Ghia Paolo Prospero Professore OrdinarioMedicinaSSD MED/06 – Oncologia medica; SC 06/D3 – Malattie del sangue, oncologia e reumatologia; MSC 06/D – Clinica medica specialistica




Professore Ordinario, Medicina Interna, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele di Milano

Coordinatore Scientifico, Unità linfomi, Dipartimento di Onco-Ematologia, Ospedale San Raffaele

Responsabile, Unità di Ricerca Neoplasie Linfoide B, Divisione di Oncologia Molecolare, Istituto Scientifico San Raffaele

1984 – 1990: Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Università di Torino. Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (110/110 lode, dignità di stampa e menzione onorevole)
1990 Abilitazione all’esercizio della professione medica
1991 – 1994 Dottorato di Ricerca in “Oncologia Umana”- Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche ed Oncologia Umana – Università di Torino.
1998 – 2003 Specializzazione in Medicina Interna (70/70 e lode)
Polo Universitario “San Luigi Gonzaga” di Orbassano, Torino.

1993 – 1995: Scientific Member
Basel Institute for Immunology, Basilea, Svizzera
1996 – 1998 Research Associate
Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Department of Adult Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute e Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA
1998 – 2004 Ricercatore Universitario in Medicina Interna
Dipartimento di Scienze Oncologiche, Università di Torino; Laboratorio di Immunologia Oncologica, Istituto per la Ricerca e la Cura del Cancro, Candiolo (TO)
2006-2004 Responsabile
Laboratorio di Immunologia Oncologica, IRCCS Candiolo (TO)
2005 – 2010 Ricercatore Universitario in Medicina Interna; Dipartimento di Oncologia, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano; Unità di Malattie linfoproliferative, DIBIT, Milano
2010 – oggi Professore Associato in Medicina Interna, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano; Unità di Neoplasie Linfoidi B, Divisione di Oncologia Molecolare e Unità Linfomi, Dipartimento di Oncologia, Istituto Scientifico San Raffele, Milano.
1997 – oggi American Society of Hematology (ASH), membro
1997 – oggi American Association of Immunologists (AAI), membro
2002 – oggi European Hematology Association (EHA), membro
2002 – oggi Società Italiana di Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia (SIICA), membro
2006 – oggi Henry Kunkel Society, membro
2006 – oggi co-chairman del Comitato per la Ricerca di Base e Traslazionale nell’ambito della European Research Initiative on CLL (ERIC)
2007 – oggi Società Italiana di Ematologia Sperimentale, membro
2007 – 2011 Membro del Comitato per il Programma Scientifico – Advisory Board (SPC-AB) -della European Hematology Association (EHA)

2007 – 2013 Membro, comitato organizzatore, Educational Workshop on IG gene analysis in CLL (Uppsala 2007, Paris 2008, Thessaloniki 2009, stresa 2011, Brno 2013)

2008 – 2013 membro del Comitato tecnico-sceintifico della Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC)
2009 – oggi Membro del Comitato Esecutivo dell’European Research Initiative on CLL (ERIC)

2012 – 2013: Membro, Comitato di Programma, iwCLL (International Workshop on CLL), Cologne

2013: Membro, WHO Classification of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tumors Clinical Advisory Committee
2005 – oggi Membro del Comitato Editoriale della rivista Leukemia
2008 – oggi Membro del Comitato Editoriale della rivista Haematologica/The Hematology Journal
2009 – 2013 Section Editor (CLL and B cell disorders) della rivista Leukemia

2010-2013 Deputy Editor (CLL and Lymphoma) della rivista Blood Cancer Journal
Revisore per Acta Hematolologica, Blood, Hematologica/The Hematology Journal, Hematological Oncology, Journal of Leukocyte biology, Leukemia & Lymphoma, Leukemia Research
Revisore di Abstracts per i Congressi Annuali della European Hematology Association (EHA), American Society of Hematology (ASH), International Workshop on CLL (iwCLL), European Congress of Immunology (ECI)




  1. Furman RR, Sharman JP, Coutre SE, Cheson BD, Pagel JM, Hillmen P, Barrientos JC, Zelenetz AD, Kipps TJ, Flinn I, Ghia P, Eradat H, Ervin T, Lamanna N, Coiffier B, Pettitt AR, Ma S, Stilgenbauer S, Cramer P, Aiello M, Johnson DM, Miller LL, Li D, Jahn TM, Dansey RD, Hallek M, O’Brien SM. Idelalisib and Rituximab in Relapsed Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.

N Engl J Med. 2014 Jan 22. [Epub ahead of print]                                                         I.F. 51.658


  1. Rosenquist R, Davi F, Ghia P. The microenvironment in lymphomas – Dissecting the complex crosstalk between tumor cells and ‘by-stander’ cells.

Semin Cancer Biol. 2013 Dec 21. [Epub ahead of print]                                        I.F. 7.436


  1. Shim YK, Rachel JM, Ghia P, Boren J, Abbasi F, Dagklis A, Venable G, Kang J, Degheidy H, Plapp FV, Vogt RF, Menitove JE, Marti GE. Monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis in healthy blood donors: an unexpectedly common finding.

Blood. 2013 Dec 17. [Epub ahead of print]                                                                  I.F. 9.060


  1. Vardi A, Agathangelidis A, Sutton LA, Chatzouli M, Scarfo L, Mansouri L, Douka V, Anagnostopoulos A, Darzentas N, Rosenquist R, Ghia P, Belessi C, Stamatopoulos K. IgG-switched CLL has a distinct immunogenetic signature from the common MD variant: ontogenetic implications.

Clin Cancer Res. 2014;20:323-330  doi: 10.1158/1078-0432                                  I.F. 7.837


  1. Scarfò L, Ghia P. Reprogramming cell death: bcl2 family inhibition in hematological malignancies. Immunol Lett. 2013 Oct 1. I.F. 2.337


  1. Karube K, Scarfò L, Campo E, Ghia P. Monoclonal B cell lymphocytosis and “in situ” lymphoma.

Semin Cancer Biol. 2013 Aug 30. [Epub ahead of print]                                        I.F. 7.436


  1. Sutton LA, Agathangelidis A, Belessi C, Darzentas N, Davi F, Ghia P, Rosenquist R, Stamatopoulos K. Antigen selection in B-cell lymphomas-Tracing the evidence.

Semin Cancer Biol. 2013;23:399-409                                                                I.F. 7.436


  1. Martins LR, Lúcio P, Melão A, Antunes I, Cardoso BA, Stansfield R, Bertilaccio MT, Ghia P, Drygin D, Silva MG, Barata JT. Activity of the clinical-stage CK2-specific inhibitor CX-4945 against chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Leukemia. 2014;28:179-182                                                                           I.F. 10.164


  1. Acquati F, Lualdi M, Bertilaccio S, Monti L, Turconi G, Fabbri M, Grimaldi A, Anselmo A, Inforzato A, Collotta A, Cimetti L, Riva C, Gribaldo L, Ghia P, Taramelli R. Loss of function of Ribonuclease T2, an ancient and phylogenetically conserved RNase, plays a crucial role in ovarian tumorigenesis.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 May 14;110(20):8140-5                              I.F. 9.737


  1. Papakonstantinou N, Ntoufa S, Chartomatsidou E, Papadopoulos G, Hatzigeorgiou A, Anagnostopoulos A, Chlichlia K, Ghia P, Muzio M, Belessi C, Stamatopoulos K. Differential microRNA profiles and their functional implications in different immunogenetic subsets of chronic lymphocytic leucemia

Mol Med. 2013;19:115-23                                                                     I.F. 4.469


  1. Vardi A, Dagklis A, Scarfò L, Jelinek D, Newton D, Bennett F, Almeida J, Rodriguez-Caballero A, Allgood S, Lanasa M, Cortelezzi A, Orlandi E, Veronese S, Montillo M, Rawstron A, Shanafelt T, Orfao A, Stamatopoulos K, Ghia P. Immunogenetics shows that not all MBL are equal: the larger the clone the more similar to CLL.

Blood. 2013;121:4521-4528                                                                            I.F. 9.060


  1. Scarfò L, Fazi C, Ghia P. MBL Versus CLL: How Important Is the Distinction?

Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2013;27:251-265                                        I.F. 2.084


  1. Strefford JC, Sutton LA, Baliakas P, Agathangelidis A, Malcíková J, Plevova K, Scarfó L, Davis Z, Stalika E, Cortese D, Cahill N, Pedersen LB, di Celle PF, Tzenou T, Geisler C, Panagiotidis P, Langerak AW, Chiorazzi N, Pospisilova S, Oscier D, Davi F, Belessi C, Mansouri L, Ghia P*, Stamatopoulos K, Rosenquist R. Distinct patterns of novel gene mutations in poor-prognostic stereotyped subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: the case of SF3B1 and subset #2. *joint senior author

Leukemia. 2013 Nov;27(11):2196-9                                                                 I.F. 10.164


  1. Apollonio B, Scielzo C, Bertilaccio MT, Ten Hacken E, Scarfò L, Ranghetti P, Stevenson F, Packham G, Ghia P*, Muzio M, Caligaris-Cappio F. Targeting B cell anergy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. *Corresponding author

Blood. 2013 May 9;121(19):3879-88                                                                 I.F. 9.060


  1. Ten Hacken E, Scielzo C, Bertilaccio MT, Scarfò L, Apollonio B, Barbaglio F, Stamatopoulos K, Ponzoni M, Ghia P*, Caligaris-Cappio F. Targeting the LYN/HS1 signaling axis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. *Corresponding author

Blood. 2013 Mar 21;121(12):2264-73.                                                              I.F. 9.060


  1. Ghia P. A look into the future: can minimal residual disease guide therapy and predict prognosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia?

Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2012;2012:97-104


  1. Fonte E, Apollonio B, Scarfò L, Ranghetti P, Fazi C, Ghia P, Caligaris-Cappio F, Muzio M. In Vitro Sensitivity of CLL Cells to Fludarabine May Be Modulated by the Stimulation of Toll-like Receptors.

Clin Cancer Res. 2013;19:367-379                                                          I.F. 7.837


  1. Ponzoni M, Kanellis G, Pouliou E, Baliakas P, Scarfò L, Ferreri AJ, Doglioni C, Bikos V, Dagklis A, Anagnostopoulos A, Ghia P, Stamatopoulos K, Papadaki T. Bone Marrow Histopathology in the Diagnostic Evaluation of Splenic Marginal-zone and Splenic Diffuse Red Pulp Small B-cell Lymphoma: A Reliable Substitute for Spleen Histopathology?

Am J Surg Pathol. 2012;36:1609-18                                                                 I.F. 4.868


  1. Rawstron AC, Böttcher S, Letestu R, Villamor N, Fazi C, Kartsios H, de Tute RM, Shingles J, Ritgen M, Moreno C, Lin K, Pettitt AR, Kneba M, Montserrat E, Cymbalista F, Hallek M, Hillmen P, Ghia P. Improving efficiency and sensitivity: European Research Initiative in CLL (ERIC) update on the international harmonised approach for flow cytometric residual disease monitoring in CLL.

Leukemia. 2013; 27:142-149                                                                          I.F. 10.164


  1. Bertilaccio MT, Scielzo C, Simonetti G, Hacken ET, Apollonio B, Ghia P*, Caligaris-Cappio F. Xenograft models of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: problems, pitfalls and future directions. *Corresponding author

Leukemia. 2013;27:534-540                                                                           I.F.10.164


  1. Bikos V, Stalika E, Baliakas P, Darzentas N, Davis Z, Traverse-Glehen A, Dagklis A, Kanellis G, Anagnostopoulos A, Tsaftaris A, Ponzoni M, Berger F, Felman P, Ghia P, Papadaki T, Oscier D, Belessi C, Stamatopoulos K. Selection of antigen receptors in splenic marginal-zone lymphoma: further support from the analysis of the immunoglobulin light-chain gene repertoire.

Leukemia. 2012; 26:2567-2569                                                                       I.F. 10.164


  1. Franiak-Pietryga I, Maciejewski H, Wolowiec D, Salagacka A, Blonski JZ, Janus A, Kotkowska A, Wawrzyniak E, Ghia P, Mirowski M, Robak T, Korycka-Wolowiec A. Changes in the apoptotic gene expression profile in CLL patients treated with rituximab combined with cladribine and cyclophosphamide-preliminary results.

Leuk Res. 2012;36:1134-1140                                                                         I.F. 2.764


  1. Santoni de Sio FR, Massacand J, Barde I, Offner S, Corsinotti A, Kapopoulou A, Bojkowska K, Dagklis A, Fernandez M, Ghia P, Thomas JH, Pinschewer D, Harris N, Trono D. KAP1 regulates gene networks controlling mouse B-lymphoid cell differentiation and function.

Blood. 2012;119:4675-4685                                                                   I.F. 9.060


  1. Ntoufa S, Vardi A, Papakonstantinou N, Anagnostopoulos A, Aleporou-Marinou V, Belessi C, Ghia P, Caligaris-Cappio F, Muzio M, Stamatopoulos K. Distinct Innate Immunity Pathways to Activation and Tolerance in Subgroups of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia with Distinct Immunoglobulin Receptors.

Mol Med. 2012;18:1281-1291                                                                          I.F. 4.469


  1. Shinawi T, Hill V, Dagklis A, Baliakas P, Stamatopoulos K, Agathanggelou A, Stankovic T, Maher ER, Ghia P, Latif F. KIBRA gene methylation is associated with unfavorable biological prognostic parameters in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Epigenetics. 2012;7:211-215                                                                           I.F. 4.920


  1. Ghia P*, Caligaris-Cappio F. Monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis (MBL): right track or red herring? *corresponding author

Blood. 2012;119:4358-4362                                                                   I.F. 9.060


  1. Agathangelidis A, Darzentas N, Hadzidimitriou A, Brochet X, Murray F, Yan XJ, Davis Z, van Gastel-Mol EJ, Tresoldi C, Chu CC, Cahill N, Giudicelli V, Tichy B, Pedersen LB, Foroni L, Bonello L, Janus A, Smedby K, Anagnostopoulos A, Merle-Beral H, Laoutaris N, Juliusson G, di Celle PF, Pospisilova S, Jurlander J, Geisler C, Tsaftaris A, Lefranc MP, Langerak AW, Oscier DG, Chiorazzi N, Belessi C, Davi F, Rosenquist R, Ghia P*, Stamatopoulos K. Stereotyped B-cell receptors in one third of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: towards a molecular classification with implications for targeted therapeutic interventions. *corresponding author

Blood. 2012;119:4467-4475                                                                   I.F. 9.060


  1. Pospisilova S, Gonzalez D, Malcikova J, Trbusek M, Rossi D, Kater AP, Cymbalista F, Eichhorst B, Hallek M, Döhner H, Hillmen P, van Oers M, Gribben J, Ghia P, Montserrat E, Stilgenbauer S, Zenz T. ERIC recommendations on TP53 mutation analysis in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.

Leukemia. 2012;26:1458-1461                                                                        I.F. 10.164


  1. Scarfò L, Zibellini S, Tedeschi A, Maura F, Neri A, Bertazzoni P, Sarina B, Nalli G, Motta M, Rossini F, Cortelezzi A, Montillo M, Orlandi E, Ghia P. Impact of B-cell count and imaging screening in cMBL: any need to revise the current guidelines?

Leukemia. 2012;26:1703-1707                                                                        I.F. 10.164


  1. Dolcetti R, Serraino D, Dognini G, Govi S, Crocchiolo R, Ghia P, Pasini E, Ponzoni M, Talamini R, De Paoli P, Doglioni C, Ferreri AJ. Exposure to animals and increased risk of marginal zone B-cell lymphomas of the ocular adnexae.

Br J Cancer. 2012;106:966-969                                                                       I.F. 5.082


  1. Bikos V, Darzentas N, Hadzidimitriou A, Davis Z, Hockley S, Traverse-Glehen A, Algara P, Santoro A, Gonzalez D, Mollejo M, Dagklis A, Gangemi F, Bosler DS, Bourikas G, Anagnostopoulos A, Tsaftaris A, Iannitto E, Ponzoni M, Felman P, Berger F, Belessi C, Ghia P, Papadaki T, Dogan A, Degano M, Matutes E, Piris MA, Oscier D, Stamatopoulos K. Over 30% of patients with splenic marginal zone lymphoma express the same immunoglobulin heavy variable gene: ontogenetic implications.

Leukemia. 2012;26:1638-1646                                                                        I.F. 10,164


  1. Kostareli E, Gounari M, Janus A, Murray F, Brochet X, Giudicelli V, Pospisilova S, Oscier D, Foroni L, di Celle PF, Tichy B, Pedersen LB, Jurlander J, Ponzoni M, Kouvatsi A, Anagnostopoulos A, Thompson K, Darzentas N, Lefranc MP, Belessi C, Rosenquist R, Davi F, Ghia P*, Stamatopoulos K. Antigen receptor stereotypy across B-cell lymphoproliferations: the case of IGHV4-59/IGKV3-20 receptors with rheumatoid factor activity. * corresponding author and joint senior author

Leukemia. 2012;26:1127-1131                                                                       I.F. 10.164


  1. Dagklis A, Ponzoni M, Govi S, Cangi MG, Pasini E, Charlotte F, Vino A, Doglioni C, Davì F, Lossos IS, Ntountas I, Papadaki T, Dolcetti R, Ferreri AJ, Stamatopoulos K, Ghia P. Immunoglobulin gene repertoire in ocular adnexal lymphomas: hints on the nature of the antigenic stimulation.

Leukemia. 2012;26:814-821                                                                           I.F. 10.164


  1. Fazi C, Scarfò L, Pecciarini L, Cottini F, Dagklis A, Janus A, Talarico A, Scielzo C, Sala C, Toniolo D, Caligaris-Cappio F, Ghia P. General population low-count CLL-like MBL persist over time without clinical progression, though carrying the same cytogenetic abnormalities of CLL.

Blood. 2011;118:6618-6625                                                                   I.F. 9.060


  1. Ghia P. Another piece of the puzzle: is there a “nodal” monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis?

Haematologica. 2011;96:1089-1091.

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