BIANCHI G, TRIPODI G. Genetic mapping of blood pressure quantitative trait loci in Milan hypertensive rats. Hypertension 2000; 36: 734-739
  423. BIANCHI G, MANUNTA P. Nefropatie vascolari. In "Teodori 2000 - Trattato Italiano di Medicina Interna", Gentilini P., eds. Società Editrice Universo, Roma, 2000; 44   in press
  424. BIANCHI G. Hypertension in chronic renal failure and end-stage renal disease patients treated with haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. Nephrol Dial Transpl 2000; 15 (suppl. 5): 105-110
  425. FERRARI P, FERRANDI M, TORIELLI L, TRIPODI G, BIANCHI G. PST 2238: a new antihypertensive compound that modulates the Na-K pump 'in vivo' and 'in vitro'. Hypertens Res 2000; 23 suppl. S15-S19
  426. LA ROCCA E, FIORINA P, ASTORRI E, ROSSETTI C, LUCIGNANI G, FAZIO F, GIUDICI D, CASTOLDI R, BIANCHI G, DI CARLO V, POZZA G, SECCHI A. Patient survival and cardiovascular events after kidney-pancreas transplantation: comparison with kidney transplantation alone in uremic IDDM patients. Cell Transplant 2000; 9: 929-932
  427. SOLDATI L, ADAMO D, P MANUNTA P, STELLA P, CIURLINO D, SPOTTI D, SLAVIERO G, MELANDRI M, CUSI D, BIANCHI G, VEZZOLI G. Erythrocyte calcium influx is related to severity of ventricular arrhythmias in uraemic patients. Nephrol Dial Transpl 2001; 16: 85-90
  428. MANUNTA P, MESSAGGIO E, BALLABENI C, SCIARRONE MT, LANZANI C, FERRANDI M, HAMLYN JM, CUSI D, GALLETTI F. on behalt of Salt Sensitivity Study Group of the Italian Society of Hypertension and BIANCHI G. Plasma ouabain-like factor during acute and chronic changes in sodium balance in essential hypertension. Hypertension 2001; 38: 198-203
  429. STAESSEN JA, WANG JG, BRAND E, BARLASSINA C, BIRKENHAGER WH, HERRMANN SM, FAGARD R, TIZZONI L, BIANCHI G. Effects of three candidate genes on prevalence and incidence of hypertension in a Caucasian population. J Hypertens 2001; 19: 1349-1358
  430. BIANCHI G. Genetica dell'insufficienza renale e delle sue complicanze. Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia 2001; S-17: 37-41
  431. BIANCHI G. Pharmacogenomics and genetics of primary hypertension. Current Hypertension Reports 2001; 3 (no. 6): 441-443
  432. LA ROCCA E, FIORINA P, DI CARLO V, ASTORRI E, ROSSETTI C, LUCIGNANI G, FAZIO F, GIUDICI D, CRISTALLO M, BIANCHI G, POZZA G, SECCHI A. Cardiovascular outcomes after kidney-pancreas and kidney-alone transplantation. Kidney Int 2001; 60 (5): 1964-1971
  433. WANG JG, STAESSEN JA, TIZZONI L, BRAND E, BIRKENHAGER WH, FAGARD R, HERRMANN SM, BIANCHI G. Renal function in relation to three candidate genes. Am J Kidney Dis 2001; 38 (no. 6): 1158-1168
  434. BALKESTEIN EJ; STAESSEN JA, WANG JG, VAN DER HEIJDEN-SPEK JJ, VAN BORTEL LM, BARLASSINA C, BIANCHI G, BRAND E, HERRMANN SM, STRUIJKER-BOUDIER HA. Carotid and femoral stiffness in relation to three candidate genes in a white population. Hypertension 2001; 38: 1190-1197
  435. GLORIOSO N, FILIGHEDDU F, CUSI D, TROFFA C, CONTI M, NATALIZIO M, ARGIOLAS G, BARLASSINA C, BIANCHI G. Alpha-adducin 460Trp allele is associated with erythrocyte Na transport rate in primary hypertension. Hypertension 2002; 39 (part II): 357-362
  436. BARLASSINA C., LANZANI C., MANUNTA P., BIANCHI G. Genetics of essential hypertension: from families to genes. J Am Soc Nephrol 2002; 13, 155-164
  437. VEZZOLI G, SOLDATI L, PROVERBIO MC, ADAMO D, RUBINACCI A, BIANCHI G, MORA S. Polymorphism of vitamin D receptor gene start codon in patients with calcium kidney stones. J Nephrol 2002; 15: 158-164
  438. SOLDATI L, LOMBARDI C, ADAMO D, TERRANEGRA A, BIANCHIN C, BIANCHI G, VEZZOLI G. Arachidonic acid increases intracellular calcium in erythrocytes Biochem Bioph Res Co 2002; 293: 974-978
  439. VEZZOLI G, TANINI A., FERRUCCI L., SOLDATI L, BIANCHIN C, FRANCESCHELLI F, MALENTACCHI C, PORFIRIO B, ADAMO D, TERRANEGRA A, FALCHETTI A, CUSI D, BIANCHI G, BRANDI ML. Influence of calcium sensing receptor ge ne on urinary calcium excretion in stone forming patients. J Am Soc Nephrol 2002; 13: 2517-2523
  440. SCIARRONE MT, LANZANI C, BARLASSINA MC, STELLA P, MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G, CUSI D. Ace and-adducin polymorphism as markers of individual response to diuretic therapy. Hypertension 2003; 41(3):398-403
  441. MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G. Are the new single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) relevant for the hypertensive populations? J Hypertens 2002; 20: 2335-2336
  442. BALKESTEIN E J, WANG J G, STRUIJKER-BOUDIER H AJ, BARLASSINA C, BIANCHI G, BIRKENHAEGER WH, BRAND E, DE HOND E, FAGARD R, HERMANN SM, VAN BORTEL L, J A STAESSEN. Carotid and femoral intima-media thickness in relation to three candidate genes in a Caucasian population J Hypertens 2002; 20: 1551-1561
  443. BIANCHI G, TRIPODI G. Genetic of hypertension. The Adducin paradigm. Proceeding of 10th International Conference on Na, K-ATPase and related cation pumps compounds that modulate the Na-K pump”; Elsinore (Denmark), 8-14/08/02. Ann New York Acad Sci 2003; 986: 660-668
  444. FERRARI P, FERRANDI M, TORRIELLI L, TRIPODI G, MINOTTI E, MOLINARI I, MELLONI P, BIANCHI G. Antihypertensive compounds that modulate the Na-K pump. Proceeding of 10th International Conference on Na, K-ATPase and related cation pumps compounds that modulate the Na-K pump ”, Elsinore (Denmark), 8-14/8/02. Ann New York Acad Sci 2003; 986: 694-701
  445. WANG JG, STAESSEN JA, BARLASSINA MC, FAGARD R, KUZNETSOVA T, STRUIJKER-BOUDIER HA., ZAGATO L, CITTERIO L, MESSAGGIO L, BIANCHI G. Association between hypertension and variation in the alpha andbeta-adducin genes in a white population Kidney Int 2002; 62, 2152-2159
  446. FERRANDI M., BARASSI P, MINOTTI E, DUZZI L., MOLINARI I, BIANCHI G, FERRARI P. PST 2238: a new antihypertensive compound that modulates renal Na-k pump function without diuretic activity in milan hypertensive rats. J Cardiovasc Pharm 2002; 40: 881-889
  447. MICHELETTI R, MATTERA GG, ROCCHETTI M, SCHIAVONE A, LOI MF, ZAZA A, GAGNOL RJ, DE MUNARI S, MELLONI P, CARMINATI P, BIANCHI G, FERRARI P. Pharmacological profile of the novel inotropi agent (E,Z)-3-((2-aminoethoxy)imino) androstane-6,17-dione hydrochloride (PST2744). J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2002; 303 (2): 592-600
  448. BIANCHI G, STAESSEN JA, FERRARI P. Pharmacogenomics of primary hypertension (the lessons from the past to look toward the future). Pharmacogenomics 2003; 4(3); 279-296
  449. STAESSEN JA, WANG J, BIANCHI G, BIRKENHÄGER WH. Essential hypertension (seminar). Lancet 2003; 361: 1629-1641
  450. MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G. Low salt diet and diuretic effect on blood pressure and organ damage. J Am Soc Nephrol 2004; 15:S43-S46
  451. MANUNTA P, FERRANDI M, BIANCHI G. Ouabain. In “Encyclopedia of Endocrinology and Endocrine Diseases”, eds. Elsevier Science, San Diego, USA, 2003; vol. 3: 447-450
  452. WANG JG, STAESSEN JA, MESSAGGIO E, NAWROT T, FAGARD R, HAMLYN JM, BIANCHI G, MANUNTA P. Salt, endogenous ouabain and blood pressure interactions in the general population. J Hypertens 2003; 21: 1475-1481
  453. WANG JG, BARLASSINA C, BIANCHI G, FAGARD R, ZAGATO L, STAESSEN JA. Haematological phenotypes in relation to the C1797T beta-adducin polymorphism in a Caucasian population. Clin Sci 2003; 104 (4): 369-376
  454. TRIPODI G, MODICA R, REINA C, BIANCHI G. Tissue specific modulation of beta-addcin transcripts in Milan hypertensive rats. Biochem Biophys Res Co 2003; 303 (1): 230-237
  455. TIKHONOFF V, KUZNETSOVA T, STOLARZ K, BIANCHI G, CASIGLIA E, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K, NIKITIN Y, TIZZONI L, WANG JG, STAESSEN JA on behalf of the European Project on Genes in Hypertension (EPOGH) Investigators. Beta-adducin polymorphisms, blood prressure, and sodium excretion in three European populations. Am J Hypertens 2003; 16: 840-846
  456. STAESSEN JA, BIANCHI G. Registration of trials and protocols. Commentary on Lancet 2003; 362: 1009-1010
  457. TIKHONOFF V, KUZNETSOVA T, STOLARZ K, BIANCHI G, CASIGLIA E, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K, NIKITIN Y, TIZZONI L, WANG JG, STAESSEN JA and on behalf  of the European Project on Genes in Hypertension (EPOGH) Investigators. Blood pressure phenotypes in relation to the beta-adducin C1797T polymorphism in the European Project on Genes in Hypertension. Blood Pressure Monitoring 2003; 8: 151-154
  458. STELLA P, BIGATTI G, TIZZONI L, BARLASSINA C, LANZANI C, BIANCHI G, CUSI D. Association between Aldosterone Synthase (CYP11B2) polymorphism and left ventricular mass in human essential hypertension. J Am Coll Cardiol 2004; 43 (no. 2): 265-270
  459. CITTERIO L, TIZZONI L, CATALANO M, ZERBINI G, BIANCHI G, BARLASSINA C. Expressin analysis of the human adducing gene family and evidence of ADD2 beta4 multiple splicing variants. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 2003; 309 (2): 359-367   
  460. BIANCHI G, TRIPODI MG. Genetics of hypertension: the adducin paradigm. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 2003; 986:660-668.
  461. BIANCHI G, BARLASSINA C. From familial to genetic hypertension. In Handbook of Hypertension “Hypertension in the Twentieth Century: Concepts and Achievements”, WH Birkenhaeger, JIS Robertson, A Banchetti, ed. Elsevier, anno 2004: ch. 11: 195-215
  462. WANG JG, LIU L, ZAGATO L, XIE J, FAGARD R, JIN K, WANG J, LI Y, BIANCHI G, STAESSEN JA, LIU L. Blood pressure in relation to three candidate genes in a Chinese population. J Hypertens 2004; 22: 937-944
  463. MATARRESE M, SALIMBENI A, TUROLLA EA, TUROZZI D, MORESCO RM, POMA D, MAGNI F, TODDE S, ROSSETTI C, SCIARRONE MT, BIANCHI G, KIENLE MG, FAZIO. C-Radiosynthesis and preliminare human evaluation of the disposition of the ACE inhibitor [11C]zofenoprilat. Biorgan Med Chem 2004; 12: 603-611
  464. KUZNETSOVA T, STAESSEN JA, STOLARZ K, RYABIKOV A, TIKHONOFF V, OLSZANECKA A, BIANCHI G, BRAND E, CASIGLIA E, DOMINICZAK A, FAGARD R, MALYUTINA S, NIKITIN Y, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K on behalf of the European Project On Genes in Hypertension (EPOGH) Investigators. Relationship between left ventricular mass and the ACE D/I polymorphism varies according to sodium intake. J Hypertens 2004; 22: 287-295
  465. FERRANDI M, MOLINARI I, BARASSI P, MINOTTI E, BIANCHI G, FERRARI P. Organ hypertrophic signaling within caveolae membrane subdomains triggered by Ouabain and antagonized by PST 2238. J Bio Chem 2004; 279 (32):33306-33314
  466. STOLARZ K, STAESSEN JA, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K, BRAND E, BIANCHI G, KUTZETSOVA T, TIKHONOFF V, THJIS L, REINEKE T, BABENAU S, CASIGLIA E, FAGARD R, FILIPOVSKI J, PELESKA J, NIKITIN Y, STRUIJKER-BOUDIER H, GRODZICKI T on behalf of the European Project On Genes in Hypertension (EPOGH). Genetic variation in CYP11B2 and AT1R influences heart rate variability conditional on sodium excretion. Hypertension 2004; 44:156-162
  467. BIANCHI G, TRIPODI G, MANUNTA P. Na, kidney, hypertension and genes: lessons from rats. (editorial). J Hypertens 2004; 22: 1461-1464
  468. TRIPODI G, MODICA R, STELLA A, BIGATTI G, BIANCHI G, STELLA P. Haplotype analysis of carnitine transporters and left ventricular mass in human essential hypertension. J Renal Nutr 2004; 15 (1): 2-7
  469. BIANCHI G. MANUNTA P. Adducin, renal intermediate phenotypes and hypertension (Editorial Comment). Hypertension 2004; 44:394-395
  470. BIANCHI G. Book Review: Secondary hypertension: clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. N Eng J Med 2004; 351: (8) 838-839
  471. WOJCIECHOWSKA W, STAESSEN JA, STOLARZ K, NAWROT T, FILIPOVSKI J, TICHA’ M, BIANCHI G, BRAND E, CWYNAR M, GRODZICKI T, KUZNETSOVA T, STRUIJKER-BOUDIER HA, SVOBODOVA V, THIJS L, VAN BORTEL LM, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K on behalf of the European Project on Genes in Hypertension (EPOGH) Investigators. Association of peripheral and central arterial wave reflections with the CYP11B2 –344C allele and sodium excretion. J Hypertens 2004; 22: 2311-2319
  472. WANG JG, LIU L, ZAGATO L, XIE J, FAGARD R, JIN K, WANG J, LI Y, BIANCHI G, STAESSEN JA, LIU L. Renal function in relation to three candidate genes in a Chinese population. J Mol Med 2004; 82 (10): 715-722
  473. TRIPODI G, FLORIO M, FERRANDI M, MODICA R, ZIMDAHL H, HUBNER N, FERRARI P, BIANCHI G. Effect of Add1 gene transfer on blood pressare in reciprocal conenic strains of Milan rats. Biochem Biophys Res Co 2004; 324: 562-568
  474. MENINI S, RICCI C, IACOBINI C, BIANCHI G, PUGLIESE G, PESCE C. Glomerular number and size in Milan hypertensive and normotensive rats: their relationship to susceptibility and resistance to hypertension and renal disease. J Hypertens 2004; 22: 2185-2192
  475. EFENDIEV R, KRMAR RT, OGIMOTO G, ZWILLER J, TRIPODI G, KATZ AI, BIANCHI G, PEDEMONTE CH, BERTORELLO AM. Hypertension-linked mutation in the adducin alpha-subunit leads to higher AP2-u2 phosphorylation and impaired Na+, k+-ATPase trafficking in response to GPCR signals and intracellular sodium. Circulation Res 2004; 95 (11): 1100-1108
  476. KUZNETSOVA T, STAESSEN JA, THIJS L, KUNATH C, OLSZANECKA A, RYABIKOV A, TIKHONOFF V, STOLARZ K, BIANCHI G, CASIGLIA E, FAGARD R, BRAND-HERRMANN SM, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K, MALYUTINA S, NIKITIN Y, BRAND E  for the European Project On Genes in Hypertension (EPOGH) Investigators. Left ventricular mass in relation to genetic variation in Angiotensin II receptors, renin system genes and sodium excretion. Circulation 2004; 110: 2644-2650
  477. LANZANI C, CITTERIO L, JANKARICOVA M, SCIARRONE MT, BARLASSINA C, FATTORI S, MESSAGGIO E, DI SERIO C, ZAGATO L, CUSI D, HAMLYN JM, STELLA A, BIANCHI G, MANUNTA P. Role of the adducin family genes in human essential hypertension. J Hypertens 2005; 23/3:543-549
  478. BIANCHI G. MANUNTA P. Futuro della terapia antiipertensiva per la prevenzione del rischio cardiovascolare. Annali della Sanità Pubblica 2005; 23:543-549
  479. BIANCHI G, FERRARI P, STAESSEN JA. Adducin polymorphism: detection and impact on hypertension and related disorders. (brief review). Hypertension 2005; 45:331-340
  480. KUZNETSOVA T, STAESSEN JA, REINEKE T, OLZANECKA A, RYABIKOV A, TIKHONOFF V, STOLARZ K, BIANCHI G, CASIGLIA E, FAGARD R, BRAND-HERRMANN SM, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K, NIKITIN Y, BRAND E on behalf of the European Project On Genes in Hypertension (EPOGH) Investigators. Context-dependency of the relation between left ventricular mass and AGT gene variants. J Hum Hypertens 2005; 19:155-163
  481. CWYNAR M, STAESSEN JA, TICHA’ M, NAWROT T, CITTERIO L, KUZNETSOVA T, WOJCIECHOWSKA W, STOLARZ K, FILIPOVSKY J, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K, GRODZICKI T, STRUIJKER-BOUDIER H, THIJS L, VAN BORTEL LM, BIANCHI G. Epistatic interaction between alpha and gamma adducin influeces peripheral and central pulse pressures in white Europeans. J Hypertens 2005; 23 (5): 961-969
  482. CAPASSO G, RIZZO M, EVANGELISTA C, FERRARI P, GEELEN G, LANG F, BIANCHI G. Altered expression of the renal apical plasma membrane Na+ transporters in the early phase of genetic hypertension. Am J Physiol – Renal 2005; 288(6): F1173-F1182
  483. MANUNTA P, IACOVIELLO M, FORLEO C, MESSAGGIO E, HAMLYN JM, LUCARELLI K, BIANCHI G, RIZZON P and PITZALIS MV. High circulating levels of endogenous ouabain in the offspring of hypertensive and normotensive individuals. J Hypertens 2005; 23:1677-1681
  484. PITZALIS MV, HAMLYN JM, MESSAGGIO E, IACOVIELLO M, FORLEO C, ROMITO R, DE TOMMASO E, RIZZON P, BIANCHI G, MANUNTA P. Independent and incremental prognostic value of endogenous ouabain in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Eur J Heart Fail 2006; 8: 179-186
  485. BIANCHI G. Genetic variations of tubular sodium reabsorption leading to “primary” hypertension. Am J Physiol 2005; 289 (6):R1536-1549
  486. FERRANDI M, MANUNTA P, FERRARI P, BIANCHI G. The endogenous ouabain: molecular basis of its role in hypertension and cardiovascular complications. Frontiers in Bioscience 2005; 10:2472-2477
  487. LI Y, THIJS L, KUZNETSOVA T, ZAGATO L, STRUIJKER-BOUDIER H, BIANCHI G, STAESSEN JA. Cardiovascular risk in relation to alpha-adducin Gly460Trp polymorphism and systolic pressure – a prospective population study. Hypertension 2005; 46:527-532
  488. MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G. Pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics of hypertension: update and perspectives. The adducin paradigm. J Am Soc Nephrol 2006; 17 suppl. 2:S30-S35
  489. FERRARI P, FERRANDI M, VALENTINI G, BIANCHI G. Rostafuroxin: a ouabain-antagonist that corrects renal and vascular Na-KATPase alterations in ouabain and adducin-dependent hypertension. Am J Physiol- Reg I 2006; 290(3): R529-535
  490. STAESSEN JA, BIANCHI G. Adducin and hypertension. (Editorial) Pharmacogenomics 2005; 6 (7):663-669
  491. FERRANDI M, BARASSI P, MOLINARI I, TORIELLI L, TRIPODI G, MINOTTI E, BIANCHI G, FERRARI P. Ouabain antagonista as antihypertensive agents. Curr Pharm Design 2005; 11:3301-3305
  492. KUZNETSOVA T, STAESSEN JA, BRAND E, CWYNAR M, STOLARZ K, THIJS L, TIKHONOFF V, WOJCIECHOWSKA W, BABENAU S, BRAND-HERRMANN SM, CASIGLIA E, FILIPOVSKY J, GRODZICKI T, NIKITIN Y, PELESKA J, STRUIJKER-BOUDIER H, BIANCHI G, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K and on behalf of the European Project on Genes in Hypertension Investigatore. Sodium excretion as a modulator of genetic associations with cardiovascular phenotypes in the European Project on Genes in Hypertension. J Hypertens 2006; 24:   235-242
  493. STAESSEN JA, KUZNETSOVA T, ACCETO R, BACCHIERI A, BRAND E, BURNIER M, CELIS H, CITTERIO L, de LEEUW PW, FILIPOVSKY J, FOURNIER A, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K, MANUNTA P, NIKITIN Y, O’BRIEN ET, REDON J, THIJS L, FERRARI P, VALENTINI G, BIANCHI G on behalf of the OASIS-HT Investigators. Ouabain and Adducin for Specific Intervention on Sodium in HyperTension (OASIS-HT): design of a pharmacogenomic dose-finding study. Pharmacogenomics 2005; 6 (7): 755-775
  494. ZHANG J, LEE MY, CAVALLI M, CHEN L, BERRA-ROMANI R, BALKE CW, BIANCHI G, FERRARI P, HAMLYN JM, IWAMOTO T, LINGREL JB, MATTESON DR, WIER WG, BLAUSTEIN MP. Sodium pump alpha2 subunits control myogenic tone and blood pressure in mice. J Physiol 2005; 569.1: 243-256
  495. SKOV K, MADSEN JK, HANSEN HE, ZAGATO L, FRANDSEN E, BIANCHI G, MULVANY MJ. Renal haemodynamics are not related to genotypes in offspring of parents with essential hypertension. JRAAS (Journal of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System) 2006; 7:47-55
  496. VEZZOLI G, ARCIDIACONO T, PALOSCHI V, TERRANEGRA A, BIASION R,WEBER G, MORA S, SYREN ML, COVIELLO D, CUSI D, BIANCHI G, SOLDATI L. Autosomal dominant hypocalcemia with mild type 5 Bartter syndrome. J Nephrol 2006; 19:525-528
  497. RUBATTU S, BIGATTI G, EVANGELISTA A, LANZANI C, STANZIONE R, ZAGATO L, MANUNTA P, MARCHITTI S, VENTURELLI V, BIANCHI G, VOLPE M, STELLA P. Association of atrial natriuretic peptide and type A natriuretic peptide receptor gene polymorphism with left ventricular mass in human essential hypertension. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006; 48 (3): 499-505
  498. KUTNETSOVA T, STAESSEN JA, BRAND E, CWYNAR M, STOLARZ K, LUTGARDE T, TIKHONOFF V, WOJCIECHOWSKA W, BABANU S, BRAND-HERRMANN SM, CASIGLIA E, FILIPOVSKY J, GRODZICKID T, NIKITIN Y, PELEKA J, STRUIJKER-BOUDIER H, BIANCHI G, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K. Context-dependency of relations between cardiovascular phenotypes and genes involved in sodium homeostasis: findings from the European Project on Genes in Hypertension. Current Hypertension Reviews 2006; 2 (4): 275-281
  499. FERRANDI M, MOLINARI I, BIANCHI G, FERRARI P. Ouabain-dependent signaling in caveolae as a novel therapeutic target for hypertension. Cell. Mol. Biology. 2006; 52(8): 15-18.
  500. FERRARI P, FERRANDI M, VALENTINI G, MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G. Targeting ouabain- and Adducin-dependent mechanisms of hypertension and cardiovascular remodeling as a novel pharmacological approach. Medical Hypothesis 2007; 68: 1307-1314
  501. TRIPODI G, CITTERIO L, BIANCHI G. Adducin genes as a paradigm for functional studies. In “Genetics of Hypertension”, WH Birkenhaeger, JL Reid, ed. Elsevier, 2007: ch. 9: 145-158
  502. COZZOLINO M, GALLIENI M, BRANCACCIO D, ARCIDIACONO T, BIANCHI G, VEZZOLI G. Vitamin D retains an important role in the pathogenesis and management of secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic v.  J. Nephrol 2006; 19 (5): 566-577                                   
  503. ZERBINI G, PIEMONTI L, MAESTRONI A, DELL’ANTONIO G, BIANCHI G. Stem cells and the kidney : a new therapeutic tool? J Am Soc Nephrol 2006; 17 (suppl. 2): S123-S126
  504. VEZZOLI G, TERRANEGRA A, ARCIDIACONO T, BIASION R, COVIELLO D, SYREN ML, PALOSCHI V, GIANNINI S, MIGNOGNA G, RUBINACCI A, FERRARETTO A, CUSI D, BIANCHI G, SOLDATI L. R990G polymorphism of calcium-sensing receptor does produce a gain-of-function and predispose to primary hypercalciuria. Kidney Int 2007; 71: 1155-1162
  505. LI Y, ZAGATO L, KUZNETSOVA T, TRIPODI G, ZERBINI G, RICHART T, THIJS L, MANUNTA P, WANG JG, BIANCHI G, STAESSEN JA. Angiotensin-converting enzyme I/D and alpha-adducin Gly460Trp polymorphisms. From Angiotensin-Converting enzyme activity to cardiovascular outcome. Hypertension 2007; 49: 1291-1297
  506. CAPPUZZELLO C, MELCHIONNA R, MANGONI A, TRIPODI G, FERRARI P, TORIELLI L, ARCELLI D, HELMER-CITTERICH M, BIANCHI G, CAPOGROSSI MC, NAPOLETANO M. Role of a rat alpha-adducin in angiogenesis: null effect of the F316Y polymorphism. Cardiovasc Res 2007; 75: 608-617
  507. BARLASSINA C, DAL FIUME C, LANZANI C, MANUNTA P, GUFFANTI G, RUELLO A, BIANCHI G, DEL VECCHIO L, MACCIARDI F, CUSI D. Common genetic variants and haplotypes in renal CLCNKA gene are associated to salt-sensitive hypertension. Hum Mol Genet 2007; 16 (13): 1630-1638
  508. RICHART T, THIJS L, KUZNETSOVA T, TIKHONOFF V, ZAGATO L, LIJNEN P, FAGARD R, WANG J, BIANCHI G, STAESSEN JA. Intra-erythrocyte cation concentrations in relation to the C1797T beta-adducin polymorphism in a general population. J Hum Hypertens 2007; 21: 387-392
  509. BIANCHI G, CUSI D, GLORIOSO N. Epidemiologia genetica/Rischio cardiovascolare e ipertensione. In “Ipertensione arteriosa. Il contributo della ricerca italiana – edizione 2007”, E. Agabiti Rosei, E. Ambrosioni, G. Mancia, AC. Pessina, B. Trimarco,  ed. Scientific Press - Firenze, 2007; cap. 1.3: 26-35
  510. MICHELETTI R, PALAZZO F, BARASSI P, GIACALONE G, FERRANDI M, SCHIAVONE A, MORO B, PARODI O, FERRARI P, BIANCHI G. Istaroxime, a stimulator of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium adenosine triphosphatase isoform 2° activity, as a novel therapeutic approach to heart failure. The American Journal of Cardiology. 2007; 99 (2) (suppl. 1): 24A-32A.
  511. STELLA P, MANUNTA P, MALLAMACI F, MELANDRI M, SPOTTI D, TRIPEPI G, HAMLYN JM, MALATINO LS, BIANCHI G, ZOCCALI C. Endogenous ouabain and cardiomyopathy in dialysis patients. J Int Medicine 2008; 263:274-280
  512. FERRARI P, MICHELETTI R, VALENTINI G, BIANCHI G. Targeting SERCA2a a san innovative approach to the therapy of congestive heart failure. Medical Hypothesis 2007; 68: 1120-1125
  513. MANUNTA P, MAILLARD M, TANTARDINI C, SIMONINI M, LANZANI C, CITTERIO L, STELLA P, CASAMASSIMA N, BURNIER M, HAMLYN JM, BIANCHI G. Relationships among endogenous ouabain, alpha-adducin polymorphisms and renal sodium handling in primariy hypertension. J Hypertens 2008; 26:914-920
  514. KUZNETSOVA T, CITTERIO L, HERBOTS L, DELLI CARPINI S, THIJS L, CASAMASSIMA N, RICHART T, FAGARD RH, BIANCHI G, STAESSEN JA. Effect of genetic variation in adducin on left ventricular diastolic function as assessed by tissue Doppler imaging in a Flemish population. J Hypertens 2008; 26:1229-1236
  515. MANUNTA P, LAVERY G, LANZANI C, BRAUND PS, SIMONINI M, BODYCODE C, ZAGATO L, DELLI CARPINI S, TANTARDINI C, BRIONI E, BIANCHI G, SAMANI NJ. Physiological interaction between ADD1 and WNK1-NEDD4L pathways on sodium related blood pressure regulation. Hypertension 2008; 52: 366-372
  516. SEIDLEROVA J, STAESSEN JA, BOCHUD M, NAWROT T, CASAMASSIMA N, CITTERIO L, KUZNETSOVA T, JIN Y, MANUNTA P, RICHART T, STRUIJKER-BOUDIER HA, FAGARD R, FILIPOVSKY J, BIANCHI G. Arterial properties in relation to genetic variations in the adducin subunits in a white population. Am J Hypertens 2009; 22(1): 21-26
  517. TEGGI R, LANZANI C, ZAGATO L, DELLI CARPINI S, MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G, BUSSI M. Gly460Trp alpha-adducin mutation as a possibile mechanism leaing to endolymphatic hydrops in Ménière Sindrome. Otol Neurotol 2008; 29: 824-828
  518. CAPASSO G, RIZZO M, GARAVAGLIA ML, TREPICCIONE F, ZACCHIA M, MUGIONE A, FERRARI P, PAULMICHL M, LANG F, LOFFING J, CARREL M, DAMIANO S, WAGNER CA, BIANCHI G, MEYER G. Upregulation of apical sodium-chloride cotransporter and basolateral chloride channels is responsible for the maintenance of salt-sensitive hypertension. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2008; 295 (2): F556-F567
  519. TORIELLI L, TIVODAR S, MONTELLA RC, IACONE R, PADOANI G, TARSINI P, RUSSO O, SARNATARO D, STRAZZULLO P, FERRARI P, BIANCHI G, ZURZOLO C. Alpha-adducin mutations increase Na/K pump activity in renal cells by affecting constitutive endocytosis: implications for tubular Na reabsorption. Am J Renal Physiol 2008; 295 (2): F478-F487
  520. MANUNTA P, FERRANDI M, BIANCHI G, HAMLYN JM. Endogenous ouabain in cardiovascular function and disease. J Hypertens 2009; 27(1): 9-18
  521. TRIPODI G, CITTERIO L, KOUZNETSOVA T, LANZANI C, FLORIO M, MODICA R, MESSAGGIO E, HAMLYN JM, ZAGATO L, BIANCHI G, STAESSEN JA, MANUNTA P. Steroid biosynthesis and renal excretion in human essential hypertension: association with blood pressure and endogenous ouabain. Am J Hypertens 2009; 22: 357-363
  522. MANUNTA P, SCIARRONE ALIBRANDI MT, BIANCHI G. Ipertensione arteriosa. In ‘Manuale di Medicina Interna’. Eds. Elsevier, Milano, 2009
  523. BIANCHI G, MANUNTA P, GLORIOSO N. Clinical impact of adducin polymorphism. J Hypertens 2009; 27:1325-1331 (correspondence)
  524. KUZNETSOVA T, MANUNTA P, YU J, THJIS L, RICHART T, FAGARD RJ, MESSAGGIO E, CASAMASSIMA N, BIANCHI G, STAESSEN JA. Left ventricular geometry and endogenous ouabain in a Flemish population. J Hypertens 2009; 27(9):1884-1891
  525. STENSTROM K, TAKEMORI H, BIANCHI G, KATZ AI, BERTORELLO A. Blocking the SIK1 network prevents the increases in cell sodium transport caused by a hypertension-linked mutation in human alpha-adducin. J Hypertens 2009; 27: 2452-2457
  526. FERRANDI M, CUSI D, MOLINARI I, DEL VECCHIO L, BARLASSINA C, RASTALDI MP, SCHENA FP, MACCIARDI F, MARCANTONI C, ROCCATELLO D, PETERS LL, ARMELLONI S, MIN L, GIARDINO L, MATTINZOLI D, CAMISASCA C, PALAZZO F, MANUNTA P, FERRARI P, BIANCHI G. Alpha and beta-adducin polymorphisms affect podocyte proteins and proteinuria in rodents and decline of renal function in human IgA nephropathy. J Mol Medicine 2010; 88 (2); 203-217 suppl
  527. CITTERIO L, LANZANI C, MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G. Genetics of primary hypertension: the clinical impact of adducin polymorphisms. Biochim Biophys Acta 2010; 1802: 1285-1298
  528. MANUNTA P, HAMLYN JM, SIMONINI M, MESSAGGIO E, LANZANI C, BRACALE M, ARGIOLAS G, CASAMASSIMA N, BRIONI E, GLORIOSO N, BIANCHI G. Endogenous ouabain and the renin angiotensin aldosterone system: distinct effects on Na handling and blood pressure in human hypertension. J Hypertens 2011; 29(2): 349-356
  529. FERRANDI M, MOLINARI I, TORIELLI L, PADOANI G, SALARDI S, RASTALDI MP, FERRARI P, BIANCHI G. Adducin and ouabain-related gene variants predict the antihypertensive activity of rostafuroxin. Part 1: Experimental Studies. Sci Transl Med 2010; 2: 59ra86 suppl
  530. LANZANI C, CITTERIO L, GLORIOSO N, MANUNTA P, TRIPODI G, SALVI E, DELLI CARPINI S, MESSAGGIO E, STAESSEN JA, CUSI D, MACCIARDI F, ARGIOLAS G, VALENTINI G, FERRARI P, BIANCHI G also on behalf of OASIS-HT Investigators. Adducin and ouabain-related gene variants predict the antihypertensive activity of rostafuroxin. Part 2: Clinical Studies. Sci Transl Med 2010; 59ra87 suppl
  531. Gruppo di Studio Multidisciplinare per la Calcolosi Renale, Croppi E, Cupisti A, Lombardi M, Marangella M, Sanseverino R, Carrano F, Croppi E, Cupisti A, D'Addessi A, Drudi FM, Gambaro G, Lombardi M, Micali S, Simeoni PG, Tasca A, Terribile M, Zattoni F, Baggio B, BIANCHI G, Caudarella R, Cicerello E, Cosciani-Cunico S, D'angelo AR, Marangella M, Mossetti G, Muto G, Novenne A, Prampolini M, Sanseverino R, Strazzullo P, Trinchieri A, Vezzoli G. Percorso diagnostico-terapeutico per il paziente con calcolosi urinaria. G Ital Nefrol 2010; 27: 282-289
  532. Gruppo di Studio Multidisciplinare per la Calcolosi Renale, Croppi E, Cupisti A, Lombardi M, Marangella M, Sanseverino R, Carrano F, Croppi E, Cupisti A, D'Addessi A, Drudi FM, Gambaro G, Lombardi M, Micali S, Simeoni PG, Tasca A, Terribile M, Zattoni F, Baggio B, BIANCHI G, Caudarella R, Cicerello E, Cosciani-Cunico S, D'angelo AR, Marangella M, Mossetti G, Muto G, Novenne A, Prampolini M, Sanseverino R, Strazzullo P, Trinchieri A, Vezzoli G. Percorso diagnostico-terapeutico per il paziente con calcolosi urinaria. Aggiornamento Medico 2010; 34, 7
  533. Gruppo di Studio Multidisciplinare per la Calcolosi Renale, Croppi E, Cupisti A, Lombardi M, Marangella M, Sanseverino R, Carrano F, Croppi E, Cupisti A, D'Addessi A, Drudi FM, Gambaro G, Lombardi M, Micali S, Simeoni PG, Tasca A, Terribile M, Zattoni F, Baggio B, BIANCHI G, Caudarella R, Cicerello E, Cosciani-Cunico S, D'angelo AR, Marangella M, Mossetti G, Muto G, Novenne A, Prampolini M, Sanseverino R, Strazzullo P, Trinchieri A, Vezzoli G. Percorso diagnostico-terapeutico per il paziente con calcolosi urinaria. Urologia 2010; 77(3): 198-206
  534. BIANCHI G, GATTI R, TORIELLI L, PADOANI G, GAZZOLA GC, BUSSOLATI O. The glutamate transporter excitatory amino acid carrier 1 associates with the actin-binding protein-adducin. Neuroscience 2010 Aug. 25; 169(2): 584-595.
  535. STAESSEN JS, THIJS L, STOLARZ-SKRZYPEK K, BACHIERI A, BARTON J, DEGLI ESPOSTI E, DE LEEUW PW, DLUZNIEWSKI M, GLORIOSO N, JANUSZEWICZ A, MANUNTA P, MILYAGIN V, NIKITIN Y, SOUCEK M, LANZANI C, CITTERIO L, TIMIO M. TYKARSKI A, FERRARI P, VALENTINI G, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K, BIANCHI G. Main results of the Ouabain and Adducin for specific intervention on sodium in hypertension trial (OASIS-HT): a randomized placebo-controlled pahse 2 dose-finding study of rostafuroxin. Trials 2011; 12: 13
  536. JIN Y, KUZNETSOVA T, THIJS L, RICHART T, STOLARZ-SKRZYPEK K, LIU Y, FAGARD R, MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G, STAESSAN JA. Association of echocardiographic left ventricular structure with the ACE D/I polymorphism: A meta-analysis. J Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System 2011; 12(3): 243-253
  537. CARMOSINO M, RIZZO F, FERRARI P, TORIELLI L, FERRANDI M, BIANCHI G, SVELTO M, VALENTI G. NKCC2 is activated in Milan hypertensive rats contributing to the maintenance of salt-sensitive hypertension. Pflugers Arch.; 2011 Aug; 462(2):281-91
  538. LI UYP, KUZNETSOVA T, THIJS L, JIN Y, SCHMITZ B, MARTIN-BRAND S, BRAND E, MANUNTA P, BIANCHI G, STRUIJKER-BOUDIER H, STAESSEN JA. Are retinalmicrovascular phenotypes associated with the 1675G/A polymorphism in the angiotensin II type-2 receptor gene? Am J Hypertens 2011; 24(12): 1300-1305
  539. PROCINO G, ROMANO F, TORIELLI L, FERRARI P, BIANCHI G, SVELTO M, VALENTI G. Altered expression of renal aquaporins and alpha-adducin polymorhisms may contributo to the establishment of salt-sensitive hypertension. Am J hypertens 2011; 24 (7): 822-828
  540. JIN Y, KUZNETSOVA T, CITTERIO L, THIJS L, MESSAGGIO E, CASAMASSIMA N, MANUNTA P, FAGARD R, BIANCHI G, STAESSEN JA. Left ventricular structure and function in relatin to steroid biosynthesis genes in a white population. Am J Hypertens 2012; Jun 7. doi: 10.1038/ajh.2012.69.  Epub ahead of print
  541. BIGNAMI E, CASAMASSIMA N, FRATI E, LANZANI C, CORNO L, ALFIERI O, GOTTLIEB S, SIMONINI M, KEYUR BS, MIZZI A, MESSAGGIO E, ZANGRILLO A, FERRANDI M, FERRARI P, BIANCHI G, HAMLYN JM, MANUNTA P. Preoperative endogenous ouabain predicts acute kidney injury in cardiac surgery patients. Crit Care Med 2013; Jan 10. [Epub ahead of print]
  542. Citterio L, Ferrandi M, Delli Carpini S, Simonini M, Kuznetsova T, Molinari I, Dell' Antonio G, Lanzani C, Merlino L, Brioni E, Staessen JA, Bianchi G, Manunta P. cGMP-dependent protein kinase 1 polymorphisms underlie renal sodium handling impairment. Hypertension. 2013 Dec;62(6):1027-33. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.113.01628. Epub 2013 Sep 23.
  543. Ferrandi M, Barassi P, Tadini-Buoninsegni F, Bartolommei G, Molinari I, Tripodi MG, Reina C, Moncelli MR, Bianchi G, Ferrari P. Istaroxime stimulates SERCA2a and accelerates calcium cycling in heart failure by relieving phospholamban inhibition. Br J Pharmacol. 2013 Aug;169(8):1849-61. doi: 10.1111/bph.12278
  544. Ferrandi M, Molinari I, Rastaldi MP, Ferrari P, Bianchi G, Manunta P. Rostafuroxin protects from podocyte injury and proteinuria induced by adducin genetic variants and ouabain. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2014 Nov;351(2):278-87. doi: 10.1124/jpet.114.217133. Epub 2014 Sep 3. PMID: 25187430
  545. Manunta P, Ferrandi M, Cusi D, Ferrari P, Staessen J, Bianchi G. Personalized Therapy of Hypertension: the Past and the Future. Curr Hypertens Rep. 2016 Mar;18(3):24. doi: 10.1007/s11906-016-0632-y.
  546. Carubelli V, Zhang Y, Metra M, Lombardi C, Felker GM, Filippatos G, O'Connor CM, Teerlink JR, Simmons P, Segal R, Malfatto G, La Rovere MT, Li D, Han X, Yuan Z, Yao Y, Li B, Lau LF, Bianchi G, Zhang J; Istaroxime ADHF Trial Group. Treatment with 24 hour istaroxime infusion in patients hospitalised for acute heart failure: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Eur J Heart Fail. 2020 Sep;22(9):1684-1693. doi: 10.1002/ejhf.1743. Epub 2020 Jan 23
  547. Citterio L, Bianchi G, Scioli GA, Glorioso N, Bigazzi R, Cusi D, Staessen JA, Cavuto S, Ferrandi M, Lanzani C, Li X, Lau LF, Chiang CE, Wang TD, Wang KL, Ferrari P, Manunta P. Antihypertensive treatment guided by genetics: PEARL-HT, the randomized proof-of-concept trial comparing rostafuroxin with losartan. Pharmacogenomics J. 2021 Jun;21(3):346-358. doi: 10.1038/s41397-021-00214-y. Epub 2021 Mar
  548. Torre E, Arici M, Lodrini AM, Ferrandi M, Barassi P, Hsu SC, Chang GJ, Boz E, Sala E, Vagni S, Altomare C, Mostacciuolo G, Bussadori C, Ferrari P, Bianchi G, Rocchetti M. SERCA2a stimulation by istaroxime improves intracellular Ca2+ handling and diastolic dysfunction in a model of diabetic cardiomyopathy. Cardiovasc Res. 2022 Mar 16;118(4):1020-1032. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvab123.
  549. Luraghi A, Ferrandi M, Barassi P, Arici M, Hsu SC, Torre E, Ronchi C, Romerio A, Chang GJ, Ferrari P, BIANCHI G, Zaza A, Rocchetti M, Peri F. Highly Selective SERCA2a Activators: Preclinical Development of a Congeneric Group of First-in-Class Drug Leads against Heart Failure. J Med Chem. 2022 May 26;65(10):7324-7333. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.2c00347
  550. Arici M, Ferrandi M, Barassi P, Hsu SC, Torre E, Luraghi A, Ronchi C, Chang GJ, Peri F, Ferrari P, BIANCHI G, Rocchetti M, Zaza A. Istaroxime Metabolite PST3093 Selectively Stimulates SERCA2a and Reverses Disease-Induced Changes in Cardiac Function. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2023; 384 (1) 231-244; doi:
  551. Arici M, Hsu SC, Ferrandi M, Barassi P, Ronchi C, Torre E, Luraghi A, Chang GJ, Ferrari P, BIANCHI G, Peri F, Zaza A, Rocchetti M. Selective SERCA2a activator as a candidate for chronic heart failure therapy. J Transl Med. 2024 Jan 19;22(1):77. doi: 10.1186/s12967-024-04874-9. PMID: 38243248

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