Iannacone Matteo Professore AssociatoMedicinaMed 04




Breve narrativa

Dopo la laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano, la specializzazione in Medicina Interna e un dottorato di ricerca in Immunologia presso l'Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele di Milano, il Prof. Iannacone ha svolto il suo post-dottorato negli Stati Uniti presso lo Scripps Research Institute di La Jolla e la Harvard Medical School di Boston. Attualmente è Direttore della Divisione di Immunologia, Trapianti e Malattie Infettive, Professore di Patologia e Responsabile del laboratorio di Dinamiche delle Risposte Immunitarie presso l'Istituto Scientifico San Raffaele e l'Università Vita-Salute a Milano. Combinando tecniche di imaging in vivo all’avanguardia e modelli animali avanzati, Matteo ha dato contributi fondamentali alla comprensione della risposta immunitaria e della immunopatologia indotta da virus. Il suo lavoro è stato pubblicato sulle riviste scientifiche più importanti (tra cui Nature, Cell, Science, Immunity, Nature Medicine, Nature Immunology) e detiene 14 brevetti internazionali. È vincitore di numerosi premi internazionali, tra cui l’Armenise-Harvard Foundation Career Development Award, un ERC Starting Grant, il Young Investigator Award dalla European Association for the Study of the Liver, l'EMBO Young Investigator Award, un ERC Consolidator Grant, il Premio Chiara D’Onofrio, due ERC Proof of Concept Grants e un ERC Advanced Grant. È un membro eletto della Henry Kunkel Society e di EMBO, fa parte del comitato editoriale di Science Immunology, Journal of Experimental Medicine, EMBO Journal, European Journal of Immunology, hLife, Virology, Review Commons e Faculty Opinion. Ha pubblicato più di 120 articoli che hanno ricevuto più di 13.000 citazioni con un H-index di 54.

Identificatori univoci del ricercatore

Researcher ID: I-8507-2018

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9370-2671

Scopus Author ID: 6507012016

‪Matteo Iannacone - ‪Google Scholar


2011   Dottorato di ricerca in Immunologia, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano (IT)

2007   European Board Certification in Medicina Interna

2001   Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Milano (IT)

Cariche attuali e precedenti

2023 – presente   Direttore, Divisione di Immunologia, Trapianti, e Malattie Infettive, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano (IT)

2020 – presente   Professore di Patologia, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano (IT)

2010 – presente   Group Leader, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano (IT)

2007 – 2010   Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (Advisor: Uli von Andrian)

2002 – 2006   Postdoctoral Fellow, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA (Referenti: Luca Guidotti e Frank Chisari)

Attività professionali

Attività di revisione per articoli scientifici: Nature, Science, Cell, Immunity, Nature Immunology, Nature Medicine, Nature Biotechnology, Science Immunology, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Science Translational Medicine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Cell Host & Microbe, Trends in Immunology, Cell Reports, Nature Communications, eLife, PLoS Pathogens, Hepatology, Journal of Hepatology, Gut, Gastroenterology, Journal of Immunology, Journal of Virology, European Journal of Immunology, Heliyon, Mucosal Immunology

Attività di revisione per grants: European Research Council (ERC), UK Medical Research Council (MRC), Wellcome Trust, European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), Marie Curie Individual Fellowships, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), French National Research Agency (ANR), La Caixa Foundation, Israel Science Foundation, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW),Swiss National Science Foundation, Swiss Cancer League, Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Einstein Foundation Berlin, Helmholtz Association, Singapore Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR), Singapore National Medical Research Council, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation.

Board editoriali: Science Immunology (2019 – present), Journal of Experimental Medicine (2023 – present), EMBO Journal (2022 – present; founding member of the Catalysts program), European Journal of Immunology (Executive Committee 2022 – present; Editor-in-chief, 2025 – present), hLife (2023 – present), Genes & Immunity (2023 – present), Virology (2023 – present), Review Commons (2021 – present), Faculty Opinion (2021 – present), Current Opinion in Virology (section editor of Viral Immunity in 2015 and 2022).

Organizzazione di congressi: 1st International Workshop “Imaging the Immune System”, Milan, Italy (2014); International Workshop “Viral Immunity”, Milan (2016); 2nd International Workshop “Imaging the Immune System”, Rehovot, Israel (2016); 1st EMBO Sectoral Meeting on Immunology, Bergamo, Italy (2017); MACS day “T cells”, Milan, Italy (2017); 3rd International Workshop “Imaging the Immune System”, Paris, France (2018); 2nd EMBO Sectoral Meeting on Immunology, Lisbon, Portugal (2018); 1st EMBO Workshop “Pathogen Immunity and Signaling”, Oxford, UK (2019); 3rd EMBO Sectoral Meeting on Immunology, Cambridge, UK (2019); Global Immunotalks (Virtual Conference Series; 2021 – present); 4th International Workshop “Imaging the Immune System” (2021, virtual); 2nd EMBO Workshop “Pathogen Immunity and Signaling”, Saint-Malo, France (2022); 20th EMBO Workshop “Germinal Centers and Immune Niches”, Rehovot, Israel (2022); EMBO Annual Young Investigator Meeting, Milan, Italy (2023); 5th EMBO Workshop “Imaging the Immune System”, Lugano, Switzerland (2023); 20th International Microscopy Congress (Live Imaging of Cells, Tissues and Organisms sessions), Busan, Korea (2023); Gordon Research Conference, Immunochemistry and Immunobiology (2024, Co-Vice Chair); 3rd EMBO Workshop “Pathogen Immunity and Signaling”, San Servolo, Venice, Italy (2024); International HBV Meeting, Chicago, USA (2024); European Congress of Virology, Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croatia (2025, Scientific Committee Member); Cell Bio 2025 (Annual Meeting of the American Society of Cell Biology), Philadelphia, PA (2025, Program Committee Member); Gordon Research Conference, Immunochemistry and Immunobiology (2026, Co-Chair); Cell Bio 2026 (Annual Meeting of the American Society of Cell Biology), TBD (2026, Program Committee Member).

Scientific Advisory Boards: Department of Immunology, Institut Pasteur (2019); GentiBio (2023 – present)

Commissions of trust: European Research Council (ERC) Panel Member for the LS6 Starting Grants (2021 – present), ATIP-AVENIR Program (LS6 Panel Member 2018 – present; LS6 Panel Chair 2022- present), Swiss National Science Foundation Panel Member (Division Biology and Medicine, 2023 - present), Chair of the Expert Committee at HCERES for the evaluation of INSERM and CNRS units (2022 – present), MED3 Panel Member for the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO), COVID-19 Animal Models WHO Working Group (2021 – present), Singapore National Medical Research Council (Panel Member 2018 – 2020), Italian Association of Immunologists (SIICA) Executive Committee (2020 – 2021 and 2024 – 2027); Reviewer for the Liver Immunology abstracts at EASL Congress (2023 – 2025), EMBO Installation Grants Committee (2023 – 2027).

Incarichi istituzionali

2023 – presente   Director, Division of Immunology, Transplantation and Infectious Diseases, San Raffaele Scientific Institute

2023 – presente   Steering Committee, Liver Center, San Raffaele Scientific Institute

2020 – 2022   Committee for Appointment and Promotion, San Raffaele Scientific Institute

2014 – 2020   Immunology Seminar Series Organizing Committee, San Raffaele Scientific Institute

2017 – 2019   Scientific Board, PhD program in Molecular Medicine, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University

2015 – 2020   External Seminar Committee, San Raffaele Scientific Institute

Premi e riconoscimenti

2024   ERC Advanced Grant

2024   “Alessandro Moretta - Ambasciatori della Ricerca” Prize from Il Cenacolo delle Scienze e della Cultura

2023   ERC Proof of Concept Grant

2021   Elected EMBO Member

2020   Elected Member of the Henry Kunkel Society

2020   ERC panel member for Starting Grants LS6 “Immunity, Infection and Immunotherapy”

2020   ERC Proof of Concept Grant

2017   Chiara D’Onofrio Award

2016   ERC Consolidator Grant

2016   EMBO Young Investigator Award

2015   European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Emerging Leader Award

2011   ERC Starting Grant

2010   Armenise-Harvard Foundation Career Development Award

2008   Armenise-Harvard Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship

Selected invited lectures (ultimi 5 anni)

2025, Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI), Amsterdam

2025, Falk Symposium: Experimental Hepatology Days, Lyon, France (keynote)

2025, University College London, UK (hosts: Mala Maini and Claudia Mauri)

2025, Institut Curie, Paris, France (hosts: Ana-Maria Lennon-Dumenil, Sebastian Amigorena and Nicolas Manel)

2024, Program in Immunology, UC San Diego, CA (host: Elina Zuniga)

2024, NOMIS Center for Immunobiology and Microbial Pathogenesis, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA (host: Susan Kaech)

2024, Babraham Institute’s Distinguished Lecture Series, Cambridge, UK

2024, Champalimaud Research Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal

2024, Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, Marseille, France (host: Marc Bajenoff)

2024, GSK Global (host: Ennio De Gregorio)

2024, ImmuneOctoberFest, Bridging innovation and translation in T cell immunotherapy, Munich, Germany

2024, Division of Medicine and of Gastroenterology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania (host: Rebecca G. Wells)

2024, 19th Armenise-Harvard Symposium, “Visualizing biology: from the nano to the macro scale”, Boston, MA

2024, The Ragon Institute of Harvard and MIT, USA (host: Facundo Batista)

2024, Summer School, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany

2024, European Association for the Study of the Liver, ILC2024, Milan, Italy

2024, Stiftung Experimentelle Biomedizin (SEB), Zurich, Switzerland

2024, Bellinzona Institutes of Science (BIOS+), Switzerland

2024, Retreat of the University of Geneva (Pathology and Immunology Department), Annecy, France (keynote)

2024, 6th International Conference of Translational Immunology, Monopoli, Italy

2024, PhD Retreat of the Italian Association of Immunologists (SIICA), Otranto, Italy

2024, ENII Summer School of Advanced Immunology, Alghero, Italy

2024, Center for Applied Medical Research, Pamplona, Spain

2024, Keystone Symposium on Myeloid Targeting Strategies, Killarney, Ireland

2024, Annual Retreat of the San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Baveno, Italy

2024, University of Rijeka, Croatia (host: Stipan Joniic)

2024, EMBO PhD Course, Heidelberg, Germany

2024, Beyond Science Initiative, 9th Annual International Conference (keynote)

2024, Istituto Nazionale di Genetica Molecolare (INGM), Milan (host: Sergio Abrignani)

2024, SIICA Advanced School of Immunology

2024, 4th Midwinter Conference, Seefeld, Austria

2023, 18th International Congress of Immunology, Cape Town, South Africa

2023, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden (host: Carmen Gerlach)

2023, 10th European Seminars in Virology (EUSEV), Bertinoro, Italy (keynote)

2023, 8th PhD Conference in Immunology, Czechia (keynote speaker)

2023, International HBV Meeting, Kobe, Japan

2023, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea (host: In-Beom Kim)

2023, IMMOX23 – Immunology across time and space, Oxford, UK

2023, EMBO Workshop “Imaging the Immune System”, Lugano, Switzerland

2023, European Association for the study of the Liver (EASL) Congress 2023, Vienna, Austria

2023, Keystone Symposium on B cell biology in the context of infectious diseases, autoimmunity and B cell cancers, Keystone, CO (declined for conflicting schedule)

2023, Division of Medicine and of Gastroenterology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania (host: Rebecca G. Wells)

2023, 8th European Congress of Virology, Gdańsk, Poland

2023, AASLD HBV Special Interest Group Webinar on “Immune Tolerance in Chronic Hepatitis B: Mechanisms, Management and Controversies”

2023, Department of Immunology, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France (host: Pierre Bruhns)

2023, Symposium in Immunothrombosis, Munich, Germany

2023, Multimodal imaging in life sciences and cancer research, Lausanne, Switzerland

2022, Dutch Society for Immunology Annual Meeting, Leeuwenhorst (keynote)

2022, Cluster Science Days 2022 Bonn, Germany (keynote)

2022, FEBS-IUBMBM-ENABLE conference (The perfect tandem: how technology expands the frontiers of biomedicine), Sevilla, Spain (keynote)

2022, 9th European Seminars in Virology (EUSEV), Bertinoro, Italy (keynote)

2022, 6th IAAASS Innovative Approaches for Identification of Antiviral Agents, Pula (CA, Sardinia, Italy

2022, CRC 841 Symposium “Tissue inflammation”, Hamburg, Germany

2022, Immune OctoberFest, Bridging innovation and translation in T cell immunotherapy, Munich, Germany

2022, EMBO Workshop on Germinal Centers and Immune Niches (GCC 2022), Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

2022, 1st Summer Symposium Systems Immunology “Network across scales”, Wurzburg, Germany

2022, 9th ANRS HBV Cure Workshop, Lyon, France

2022, Gordon Research Conference on Immunochemistry and Immunobiology, Spain

2022, EMBL in Italy 2022: Emerging approaches in human health and infectious diseases, GSK Vaccines, Siena, Italy

2022, XIII meeting of the Italian Society of Immunology (SIICA), Naples, Italy

2022, Vir Biotechnology, Bellinzona, Switzerland (host: Davide Corti)

2022, Ludwig Cancer Distinguished Seminar Series, Lausanne (host: Ping-Chih Ho)

2022, Distinguished Seminar Series, The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT

2022, Princeton University, USA (host: Alex Ploss)

2022, Portuguese Society of Immunology (SPI) annual meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

2022, King’s College, London, UK (host: Alberto Sanchez-Fueyo)

2022, Scottish Immunology Groups Network, Perth, Scotland (keynote lecture)

2022, European School of Molecular Medicine, Milan, Italy

2021, University of Salzburg, Austria (host: Iris Gratz)

2021, Argentinean Society of Immunology, Cordoba, Argentina (keynote lecture)

2021, University of Milan, Italy (PhD invited lecture)

2021, University of Massachusetts Medical School (host: Andrea Reboldi)

2021, International HBV Meeting, Toronto, Canada (keynote lecture)

2021, Austrian Association of the Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology annual meeting, Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria

2021, 5th Innovative Approaches for Identification of Antiviral Agents Summer School (IAAASS), Cagliari, Italy

2021, Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology, Zurich, Switzerland

2021, French Germinal Center Symposium, Paris (keynote lecture)

2021, Oxford Imaging Symposium, UK (host: Michael Dustin)

2021, Immunology Seminar Series, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

2021, Global Immunotalk (hosts: Carla Rothlin and Elina Zuniga)

2021, University of Fribourg, Switzerland (host: Jens Stein)

2021, T cell connect Europe, Immunology lecture series

2020, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany (PhD invited lecture)

2020, Kantonsspital, St. Gallen, Switzerland (host: Burkhard Ludewig)

2020, Louis Jeantet Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland

2020, Cambridge Immunology Network, UK (host: Menna Clatworthy)

2020, Advanced School of Immunology, Italian Association of Immunologists (SIICA)

2020, ANRS “Basic and Translation Research on Hepatitis Viruses”, Paris (keynote)

2020, Keystone Symposium on Tissue Immunity, Boulder, CO

2019, Institut Curie, Paris, France (host: Nicolas Manel)

2019, The Convergence of Hematology and Immunology (CHI), Tianjin, China

2019, Armenise-Harvard Lecture, Harvard Medical School, Boston

2019, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NYC (hosts: Brian Brown, Miriam Merad)

2019, Tri-Institutional Seminar, New York City (hosts: Andrea Schietinger, Gabriel Victora)

2019, International Congress of Immunology, Beijing

2019, Peter Doherty Institute, Melbourne (host: Scott Mueller)

2019, Joint German-Italian Immunological Society meeting, Munich

2019, Swiss Society of Allergology and Immunology meeting, Lugano, Switzerland

2019, EMBO Young Scientist Forum, Prague, Czech Republic

2019, Immune Cell Responses Unfolded by Single Cell Technologies, Karolinska Institute

2019, TRON, Mainz, Germany (host: Ugur Sahin)

2019, Tissue Immunity Symposium with a Focus on T cells, Lisbon, Portugal

2019, CeMM, Vienna, Austria (host: Sylvia Knapp)

2019, EASL International Liver Congress, Vienna, Austria

2019, EMBO Gold Medalists Meeting, Singapore

2019, Department of Pathology, UCSF (host: Max Krummel)

2019, Gilead Sciences, Foster City, CA (host: Sarah Gilmore)

2019, Stanford University, CA (host: Maria Grazia Roncarolo)

2019, IRBM Science Park, Roma (host: Carlo Toniatti)

2019, Harald von Boehmer Midwinter Conference, Seefeld, Austria

2018, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Canada (host: Paul Kubes)

2018, Translational Approaches to Inflammatory Liver Injury and Repair, Banff, Canada

2018, World Congress on Microcirculation, Vancouver, Canada

2018, 5th European Congress of Immunology, Amsterdam

2018, SIICA Advanced School in Immunology, Messina, Italy

2018, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy (host: Luigi Nezi)

2018, Oxford University, UK (host: Jan Rehwinkel)

2018, Cambridge University, UK (host: Milka Sarris)

2018, 44th Portuguese Society for Immunology Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal

2018, Gordon Research Conference on Immunochemistry and Immunobiology, VT

2018, Gordon Research Conference on Chemotactic Cytokines, Newry, ME

2018, TRR179 Symposium on Viral hepatitis and strategies of persistence, Heidelberg

2018, DKFZ, Heidelberg (host: Hellmut Augustin)

2018, 33rd Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry, Prague

2018, The Crick Institute, London, UK (host: Caetano Reis e Sousa)

2018, William Harvey Research Institute, London UK (host: Sussan Nourshargh)

2018, University of Bern, Switzerland (host: Jens Stein)

2018, University of Perugia, Italy (host: Francesca Fallarino)

2018, Falk Foundation Workshop ‘Liver-Gut-Microbiome Interactions’, Hamburg, Germany

2018, 27th Cytomeet (Keynote Lecture), Bern, Switzerland

2018, Institute for Immunology, Munich, Germany (host: Thomas Brocker)


  1. Iannacone M, Alexis F, Basto P, Moseman EA, Shi J, Langer RS, Farokhzad OC, von Andrian UH, Tonti E. Immunonanotherapeutics that Provide IgG Humoral Response without T-Cell Antigen, United States Patent 8,906,381 – licensed to Selecta Biosciences
  2. Shi J, Alexis F, Iannacone M, Moseman EA, Basto P, Langer RS, Farokhzad OC, von Andrian UH, Tonti E. Targeting of Antigen Presenting Cells with Immunonanotherapeutics, United States Patent 9,308,280 – licensed to Selecta Biosciences
  3. Alexis F, Iannacone M, Shi J, Basto P, Moseman EA, von Andrian UH, Langer RS, Farokhzad OC, Tonti E. Adjuvant Incorporation in Immunonanotherapeutics, United States Patent 9,439,859 – licensed to Selecta Biosciences
  4. Iannacone M, von Andrian UH, Farokhzad OC, Frank A, Basto P, Shi J, Moseman EA, Langer RS, Tonti E. Nicotine Immunonanotherapeutics, United States Patent 8,932,595 – licensed to Selecta Biosciences
  5. Von Andrian UH, Farokhzad OC, Langer RS, Tobias J, Moseman EA, Zhang L, Basto P, Iannacone M, Alexis F. Vaccine Nanotechnology, United States Patent 9,539,210 – licensed to Selecta Biosciences
  6. Von Andrian UH, Iannacone M, Tonti E, Moseman EA. Vaccines Comprising Bisphosphonates and Methods of Use Thereof, United States Patent 10,188,733
  7. Summa V, Di Fabio R, Bencheva L, De Matteo M, Ferrante L, Prandi A, Randazzo P, Donnici L, De Francesco R, Iannacone M, Guidotti LG. Inhibitors of Hepatitis B Virus, WO2020/016427
  8. Summa V, Di Fabio R, Bencheva L, De Matteo M, Ferrante L, Prandi A, Randazzo P, Donnici L, De Francesco R, Iannacone M, Guidotti LG. Cyclic Inhibitors of Hepatitis B Virus, WO2020/016434 – sold to Antios Therapeutics
  9. Summa V, Di Fabio R, Bencheva L, De Matteo M, Ferrante L, Prandi A, Randazzo P, Gornati D, Grillo A, Ferrara M, Donnici L, De Francesco R, Iannacone M, Guidotti LG. Tricyclic Inhibitors of Hepatitis B Virus (I), WO2020/030781 – sold to Antios Therapeutics
  10. De Francesco R, Donnici L, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M, Bencheva LI, De Matteo M, Ferrante L, Prandi A, Randazzo P, Gornati D, Grillo A, Di Fabio R, Summa V. Oxalamido-substituted Tricyclic Inhibitors of Hepatitis B Virus (I), WO2020/234483
  11. Iannacone M, Guidotti LG, Naldini L, Cantore A, Ostuni R. Agents and methods for treating viral infections, PCT/EP2020/064933
  12. Summa V, Di Fabio R, Bencheva L, De Matteo M, Ferrante L, Prandi A, Randazzo P, Gornati D, Grillo A, Ferrara M, Donnici L, De Francesco R, Iannacone M, Guidotti LG. Tricyclic Inhibitors of Hepatitis B Virus. WO2020/030781
  13. Summa V, Di Fabio R, Bencheva L, De Matteo M, Ferrante L, Prandi A, Randazzo P, Gornati D, Grillo A, Ferrara M, Donnici L, De Francesco R, Iannacone M, Guidotti LG. Spirocyclic inhibitors of hepatitis B virus. WO2021/160617
  14. Iannacone M, Guidotti LG. Agents and methods for increasing liver immune response. UK Patent Application 2018657.3


  1. Andreata F, Iannacone M (2024) The hidden strength of CD8+ T cells in chronic hepatitis B. Nature Immunology, in press
  2. Pallavicini I, Frasconi T, Catozzi C, Tiberti S, Ceccaci E, Hass D, Samson J, Heuser C, Nava Lauson CB, Mangione M, Preto E, Bigogno A, Sala E, Iannacone M, Gattinoni L, Caruana I, Kuka M, Nezi L, Minucci S, Manzo T (2024) LSD1 inhibition improves efficacy of adoptive T cell therapy by enhancing CD8+ T cell responsiveness. Nature Communications, in press
  3. Kakogiannos N, Scalise AA, Martini E, Maderna C, Benvenuto AF, D’Antonio M, Carmignani L, Magni S, Gullotta GS, Lampugnani MG, Iannelli F, Beznoussenko GV, Mironov AA, Cerutti C, Bentley K, Philippides A, Zanardi F, Bacigaluppi M, Sigismund S, Bassani C, Farina C, Martino G, Dejana E, Iannacone M#, Inverso D#,, Giannotta M#, (2024) Gpr126 is a crucial regulator of blood-brain barrier maturation and function. Journal of Clinical Investigation, in press (#co-last authors)
  4. Venzin V, Beccaria CG, Andreata F, Fumagalli V, Iannacone M (2024) Intrahepatic immunity to hepatitis B virus. Journal of Hepatology, in press
  5. Gyrd-Hansen M, Kajaste-Rudnitski A, Manel N, Rehwinkel J, van der Veen AG, Iannacone M (2024) Advancements in Pathogen Immunity and Signaling. Nature Immunology, in press
  6. Gaertner F, Ishikawa-Ankerhold H, Stutte S, Fu W, Weitz J, Dueck A, Nelakuditi B, Fumagalli V, van den Heuvel D, Guo G, Belz L, Sobirova G, Zhang Z, Titova A, Martinez Navarro A, Pekayvaz K, Lorenz M, von Baumgarten L, Straub T, Popper B, Zheden V, Kaufmann W, von Stillfried S, Boor P, Colonna M, Clauß S, Schulz C, Broker T, Walzog B, Scheiermann C, Aird W,Nerlov C, Stark K, Petzold T, Engelhardt S, Sixt M, Hauschild R, Rudelius M, Oostendrop RAJ, Iannacone M, Heinig M, Massberg S (2024) Plasmacytoid dendritic cells regulate tissue homeostasis of megakaryocytes. Nature, in press
  7. Andreata F, Krueger CC, Laura C, Ravà M, Ficht X, Kawashima K, Beccaria CG, Moalli F, Partini B, Fumagalli V, Nosetto G, Di Lucia P, Montali I, Garcia-Manteiga JM, Bono EB, Giustini L, Perucchini C, Venzin V, Ranucci S, Inverso D, De Giovanni M, Genua M, Ostuni R, Lugli E, Isogawa M, Ferrari C, Boni C, Fisicaro P, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M (2024) Therapeutic potential of co-signaling receptor modulation in hepatitis B. Cell, in press
  8. HBV2023, Allweiss L, Cohen C, Dias J, Fumagalli V, Guo H, Harris JM, Hu J, Iannacone M, Isogawa M, Jeng W-J, Kim K-H, Kramvis A, Li W, Lucifora J, Muramatsu M, Neuveut C, Ploss A, Pollicino T, Protzer U, Tan A, Tanaka Y, Tu T, Tsukuda S, Thimme R, Urban S, Watashi K, Yuan Z, Yeh S-H, McKeating JA, Revill PA (2024) Highlights from the 2023 International Meeting on the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B virus. Journal of General Virology, doi:10.1099/jgv.0.001978
  9. Mooney AH, Draper SL, Burn OK, Andreson RJ, Compton BJ, Tang C, Farrand KJ, Di Lucia P, Ravà M, Fumagalli V, Giustini L, Bono E, Godfrey DI, Heath WR, Yuan W, Chisari FV, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M, Sidney J, Sette A, Gulab S, Painter GF, Hermans IF (2024) Preclinical evaluation of therapeutic peptide-glycolipid conjugate vaccines for chronic hepatitis B virus that stimulate antiviral activities of T cells and NKT cells. JHEP Reports, 6:101038
  10. Fumagalli V, Ravà M, Marotta D, Di Lucia P, Bono EB, Giustini L, De Leo F, Casalgrandi M, Monteleone E, Mouro V, Malpighi C, Perucchini C, Grillo M, De Palma S, Donnici L, Marchese S, Conti M, Muramatsu H, Perlman S, Pardi N, Kuka M, De Francesco R, Bianchi ME, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M (2024) Antibody-independent protection against heterologous SARS-CoV-2 challenge conferred by prior infection or vaccination. Nature Immunology, 25:633
  11. Kawashima K, Andreata F, Beccaria CG, Iannacone M (2024) Priming and maintenance of adaptive immunity in the liver. Annual Review of Immunology, 42:375
  12. Ng MSF, Kwok I, Tan L, Shi C, Cerezo-Wallis D, Tan Y, Leong K, Calvo GF, Yang K, Zhang Y, Jing J, Liong KH, Wu D, He R, Liu D, Teh YC, Bleriot C, Caronni N, Moalli F, Liu Z, Duan K, Narang V, Ballesteros I, Li M, Chen J, Liu Y, Liu L, Qi J, Liu Y, Jiang L, Shen B, Cheng H, Cheng T, Angeli V, Sharma A, Loh Y-H, Tey HL, Chong SH, Iannacone M, Ostuni R, Hidalgo A, Ginhoux F, Ng LG (2024) Deterministic reprogramming of neutrophils within tumors. Science, 383:eadf6493
  13. Andreata F, Moynihan KD, Fumagalli V, Di Lucia P, Pappas DC, Kawashima K, Ni I, Bessette PH, Perucchini C, Bono E, Giustini L, Nguyen HC, Chin SM, Yeung YA, Gibbs CS, Djuretic I, Iannacone M (2024) CD8 cis-targeted IL-2 drives potent antiviral activity against hepatitis B virus. Science Translational Medicine, 16:eadi1572
  14. Mazzarella L, Santoro F, Ravasio R, Fumagalli V, Massa PE, Rodighiero S, Gavilan E, Romanenghi M, Achutti Duso B, Bonetti E, Manganaro L, Pallavi R, Trastulli D, Pallavicini I, Gentile C, Monzani S, Leonardi T, Pasqualato S, Buttinelli G, Di Martino A, Fedele G, Schiavoni I, Stefanelli P, Meroni G, De Francesco R, Steinkuhler C, Fossati G, Iannacone M, Minucci S, Pelicci PG (2023) The lysine demethylase LSD1 controls the balance between inflammatory and antivral responses against coronaviruses. Science Signaling, 16:eade0326
  15. Haberman ER, Sarker G, Arus BA, Ziegler KA, Meunier S, Martinez-Sanchez N, Freibergerova E, Yilmaz-Özcan S, Fernandez-Gonzalez I, Zentai C, O’Brien CJO, Grainger DE, Sidarta-Oliveira D, Chakarov S, Raimondi A, Iannacone M, Engelhardt S, Lopez M, Ginhoux F, Domingos AI (2023) Immunomodulatory Leptin Receptor+ Sympathetic Perineurial Cells Protect Against Obesity by Facilitating Neuroendocrine-Mediated Brown Adipose Tissue Thermogenesis. Immunity, 57:141
  16. Fumagalli V, Iannacone M (2024) The interplay of drug therapeutics and immune responses to SARS-CoV-2. Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 21:197
  17. Caronni N, La Terza F, Vittoria FM, Barbiera G, Mezzanzanica L, Cuzzola V, Barresi S, Pellegatta M, Canevazzi P, Dunsmore G, Leonardi C, Montaldo E, Lusito E, Dugnani E, Citro E, Ng MSF, Lena MS, Drago D, Andolfo A, Mortellaro A, Corbo V, Mondino A, Dellabona P, Piemonti L, Taveggia C, Doglioni C, Cappello P, Novelli F, Iannacone M, Ng LG, Ginhoux F, Crippa S, Falconi M, Bonini C, Naldini L, Genua M, Ostuni R (2023) IL-1+ macrophages fuel pathogenic inflammation in pancreatic cancer. Nature, 623:415
  18. Grandi A, Tomasi M, Ullah I, Bertelli C, Vanzo T, Accordini S, Gagliardi A, Zanella I, Benedet M, Corbellari R, Di Lascio G, Tamburini S, Caproni E, Coria L, Ravà M, Fumagalli V, Di Lucia P, Marotta D, Sala E, Iannacone M, Kumar P, Mothes W, Uchil PD, Cherepanov P, Bolognesi M, Pizzato M, Grandi G (2023) Immunogenicity and pre-clinical efficacy of an OMV-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Vaccines, 11:1546
  19. Fiore A, Sala E, Laura C, Riba M, Fumagalli V, Nelli M, Mangione M, Provero P, Oberrauch F, Cristofani C, Iannacone M, Kuka M (2023) A fluorescent reporter model for the visualization and characterization of TDC. European Journal of Immunology, e2350529
  20. Sandner L, Alteneder M, Rica R, Woller B, Sala E, Frey T, Tosevska A, Zhu C, Madern M, Khan M, Hoffmann P, Schebesta A, Taniuchi I, Bonelli M, Schmetterer K, Iannacone M, Kuka M, Ellmeier W, Sakaguchi S, Herbst R, Boucheron N (2023) The guanine nucleotide exchange factor Rin-like acts as a gatekeeper for T follicular helper cell differentiation via regulating CD28 signaling. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 220:e20221466
  21. Fumagalli V, Di Lucia P, Ravà M, Marotta D, Bono E, Grassi S, Donnici L, Cannalire R, Stefanelli I, Ferraro A, Esposito F, Pariani E, Inverso D, Delbue S, Tramontano E, De Francesco R, Summa V, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M (2023) Nirmatrelvir treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infected mice blunts antiviral adaptive immune responses. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 15:e17580
  22. Stoler-Barak L, Harris E, Peres A, Hezroni H, Kuka M, Di Lucia P, Grenov A, Gurwicz N, Kupervaser M, Yip BH, Iannacone M, Yaari G, Crispino JD, Shulman Z (2023) B cell class switch recombination is regulated by DYRK1A through MSH6 phosphorylation. Nature Communications, 14:1462
  23. Gioia U, Tavella S, Martinez Orellana P, Cicio G, Colliva A, Paldino A, Ceccon M, Cabrini M, Henriques AC, Fumagalli V, Paladino A, Presot E, Rajasekharan S, Iacomino N, Pisati F, Matti V, Sepe S, Conte M, Barozzi S, Lavagnino Z, Carletti T, Volpe MC, Cavalcante P, Iannacone M, Rampazzo C, Bussani R, Tripodo C, Zacchigna S, Marcello A, d’Adda di Fagagna F (2023) SARS-CoV-2 infection causes DNA damage, through CHK1 degradation and impaired 53BP1 recruitment, and cellular senescence. Nature Cell Biology, 25:550
  24. Scherer S, Oberle SG, Kanev K, Gerullis AK, Wu M, de Almeida GP, Puleston DJ, Baixauli F, Aly L, Greco A, Nizharadze T, Becker NB, Hoesslin MV, Donhauser LV, Berner J, Chu T, McNamara HA, Esencan Z, Roelli P, Wurmser C, Kleiter I, Vehreschild MJGT, Mayer CA, Knolle P, Klingenspor M, Fumagalli V, Iannacone M, Prlic M, Korn T, Pearce EL, Höfer T, Schulz AM, Zehn D (2023) Pyrimidine de novo synthesis inhibition selectively blocks effector but not memory T-cell development. Nature Immunology, 24:501
  25. Epis S, Varotto-Boccazzi I, Manenti A, Rubolini D, Gabrieli P, Cattaneo GM, Gourlay L, Dapporto F, Monti M, Razzano I, Leonardi M, Iannacone M, Recordati C, Bertola L, Fiorina P, Marvasi L, Montomoli E, Zuccotti GV, Bandi C (2022) Efficacy of mucosal vaccination using a protozoan parasite as a vehicle for antigen delivery: IgG and neutralizing response after rectal administration of LeCoVax-2, a candidate vaccine against COVID-19. Pharmacological Research, 186:106546
  26. Compagnone M, Pinto E, Salvatori E, Lione L, Conforti A, Marchese S, Ravà M, Ryan K, Hall Y, Rayner E, Salguero J, Paterson J, Iannacone M, De Francesco R, Aurisicchio L*, Palombo F* (2022) DNA-vaccine-induced immune response correlates with lower viral SARS-CoV-2 titers in a ferret model. Vaccines, 10:1178 (*co-last authors)
  27. Ivanova Bencheva L, Donnici L, Ferrante L, Prandi A, Sinisi R, De Matteo M, Randazzo P, Conti M, Di Lucia P, Bono E, Giustini L, Orsale MV, Patsilinakos A, Monteagudo E, Iannacone M, Summa V, Guidotti LG, De Francesco R, Di Fabio R (2022) Discovery and antiviral profile of new sulfamoylbenzamide derivative as HBV capsid assembly modulators. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 73:128904
  28. Iannacone M, Bleriot C, Andreata F, Ficht X, Laura C, Garcia-Manteiga JM, Uderhardt S, Ginhoux F (2022) Response to contamination of isolated mouse Kupffer cells with liver sinusoidal endothelial cells. Immunity, 55:1141
  29. Bertoletti A, Iannacone M (2022) Editorial overview: Viral pathogenesis. Current Opinion in Virology, 55:101253 (invited editorial for a section on SARS-CoV-2)
  30. Alvisi G, Termanini A, Soldani C, Portale F, Carriero R, Pilipow K, Polidoro M, Franceschini B, Malenica I, Puccio S, Lise V, Galletti G, Zanon V, Colombo FS, Tufano M, Peano C, Iannacone M, Roychoudhuri R, Donadon M, Torzilli G, Kunderfranco P, Di Mitri D, Lugli E, Lleo A (2022) Multimodal single-cell profiling of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma defines hyperactivated Tregs as potential therapeutic target. Journal of Hepatology, 77:1359
  31. Barreto de Albuquerque J, Altenburger LM, Abe J, von Werdt D, Wissmann S, Magdaleno JM, Francisco D, van Geest G, Ficht X, Iannacone M, Bruggmann R, Müller C*, Stein JV* (2022) Microbial uptake in oral mucosa-draining lymph nodes leads to rapid release of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells lacking a gut-homing phenotype. Science Immunology, 7:eabf1861 (*co-last authors)
  32. Iannacone M, Andreata F, Guidotti LG (2022) Immunological insights in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B. Current Opinion in Immunology, 77:102207
  33. Nicolai L, Leunig A, Pekayvaz K, Esefeld M, Anjum A, Rath J, Riedlinger E, Ehreiser V, Mader M, Eivers L, Hoffknecht M-L, Zhang Z, Kugelmann, Rossaro D, Escaig R, Kaiser R, Polewka V, Titova A, Petzold T, Spiekermann K, Iannacone M, Thiele T, Greinacher A, Stark K, Massberg S (2022) Thrombocytopenia and splenic platelet directed immune responses after intravenous ChAdOx1 nCov-19 administration. Blood, 140:478
  34. Iannacone M, Guidotti LG (2022) Developing a cure for chronic hepatitis B requires a fresh approach. Nature, 603:S49
  35. Konjar Š*, Ficht X*, Iannacone M#, Veldhoen M# (2022) Heterogeneity of tissue resident memory T cells. Immunology Letters, 245:1 (*co-first authors; #co-last authors)
  36. Cohen M, Giladi A, Barboy O, Hamon P, Li B, Zada M, Gurevich-Shapiro A, Beccaria C, David E, Maier B, Buckup M, Kamer I, Deczkowska A, Le Berichel J, Bar J, Iannacone M, Tanay A#, Merad M#, Amit I# (2022) The interaction of CD4+ helper T cells with dendritic cells shapes the tumor microenvironment and immune checkpoint blockade response. Nature Cancer, 3:303 (#co-last authors)
  37. Fumagalli V, Venzin V, Di Lucia P, Moalli F, Ficht X, Ambrosi G, Giustini L, Andreata F, Grillo M, Magini D, Ravà M, Friedrich C, Fontenot JD, Bousso P, Gasteiger G, Vivier E, Kuka M, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M (2022) Group 1 ILCs regulate T cell-mediated liver immunopathology by controlling local IL-2 availability. Science Immunology, 7:eabi6112
  38. Pekayvaz K, Leunig A, Kaiser R, Brambs S, Joppich M, Janjic A, Popp O, Nixdorf D, Fumagalli V, Schmidt N, Polewka V, Anjum A, Knottenberg V, Eivers L, Wange LE, Gold C, Kirchner M, Muenchhoff M, Hellmuth JC, Scherer C, Rubio-Acero R, Eser T, Deak F, Kuhl N, Linder A, Saar K, Tomas L, Schulz C, Wiser A, Enard W, Kroidl I, Geldmacher C, von Bergwelt-Baildon M, Keppler OT, Munschauer M, Iannacone M, Zimmer R, Mertins P, Hubner N, Hölscher M, Massberg S, Stark K, Nicolai L (2022) Protective immune trajectories in early viral containment of non-pneumonic SARS-CoV-2 infection. Nature Communications, 13:1018
  39. Aiolfi R*, Sitia G*, Iannacone M*, Brunetta I, Guidotti LG, Ruggeri ZM (2022) Arenaviral infection causes bleeding in mice due to reduced serotonin release from platelets. Science Signaling, 15:eabb0384 (*co-first authors)
  40. Cossarizza A, …, Iannacone M., …, Yang J (2021) Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (third edition). European Journal of Immunology, 51:2708
  41. Fumagalli V, Ravà M, Marotta D, Di Lucia P, Laura C, Sala E, Grillo M, Bono E, Giustini L, Perucchini C, Mainetti M, Sessa A, Garcia-Manteiga JM, Donnici L, Manganaro L, Delbue S, Broccoli V, De Francesco R, D’Adamo P, Kuka M, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M (2022) Administration of aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 to K18-hACE2 mice uncouples respiratory infection from fatal neuroinvasion. Science Immunology, 7:eabl9929
  42. Kuka M, Iannacone M (2022) Heterogeneity in antiviral B cell responses: lessons from the movies. Immunological Reviews, 306:224
  43. Andreata F, De Simone G, Fumagalli V, Di Lucia P, Ficht X, Beccaria CG, Bleriot C, Kuka M, Ginhoux F, Iannacone M (2021) Isolation of mouse Kupffer cells for phenotypic and functional studies. STAR Protocols, 2:100831
  44. Fedeli M, Kuka M, Finardi A, Albano F, Viganò V, Olson EN, Iannacone M, Furlan R, Dellabona P#, Casorati G# (2021) miR-21 sustains CD28-signaling and facilitates low affinity T-cell responses at the expense of self-tolerance. Clinical and Translational Immunology, 10:e1321 (#co-last authors)
  45. Conforti A, Marra E, Palombo F, Roscilli G, Ravà M, Fumagalli V, Muzi A, Maffei M, Luberto L, Lione L, Salvatori E, Compagnone M, Pinto E, Pavoni E, Bucci F, Vitagliano G, Stoppoloni D, Pacello ML, Cappelletti M, Ferrara FF, D’Acunto E, Chiarini V, Nyska A, Di Lucia P, Marotta D, Bono E, Giustini L, Sala E, Perucchini C, Paterson J, Ryan KA, Challis AR, Matusali G, Colavita F, Caselli G, Criscuolo E, Clementi N, Mancini N, Groß R, Seidel A, Wettstein L, Münch J, Donnici L, Conti M, De Francesco R, Kuka M, Ciliberto G, Castilletti C, Capobianchi MR, Ippolito G, Guidotti LG, Rovati L, Iannacone M#, Aurisicchio L# (2021) COVID-eVax, an electroporated plasmid DNA vaccine candidate encoding the SARS-CoV-2 Receptor Binding Domain, elicits protective immune responses in animal models of COVID-19. Molecular Therapy, 29:1 (#co-last and co-corresponding authors)
  46. Tuzlak S, Dejean A, Iannacone M, Quintana F, Waisman A, Ginhoux F, Korn T, Becher B (2021) Repositioning Th cell polarization from single cytokines to complex help. Nature Immunology, 22:1210
  47. Bleriot C, Barreby E, Dunsmore G, Ballaire R, Chakarov S, Ficht X, De Simone G, Andreata F, Fumagalli V, Guo W, Wan G, Gessain G, Khalilnezhad A, Zhang X-M, Ang N, Shen P, Morgantini C, Azzimato V, Kong WT, Liu Z, Pai R, Lum J, Shihui F, Low I, Xu C, Malleret B, Kairi MFM, Balachander A, Cexus O, Larbi A, Lee B, Newell E, Ng LG, Phoo WW, Sobota RM, Sharma A, Howland SW, Chen J, Bajenoff M, Yvan-Charvet L, Venteclef N, Iannacone M, Aouadi M, Ginhoux F (2021) Identification of two subsets of Kupffer cells with distinct functions in liver metabolism. Immunity, 54:2101
  48. De Simone G, Andreata F, Bleriot C, Fumagalli V, Laura C, Garcia-Manteiga JM, Di Lucia P, Gilotto S, Ficht X, Bono EB, Giustini L, De Ponti F, Ambrosi G, Mainetti M, Zordan P, Benechet AP, Ravà M, Chakarov S, Moalli F, Bajenoff M, Guidotti LG, Ginhoux F, Iannacone M (2021) Identification of a Kupffer cell subset capable of reverting the T cell dysfunction induced by hepatocellular priming. Immunity, 54:2089
  49. Cilenti F, Barbiera G, Caronni N, Iodice D, Barresi S, Montaldo E, Lusito E, Miotto P, Di Lucia P, Lazarevic D, Cirillo D, Iannacone M, Genua M#, Ostuni R# (2021) A PGE2-MEF2A axis enables context-dependent control of inflammatory gene expression. Immunity, 54:1665 (#co-last authors)
  50. Iannacone M and Guidotti LG (2022) Immunobiology and pathogenesis of hepatitis B virus infection. Nature Reviews Immunology, 22:19
  51. Baudi I, Isogawa M, Moalli F, Onishi M, Kawashima K, Ito H, Ishikawa T, Wakita T, Iannacone M, Tanaka Y (2021) Type I IFN signaling suppresses the unfolded protein response and induces cell death in hepatocytes accumulating hepatitis B surface antigen. PLoS Pathogens, 17:e1009228
  52. Perro M, Iannacone M, von Andrian UH, Peixoto A (2020) Role of LFA-1 integrin in the control of a lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection. Virulence, 11:1640
  53. Ficht X and Iannacone M (2020) Immune surveillance of the liver by T cells. Science Immunology, 5:eaba2351
  54. Fumagalli V, Di Lucia P, Venzin V, Bono E, Jordan R, Frey C, Delaney W, Chisari FV, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M (2020) Antibody-mediated clearance of serum HBsAg has minimal impact on CD8+ T cell responses in mouse models of HBV pathogenesis. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 217:e20200298
  55. Stolp B, Thelen F, Ficht X, Altenburger LM, Ruef N, Inavalli VVGK, Germann P, Page N, Moalli F, Raimondi A, Keyser K, Seyed Jafari SM, Barone F, Dettmer MS, Merkler D, Iannacone M, Sharpe J, Schlapbach C, Fackler OT, Nägerl UV, Stein JV (2020) Salivary gland macrophages and tissue-resident CD8+ T cells cooperate for homeostatic organ surveillance. Science Immunology, 5:eaaz4371
  56. De Giovanni M, Cutillo V, Giladi A, Maganuco CG, Medaglia C, Bono E, Di Lucia P, Giustini L, Cristofani C, Pinschewer DD, Kastenmuller W, Amit I, Kuka M, Iannacone M (2020) Spatiotemporal regulation of type I interferon expression determines antiviral CD4+ T cell polarization. Nature Immunology, 21:321
  57. De Simone G, Mazza EMC, Cassotta A, Davydov A, Kuka M, Zanon V, De Paoli F, Scamardella E, Metsger M, Roberto A, Pilipow K, Colombo FS, Tenedini E, Tagliafico E, Gattinoni L, Mavilio D, Peano C, Price DA, Singh SP, Farber JM, Ferrari F, Orrù V, Fiorillo E, Iannacone M*, Chudakov DM*, Sallusto F*, Lugli E (2019) CXCR3 identifies human naive CD8+ T cells with enhanced effector differentiation potential. Journal of Immunology, 203:3179 (*equal contribution)
  58. Benechet AP, De Simone G, Di Lucia P, Cilenti F, Barbiera G, Le Bert N, Moalli F, Lusito E, Fumagalli V, Bianchessi V, Zordan P, Bono E, Giustini L, Bonilla WD, Bleriot C, Kunasegaran K, Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza G, Pinschewer DD, Kennedy PTF, Naldini L, Kuka M, Ginhoux F, Cantore A, Bertoletti A, Ostuni R, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M (2019) Dynamics and genomic landscape of CD8+ T cells undergoing hepatic priming. Nature, 574:200. Awarded with the 2019 Best Publication in Hepatology by the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver.
  59. Milani M, Annoni A, Moalli F, Liu T, Cesana D, Calabria A, Bartolaccini S, Biffi M, Russo F, Visigalli I, Raimondi A, Patarroyo-White S, Drager D, Cristofori P, Ayuso E, Montini E, Nichols TC, Peters R, Iannacone M, Cantore A#, Naldini L# (2019) Phagocytosis-shielded lentiviral vectors allow safe and robust liver gene transfer in non-human primates. Science Translational Medicine, 11:eaav7325 (#co-last authors)
  60. Kuka M, De Giovanni M, Iannacone M (2019) The role of type I interferons in CD4+ T cell differentiation. Immunology Letters, 215:19
  61. Thierry G, Kuka M, De Giovanni M, Mondor I, Brouilly I, Iannacone M#, Bajenoff M# (2018) The conduit system exports locally secreted IgM from lymph nodes. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 215:2972 (#co-last authors)
  62. Pilipow K, Scamardella E, Puccio S, Gautam S, De Paoli F, Mazza EMC, De Simone G, Polletti S, Buccilli M, Zanon V, Di Lucia P, Iannacone M, Gattinoni L, Lugli E (2018) Antioxidant metabolism in activated CD8+ T cells regulates stem-like human memory T cell formation and anti-tumor immunity. JCI Insight, 3:e122299
  63. Volpi VG, Pagani I, Ghezzi S, Iannacone M, D’Antonio M, Vicenzi E (2018) Zika virus replication in dorsal root ganglia explants causes myelin degeneration. Scientific Reports, 8:10166
  64. Moalli F, Ficht X, Germann P, Vladymyrov M, Stolp B, de Vries I, Lyck RV, Balmer J, Fiocchi A, Kreutzfeld M, Merkler D, Iannacone M, Ariga A, Stoffel MH, Sharpe J, Bähler M, Sixt M, Diz-Muñoz A, Stein JV (2018) The Rho regulator Myosin IXb enables non-lymphoid tissue seeding of protective CD8+ T cells. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 215:1869
  65. Vo HTM, Baudner BC, Sammicheli S, Iannacone M, D’Oro U, Piccioli D (2018) Alum/TLR7 adjuvant enhances the expansion of memory B cell compartment within the draining lymph node. Frontiers in Immunology, 9:641
  66. Jofra T, Di Fonte R, Galvani G, Kuka M, Iannacone M, Battaglia M, Fousteri G (2018) Tr1 cell immunotherapy promotes transplant tolerance via de novo Tr1 cell induction and is safe and effective during acute viral infection in mouse. European Journal of Immunology, 48:1389
  67. Sammicheli S, Kuka M, Iannacone M (2018) Intravital imaging of B cell responses in lymph nodes. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1763:63
  68. De Giovanni M and Iannacone M (2018) In vivo imaging of adaptive immune responses to viruses. Current Opinion in Virology, 28:102
  69. Kuka M and Iannacone M (2018) Viral subversion of B cell responses within secondary lymphoid organs. Nature Reviews Immunology, 18:255
  70. Medaglia C*, Giladi A*, Stoler Barak L*, De Giovanni M*, Meir Salame T, Biram A, David E, Iannacone M#, Shulman Z#, Amit I# (2017) Spatial reconstruction of immune niches by combining photoactivatable fluorescent reporters and single-cell RNA-seq. Science, 358:1622 (*co-first authors; #co-last and co-corresponding authors)
  71. Gaertner F, Ahmad Z, Rosenberg G, Fan S, Nicolai L, Busch B, Yavuz G, Luckner M, Luckner M, Ishikawa-Ankerhold H, Hennel R, Benechet AP, Lorenz M, Chandraratne S, Schubert I, Helmer S, Striednig B, Stark K, Janko M, Bottcher RT, Verschoor A, Leon C, Gachet C, Gudermann T, Mederos y Schnitzler M, Pincus Z, Iannacone M, Hass R, Wanner G, Lauber K, Sixt M, Massberg S (2017) Migrating platelets are mechano-scavengers that collect and bundle bacteria. Cell, 171:1368
  72. Kuka M and Iannacone M (2017) Intestinal flossing keeps pathogens at bay. Developmental Cell, 43:383
  73. Pirzgalska RM, Seixas E, Seidman JS, Link VM, Martinez Sanchez N, Mahú I, Mendes R, Gres V, Kubasova N, Morris I, Arús BA, Larabee CM, Vasques M, Tortosa F, Sousa AL, Anandan S, Tranfield E, Hahn MK, Iannacone M, Spann NJ, Glass KC, Domingos AI (2017) Sympathetic associated macrophages clear norepinephrine and sustain obesity. Nature Medicine, 23:1309
  74. Piergiovanni M, Bianchi E, Capitani G, Li Piani I, Ganzer L, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M, Dubini G (2017) Microcirculation in mouse liver lobule: a Computational Fluid Dynamic model based on 3D reconstruction from in vivo microscopy. Journal of Biomechanics, 63:125
  75. Jimenez de Oya N, De Giovanni M, Fioravanti J, Ubelhart R, Di Lucia P, Fiocchi A, Iacovelli S, Efremov DG, Caligaris-Cappio F, Jumaa H, Ghia P, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M (2017) Pathogen-specific B cell receptors drive chronic lymphocytic leukemia by light chain-dependent cross-reaction with autoantigens. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 9:1482
  76. Silvin A, Yu CI, Lahaye X, Imperatore F, Brault JB, Cardinaud S, Becker C, Kwan WH, Conrad C, Maurin M, Goudot C, Marques-Ladeira S, Wang Y, Pascual V, Anguiano E, Albrecht RA, Iannacone M, Garcia-Sastre A, Goud B, Dalod M, Moris A, Merad M, Palucka CA, Manel N (2017) Constitutive resistance to viral infection in human CD141+ dendritic cells. Science Immunology, 2:eaai8071
  77.  Jofra T, Di Fonte R, Kuka M, Mfarrej B, Iannacone M, Battaglia M, Fousteri G. (2017) Protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN22 dampens T cell immune responses and drives 
viral persistence. Frontiers in Immunology, 8:811
  78. Castiello MC, Pala F, Sereni L, Draghici E, Inverso D, Sauer AV, Schena F, Fontana E, Radaelli E, Uva P, Cervantes-Luevano KE, Benvenuti F, Poliani PL, Iannacone M, Traggiai E, Villa A, Bosticardo M (2017) In vivo chronic stimulation unveils intrinsic autoreactive potential of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein-deficient B cells. Frontiers in Immunology, 8:490
  79. Fioravanti J, Magini D, Di Lucia P, Boni C, Benechet AP, Inverso D, Fiocchi A, Wieland S, Purcell R, Ferrari C, Chisari FV, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M (2017) Effector CD8+ T cell-derived interleukin-10 enhances liver immunopathology. Journal of Hepatology, 67:543
  80. Brewitz A, Eickhoff S, Dähling S, Quast T, Bedoui S, Kroczek RA, Kurts C, Garbi N, Barchet W, Iannacone M, Klauschen F, Kolanus W, Kaisho T, Colonna M, Germain RN, Kastenmüller W (2017) CD8+ T cells orchestrate pDC–XCR1+ dendritic cell spatial and functional cooperativity to optimize priming. Immunity, 46:205
  81. Sammicheli S, Kuka M, Di Lucia P, Jimenez de Oya N, De Giovanni M, Fioravanti J, Cristofani C, Maganuco CG, Fallet B, Ganzer L, Sironi L, Mainetti M, Ostuni R, Larimore K, Greenberg PD, de la Torre JC, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M (2016) Inflammatory monocytes hinder antiviral B cell responses. Science Immunology, 1:eaah6789
  82. Iannacone M (2016) Platelet-mediated modulation of adaptive immunity. Seminars in Immunology, 28:555
  83. Benechet AP, Ganzer L, Iannacone M (2017) Intravital microscopy analysis of hepatic T cell dynamics. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1514:49
  84. Benechet AP, Iannacone M (2017) Determinants of hepatic effector CD8+ T cell dynamics. Journal of Hepatology, 66:228
  85. Iannacone M, Chisari FV, Guidotti LG (2016) Protective and Pathogenic T Cell Responses to Virus Infections. Encyclopedia of Immunobiology, 4:318
  86. Catarinella M, Monestiroli A, Escobar G, Fiocchi A, Tran NL, Aiolfi R, Marra P, Esposito A, Cipriani F, Aldrighetti L, Iannacone M, Naldini L, Guidotti LG, Sitia G (2016) IFN gene/cell therapy curbs colorectal cancer colonization of the liver by acting on the hepatic microenvironment. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 8:155
  87. Iannacone M, Guidotti LG (2015) Mouse models of HBV pathogenesis. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, 5:a021477
  88. Inverso D, Iannacone M (2016) Spatiotemporal dynamics of effector CD8+ T cell responses within the liver. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 99:51
  89. Iannacone M, Guidotti LG (2016) HBV Immunopathogenesis. In Hepatitis B Virus in Human Diseases, Molecular and Translational Medicine – Book series, Springer, 4:79
  90. Guidotti LG, Inverso D, Sironi L, Di Lucia P, Fioravanti J, Fiocchi A, Vacca M, Aiolfi R, Sammicheli S, Mainetti M, Ganzer L, Cataudella T, Raimondi A, Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza G, Protzer U, Ruggeri ZM, Chisari FV, Isogawa M, Sitia G, Iannacone M (2015) Immunosurveillance of the liver by intravascular effector CD8+ T cells. Cell, 161:486
  91. Iannacone M, Guidotti LG (2015). Viral Pathogenesis. Current Opinion in Virology, 11:1 (invited section editor)
  92. Maggioni D, Galli M, D'Alfonso L, Inverso D, Dozzi MV, Iannacone M, Collini M, Ferruti P, Ranucci E, D'Alfonso G (2015) A luminescent Poly(amidoamine)-Iridium complex as a new singlet-oxygen sensitizer for photodynamic therapy. Inorganic Chemistry, 54:544
  93. Fousteri G, Jofra T, Di Fonte R, Kuka M, Iannacone M, Battaglia M (2014) PTPN22 controls virally-induced autoimmune diabetes by modulating cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses in an epitope-specific manner. Clinical Immunology, 156:98
  94. Sironi L, Bouzin M, Inverso D, D’Alfonso L, Pozzi P, Cotelli F, Guidotti LG, Iannacone M, Collini M, Chirico G (2014) In Vivo Flow Mapping in Complex Vessel Networks by Single Image Correlation. Scientific Reports, 4:7341
  95. Iannacone M (2015) Hepatic effector CD8+ T cell dynamics. Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 12:269
  96. Ilyinskii PO, Roy CJ, O’Neil CP, Browning EA, Pittet LA, Altreuter DH, Alexis F, Tonti E, Shi J, Basto PA, Iannacone M, Radovic-Moreno AF, Langer RS, Farokhzad OC, von Andrian UH, Johnston LP, Kishimoto TK (2014) Adjuvant-carrying synthetic vaccine particles augment the immune response to encapsulated antigen and exhibit strong local immune activation without inducing systemic cytokine release. Vaccine, 32:2882
  97. Kuka M, Iannacone M (2014) The role of lymph node sinus macrophages in host defense. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1319:38
  98. Tonti E, Jimenez de Oya N, Galliverti G, Moseman EA, Di Lucia P, Amabile A, Sammicheli S, De Giovanni M, Sironi L, Chevrier N, Sitia G, Gennari L, Guidotti LG, von Andrian UH, Iannacone M (2013) Bisphosphonates target B cells to enhance humoral immune responses. Cell Reports, 5:323
  99. Henrickson SE, Perro M, Loughhead SM, Senman B, Stutte S, Quigley M, Alexe G, Iannacone M, Flynn MP, Omid S, Jesneck JL, Imam S, Mempel TR, Mazo IB, Haining WN, von Andrian UH (2013) Antigen availability determines CD8+ T cell-dendritic cell interaction kinetics and effector/memory fate decisions. Immunity, 39:496
  100. Sitia G, Iannacone M, Guidotti LG (2013) Antiplatelet therapy in the prevention of hepatitis B virus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Hepatology, 59:1135
  101. Guidotti LG, Iannacone M (2013) Effector CD8 T cell trafficking within the liver. Molecular Immunology, 55:94
  102. Sung JH, Zhang H, Moseman EA, Alvarez D, Iannacone M, Henrickson SE, de la Torre JC, Luster AD, von Andrian UH (2012) Chemokine guidance of central memory T cells is critical for anti-viral recall responses in lymph nodes. Cell, 150:1249
  103. Sitia G, Aiolfi R, Di Lucia P, Mainetti M, Fiocchi A, Mingozzi F, Esposito A, Ruggeri ZM, Chisari FV, Iannacone M, Guidotti LG (2012) Antiplatelet therapy prevents hepatocellular carcinoma and improves survival in a mouse model of chronic hepatitis B. PNAS, 109:E2165
  104. Moseman EA*, Iannacone M*, Bosurgi L, Tonti E, Chevrier N, Tumanov A, Fu Y-X, Hacohen N, von Andrian UH (2012) B cell maintenance of subcapsular sinus macrophages protects against a fatal viral infection independent of adaptive immunity. Immunity, 36:415 (*co-first authors)
  105. Tonti E, Fedeli M, Napolitano A, Iannacone M, von Andrian UH, Guidotti LG, Abrignani S, Casorati G, Dellabona P (2012) Follicular helper Natural Killer T cells provide CD1d-restricted help to B cells eliciting specific antibody responses in the absence of CD4+ T cells. Journal of Immunology, 188:3217
  106. Chevrier N, Mertins P, Artyomov MN, Shalek AK, Garber M, Iannacone M, Ciaccio MF, Gat-Viks I, Eisenhaure TM, Clauser KR, Yosef N, Tonti E, Root DE, Beutler B, von Andrian UH, Jones RB, Park H, Carr SA, Regev A, Amit A, Hacohen N (2011) Systematic discovery of signaling components identifies new branches in viral-sensing pathways. Cell, 147:853
  107. Sitia G*, Iannacone M*, Aiolfi R, Isogawa M, van Rooijen N, Scozzesi C, Bianchi ME, von Andrian UH, Chisari FV, Guidotti LG (2011) Kupffer cells hasten resolution of liver immunopathology in mouse models of viral hepatitis. PLoS Pathogens, 7:e1002061 (*co-first authors)
  108. Iannacone M, Moseman EA, Tonti E, Bosurgi L, Henrickson SE, Whelan S, Guidotti LG, von Andrian UH (2010) Subcapsular sinus macrophages prevent CNS invasion on peripheral infection with a neurotropic virus. Nature, 465:1079
  109. Iannacone M, Sitia G, Guidotti LG (2009) On the role of platelets in the pathogenesis of viral hepatitis. Journal of Hepatology, 51:593
  110. Iannacone M, Sitia G, Isogawa M, Whitmire JK, Marchese P, Chisari FV, Ruggeri ZM, Guidotti LG (2008) Platelets prevent IFN-ab-induced lethal hemorrhage promoting CTL-dependent clearance of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. PNAS, 105:631
  111. Junt T, Moseman EA, Iannacone M, Massberg S, Lang PA, Boes M, Fink K, Henrickson S, Shayakhmetov DM, van Rooijen N, Mempel T, Whelan S., von Andrian UH (2007) Subcapsular sinus macrophages in lymph nodes clear lymph-borne viruses and present them to antiviral B cells. Nature, 450:110
  112. Iannacone M, Sitia G, Narvaiza I, Ruggeri ZM, Guidotti LG (2007) Antiplatelet Drug Therapy Moderates Immune-Mediated Liver Disease and Inhibits Viral Clearance in Mice Infected with a Replication-Deficient Adenovirus. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 14:1532
  113. Nascimbene A, Iannacone M, Brando B, De Gasperi A (2007) Acute thrombocytopenia after liver transplant: Role of platelet activation, thrombopoietin deficiency and response to high dose intravenous IgG treatment. Journal of Hepatology, 47:651
  114. Iannacone M, Sitia G, Ruggeri ZM, Guidotti LG (2007) HBV pathogenesis in animal models: recent advances on the role of platelets. Journal of Hepatology, 46:719
  115. Sitia G*, Iannacone M*, Muller S, Bianchi ME, Guidotti LG (2007) Treatment with HMGB1 inhibitors diminishes CTL-induced liver disease in HBV transgenic mice. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 81:100 (*Co-first authors)
  116. Iannacone M, Sitia G, Guidotti LG (2006) Pathogenetic and antiviral immune responses against Hepatitis B virus. Future Virology, 1:189
  117. Iannacone M, Sitia G, Isogawa M, Marchese P, Castro MG, Lowenstein PR, Chisari FV, Ruggeri ZM, Guidotti LG (2005) Platelets mediate cytotoxic T lymphocytes-induced liver damage. Nature Medicine, 11:1167
  118. Sitia G, Iannacone M, Chisari FV, Guidotti LG (2005) Pathogenesis of Hepatitis B Virus in Transgenic Mice. Models of viral hepatitis, Vol. 25. F. F. von Weizsacker, and M. E. Roggendorf, eds. Karger, Basel, Switzerland, p. 25
  119. Rovere-Querini P, Capobianco A, Scaffidi P, Valentinis B, Catalanotti F, Giazzon M, Dumitriu IE, Muller S, Iannacone M, Traversari C, Bianchi ME, Manfredi AA (2004) HMGB1 is an endogenous immune adjuvant released by necrotic cells. EMBO Reports, 5:825
  120. Sitia G, Isogawa M, Iannacone M, Campbell IL, Chisari FV, Guidotti LG (2004) MMPs are required for recruitment of antigen-nonspecific mononuclear cells into the liver by CTLs. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 113:1158
  121. Manfredi AA, Iannacone M, D'Auria F, Rovere-Querini P (2002) The disposal of dying cells in living tissues. Apoptosis, 7:153
  122. Bondanza A, Manfredi AA, Zimmermann VS, Iannacone M, Tincani A, Balestrieri G, Sabbadini MG, Querini PR (2001) Anti-beta2 glycoprotein I antibodies cause inflammation and recruit dendritic cells in platelet clearance. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 86: 1257
  123. Mauvais-Jarvis, F, Ueki K, Fruman DA, Hirshman MF, Sakamoto K, Goodyear LJ, Iannacone M, Accili D, Cantley LC, Kahn CR (2002) Reduced expression of the murine p85alpha subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase improves insulin signaling and ameliorates diabetes. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 109:141

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