Landoni Giovanni Professore OrdinarioMedicinaMED/41




Nato il 27 novembre 1971 a Milano si è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano dove si è specializzato in Anestesia e Rianimazione.

E’ attualmente Professore Ordinario e Direttore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Terapia Intensiva presso l’Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele di Milano. E’ inoltre Direttore del Centro di Anestesia e Rianimazione dell’Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano e ha ottenuto numerosi grant di ricerca da donor indipendenti.

Autore di oltre 700 pubblicazioni scientifiche in riviste indicizzate, citate più di 20,000 volte, HI=76 su Scopus, inclusi studi randomizzati pubblicati su NEJM, Lancet e JAMA, ha ricevuto oltre 100 inviti a congressi internazionali in 29 paesi. E’ membro dell’Editorial Board di numerose riviste internazionali. Ha depositato domande per 6 brevetti nel settore.

E’ stato membro del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico (CTS) dell’AIFA, l’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (2009-2012).

Il Prof. Landoni è stato coordinatore di numerosi studi clinici randomizzati multicentrici completati con successo durante i quali sono stati randomizzati >10,000 pazienti critici o perioperatori negli ultimi 10 anni.

Ha trascorso tre anni all’estero lavorando e occupandosi di ricerca scientifica negli U.S.A., in Spagna, nei Paesi Bassi, in India e in Uganda.

Dal 1993 lavora in organizzazioni no-profit come “Project for People”. Ha vinto numerosi premi a congressi nazionali ed internazionali. E’ membro di ESICM, ESAIC, EACTAIC e SIAARTI.


Publications in Indexed Journals number=322 (including 134 original manuscripts plus 64 meta-analyses)

cited >5000 times in scientific journals according to Scopus

total impact factor>600

H index = 36

Landoni G, Lomivorotov VV, Alvaro G, Lobreglio R, Pisano A, Guarracino F, Calabrò MG, Grigoryev EV, Likhvantsev VV, Salgado-Filho MF, Bianchi A, Pasyuga VV, Baiocchi M, Pappalardo F, Monaco F, Boboshko VA, Abubakirov MN, Amantea B, Lembo R, Brazzi L, Verniero L, Bertini P, Scandroglio AM, Bove T, Belletti A, Michienzi MG, Shukevich DL, Zabelina TS, Bellomo R, Zangrillo A; CHEETAH Study Group. (2017). Levosimendan for Hemodynamic Support after Cardiac Surgery. N Engl J Med. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1616325. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28320259

Myles PS, Smith JA, Forbes A, Silbert B, Jayarajah M, Painter T, Cooper DJ, Marasco S, McNeil J, Bussières JS, McGuinness S, Byrne K, Chan MT, Landoni G, Wallace S; ATACAS Investigators of the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network. (2017). Tranexamic Acid in Patients Undergoing Coronary-Artery Surgery. N Engl J Med. vol. 376(2):136-148. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1606424. PMID: 27774838

Olper L, Bignami E, Di Prima AL, Albini S, Nascimbene S, Cabrini L, Landoni G, Alfieri O. (2017). Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Versus Oxygen Therapy in the Cardiac Surgical Ward: A Randomized Trial. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth.  vol. 31(1):115-121. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.08.007. PMID: 27771274

Barile L, Fominskiy E, Di Tomasso N, Alpìzar Castro LE, Landoni G, De Luca M, Bignami E, Sala A, Zangrillo A, Monaco F. (2017). Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution Reduces Allogeneic Red Blood Cell Transfusion in Cardiac Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials. Anesth Analg. vol. 124(3):743-752. DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000001609. PMID: 27669554

Bergamin FS, Almeida JP, Landoni G, Galas FR, Fukushima JT, Fominskiy E, Park CH, Osawa EA, Diz MP, Oliveira GQ, Franco RA, Nakamura RE, Almeida EM, Abdala E, Freire MP, Filho RK, Auler JO Jr, Hajjar LA. (2017). Liberal Versus Restrictive Transfusion Strategy in Critically Ill Oncologic Patients: The Transfusion Requirements in Critically Ill Oncologic Patients Randomized Controlled Trial. Crit Care Med. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000002283. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 28240687

Cabrini L, Landoni G, Colombo S, Zangrillo A. (2017). The authors reply. Crit Care Med. vol. 45(2):e236-e237. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000002180. PMID: 28098645

Pieri M, Nardelli P, De Luca M, Landoni G, Frassoni S, Melissano G, Zangrillo A, Chiesa R, Monaco F. (2017). Predicting the Need for Intra-operative Large Volume Blood Transfusions During Thoraco-abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. vol. 53(3):347-353. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2016.12.016. PMID: 28089084

Desborough MJ, Oakland KA, Landoni G, Crivellari M, Doree C, Estcourt LJ, Stanworth SJ. (2017). Desmopressin for treatment of platelet dysfunction and reversal of antiplatelet agents: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. J Thromb Haemost. vol. 15(2):263-272. DOI: 10.1111/jth.13576. PMID: 27893176

Hajjar LA, Vincent JL, Gomes Galas FR, Rhodes A, Landoni G, Osawa EA, Melo RR, Sundin MR, Grande SM, Gaiotto FA, Pomerantzeff PM, Dallan LO, Franco RA, Nakamura RE, Lisboa LA, de Almeida JP, Gerent AM, Souza DH, Gaiane MA, Fukushima JT, Park CL, Zambolim C, Rocha Ferreira GS, Strabelli TM, Fernandes FL, Camara L, Zeferino S, Santos VG, Piccioni MA, Jatene FB, Costa Auler JO Jr, Filho RK. (2017).Vasopressin versus Norepinephrine in Patients with Vasoplegic Shock After Cardiac Surgery: The VANCS Randomized Controlled Trial. Anesthesiology. vol. 126(1):85-93. PMID: 27841822

Winterton D, Bailey M, Pilcher D, Landoni G, Bellomo R. (2017). Characteristics, incidence and outcome of patients admitted to intensive care because of pulmonary embolism. Respirology. vol. 22(2):329-337. DOI: 10.1111/resp.12881. PMID: 27614424

Silvetti S, Crivellari M, Castiglioni A, Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Alfieri O, Koster A, Faraoni D, Bolliger D, Tanaka KA. (2016). Ascending Aorta Dissection in a Jehovah’s Witness Patient on Warfarin. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. vol. 30(6):1709-1715. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.02.029. PMID: 27639716

Olper L, Di Prima AL, Albini S, Landoni G, Cabrini L. (2016). Response: Noninvasive Ventilation After Cardiac Surgery. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. pii: S1053-0770(16)30730-3. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.12.014. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28325658

Ponomarev D, Kamenskaya O, Klinkova A, Loginova I, Lomivorotov V, Kornilov I, Shmyrev V, Chernavskiy A, Landoni G, Karaskov A. (2016). Prevalence and Implications of Abnormal Respiratory Patterns in Cardiac Surgery: A Prospective Cohort Study. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. pii: S1053-0770(16)30657-7. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.12.005. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28242146

Pieri M, Belletti A, Monaco F, Pisano A, Musu M, Dalessandro V, Monti G, Finco G, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2016). Outcome of cardiac surgery in patients with low  preoperative ejection fraction. BMC Anesthesiol. vol. 18;16(1):97. DOI: 10.1186/s12871-016-0271-5. PMID: 27760527

Landoni G, Saleh O, Scarparo E, Zangrillo A. (2016). Volatile anesthetics for lung protection: a bridge between operating rooms and intensive care units? Ann Transl Med. vol. 4(24):514. DOI: 10.21037/atm.2016.12.48. PMID: 28149876

Landoni G, Belletti A, Putzu A, Zangrillo A. (2016). Prevention of organ dysfunction in septic shock: still looking for an effective treatment. J Thorac Dis. vol. 8(12):E1715-E1718. DOI: 10.21037/jtd.2016.12.82. PMID: 28149622

Fominskiy E, Nepomniashchikh V, Landoni G. (2016). Reply to the Letter by Mengoli  et al. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. pii: S1053-0770(16)30591-2. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.11.017. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28111106

Pasin L, Nardelli P, Belletti A, Greco M, Landoni G, Cabrini L, Chiesa R, Zangrillo A. (2016). Pulmonary Complications After Open Abdominal Aortic Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. pii: S1053-0770(16)30445-1. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.09.034. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27988091

Bignami E, Guarnieri M, Franco A, Gerli C, De Luca M, Monaco F, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2016). Esmolol before cardioplegia and as cardioplegia adjuvant reduces cardiac troponin release after cardiac surgery. A randomized trial. Perfusion. pii: 0267659116681437. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27932571

Putzu A, Capelli B, Belletti A, Cassina T, Ferrari E, Gallo M, Casso G, Landoni G. (2016). Perioperative statin therapy in cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Crit Care. vol. 5;20(1):395. PMID: 27919293

Putzu A, Belletti A, Cassina T, Clivio S, Monti G, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2016).Vitamin D and outcomes in adult critically ill patients. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. J Crit Care. vol. 38:109-114. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2016.10.029. PMID: 27883968

Pieri M, Belletti A, Oriani A, Landoni G, Latib A, Mangieri A, Colombo A, Zangrillo A, Monaco F. (2016). Anesthetic Management of Cardioband Implantation: Data From a Preliminary Experience and New Insights. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. pii: S1053-0770(16)30364-0. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.08.028. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 27838197

Nigro Neto C, Landoni G, Tardelli MA. (2016). A Novel Anti-Pollution Filter for Volatile Agents During Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Preliminary Tests. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.08.009. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27810409

Ridgeon EE, Young PJ, Bellomo R, Mucchetti M, Lembo R, Landoni G. (2016).The authors reply. Crit Care Med. vol. 44(11):e1143. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000002045. PMID: 27755082

Greco T, Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai G, D’Ascenzo F, Zangrillo A. (2016). A Bayesian network meta-analysis for binary outcome: how to do it. Stat Methods Med Res. vol. 25(5):1757-1773. DOI: 10.1177/0962280213500185. PMID: 23970014

Radinovic A, Mazzone P, Landoni G, Agricola E, Regazzoli D, Bella PD. (2016). Different transseptal puncture for different procedures: Optimization of left atrial catheterization guided by transesophageal echocardiography. Ann Card Anaesth. vol. 19(4):589-593. DOI: 10.4103/0971-9784.191548. PMID: 27716687

Landoni G, Pisano A, Lomivorotov V, Alvaro G, Hajjar L, Paternoster G, Nigro Neto C, Latronico N, Fominskiy E, Pasin L, Finco G, Lobreglio R, Azzolini ML, Buscaglia G, Castella A, Comis M, Conte A, Conte M, Corradi F, Checco ED, De Vuono G, Ganzaroli M, Garofalo E, Gazivoda G, Lembo R, Marianello D, Baiardo Redaelli M, Monaco F, Tarzia V, Mucchetti M, Belletti A, Mura P, Musu M, Pala G, Paltenghi M, Pasyuga V, Piras D, Riefolo C, Roasio A, Ruggeri L, Santini F, Székely A, Verniero L, Vezzani A, Zangrillo A, Bellomo R. (2016). Randomized Evidence for Reduction of Perioperative Mortality: An Updated Consensus Process. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. pii: S1053-0770(16)30281-6. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.07.017. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27693206

Renda F, Marotta E, Landoni G, Belletti A, Cuconato V, Pani L. (2016). Kounis syndrome due to antibiotics: A global overview from pharmacovigilance databases. Int J Cardiol. vol. 224:406-411. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.09.066. PMID: 27684599

Pappalardo F, Landoni G. (2016). Estimation bias resulting from sparse data: response to comments by Zhang and Ren. Intensive Care Med. vol. 42(11):1844. DOI: 10.1007/s00134-016-4535-9. PMID: 27677904
Fominskiy E, Landoni G. (2016). eReply. Phosphocreatine in cardiovascular disease: how can we relate the evidence to clinical practice? Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. vol. 23(4):646-7. DOI: 10.1093/icvts/ivw307. PMID: 27672179

Belletti A, Benedetto U, Biondi-Zoccai G, Leggieri C, Silvani P, Angelini GD, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2016). The effect of vasoactive drugs on mortality in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. A network meta-analysis of randomized trials. J Crit Care. vol. 37:91-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2016.08.010. PMID: 27660923

Young PJ, Bellomo R, Landoni G. (2016). Timing of Initiation of Renal Replacement Therapy in Critically Ill Patients With Acute Kidney Injury. JAMA. vol. 316(11):1213-1214. DOI: 10.1001/jama.2016.11323. PMID: 27654610

Pasin L, Marrocco Trischitta MM, Landoni G, Piras D, Nardelli P, Cornero G, Chiesa R, Zangrillo A. (2016). Operative morbidity and mortality in octogenarians after carotid endarterectomy: a propensity score matching study. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27625000

Bellomo R, Landoni G, Young P. (2016). Improved survival in critically ill patients: are large RCTs more useful than personalized medicine? Yes. Intensive Care Med. vol. 42(11):1775-1777. DOI: 10.1007/s00134-016-4491-4. PMID: 27620285

Martino EA, Nardelli P, Winterton D, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2016). Reply to Wolvetang et al: “Serotonin Syndrome After Methylene Blue Administration During Cardiac Surgery: A Case Report and Review”. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.05.020. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27554232

Fominskiy E, Landoni G. (2016). Reply. Br J Anaesth. vol. 117(3):404. DOI: 10.1093/bja/aew240. PMID: 27543545

Fominskiy E, Landoni G. (2016). Reply. Br J Anaesth. vol. 117(3):403-4. DOI: 10.1093/bja/aew239. PMID: 27543544

Fominskiy E, Landoni G. (2016). Br J Anaesth. vol. 117(3):402-3. DOI: 10.1093/bja/aew238. PMID: 27543543

Cabrini L, Landoni G, Bocchino S, Lembo R, Monti G, Greco M, Zambon M, Colombo S, Pasin L, Beretta L, Zangrillo A. (2016). Long-Term Survival Rate in Patients With Acute Respiratory Failure Treated With Noninvasive Ventilation in Ordinary Wards. Crit Care Med. vol. 44(12):2139-2144. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000001866. PMID: 27513539

Pisano A, Landoni G, Lomivorotov V, Comis M, Gazivoda G, Conte M, Hajjar L, Finco G, Jovic M, Mucchetti M, Kunstý? J, Paternoster G, Likhvantsev V, Ruggeri L, Ma J, Alvaro G, Bukamal N, Borghi G, Pasyuga V, Cabrini L, Greco M, Guarracino F, Lembo R, Lobreglio R, Monaco F, Montisci A, Pala G, Pasin L, Pieri M, Santini F, Silvetti S, Zambon M, Baiardo Redaelli M, Castella A, De Vuono G, Lucchetta L, Zangrillo A, Bellomo R. (2016). Worldwide Opinion on Multicenter Randomized Interventions Showing Mortality Reduction in Critically Ill Patients: A Democracy-Based Medicine Approach. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. vol. 30(5):1386-95. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.05.005. PMID: 27499346

Pieri M, Bonizzoni MA, Lembo R, Dalessandro V, Alba AC, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2016). Intensive Care and Anesthesia Specialists Would Do More Research If They Could. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. vol. 30(5):e50-1. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.04.024. PMID: 27498264

Fominskiy E, Nepomniashchikh VA, Lomivorotov VV, Monaco F, Vitiello C, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2016). Efficacy and Safety of Fibrinogen Concentrate in Surgical Patients: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. vol. 30(5):1196-204. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.04.015. PMID: 27493092

Pieri M, Belletti A, Affronti G, Dalessandro V, Alba AC, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2016). What Is the Role of Long-Acting Neuromuscular Blocking Agents in Modern Adult Cardiac Surgery? J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.03.138. vol. 30(5):e45-6. PMID: 27474336

Likhvantsev VV, Landoni G, Levikov DI, Grebenchikov OA, Skripkin YV, Cherpakov RA. (2016). Sevoflurane Versus Total Intravenous Anesthesia for Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass: A Randomized Trial. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. vol. 30(5):1221-7. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.02.030. PMID: 27431595

Pagnesi M, Martino EA, Chiarito M, Mangieri A, Jabbour RJ, Van Mieghem NM, Kodali SK, Godino C, Landoni G, Colombo A, Latib A. (2016). Silent cerebral injury after transcatheter aortic valve implantation and the preventive role of embolic protection devices: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Cardiol. vol. 221:97-106. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.06.143. PMID: 27400304

Pappalardo F, Crivellari M, Di Prima AL, Agracheva N, Celinska-Spodar M, Lembo R, Taddeo D, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2016). Protein C zymogen in severe sepsis: a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized study. Intensive Care Med. vol. 42(11): 1775-1777. DOI: 10.1007/s00134-016-4405-5. PMID: 27344436

Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Lomivorotov VV, Likhvantsev V, Ma J, De Simone F, Fominskiy E. (2016). Cardiac protection with phosphocreatine: a meta-analysis. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. vol. 23(4):637-46 10.1093/icvts/ivw171. PMID: 27318357

Bellomo R, Pisano A, Finco G, Feltracco P, Landoni G. (2016). The authors reply. Crit Care Med. vol. 44(7):e589-90. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000001773. PMID: 27309181

Zangrillo A, Alvaro G, Pisano A, Guarracino F, Lobreglio R, Bradic N, Lembo R, Gianni S, Calabrò MG, Likhvantsev V, Grigoryev E, Buscaglia G, Pala G, Auci E, Amantea B, Monaco F, De Vuono G, Corcione A, Galdieri N, Cariello C, Bove T, Fominskiy E, Auriemma S, Baiocchi M, Bianchi A, Frontini M, Paternoster G, Sangalli F, Wang CY, Zucchetti MC, Biondi-Zoccai G, Gemma M, Lipinski MJ, Lomivorotov VV, Landoni G. (2016). A randomized controlled trial of levosimendan to reduce mortality in high-risk cardiac surgery patients (CHEETAH): Rationale and design. Am Heart J. vol. 177:66-73. DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2016.03.021. PMID: 27297851

Landoni G, Pasin L, Cabrini L, Scandroglio AM, Baiardo Redaelli M, Votta CD, Bellandi M, Borghi G, Zangrillo A. (2016). Volatile Agents in Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Units: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. vol. 30(4):1005-14. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2016.02.021. PMID: 27238433

Pasin L, Nardelli P, Landoni G, Beretta L, Piras D, Baccellieri D, Chiesa R, Zangrillo A. (2016). Enhanced recovery after surgery program in elective infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27171328
Pisano A, Monti G, Landoni G. (2016). Levosimendan: new indications and evidence for reduction in perioperative mortality? Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. DOI: 10.1097/ACO.0000000000000357. vol. 29(4):454-61. PMID: 27168089

Bignami E, Cattaneo M, Crescenzi G, Ranucci M, Guarracino F, Cariello C, Baldassarri R, Isgrò G, Baryshnikova E, Fano G, Franco A, Gerli C, Crivellari M, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2016). Desmopressin after cardiac surgery in bleeding patients. A multicenter randomized trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. DOI: 10.1111/aas.12740.  vol. 60(7):892-900. PMID: 27117753

Uhlig C, Bluth T, Schwarz K, Deckert S, Heinrich L, De Hert S, Landoni G, Serpa Neto A, Schultz MJ, Pelosi P, Schmitt J, Gama de Abreu M. (2016). Effects of Volatile Anesthetics on Mortality and Postoperative Pulmonary and Other Complications in Patients Undergoing Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Anesthesiology. vol. 124(6):1230-45. DOI: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000001120. PMID: 27065094

Neto CN, Simone FD, Cassara L, Silva CG, Cardoso TA, Carco F, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2016). Tricks, tips, and literature review on the adapted vaporize system to deliver Volatile agents during cardiopulmonary bypass. Ann Card Anaesth. vol. 19(2):240-4. DOI: 10.4103/0971-9784.179592. PMID: 27052063

Pisano A, Landoni G, Bellomo R. (2016). The risk of infusing gelatin? Die-hard misconceptions and forgotten (or ignored) truths. Minerva Anestesiol. vol. 82(10):1107-1114. PMID: 27045639

Di Tomasso N, Monaco F, Landoni G. (2016). Renal protection in cardiovascular surgery. F1000Res. pii: F1000 Faculty Rev-331. DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.7348.1. eCollection 2016. Review.

Zambon M, Beccaria P, Matsuno J, Gemma M, Frati E, Colombo S, Cabrini L, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2016). Mechanical Ventilation and Diaphragmatic Atrophy in Critically Ill Patients: An Ultrasound Study. Crit Care Med. vol. 44(7):1347-52. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000001657. PMID: 26992064

Ridgeon EE, Young PJ, Bellomo R, Mucchetti M, Lembo R, Landoni G. (2016). The Fragility Index in Multicenter Randomized Controlled Critical Care Trials. Crit Care Med. vol. 44(7):1278-84. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000001670. PMID: 26963326

Finco G, Locci E, Mura P, Massa R, Noto A, Musu M, Landoni G, d’Aloja E, De-Giorgio F, Scano P, Evangelista M. (2016). Can Urine Metabolomics Be Helpful in Differentiating Neuropathic and Nociceptive Pain? A Proof-of-Concept Study. PLoS One. vol. 11(3):e0150476. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150476. eCollection 2016. PMID: 26934501

Cabrini L, Landoni G. (2016). Non-invasive ventilation and survival rates: the more, the better. A plea against its underuse. Minerva Anestesiol. vol. 82(6):611-5 PMID: 26883624

Landoni G, Baiardo Redaelli M, Votta CD. (2016). Remote Ischemic Preconditioning and Cardiac Surgery. N Engl J Med. vol. 374(5):489. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1514509#SA1. PMID: 26840141

Martino EA, Winterton D, Nardelli P, Pasin L, Calabrò MG, Bove T, Fanelli G, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2016). The Blue Coma: The Role of Methylene Blue in Unexplained Coma After Cardiac Surgery. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. vol. 30(2):423-7. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2015.09.011. PMID: 26703972

Osawa EA, Rhodes A, Landoni G, Galas FR, Fukushima JT, Park CH, Almeida JP, Nakamura RE, Strabelli TM, Pileggi B, Leme AC, Fominskiy E, Sakr Y, Lima M, Franco RA, Chan RP, Piccioni MA, Mendes P, Menezes SR, Bruno T, Gaiotto FA, Lisboa LA, Dallan LA, Hueb AC, Pomerantzeff PM, Kalil Filho R, Jatene FB, Auler Junior JO, Hajjar LA. (2016). Effect of Perioperative Goal-Directed Hemodynamic Resuscitation Therapy on Outcomes Following Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial and Systematic Review. CRIT CARE MED. vol. 44(4):724-33. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000001479. PMID: 26646462

Landoni G, Pisano A, Lobreglio R, Lembo R, Mucchetti M, Bellomo R. (2016). The authors reply. Crit Care Med. vol. 44(1):e49. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000001433. PMID: 26672940

Landoni G, Baiardo Redaelli M, Pisano A. (2016). Dopamine derivatives and acute kidney injury: the search for the magic bullet continues…and leads to new (magic?) targets. NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPLANT. vol. 31(4):512-4. DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfv366. PMID: 26464459
Leslie K, McIlroy D, Kasza J, Forbes A, Kurz A, Khan J, Meyhoff C, Allard R, Landoni G, Jara X, Lurati Buse G, Candiotti K, Lee HS, Gupta R, VanHelder T, Purayil W, De Hert S, Treschan T, Devereaux PJ. (2016). Neuraxial block and postoperative epidural analgesia: effects on outcomes in the POISE-2 trial. BR J ANAESTH. Br J Anaesth. vol. 116(1):100-12. DOI: 10.1093/bja/aev255. PMID:26209855

Cabrini L, Giannini A, Pintaudi M, Semeraro F, Radeschi G, Borga S, Landoni G, Troiano H, Luchetti M, Pellis T, Ristagno G, Minoja G, Mazzon D, Alampi D. (2016). Ethical issues associated with in-hospital emergency from the Medical Emergency Team’s perspective: a national survey. MINERVA ANESTESIOL. vol. 82(1):50-7.PMID:26044935

Pasin L, Frati E, Cabrini L, Landoni G, Nardelli P, Bove T, Calabro MG, Scandroglio AM, Pappalardo F, Zangrillo A. (2015). Percutaneous tracheostomy in patients on anticoagulants. Ann Card Anaesth. vol. 18(3):329-34. DOI: 10.4103/0971-9784.159802. PMID: 26139737

Cabrini L, Landoni G. (2015). A novel non-invasive ventilation mask to prevent and manage respiratory failure during fiberoptic bronchoscopy, gastroscopy and transesophageal echocardiography. Heart Lung Vessel. vol. 7(4):297-303. PMID: 26811835

Cabrini L, Landoni G, Pintaudi M, Bocchino S, Zangrillo A. (2015). The many pros and the few cons of noninvasive ventilation in ordinary wards. REV MAL RESPIR. vol. 32(9):887-91. DOI: 10.1016/j.rmr.2015.11.002.

Belletti A, Musu M, Silvetti S, Saleh O, Pasin L, Monaco F, Hajjar LA, Fominskiy E, Finco G, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2015). Non-Adrenergic Vasopressors in Patients with or at Risk for Vasodilatory Shock. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials. PLOS ONE. vol. 10(11):e0142605. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142605. eCollection 2015. PMID: 26558621

Renda F, Landoni G, Trotta F, Piras D, Finco G, Felicetti P, Pimpinella G, Pani L. (2015). Kounis Syndrome: An analysis of spontaneous reports from international pharmacovigilance database. INT J CARDIOL. vol. 203:217-220. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2015.10.003. PMID: 26512841
John M, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2015). When ?clinician? does not rhyme with ?communication?. SIGNA VITAE vol. 10 (1):154-157.

Belletti A, Castro ML, Silvetti S, Greco T, Biondi-Zoccai G, Pasin L, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2015). The Effect of inotropes and vasopressors on mortality: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. BR J ANAESTH. vol. 115(5):656-75. DOI: 10.1093/bja/aev284. PMID: 26475799

Cabrini L, Landoni G, Antonelli M, Bellomo R, Colombo S, Negro A, Pelosi P, Zangrillo A. (2015). Critical care in the near future: patient-centered, beyond space and time boundaries. MINERVA ANESTESIOL. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 26474269

Fominskiy E, Putzu A, Monaco F, Scandroglio AM, Karaskov A, Galas FR, Hajjar LA, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2015). Liberal transfusion strategy improves survival in perioperative but not in critically ill patients. A meta-analysis of randomised trials. BR J ANAESTH. vol. 115(4):511-9. DOI: 10.1093/bja/aev317. Review. PMID: 26385661

Renda F, Landoni G, Bertini Malgarini R, Assisi A, Azzolini ML, Mucchetti M, Pimpinella G, Pani L. (2015). Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS): A National Analysis of Data from 10-Year Post-marketing Surveillance. DRUG SAF. vol. 38(12):1211-8. DOI: 10.1007/s40264-015-0343-3. PMID: 26370105

Nakamura RE, Vincent JL, Fukushima JT, Almeida JP, Franco RA, Lee Park C, Osawa EA, Pinto Silva CM, Costa Auler JO Jr, Landoni G, Barbosa Gomes Galas FR, Filho RK, Hajjar LA. (2015). A liberal strategy of red blood cell transfusion reduces cardiogenic shock in elderly patients undergoing cardiac surgery. J THORAC CARDIOVASC SURG. vol. 150(5):1314-20. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2015.07.051. PMID: 26318355

Zangrillo A, Musu M, Greco T, Di Prima AL, Matteazzi A, Testa V, Nardelli P, Febres D, Monaco F, Calabrò MG, Ma J, Finco G, Landoni G. (2015). Additive Effect on Survival of Anaesthetic Cardiac Protection and Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in Cardiac Surgery: A Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials. PLOS ONE. vol. 10(7):e0134264. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134264. eCollection. PMID:26231003

Greco T, Biondi-Zoccai G, Saleh O, Pasin L, Cabrini L, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2015). The attractiveness of network meta-analysis: a comprehensive systematic and narrative review. HEART LUNG VESSEL. vol.  7(2):133-42. PMID:26157739

Pasin L, Nardelli P, Landoni G, Cornero G, Magrin S, Tshomba Y, Chiesa R, Zangrillo A. (2015). Examination of regional anesthesia for carotid endarterectomy. J VASC SURG. vol. 62(3):631-634. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvs.2015.03.074. PMID:26141693

Zangrillo A, Putzu A, Monaco F, Oriani A, Frau G, De Luca M, Di Tomasso N, Bignami E, Lomivorotov V, Likhvantsev V, Landoni G. (2015). Levosimendan reduces mortality in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock: A meta-analysis of randomized trials. J CRIT CARE. vol. 30(5):908-13. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrc. PMID:26093802

Landoni G, Isella F, Greco M, Zangrillo A, Royse CF. (2015). Benefits and risks of epidural analgesia in cardiac surgery. BR J ANESTH. vol. 115(1):25-32. DOI: 10.1093/bja/aev201. PMID:26089444

Di Tomasso N, Monaco F, Landoni G. (2015). Hepatic and renal effects of cardiopulmonary bypass. BEST PRACT RES CLIN ANAESTHESIOL. vol. 29(2):151-61. DOI: 10.1016/j.bpa.2015.04.001. PMID:26060027

Landoni G, Comis M, Conte M, Finco G, Mucchetti M, Paternoster G, Pisano A, Ruggeri L, Alvaro G, Angelone M, Bergonzi PC, Bocchino S, Borghi G, Bove T, Buscaglia G, Cabrini L, Callegher L, Caramelli F, Colombo S, Corno L, Del Sarto P, Feltracco P, Forti A, Ganzaroli M, Greco M, Guarracino F, Lembo R, Lobreglio R, Meroni R, Monaco F, Musu M, Pala G, Pasin L, Pieri M, Pisarra S, Ponticelli G, Roasio A, Santini F, Silvetti S, Székely A, Zambon M, Zucchetti MC, Zangrillo A, Bellomo R. (2015). Mortality in Multicenter Critical Care Trials: An Analysis of Interventions With a Significant Effect. CRIT CARE MED. vol. 43(8):1559-68. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000000974. PMID:25821918

Greco T, Edefonti V, Biondi-Zoccai G, Decarli A, Gasparini M, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2015). A multilevel approach to network meta-analysis within a frequentist framework. CONTEMP CLIN TRIALS. vol. 42:51-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2015.03.005. PMID:25804722

Bove T, Landoni G, Bellomo R. (2015). Fenoldopam and acute kidney injury–reply. JAMA. vol. 313(9):971. DOI: 10.1001/jama.2015.436. PMID:25734746

Scandroglio AM, Finco G, Pieri M, Ascari R, Calabrò MG, Taddeo D, Isella F, Franco A, Musu M, Landoni G, Alfieri O, Zangrillo A. (2015). Cardiac surgery in 260 octogenarians: a case series. BMC ANESTHESIOL. vol. 26(15):15. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2253-15-15. PMID:25685057

Greco M, Zangrillo A, Mucchetti M, Nobile L, Landoni P, Bellomo R, Landoni G. (2015). Democracy-based consensus in medicine. J CARDIOTHORAC VASC ANESTH. vol. 29(2):506-9. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2014.11.005. PMID:25661641

Greco T, Calabrò MG, Covello RD, Greco M, Pasin L, Morelli A, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2015). A Bayesian network meta-analysis on the effect of inodilatory agents on mortality. BR J ANAESTH. vol. 114(5):746-56. DOI: 10.1093/bja/aeu446. PMID:25652947

Zangrillo A, Pappalardo F, Dossi R, Di Prima AL, Sassone ME, Greco T, Monaco F, Musu M, Finco G, Landoni G. (2015). Preoperative intra-aortic balloon pump to reduce mortality in coronary artery bypass graft: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. CRIT CARE. vol. 14(19):10 DOI: 10.1186/s13054-014-0728-1. PMID:25588568

Cabrini L, Landoni G, Oriani A, Plumari VP, Nobile L, Greco M, Pasin L, Beretta L, Zangrillo A. (2015). Noninvasive ventilation and survival in acute care settings: a comprehensive systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. CRIT CARE MED vol. 43(4):880-8. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000000819. PMID:2556546

Pasin L, Febres D, Testa V, Frati E, Borghi G, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2015). Dexmedetomidine vs midazolam as preanesthetic medication in children: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PAEDIATR ANAESTH. vol. 25(5):468-76. DOI: 10.1111/pan.12587. PubMed PMID: 25559766.

Cabrini L, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2015). Preventive and therapeutic non invasive ventilation in cardiovascular surgery. CURR OPIN ANAESTHESIOL. vol. 28(1):67-72 DOI:10.1097/ACO.0000000000000148. PubMed PMID: 25500687.

Silvetti S, Silvani P, Azzolini ML, Dossi R, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2015). A systematic review on levosimendan in paediatric patients. CURR VASC PHARMACOL. vol. 13(1):128-33. PMID:25440597

Cabrini L, Esquinas A, Pasin L, Nardelli P, Frati E, Pintaudi M, Matos P, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2015). An international survey on noninvasive ventilation use for acute respiratory failure in general non-monitored wards. RESPIR CARE. vol. 60(4):586-92. DOI: 10.4187/respcare.03593. PMID:25406347

Pasin L, Landoni G, Cabrini L, Borghi G, Taddeo D, Saleh O, Greco T, Monti G, Chiesa R, Zangrillo A. (2015). Propofol and survival: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. ACTA ANAESTHESIOL SCAND. vol. 59(1):17-24. DOI:10.1111/aas.12415. PMID: 25312519.

Bove T, Zangrillo A, Guarracino F, Alvaro G, Persi B, Maglioni E, Galdieri N, Comis M, Caramelli F, Pasero DC, Pala G, Renzini M, Conte M, Paternoster G, Martinez B, Pinelli F, Frontini M, Zucchetti MC, Pappalardo F, Amantea B, Camata A, Pisano A, Verdecchia C, Dal Checco E, Cariello C, Faita L, Baldassarri R, Scandroglio AM, Saleh O, Lembo R, Calabrò MG, Bellomo R, Landoni G. (2014). Effect of Fenoldopam on Use of Renal Replacement Therapy Among Patients With Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. vol. 312(21):2244-53. DOI: 10.1001/jama.2014.13573. PMID:25265449

Giannatempo P, Greco T, Mariani L, Nicolai N, Tana S, Farè E, Raggi D, Piva L, Catanzaro M, Biasoni D, Torelli T, Stagni S, Avuzzi B, Maffezzini M, Landoni G, De Braud F, Gianni AM, Sonpavde G, Salvioni R, Necchi A. (2015). Radiotherapy or chemotherapy for clinical stage IIA and IIB seminoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of patient outcomes. ANN ONCOL. vol. 26(4):657-68. DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdu447. PMID: 25214543

Landoni G, Guarracino F, Cariello C, Franco A, Baldassarri R, Borghi G, Covello RD, Gerli C, Crivellari M, Zangrillo A. (2014). Volatile compared with total intravenous anaesthesia in patients undergoing high-risk cardiac surgery: a randomized multicentre study. BR J ANAESTH. vol.  113(6):955-63. DOI: 10.1093/bja/aeu290. PMID:25186820

Pasin L, Landoni G, Nardelli P, Belletti A, Di Prima AL, Taddeo D, Isella F, Zangrillo A. (2014). Dexmedetomidine Reduces the Risk of Delirium, Agitation and Confusion in Critically Ill Patients: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. J CARDIOTHORAC VASC ANESTH. vol.  28(6):1453-66. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2014.03.010. PMID:25034724

Biondi-Zoccai G, Abbate A, Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Vincent JL, D’Ascenzo F, Frati G. (2014). An updated systematic review and meta-analysis on impedance threshold devices in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. HEART LUNG VESSEL. vol. 6(2):105-13 PMID: 25024992

Guarracino F, Baldassarri R, Ferro B, Giannini C, Bertini P, Petronio AS, Di Bello V, Landoni G, Alfieri O. (2014). Transesophageal echocardiography during MitraClip® procedure. ANESTH ANALG. vol. 118(6):1188-96. DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000000215. PMID: 24842173

Gutsche JT, Feinman J, Silvay G, Patel PP, Ghadimi K, Landoni G, Yue Y, Augoustides JG. (2014). Practice variations in the conduct of hypothermic circulatory arrest for adult aortic arch repair: focus on an emerging European paradigm. HEART LUNG VESSEL. vol. 6(1):43-51. PMID: 24800197

Salvo I, Landoni G, Mucchetti M, Cabrini L, Pani L. (2014). Use and reimbursement of off-label drugs in pediatric anesthesia: the Italian experience. PAEDIATR ANAESTH. vol. 24(6):625-31. DOI: 10.1111/pan.12403 PMID: 24796404

Nigro Neto C, do Amaral JL, Arnoni R, Tardelli MA, Landoni G. (2014). Intrathecal sufentanil for coronary artery bypass grafting. BRAZ J ANESTHESIOL. vol. 64(2):73-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.bjane.2012.12.004 PMID:24794447

Zangrillo A, Buratti L, Carozzo A, Casiraghi G, Landoni G, Lembo R, Pasin L1 Marone EM, Melissano G, Chiesa R. (2014). Intrathecal lactate as a predictor of early- but not late-onset spinal cord injury in thoracoabdominal aneurysmectomy. J CARDIOTHORAC VASC ANESTH. vol. 28(3):473-8. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2014.01.008 PMID:24746597

Landoni G, Pasin L, Borghi G, Zangrillo A. (2014). Is Time to Change to Halogenated Drugs in Cardiac Surgery, What do we have to do with Propofol? CURR PHARM DES. vol. 20(34):5497-505. PMID:24669970

Torraco A, Carrozzo R, Piemonte F, Pastore A, Tozzi G, Verrigni D, Assenza M, Orecchioni A, D’Egidio A, Marraffa E, Landoni G, Bertini E, Morelli A. (2014). Effects of levosimendan on mitochondrial function in patients with septic shock: A randomized trial. BIOCHIMIE. vol. 102:166-73. DOI: 10.1016/j.biochi.2014.03.006. PMID: 24657218

Landoni G, Pasin L, Di Prima AL, Dossi R, Taddeo D, Zangrillo A. (2014). Methylene blue: between scylla (meta-analysis) and charybdis (propensity). J CARDIOTHORAC VASC ANESTH. vol. 28(2):e12-3. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2013.12.012. PMID: 24630472

Greco M, Landoni G, Nobile L, Monti G, PasinL, Nigro C, Cabrini L, Zangrillo A. (2014). Decreasing mortality with drotrecogin alfa in high risk septic patients A meta-analysis of randomized trials in adult patients with multiple organ failure and mortality >40% . SIGNA VITAE. vol. 9 (1). ISSN: 1845206X

Cabrini L, Nobile L, Plumari VP, Landoni G, Borghi G, Mucchetti M, Zangrillo A. (2014). Intraoperative prophylactic and therapeutic non-invasive ventilation: a systematic review. BR J ANAESTH. vol. 112(4):638-47. DOI: 10.1093/bja/aet465. PMID: 24444661

Cabrini L, Landoni G, Greco M, Costagliola R, Monti G, Colombo S, Greco T, Pasin L, Borghi G, Zangrillo A. (2014). Single dilator vs. guide wire dilating forceps tracheostomy: a meta-analysis of randomised trials. ACTA ANAESTHESIOL SCAND. vol. 58(2):135-42. DOI: 0.1111/aas.12213. PMID: 24410105.

Silvetti S, Greco T, Di Prima AL, Mucchetti M, de Lurdes CM, Pasin L, Scandroglio M, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2014). Intermittent levosimendan improves mid-term survival in chronic heart failure patients: meta-analysis of randomised trials. CLIN RES CARDIOL. vol. 103(7):505-13. DOI: 10.1007/s00392-013-0649. PMID: 24368740.

Silvetti S, Meroni R, Bignami E, Bove T, Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Bellomo R, Pappalardo F. (2014). Preoperative Urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin and Outcome in High-Risk Heart Failure Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. J CARDIOTHORAC VASC ANESTH. vol. 28(2):323-7. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2013.07.007. PMID: 24295718

Nigro Neto C, Landoni G, Cassarà L, De Simone F, Zangrillo A, Tardelli MA. (2014). Use of Volatile Anesthetics During Cardiopulmonary Bypass: A Systematic Review of Adverse Events. J CARDIOTHORAC VASC ANESTH , vol. 28(1):84-9 PMID: 24295716

Venturini M, Zambon M, Cristel G, Agostini G, Querques G, Colombo M, Benussi S, Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Del Maschio A. (2014). Monitoring of central retinal artery and vein with color doppler ultrasound during heart surgery as an alternative to transcranial doppler ultrasonography: A case report. J CLIN ULTRASOUND. vol. 42(2):112-5. DOI: 10.1002/jcu.22052. PMID: 23606604.

Crivellari M, Silvetti S, Gerli C, Landoni G, Franco A, Bove T, Pappalardo F, Zangrillo A. (2014). Protein C zymogen in adults with severe sepsis or septic shock. MEDICINA INTENSIVA, vol 38(5):278-82. DOI: 10.1016/j.medin.2013.04.005. PMID: 23876943

Pasin L, Greco T, Feltracco P, Vittorio A, Neto CN, Cabrini L, Landoni G, Finco G, Zangrillo A. (2013). Dexmedetomidine as a sedative agent in critically Ill patients: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS ONE  vol. 8 (12).  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082913.

Pasin L, Landoni G, Castro ML, Cabrini L, Belletti A, Feltracco P, Finco G, Carozzo A, Chiesa R, Zangrillo A. (2013). The effect of statins on mortality in septic patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS ONE. Vol. 31;8(12):e82775. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082775. PMCID: PMC3876996.

Greco T, Zangrillo A, Biondi-Zoccai G, Landoni G. (2013). Meta-analysis: pitfalls and hints. HEART LUNG VESSEL, vol. 5(4), pag. 219-225. PMID: 24364016

Pasin L, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2013). Glutamine and antioxidants in critically ill patients. NEW ENGLAND J MED, vol. 369(5), pag 482-4. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1306658#SA3. PMID: 23902499

Landoni G, Greco T, Biondi-Zoccai G, Nigro Neto C, Febres D, Pintaudi M, Pasin L, Cabrini L, Finco G, Zangrillo A. (2013). Anaesthetic drugs and survival: a Bayesian network meta-analysis of randomized trials in cardiac surgery. BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, vol. 111(6):886-96. DOI: 10.1093/bja/aet231. PMID: 23852263.

Pappalardo F, Pieri M, Greco T, Patroniti N, Pesenti A, Arcadipane A, Ranieri VM, Gattinoni L, Landoni G, Holzgraefe B, Beutel G, Zangrillo A; Italian ECMOnet. (2013). Predicting mortality risk in patients undergoing venovenous ECMO for ARDS due to influenza A (H1N1) pneumonia: the ECMOnet score. INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, vol. 39(2), p. 275-81. DOI: 10.1007/s00134-012-2747-1. PMID: 23160769

Cabrini L, Plumari VP, Nobile L, Olper L, Pasin L, Bocchino S, Landoni G, Beretta L, Zangrillo A. (2013) Non-invasive ventilation in cardiac surgery: a concise review. HEART LUNG VESSEL, vol.5(3), pag137-41. PMID: 24364004

Landoni G, Pasin L, Monti G, Cabrini L, Beretta L, Zangrillo A. (2013) Towards zero perioperative mortality. HEART LUNG VESSEL, vol. 5(3), pag. 133-6. PMID: 24364003

Toller W, Guarracino F, Landoni G. (2013). Reply to Carev et al: Useful Supplement to the Best Practice of Using Levosimendan in Cardiac Surgery Patients: 2.5 mg Intravenous Bolus for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation During Perioperative Cardiac Arrest. J CARDIOTHORAC VASC ANESTH, vol.27(6), pag. 77-8. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2013.07.017. PMID: 24267578

Greco M, Zangrillo A, Pasin L, Landoni G. (2013). Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and lethal diseases: A new perspective. MED HYPOTHESES. Vol. 81(6):1039-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.mehy.2013.09.029. PMID: 24129293.

Landoni G, Bove T, Székely A, Comis M, Rodseth RN, Pasero D, Ponschab M, Mucchetti M, Bove T, Azzolini ML, Caramelli F, Paternoster G, Pala G, Cabrini L, Amitrano D, Borghi G, Capasso A, Cariello C, Carpanese A, Feltracco P, Gottin L, Lobreglio R, Mattioli L, Monaco F, Morgese F, Musu M, Pasin L, Pisano A, Roasio A, Russo G, Slaviero G, Villari N, Vittorio A, Zucchetti M, Guarracino F, Morelli A, De Santis V, Del Sarto PA, Corcione A, Ranieri M, Finco G, Zangrillo A, Bellomo R. (2013). Reducing mortality in acute kidney injury patients: systematic review and international web-based survey. J CARDIOTHORAC VASC ANESTH,  vol. 27(6), pag. 1384-98. PMID:24103711

Guarracino F, Cabrini L, Ferro B, Landoni G, Lembo R, Mucchetti M, Bocchino S, Zangrillo A, Ambrosino N. (2013). Noninvasive ventilation practice in cardiac surgery patients: insights from a European survey. J CARDIOTHORAC VASC ANESTH, vol. 27(5), pag. 63-65. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2013.04.005. PMID: 24054201

Barile L, Landoni G, Pieri M, Ruggeri L, Maj G, Nigro Neto C, Pasin L, Cabrini L, Zangrillo A. (2013). Cardiac Index Assessment by the Pressure Recording Analytic Method in Critically Ill Unstable Patients After Cardiac Surgery. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 27(6):1108-13. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2013.02.016. Epub 2013 Aug 29. PMID: 23992652

Olper L, Corbetta D, Cabrini L, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2013). Effects of non-invasive ventilation on reintubation rate: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised studies of patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery. CRITICAL CARE AND RESUSCITATION, vol. 15(3), pag. 220-227. Review. PMID: 23944209

Zangrillo A, Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai G, Greco M, Greco T, Frati G, Patroniti N, Antonelli M, Pesenti A, Pappalardo F. (2013). A meta-analysis of complications and mortality of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. CRITICAL CARE AND RESUSCITATION, vol. 15(3), pag. 172-178. Review. PMID: 23944202

Morelli A, Donati A, Ertmer C, Rehberg S, Kampmeier T, Orecchioni A, D’Egidio A, Cecchini V, Landoni G, Pietropaoli P, Westphal M, Venditti M, Mebazaa A, Singer M. (2013). Microvascular Effects of Heart Rate Control With Esmolol in Patients With Septic Shock: A Pilot Study CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, vol. 41(9), pag. 2162-2168. PMID:23873274

Pappalardo F, Zangrillo A, Pieri M, Landoni G, Morelli A, Stefani M, Guarracino F. (2013). Esmolol Administration in Patients With VV ECMO: Why Not? J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH. vol. 27(4), pag. E40.  DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2012.12.019. PMID: 23735468

Nigro Neto C, Arnoni R, Rida BS, Landoni G, Tardelli MA. (2013). Randomized Trial on the Effect of Sevoflurane on Polypropylene Membrane Oxygenator Performance. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 27(5), pag. 903-7. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2012.12.012. PMID: 23725688

Palmerini T, Biondi-Zoccai G, Riva DD, Mariani A, Savini C, Eusanio MD, Genereux P, Frati G, Marullo AG, Landoni G, Greco T, Branzi A, Servi SD, Credico GD, Taglieri N, Williams MR, Stone GW. (2013). Risk of stroke with percutaneous coronary intervention compared with on-pump and off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery: Evidence from a comprehensive network meta-analysis. AMERICAN HEART JOURNAL, vol. 165(6), pag. 910-917.e14. DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2013.03.011. Review. PMID: 23708161

Landoni G, Conte M, Székely A, Comis M, Pasero D, Pasin L, Mucchetti M, Paternoster G, Del Sarto PA, Rodseth RN. (2013). Reply: summarizing randomized evidence with clinically relevant outcomes performed in the perioperative period. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 27(3), pag. e29-30. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2012.11.022. PMID: 23672867

Monaco F, Biselli C, Landoni G, De Luca M, Lembo R, Covello RD, Zangrillo A. (2013) Thoracic epidural anesthesia improves early outcome in patients undergoing cardiac surgery for mitral regurgitation: a propensity-matched study. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 27(3), pag. 445-50. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2013.01.003. PMID: 23672861

Renda F, Mura P, Finco G, Ferrazin F, Pani L, Landoni G. (2013) Metformin-associated lactic acidosis requiring hospitalization. A national 10 year survey and a systematic literature review. EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES,  17 Suppl 1:45-9. PMID: 23436666

Pasin L, Umbrello M, Greco T, Zambon M, Pappalardo F, Crivellari M, Borghi G, Morelli A, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2013). Methylene blue as a vasopressor: a meta-analysis of randomised trials. CRITICAL CARE AND RESUSCITATION, vol. 15(1), p. 42-8. PMID: 23432501

Zangrillo A, Biondi-Zoccai G, Landoni G, Frati G, Patroniti N, Pesenti A, Pappalardo F. (2013). Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in patients with H1N1 influenza infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis including 8 studies and 266 patients receiving ECMO. CRITICAL CARE, vol. 17(1):R30. PMID: 23406535

Landoni G, Muchetti M. (2013). Invited commentary. ANNALS OF CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA, vol. 16(1), p. 9-10. PMID: 23405441

Bignami E, Greco T, Barile L, Silvetti S, Nicolotti D, Fochi O, Cama E, Costagliola R, Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai G, Zangrillo A. (2013). The Effect of Isoflurane on Survival and Myocardial Infarction: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 27, p. 50-58. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2012.06.007. PMID: 22819469

Toller W, Algotsson L, Guarracino F, Hörmann C, Knotzer J, Lehmann A, Rajek A, Salmenperä M, Schirmer U, Tritapepe L, Weis F, Landoni G. (2013). Perioperative Use of Levosimendan: Best Practice in Operative Settings. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 27(2), pag. 361-6. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2012.04.007. PMID: 22658687

Silvetti S, Crivellari M., Mucchetti M, Taddeo D, Franco A, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2013) Administration of protein C concentrates in patients without congenital deficit: A systematic review of the literature. SIGNA VITAE, vol. 8(2), pag. 15-19. ISSN: 13345605

Majure DT, Greco T, Greco M, Ponschab M, Biondi-Zoccai G, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2012). Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials of Effect of Milrinone on Mortality in Cardiac Surgery: An Update. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH.,  vol. 27(2), pag. 220-9. DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2012.08.005. PMID: 23063100

Cabrini L, Landoni G, Greco M, Zangrillo A. (2012). Can we avoid excess mortality associated with delay in intensive care unit admission? AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, vol. 186, p. 805-806.

Bignami E, Tritapepe L, Pasin L, Meroni R, Corno L, Testa V, Landoni G, Guarracino F, Zangrillo A. (2012). A survey on the use of intra-aortic balloon pump in cardiac surgery. ANNALS OF CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA, vol. 15, p. 274-277, ISSN: 0971-9784, DOI: 10.4103/0971-9784.101871

Landoni G, Cabrini L. (2012). Non-cardiac surgery and volatile agents – Back to the future. SAUDI JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, vol. 6, p. 107-108, ISSN: 1658-354X, DOI: 10.4103/1658-354X.97020

Landoni G, Rodseth RN, Santini F, Ponschab M, Ruggeri L, Szekely A, Pasero D, Augoustides JG, Del Sarto PA, Krzych LJ, Corcione A, Slullitel A, Cabrini L, Le Manach Y, Almeida RMS, Bignami E, Biondi-Zoccai G, Bove T, Caramelli F, Cariello C, Carpanese A, Clarizia L, Comis M, Conte M, Covello RD, De Santis V, Feltracco P, Giordano G, Pittarello D, Gottin L, Guarracino F, Morelli A, Musu M, Pala G, Pasin L, Pezzoli I, Paternoster G, Remedi R, Roasio A, Zucchetti M, Petrini F, Finco G, Ranieri M, Zangrillo A. (2012). Randomized Evidence for Reduction of Perioperative Mortality. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 26, p. 764-772, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2012.04.018

Monaco F, Biselli C, De Luca M, Landoni G, Lembo R, Zangrillo A. (2012). Thoracic epidural anesthesia in elderly patients undergoing cardiac surgery for mitral regurgitation feasibility study. ANNALS OF CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA, vol. 15, p. 164-165, ISSN: 0971-9784, DOI: 10.4103/0971-9784.95085

Guarracino F, Landoni G. (2012). Con: Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Should Not Be Performed Under General Anesthesia. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 26, p. 736-739, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2012.01.052

Zambon M, Biondi-Zoccai G, Bignami E, Ruggeri L, Zangrillo A, Landoni G. (2012). A comprehensive appraisal of meta-analyses focusing on nonsurgical treatments aimed at decreasing perioperative mortality or major cardiac complications. JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA, vol. 26, p. 509-515, ISSN: 0913-8668, DOI: 10.1007/s00540-012-1372-z

Zangrillo A, Biondi-Zoccai GGL, Frati E, Covello RD, Cabrini L, Guarracino F, Ruggeri L, Bove T, Bignami E, Landoni G. (2012). Fenoldopam and Acute Renal Failure in Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 26, p. 407-413, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2012.01.038

Landoni G, Ruggeri L, Zangrillo A. (2012). Magic Bullets in Cardiac Anesthesia and Intensive Care. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 26, p. 455-458, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2012.01.040

Severi L, Vaccaro P, Covotta M, Landoni G, Lembo R, Menichetti A. (2012). Severe Intra-aortic Balloon Pump Complications: A Single-Center 12-Year Experience. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 26, p. 604-607, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2012.01.037
Landoni G, Cabrini L, Borghi G, Zangrillo A. (2012). Out of hospital “smart” resuscitation. RESUSCITATION, vol. 83, p. E131, ISSN: 0300-9572, DOI: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2011.12.037

Greco M, Landoni G, Cabrini L. (2012). An Impedance Threshold Device in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, vol. 366, p. 186, ISSN: 0028-4793, ISSN: 0028-4793, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1113371#SA2

Bignami E, Frati E, Ceriotti F, Daverio R, Silvetti S, Landoni G, Marino G, Zangrillo A. (2012). Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as an early predictor of prolonged intensive care unit stay after cardiac surgery. ANNALS OF CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA, vol. 15, p. 13-17, ISSN: 0971-9784, DOI: 10.4103/0971-9784.91470

Cabrini L, Monti G, Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai G, Boroli F, Mamo D, Plumari VP, Colombo S, Zangrillo A. (2012). Percutaneous tracheostomy, a systematic review. ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA, vol. 56, p. 270-281, ISSN: 0001-5172, DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2011.02592.x

Cabrini L, Moizo E, Nicelli E, Licini G, Turi S, Landoni G, Silvani P, Zangrillo A. (2012). Noninvasive Ventilation Outside the Intensive Care Unit From the Patient Point of View: A Pilot Study. RESPIRATORY CARE, vol. 57, p. 704-709, ISSN: 0020-1324, DOI: 10.4187/respcare.01474

Bignami E, Landoni G, Gerli C, Testa V, Mizzi A, Fano G, Nuzzi M, Franco A, Zangrillo A. (2012). Sevoflurane vs. propofol in patients with coronary disease undergoing mitral surgery: a randomized study. ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA, vol. 56, p. 482-490, ISSN: 0001-5172, DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2011.02570.x

Zangrillo A, Cabrini L, Biondi-Zoccai GGL, Monti G, Turi S, Sheiban I, Bignami E, Landoni G. (2012). Continuous infusion versus bolus injection of furosemide in pediatric patients after cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized studies. SIGNA VITAE, vol. 7, p. 17-22, ISSN: 1334-5605

Cabrini L, Monti G, Plumari VP, Landoni G, Turi S, Laura P, Silvani P, Colombo S, Zangrillo A. (2012). Observed versus predicted hospital mortality in general wards patients assisted by a medical emergency team. SIGNA VITAE, vol. 7, p. 38-42, ISSN: 1334-5605

Landoni G, Greco M, Greco T, Zangrillo A. (2012). The authors reply. CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, vol. 40, p. 2744, ISSN: 0090-3493, DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e31825f7bb3

Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai G, Greco M, Greco T, Bignami E, Morelli A, Guarracino F, Zangrillo A. (2012). Effects of levosimendan on mortality and hospitalization. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, vol. 40, p. 634-646, ISSN: 0090-3493, DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e318232962a

Zangrillo A, Biondi-Zoccai G, Ponschab M, Greco M, Corno L, Covello RD, Cabrini L, Bignami E, Melisurgo G, Landoni G. (2012). Milrinone and Mortality in Adult Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-analysis. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 26, p. 70-77, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2011.06.022

Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Cabrini L. (2012). Noninvasive Ventilation After Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery in Adult Patients: A Review. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 26, p. 917-922, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2011.06.003

Greco M, Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai G, Cabrini L, Ruggeri L, Pasculli N, Giacchi V, Sayeg J, Greco T, Zangrillo A. (2012). Remifentanil in Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 26, p. 110-116, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2011.05.007

Papp Z, Edes I, Fruhwald S, De Hert SG, Salmenpera M, Leppikangas H, Mebazaa A, Landoni G, Grossini E,Caimmi P, Morelli A, Guarracino F, Schwinger RHG, Meyer S, Algotsson L, Wikstrom BG,Jorgensen K, Filippatos G, Parissis JT, Gonzalez MJG, Parkhomenko A, Yilmaz MB, Kivikko M, Pollesello P, Follath F. (2012). Levosimendan: Molecular mechanisms and clinical implications: consensus of experts on the mechanisms of action of levosimendan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, vol. 159, p. 82-87, ISSN: 0167-5273, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2011.07.022

Guarracino F, Zangrillo A, Ruggeri L, Pieri M, Calabro MG, Landoni G, Stefani M, Doroni L, Pappalardo F. (2012). beta-Blockers to Optimize Peripheral Oxygenation During Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Case Series. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 26, p. 58-63, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2011.05.013

Cabrini L, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2011). Noninvasive Ventilation Failure: The Answer Is Blowing in the Leaks. RESPIRATORY CARE, vol. 56, p. 1857-1858, ISSN: 0020-1324, DOI: 10.4187/respcare.01565

Crescenti A, Borghi G, Bignami E, Bertarelli G, Landoni G, Casiraghi GM, Briganti A, Montorsi F, Rigatti P, Zangrillo A. (2011). Intraoperative use of tranexamic acid to reduce transfusion rate in patients undergoing radical retropubic prostatectomy: double blind, randomised, placebo controlled trial. BMJ. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, vol. 343, ISSN: 0959-535X, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.d5701

Scolletta S, Taccone FS, Romagnoli S, Landoni G, Giomarelli P. (2011). Pressure recording analytical method to measure cardiac output after cardiac surgery: some practical considerations. BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, vol. 107, p. 814-815, ISSN: 0007-0912, DOI: 10.1093/bja/aer319

Morelli A, Donati A, Ertmer C, Rehberg S, Kampmeier T, Orecchioni A, Di Russo A, D’Egidio A, Landoni G, Lombrano MR, Botticelli L, Valentini A, Zangrillo A, Pietropaoli P, Westphal M. (2011). Effects of vasopressinergic receptor agonists on sublingual microcirculation in norepinephrine-dependent septic shock. CRITICAL CARE, vol. 15, ISSN: 1466-609X, DOI: 10.1186/cc10453

Zangrillo A, Testa V, Aldrovandi V, Tuoro A, Casiraghi G, Cavenago F, Messina M, Bignami E, Landoni G. (2011). Volatile Agents for Cardiac Protection in Noncardiac Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Study. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 25, p. 902-907, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2011.06.016

Landoni G, Greco M, Ruggeri L, Zangrillo A, Bordignon C. (2011). Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: A new way to study toxic drugs in chronic diseases. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 25, p. e54-e55, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2011.06.014

Biondi-Zoccai G, Landoni G. (2011). Discontinuation of aspirin for secondary prevention. BMJ. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, vol. 343, ISSN: 0959-535X, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.d3942

Cabrini L, Monti G, Landoni G, Colombo S, Savia I, Zangrillo A. (2011). Non-invasive ventilation, ordinary wards and medical emergency team: Maximizing effectiveness while preserving safety. RESUSCITATION, vol. 82, p. 1464, ISSN: 0300-9572, DOI: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2011.06.032

Ranucci M, Castelvecchio S, Conte M, Megliola G, Speziale G, Fiore F, Guarracino F, Scolletta S, Escobar RM, Falco M, Bignami E, Landoni G. (2011). The easier, the better: Age, creatinine, ejection fraction score for operative mortality risk stratification in a series of 29,659 patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery. JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY, vol. 142, p. 581-586, ISSN: 0022-5223, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2010.11.064

Landoni G, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A, Nicolotti D, Bignami E, Iaci G, Alfieri O, Guarracino F. (2011). Validation of a decision-making strategy for systolic anterior motion following mitral valve repair. ANNALS OF CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA, vol. 14, p. 85-90, ISSN: 0971-9784, DOI: 10.4103/0971-9784.81561

Covello RD, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2011). Anesthetic management of transcatheter aortic valve implantation. CURRENT OPINION IN ANAESTHESIOLOGY, vol. 24, p. 417-425, ISSN: 0952-7907, DOI: 10.1097/ACO.0b013e328347f99f

Ponschab M, Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai G, Bignami E, Frati E, Nicolotti D, Monaco F, Pappalardo F, Zangrillo A. (2011). Recombinant Activated Factor VII Increases Stroke in Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-analysis. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 25, p. 804-810, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2011.03.004

Severi L, Lappa A, Landoni G, Di Pirro L, Luzzi SJ, Caravetta P, Cipullo P, Menichetti A. (2011). Levosimendan Versus Intra-aortic Balloon Pump in High-Risk Cardiac Surgery Patients. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 25, p. 632-636, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2011.03.001

Landoni G, Augoustides JG, Guarracino F, Santini F, Ponschab M, Pasero D, Rodseth RN, Biondi-Zoccai G, Silvay G, Salvi L, Camporesi E, Comis M, Conte M, Bevilacqua S, Cabrini L, Cariello C, Caramelli F, De Santis V, Del Sarto P, Dini D, Forti A, Galdieri N, Giordano G, Gottin L, Greco M, Maglioni E, Mantovani L, Manzato A, Meli M, Paternoster G, Pittarello D, Rana KN, Ruggeri L, Salandin V, Sangalli F, Zambon M, Zucchetti M, Bignami E, Alfieri O, Zangrillo A. (2011). Mortality reduction in cardiac anesthesia and intensive care: results of the first International Consensus Conference. ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA, vol. 55, p. 259-266, ISSN: 0001-5172, DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2010.02381.x

Ruggeri L, Landoni G, Guarracino F, Scolletta S, Bignami E, Zangrillo A. (2011). Remifentanil in critically ill cardiac patients. ANNALS OF CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA, vol. 14, p. 6-12, ISSN: 0971-9784, DOI: 10.4103/0971 9784.74393

Biondi-Zoccai G, Landoni G, Modena MG. (2011). A journey into clinical evidence: from case reports to mixed treatment comparisons. HSR PROCEEDINGS IN INTENSIVE CARE AND CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA, vol. 3(2), p. 93-6, ISSN: 2037-0504

Landoni G, Augoustides JG, Guarracino F, Santini F, Ponschab M, Pasero D, Rodseth RN, Biondi-Zoccai G, Silvay G, Salvi L, Camporesi E, Comis M, Conte M, Bevilacqua S, Cabrini L, Cariello C, Caramelli F, De Santis V, Del Sarto P, Dini D, Forti A, Galdieri N, Giordano G, Gottin L, Greco M, Maglioni E, Mantovani L, Manzato A, Meli M, Paternoster G, Pittarello D, Rana NK, Ruggeri L, Salandin V, Sangalli F, Zambon M, Zucchetti M, Bignami E, Alfieri O, Zangrillo A. (2011). Mortality reduction in cardiac anesthesia and intensive care: results of the first International Consensus Conference. HSR PROCEEDINGS IN INTENSIVE CARE AND CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA, vol. 3(1), p. 9-19, ISSN: 2037-0504

Biondi-Zoccai G, Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Agostoni P, Sangiorgi G, Modena MG. (2011). Use of the LUCAS mechanical chest compression device for percutaneous coronary intervention during cardiac arrest: is it really a game changer? HSR PROCEEDINGS IN INTENSIVE CARE AND CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA, vol. 3(3), p.203-5, ISSN: 2037-0504

Biondi-Zoccai G, Lotrionte M, Landoni G, Modena MG. (2011). The rough guide to systematic reviews and meta-analyses. HSR PROCEEDINGS IN INTENSIVE CARE AND CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA, vol. 3(3), p. 161-73, ISSN: 2037-0504

Maj G, Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai G, Bignami E, Cabrini L, Buratti L, Greco M, Zambon M, Zangrillo A. (2011). Nesiritide and clinically relevant outcomes in cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized studies. SIGNA VITAE, vol. 6, p. 17-23, ISSN: 1334-5605

Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai G, Greco T, Greco M, Zangrillo A. (2011). Response: Does Levosimendan Reduce Mortality in Cardiac Surgery?. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 25, p. 579-580, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2010.10.005

Bignami E, Landoni G, Turi S, Zangrillo A. (2011). Response: Spinal Analgesia with Opioids Has No Clinically Relevant Impact in Cardiac Surgery. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 25, p. 389-390, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2010.02.026

Memmo A, Carozzo A, Landoni G, Fano G, Sottocorna O, Bignami E, Giacchi V, Corno L, Magrin S,Zangrillo A. (2011). Perioperative fenoldopam for the prevention of acute renal failure in non-cardiacsurgery, randomized clinical trial. SIGNA VITAE, vol. 6, p. 14-19, ISSN: 1334-5605

Landoni G, Guarracino F, Baldassarri R, Cariello C, Gerli C, Fano G, De Simone F, Cassara L, Frati E, Pittarello D, Tritapepe L, Zangrillo A. (2011). Sevoflurane vs propofol in high risk cardiac surgery: design of the randomized trial “Sevo-Aifa”. SIGNA VITAE, vol. 6, p. 36-40, ISSN: 1334-5605

Bignami E, Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai G, Greco T, Zangrillo A. (2011). Clinically relevant outcomes and long-term follow-up in cardiac anesthesia. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 25, p. e19-e20, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2011.01.004

Olper L, Cabrini L, Landoni G, Rossodivita A, Nobile L, Monti G, Alfieri O, Zangrillo A. (2011). Non-invasive ventilation after cardiac surgery outside the Intensive Care Unit. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 77, p. 40-45, ISSN: 0375-9393

Maj G, Monaco F, Landoni G, Barile L, Nicolotti D, Pieri M, Melisurgo G, Pappalardo F, Zangrillo A. (2011). Cardiac Index Assessment by the Pressure Recording Analytic Method in Unstable Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 25, p. 476-480, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2010.09.027

Guarracino F, Covello RD, Landoni G, Baldassarri R, Stefani M, Cariello C, Ruggeri L, Franco A, Gerli C, Pappalardo F, Zangrillo A. (2011). Anesthetic Management of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation With Transaxillary Approach. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 25, p. 437-443, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2010.08.015

Guarracino F, Cabrini L, Baldassarri R, Petronio S, De Carlo M, Covello RD, Landoni G, Gabbrielli L, Ambrosino N. (2011). Noninvasive Ventilation for Awake Percutaneous Aortic Valve Implantation in High-Risk Respiratory Patients: A Case Series. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 25, p. 1109-1112, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2010.06.032

Casiraghi G, Poli D, Landoni G, Buratti L, Imberti R, Plumari V, Turi S, Mennella R, Messina M, Covello RD, Carozzo A, Motta A, Zangrillo A. (2011). Intrathecal Lactate Concentration and Spinal Cord Injury in Thoracoabdominal Aortic Surgery. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 25, p. 120-126, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2010.03.006

Morelli A, Donati A, Ertmer C, Rehberg S, Lange M, Orecchioni A, Cecchini V, Landoni G, Pelaia P, Pietropaoli P, Van Aken H, Teboul JL, Ince C, Westphal M. (2010). Levosimendan for resuscitating the microcirculation in patients with septic shock: a randomized controlled study. CRITICAL CARE, vol. 14, ISSN: 1466-609X, DOI: 10.1186/cc9387

Monaco F, Landoni G, Biselli C, De Luca M, Frau G, Bignami E, Januzzi JL, Zangrillo A. (2010). Predictors of Cardiac Troponin Release After Mitral Valve Surgery. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 24, p. 931-938, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2010.06.029

Landoni G, Bignami E, Nicolotti D, Pieri M, Silvetti S, Buratti L, Landoni P, John M, Zangrillo A. (2010). Publication Trends in the J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH.: A 10-Year Analysis. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 24, p. 969-973, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2010.06.031

Landoni G, Pieri M, Nicolotti D, Silvetti S, Landoni P, Silvani P, John M, Bignami E, Zangrillo A. (2010). Self-citation in anaesthesia and critical care journals: introducing a flat tax. BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, vol. 105, p. 386-387, ISSN: 0007-0912, DOI: 10.1093/bja/aeq225

Cabrini L, Silvani P, Landoni G, Moizo E, Colombo S, Zangrillo A. (2010). Noninvasive ventilation in H1N1-correlated severe ARDS in a pregnant woman: please, be cautious!. INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, vol. 36, p. 1782, ISSN: 0342-4642, DOI: 10.1007/s00134-010-1922-5

Ranucci M, Guarracino F, Castelvecchio S, Baldassarri R, Covello RD, Landoni G, ACEF Score Research Group. (2010). Surgical and transcatheter aortic valve procedures. The limits of risk scores. INTERACTIVE CARDIOVASCULAR AND THORACIC SURGERY, vol. 11, p. 138-141, ISSN: 1569-9293

Landoni G, Mizzi A, Biondi-Zoccai G, Bruno G, Bignami E, Corno L, Zambon M, Gerli C, Zangrillo A. (2010). Reducing Mortality in Cardiac Surgery With Levosimendan: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 24, p. 51-57, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2009.05.031

Guarracino F, Cabrini L, Baldassarri R, Cariello C, Covello RD, Landoni G, Petronio S, Ambrosino N. (2010). Non-invasive ventilation-aided transoesophageal echocardiography in high-risk patients: a pilot study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, vol. 11, p. 554-556, ISSN: 1525-2167, DOI: 10.1093/ejechocard/jeq019

Caraceni A, Cavaliere F, Galante D, Landoni G. (2010). A year in Review in Minerva Anestesiologica, 2009. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 76, p. 158-168, ISSN: 0375-9393

Covello RD, Ruggeri L, Landoni G, Guarracino F, Bignami E, Gonfalini M, Virzo I, Michev I, Colombo A, Zangrillo A. (2010). Transcatheter implantation of an aortic valve: anesthesiological management. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 76, p. 100-108, ISSN: 0375-9393

Guarracino F, Landoni G, Baldassarri R, Nobile L, Stefani M. (2010). Concomitant levosimendan and esmolol infusion in ischaemic cardiogenic shock. BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, vol. 104, p. 388-389, ISSN: 0007-0912, DOI: 10.1093/bja/aeq013

Cabrini L, Silvani P, Landoni G, Monti G, Colombo S, Zangrillo A. (2010). Monitoring non-invasive ventilation outside the intensive care unit. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 76, p. 71, ISSN: 0375-9393

Landoni G, Virzo I, Bignami E, Zangrillo A. (2010). Any rationale for propofol use in cardiac surgery? J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 24, p. 903, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2009.11.005

Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2010). Ethics and methodology, not bureaucracy. HSR PROCEEDINGS IN INTENSIVE CARE AND CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA, vol. 2(2), p. 77-9, ISSN: 2037-0504

Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2010). Preventing mortality in cardiac surgery with anesthetic drugs and techniques. There is need for a consensus conference. HSR PROCEEDINGS IN INTENSIVE CARE AND CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA, vol. 2(1), p. 5-6, ISSN: 2037-0504

Pappalardo F, Della Valle P, Maj G, Franco A, Lattuada A, Landoni G, Zangrillo A, D’Angelo A. (2010). Perioperative evaluation of primary hemostasis in patients undergoing mitral valve repair. HSR PROCEEDINGS IN INTENSIVE CARE AND CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA, vol. 2(2), p. 119-27, ISSN: 2037-0504

Landoni G, Bove T, Pasero D, Comis M, Orando S, Pinelli F, Guarracino F, Corcione A, Galdieri N, Zucchetti M, Maglioni E, Biagioli B, Pala G, Frontini M, Caramelli F, Persi B, Renzini M, Paoletti F, Lorini L, Morelli A, Alvaro G, Bianco R, Pittarello D, Manzato A, Pedersini G, Mizzi A, Lojacono N, Leoncini P, Iovino T, Cariello C, Baldassarri R, Camata AM, Padua G, Frascaroli G, Leonardi S, Bignami E, Zangrillo A. (2010). Fenoldopam to prevent renal replacement therapy after cardiac surgery. Design of the FENO-HSR study. HSR PROCEEDINGS IN INTENSIVE CARE AND CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA, vol. 2(2), p. 111-7, ISSN: 2037-0504

Landoni G, Cabrini L, Fochi O, Zangrillo A. (2010). A new method for managing emergency calls. HSR PROCEEDINGS IN INTENSIVE CARE AND CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA, vol. 2(1), p. 35-9, ISSN: 2037-0504

Cabrini L, Biondi-Zoccai G, Landoni G, Greco M, Vinciguerra F, Greco T, Ruggeri L, Sayeg J, Zangrillo A. (2010). Bystander-initiated chest compression-only CPR is better than standard CPR in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. HSR PROCEEDINGS IN INTENSIVE CARE AND CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA, vol. 2(4), p. 279-85, ISSN: 2037-0504

Zangrillo A, Maj G, Monaco F, Scandroglio AM, Nuzzi M, Plumari V, Virzo I, Bignami E, Casiraghi G, Landoni G. (2010). Cardiac Index Validation Using the Pressure Recording Analytic Method in Unstable Patients. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 24, p. 265-269, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2009.09.019
Bignami E, Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai GGL, Boroli F, Messina M, Dedola E, Nobile L, Buratti L, Sheiban I, Zangrillo A. (2010). Epidural Analgesia Improves Outcome in Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 24, p. 586-597, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2009.09.015

Guarracino F, Talini E, Landoni G, Petronio S, Giannini C, Di Bello V. (2010). Effect of Aortic Valve Surgery on Left Ventricular Diastole Assessed by Echocardiography and Neuroendocrine Response: Percutaneous Versus Surgical Approach. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 24, p. 25-29, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2009.09.009

Cabrini L, Monti G, Landoni G, Mamo D, Plumari VP, Boroli F, Colombo S, Zangrillo A. (2010). Safety and efficacy of percutaneous tracheostomy techniques in critically ill patients: a comparative meta-analysis of randomized trials. INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, vol. 36, p. S224, ISSN: 0342-4642

Landoni G, Monti G, Facchini A, Cama F, Bignami E, Cabrini L, Pappalardo F, Zangrillo A. (2010). Human protein C concentrate in pediatric septic patients. SIGNA VITAE, vol. 5, p. 13-19, ISSN: 1334-5

Landoni G, Pierotti C, Nattabi B, Nono J, Biselli C, Corrado B. (2010). A successful TB defaulter control in a war zone with high HIV prevalence. ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE, vol. 3, p. 78-80, ISSN: 1995-7645

Landoni G, Figini F, Bignami E. (2010). Pharmacological preconditioning of the heart during surgery. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIO-THORACIC SURGERY, vol. 37, p. 982-983, ISSN: 1010-7940, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2009.09.038

Landoni G, Turi S, Biondi-Zoccai G, Bignami E, Testa V, Belloni I, Cornero G, Zangrillo A (2010). Esmolol Reduces Perioperative Ischemia in Noncardiac Surgery: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 24, p. 219-229, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2009.07.008

Silvani P, Facchini A, Bignami E, Capodanno P, Pappalardo F, Gerli C, Landoni G. (2010). Which Protein C After Cardiac Surgery?. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 24, p. 738-739, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2009.07.004

Zangrillo A, Garozzo FA, Biondi-Zoccai G, Pappalardo F, Monaco F, Crivellari M, Bignami E, Nuzzi M, Landoni G. (2010). Miniaturized cardiopulmonary bypass improves short-term outcome in cardiac surgery: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. J THORAC CARDIOVASC SURG., vol. 139, p. 1162-1169, ISSN: 0022 5223, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2009.07.048

Landoni G, Mizzi A, Biondi-Zoccai G, Bignami E, Prati P, Ajello V, Marino G, Guarracino F, Zangrillo A. (2010). Levosimendan reduces mortality in critically ill patients. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 76, p. 276-286, ISSN: 0375-9393

Messina M, Boroli F, Landoni G, Bignami E, Dedola E, Batonga JN, Magrin S, Zangrillo A. (2009). A comparison of epidural vs. paravertebral blockade in thoracic surgery. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 75, p. 616-621, ISSN: 0375-9393

Zangrillo A, Bignami E, Biondi-Zoccai GGL, Covello RD, Monti G, D’Arpa MC, Messina M, Turi S, Landoni G. (2009). Spinal Analgesia in Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 23, p. 813-821, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2009.07.002

Crivellari M, Della Valle P, Landoni G, Pappalardo F, Gerli C, Bignami E, Marino G, Zangrillo A, D’Angelo A. (2009). Human protein C zymogen concentrate in patients with severe sepsis and multiple organ failure after adult cardiac surgery. INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, vol. 35, p. 1959-1963, ISSN: 0342-4642, DOI: 10.1007/s00134-009-1584-3

Ferrario F, Barone MT, Landoni G, Genderini A, Heidemperger M, Trezzi M, Piccaluga E, Danna P, Scorza D. (2009). Acetylcysteine and non-ionic isosmolar contrast-induced nephropathy-a randomized controlled study. NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION, vol. 24, p. 3103-3107, ISSN: 0931-0509, DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfp306

Landoni G, Zambon M, Zangrillo A. (2009). Reducing Perioperative Myocardial Infarction with Anesthetic Drugs and Techniques. CURRENT DRUG TARGETS, vol. 10, p. 858-862, ISSN: 1389-4501

Crescenzi G, Landoni G, Monaco F, Bignami E, De Luca M, Frau G, Rosica C, Zangrillo A. (2009). Epidural Anesthesia in Elderly Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 23, p. 807-812, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2000.02.003

Zangrillo A, Colombo S, Salaris D, Cabrini L, Landoni G. (2009). Intensive care after elective non-cardiac surgery in high-risk patients. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 75, p. 537, ISSN: 0375-9393

Bignami E, Biondi-Zoccai G, Landoni G, Fochi O, Testa V, Sheiban I, Giunta F, Zangrillo A. (2009). Volatile Anesthetics Reduce Mortality in Cardiac Surgery. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 23, p. 594-599, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2009.01.022

Zangrillo A, Turi S, Crescenzi G, Oriani A, Distaso F, Monaco F, Bignami E, Landoni G. (2009). Esmolol Reduces Perioperative Ischemia in Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 23, p. 625-632, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2009.01.003

Covello RD, Maj G, Landoni G, Maisano F, Michev I, Guarracino F, Alfieri O, Colombo A, Zangrillo A. (2009). Anesthetic Management of Percutaneous Aortic Valve Implantation: Focus on Challenges Encountered and Proposed Solutions. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 23, p. 280-285, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2008.12.017

Zangrillo A, Gonfalini M, Bignami E, Landoni G. (2009). Renal Failure and Replacement Therapy After Cardiac Surgery. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 23, p. 758-759, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2008.12.016

Zangrillo A, Biondi-Zoccai G, Mizzi A, Bruno G, Bignami E, Gerli C, De Santis V, Tritapepe L, Landoni G. (2009). Levosimendan Reduces Cardiac Troponin Release After Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 23, p. 474-478, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2008.11.013

Crescenzi G, Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Guarracino F, Rosica C, La Canna G, Alfieri O. (2009). Management and decision-making strategy for systolic anterior motion after mitral valve repair. JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY, vol. 137, p. 320-325, ISSN: 0022-5223, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2008.08.018

Messina M, Magrin S, Bignami E, Maj G, Carozzo A, Mennella R, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2009). Prospective randomized, blind comparison of ropivacaine and levobupivacaine for superficial plexus anesthesia in carotid endoarterectomy. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 75, p. 7-12, ISSN: 0375-9393

Bignami E, Landoni G, Crescenzi G, Gonfalini M, Bruno G, Pappalardo F, Marino G, Zangrillo A, Alfieri O. (2009). Role of cardiac biomarkers (troponin I and CK-MB) as predictors of quality of life and long-term outcome after cardiac surgery. ANNALS OF CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA, vol. 12, p. 22-26, ISSN: 0971-9784, DOI: 10.4103/0971-9784.45009

Covello RD, Landoni G, Michev I, Bignami E, Ruggeri L, Maisano F, Montorfano M, Alfieri O, Colombo A, Zangrillo A. (2009). Percutaneous aortic valve implantation: the anesthesiologist perspective. HSR PROCEEDINGS IN INTENSIVE CARE AND CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA, vol. 1(2), p. 28-38, ISSN: 2037-0504

Landoni G, Fochi O, Bignami E, Calabrò MG, D’Arpa MC, Moizo E, Mizzi A, Pappalardo F, Morelli A, Zangrillo A. (2009). Cardiac protection by volatile anesthetics in non-cardiac surgery? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies on clinically relevant endpoints. HSR PROCEEDINGS IN INTENSIVE CARE AND CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA, vol. 1(4), p. 34-43, ISSN: 2037-0504

Cabrini L, Monti G, Landoni G, Silvani P, Colombo S, Morero S, Mucci M, Bergonzi PC, Mamo D, Zangrillo A. (2009). Activities of a medical emergency team twenty years after its introduction. HSR PROCEEDINGS IN INTENSIVE CARE AND CARDIOVASCULAR ANESTHESIA, vol. 1(4), p. 28-33, ISSN: 2037-0504

Crescenzi G, Landoni G, Bignami E, Belloni I, Biselli C, Rosica C, Guarracino F, Marino G, Zangrillo A. (2009). N-Terminal B-Natriuretic Peptide After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 23, p. 147-150, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2008.10.002

Cabrini L, Idone C, Colombo S, Monti G, Bergonzi P, Landoni G, Salaris D, Leggieri C, Torri G. (2009). Medical emergency team and non-invasive ventilation outside ICU for acute respiratory failure. INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, vol. 35, p. 339-343, ISSN: 0342-4642, DOI: 10.1007/s00134-008-1350-y

Zangrillo A, Mizzi A, Biondi-Zoccai G, Bignami E, Calabro MG, Pappalardo F, Dedola E, Tritapepe L, Marino G, Landoni G. (2009). Recombinant Activated Factor VII in Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-analysis. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 23, p. 34-40, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2008.09.017

Cogliati AA, Landoni G. (2009). Reply: Is Fenoldopam the Magic Bullet?. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 23, p. 128-129, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2008.01.010

Mizzi A, Landoni G, Corno L, Fichera M, Nuzzi M, Zangrillo A. (2009). How to explain a PaO2 of 140 mmHg in a venous line?. ACTA BIO-MEDICA DE L’ATENEO PARMENSE, vol. 80, p. 262-264, ISSN: 0392-4203

Crescenzi G, Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai G, Pappalardo F, Nuzzi M, Bignami E, Fochi O, Maj G, Calabro MG, Ranucci M, Zangrillo A. (2008). Desmopressin Reduces Transfusion Needs after Surgery A Meta-analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. ANESTHESIOLOGY, vol. 109, p. 1063-1076, ISSN: 0003-3022, DOI: 10.1097/ALN.0b013e31818db18b

Crescenzi G, Pappalardo F, Rosica C, Gonfalini M, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2008). Tricks and pitfalls regarding the hemodynamics of patients undergoing non-transplantation surgery for heart failure. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 74, p. 715-725, ISSN: 0375-9393

Landoni G. (2008). Epidural anesthesia and analgesia in cardiac surgery. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 74, p. 617-618, ISSN: 0375-9393

Landoni G, Crivellari M, Monti G, Gerli C, Silvani P, Zangrillo A. (2008). Human protein C concentrates in adult septic patients. SIGNA VITAE, vol. 3, p. 13-17, ISSN: 1334-5605

Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Fochi O, Mai G, Scandroglio AM, Morelli A, Tritapepe L, Montorfano M, Colombo A. (2008). Cardiac protection with volatile anesthetics in stenting procedures. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 22, p. 543-547, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2008.02.020

Landoni G, Gonfalini M, Zangrillo A. (2008). Safety of cardiac surgery in octogenarians and nonagenarians. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 22, p. 646-647, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2008.01.005

Landoni G, Bignami E, Gonfalini M, Mizzi A, Zangrillo A. (2008). Fenoldoparn in cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS, vol. 31, p. 561, ISSN: 0391-3988

Landoni G, Gonfalini M, Zangrillo A. (2008). Prolonged mechanical ventilation and outcome after cardiac surgery. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 74, p. 281, ISSN: 0375-9393

Cabrini L, Beccaria P, Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai GGL, Sheiban I, Cristofolini M, Fochi O, Maj G, Zangrillo A. (2008). Impact of impedance threshold devices on cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, vol. 36, p. 1625-1632, ISSN: 0090-3493, DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e318170ba80

Crescenzi G, Covello RD, Landoni G, De Luca M, Fracasso G, Melone M, Serini SM, Bignami E, Rosica C, Zangrillo A (2008). Thoracic epidural anaesthesia in valvular cardiac surgery. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY, vol. 25, p. 339-340, ISSN: 0265-0215, DOI: 10.1017/S0265021507002840

Crescenzi G, Rosica C, Marino G, Serini SM, Covello RD, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2008). The use of esmolol to treat systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve after mitral valve repair. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY, vol. 25, p. 342-343, ISSN: 0265-0215, DOI: 10.1017/S0265021507002876

Landoni G, Fochi O, Zangrillo A. (2008). Cardioprotection by volatile anesthetics in noncardiac surgery? No, not yet at least. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, vol. 51, p. 1321, ISSN: 0735-1097, DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2007.12.020

Roasio A, Lobreglio R, Santin A, Landoni G, Verdecchia C. (2008). Fenoldopam reduces the incidence of renal replacement therapy after cardiac surgery. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 22, p. 23-26, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2007.07.012

Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai GGL, Marino G, Bove T, Fochi O, Maj G, Calabro MG, Sheiban I, Tumlin JA, Ranucci M, Zangrillo A. (2008). Fenoldopam reduces the need for renal replacement therapy and in-hospital death in cardiovascular surgery: A meta-analysis. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 22, p. 27-33, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2007.07.015

Landoni G, Garozzo F A, Mizzi A, Zangrillo A. (2008). Fenoldopam in cardiovascular surgery: A review. VASCULAR DISEASE PREVENTION, vol. 5, p. 223-226, ISSN: 1567-2700

Bove T, Crescenzi G, Calabró M, Biselli C, Crivellari M, Maj G, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2008). An unusual cause of hypoxaemia in a patient with pneumonia. ANNALS OF CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA, vol. 11, p. 53-54, ISSN: 0971-9784, DOI: 10.4103/0971-9784.38453

Cogliati AA, Vellutini R, Nardini A, Urovi S, Hamdan M, Landoni G, Guelfi P. (2007). Fenoldopam infusion for renal protection in high-risk cardiac surgery patients: A randomized clinical study. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 21, p. 847-850, ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2007.02.022

Landoni G, Biselli C, Maj G, Zangrillo A. (2007). Faster rings in the survival chain: Mobile phones could improve the response to the dedicated emergency call system. RESUSCITATION, vol. 75, p. 547, ISSN: 0300-9572, DOI: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2007.05.022

Landoni G, Bove T, Crivellari M, Poli D, Fochi O, Marchetti C, Romano A, Marino G, Zangrillo A. (2007). Acute renal failure after isolated CABG surgery: six years of experience. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 73, p. 559-565, ISSN: 0375-9393

Morelli A, Lange M, Ertmer C, Broeking K, Van Aken H, Orecchioni A, Rocco M, Bachetoni A, Traber DL, Landoni G, Pietropaoli P, Westphal M. (2007). Glibenclamide dose response in patients with septic shock: Effects on norepinephrine requirements, cardiopulmonary performance, and global oxygen transport. SHOCK, vol. 28(5):530-5. ISSN: 1073-2322, DOI: 10.1097/shk.0b013e3180556a3c. PMID: 17589379

Landoni G, Calabro MG, Marchetti C, Bignami E, Scandroglio AM, Dedola E, De Luca M, Tritapepe L, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A. (2007). Desflurane versus propofol in patients undergoing mitral valve surgery. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 21(5):672-7. ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2006.11.017. PMID: 17905272

Crescenzi G, Rosica C, Bove T, Landoni G, Lapenna E, Zangrillo A. (2007). Dilated coronary sinus and a ring structure between the left atrial appendage and the left superior pulmonary vein. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 21(5):761-2. ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2007.01.013. PMID: 17905292

Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai GGL, Zangrillo A, Bignami E, D’Avolio S, Marchetti C, Calabro MG, Fochi O, Guarracino F, Tritapepe L, De Hert S, Torri G (2007). Desflurane and sevoflurane in cardiac surgery: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 21(4):502-11. ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2007.02.013. PMID: 17678775

Tritapepe L, De Santis V, Vitale D, Nencini C, Pellegrini F, Landoni G, Toscano F, Miraldi F, Pietropaoli P. (2007). Recombinant activated factor VII for refractory bleeding after acute aortic dissection surgery: A propensity score analysis. CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, vol. 35(7):1685-90. ISSN: 0090-3493, DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000269033.89428.B3. PMID: 17522585

Landoni G, Pappalardo F, Crescenzi G, Aletti G, Marchetti C, Poli D, Franco A, Rosica C, Zangrillo A. (2007). The outcome of patients requiring emergency conversion from off-pump to on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY, vol. 24(4):317-22. ISSN: 0265-0215, DOI: 10.1017/S0265021506001578. PMID: 17054807

Tritapepe L, Landoni G, Guarracino F, Pompei F, Crivellari M, Maselli D, De Luca M, Fochi O, D’Avolio S, Bignami E, Calabro MG, Zangrillo A. (2007). Cardiac protection by volatile anaesthetics: a multicentre randomized controlled study in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting with cardiopulmonary bypass. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY, vol. 24(4):323-31. ISSN: 0265-0215, DOI: 10.1017/S0265021506001931. PMID: 17156509

Landoni G, Boroli F, DAvolio S, Crivellari M. (2007). Raising mean arterial pressure in patients with septic shock. CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, vol. 34(1):268-9; author reply 269. ISSN: 0090-3493, DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000264152.90247.58. PMID: 16374202

Crescenzi G, Landoni G, Romano A, Boroli F, Giardina G, Bignami E, Fochi O, Aletti G, Rosica C, Zangrillo A. (2007). A propensity score analysis on the effect of eliminating cardiopulmonary bypass for coronary artery bypass grafting. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 73(3):135-41. ISSN: 0375-9393. PMID: 17384571

Landoni G, Biondi-Zoccai GGL, Tumlin JA, Bove T, De Luca M, Calabro MG, Ranucci M, Zangrillo A. (2007). Beneficial impact of Fenoldopam in critically ill patients with or at risk for acute renal failure: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF KIDNEY DISEASES, vol. 49(1):56-68. ISSN: 0272-6386, DOI: 10.1053/j.ajkd.200610.013. PMID: 17185146

Landoni G, Roberti A, Boroli E, D’Avolio S, De Luca M, Calabro MG, Zangrillo A, Aletti G. (2007). Mitral valve surgery and acute renal failure. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY, vol. 24(1):100-1. ISSN: 0265-0215, DOI: 10.1017/S0265021506001864. PMID: 17038220

Landoni G, Pappalardo F, Calabro MG, Boroli F, Sottocorna O, Aletti G, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A. (2007). Myocardial necrosis biomarkers after different cardiac surgical operations. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 73(1-2):49-56. ISSN: 0375-9393. PMID: 17159766

Pappalardo F, Corno C, Franco A, Giardina G, Scandroglio AM, Landoni G, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A. (2007). Reduction of hemodilution in small adults undergoing open heart surgery: a prospective, randomized trial. PERFUSION-UK, vol. 22(5):317-22. ISSN: 0267-6591, DOI: 10.1177/0267659107085308

Zangrillo A, Pappalardo F, Talo G, Corno C, Landoni G, Scandroglio A, Rosica C, Crescenzi G. (2006). Temperature management during off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of a circulating water system versus a forced-air system. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 20(6):788-92. ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2005.04.014. PMID: 17138081

Gerli C, Mantovani L, Franco A, De Luca M, Bergonzi PC, Boroli F, Romano A, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2006). Redo coronary artery bypass grafting on the beating heart and transfusion needs. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 72(12):985-93. ISSN: 0375-9393. PMID: 17235265

Crivellari A, Landoni G, Bellotti F, Cedrati V, Scandroglio AM, Boroli F, Gerli C, Zangrillo A. (2006). Multivessel off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting in a nonagenarian: anesthesiologic management. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, 72(12):1001-5. ISSN: 0375-9393

Zangrillo A, Gerli C, Landoni G, Sparicio D, Roberti A, Sottocorna O, Mantovani L, Scandroglio AM, Crescenzi G. (2006). Anesthesiologrical management and outcome of 100 “beating heart” coronary artery bypass grafting n. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 72(10):827-39. ISSN: 0375-9393. PMID: 17006420

Guarracino F, Landoni G, Tritapepe L, Pompei F, Leoni A, Aletti G, Scandroglio AM, Maselli D, De Luca M, Marchetti C, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A. (2006). Myocardial damage prevented by volatile anesthetics: A multicenter randomized controlled study. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 20(4):477-83. ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2006.05.012. PMID: 16884976

Zangrillo A, Landoni G, Fumagalli L, Bove T, Bellotti F, Sottocorna O, Roberti A, Marino G. (2006). Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus species in a cardiac surgical intensive care unit: A 5-year experience. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 20(1):31-7.  ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2004.12.002. PMID: 16458210

Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Franco A, Aletti G, Roberti A, Calabro MG, Slaviero G, Bignami E, Marino G. (2006). Long-term outcome of patients who require renal replacement therapy after cardiac surgery. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY, vol. 23(1):17-22. ISSN: 0265-0215, DOI: 10.1017/S0165021505001705. PMID: 16390560

Zangrillo A, Landoni G, Sparicio D, Pappalardo F, Bove T, Cerchierini E, Sottocorna O, Aletti G, Crescenzi G. (2005). Perioperative magnesium supplementation to prevent atrial fibrillation after off-pump coronary artery surgery: A randomized controlled study. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 19(6):723-8.  ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2005.02.015. PMID: 16326295

Zangrillo A, Annalisa F, Crescenzi G, Pappalardo F, Boroli F, Sottocorna O, Landoni G. (2005). Underreporting of conversion from off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery. ANESTHESIOLOGY, vol. 103(4):902. ISSN: 0003-3022, DOI: 10.1097/00000542-200510000-00037. PMID: 16192792

Zangrillo A, Crescenzi G, Landoni G, Benussi S, Crivellari M, Pappalardo F, Dorigo E, Pappone C, Alfieri O. (2005). The effect of concomitant radiofrequency ablation and surgical technique (repair versus replacement) on release of cardiac biomarkers during mitral valve surgery. ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, vol. 101(1):24-9. ISSN: 0003-2999, DOI: 10.1213/01.ANE.0000155959.42236.B8. PMID: 15976200

Bove T, Landoni G, Calabro MG, Aletti G, Marino G, Cerchierini E, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A. (2005). Renoprotective action of fenoldopam in high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery – A prospective, double-blind, randomized clinical trial. CIRCULATION, vol. 111(24):3230-5. ISSN: 0009-7322, DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.104.509141. PMID: 15967861

Zangrillo A, Crescenzi G, Landoni G, Leoni A, Marino G, Calabro MG, Corno C, Pappalardo F, Alfieri O. (2005). Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting reduces postoperative neurologic complications. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 19(2):193-6. ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jcva.2005.01.030. PMID: 15868527

Zangrillo A, Landoni G, Crescenzi G, Scandroglio AM, Calabro MG, Mantovani L, Franco A, Pappone C. (2005). A 20-joule electrical cardioversion applied directly to the heart elevates troponin I by at least 1.5 ng.mL(-1). CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, vol. 52(3):336-7. ISSN: 0832-610X. PMID: 15753512

Calderini E, Accorsi A, Adrario E, Bettelli G, Cornara G, De Gasperi A, Della Rocca G, Di Castri D, Frova G, Gregorini P, Iapichino G, Landoni G, Lombardo G, Mondello E, Paolillo G M, Peduto V A, Petrini F, Piazza L, Pierdominici S, Pietropaoli P, Rosi R, Salvo I, Santagostino R, Savoia G, Serafini G, Solca M, Stella L, Tavola M, Torri G, Tufano R, Vesconi S, Zoia E, Zuccoli P. (2005). Recommendations for anesthesia and sedation in nonoperating room locations [Raccomandazioni per l’esecuzione dell’anestesia e della sedazione al di fuori dei blocchi operatori]. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 71(1-2):11-20. ISSN: 0375-9393. PMID: 15711502

Zangrillo A, Landoni G, Pappalardo F, Oppizzi M, Torri G. (2005). Different anesthesiological management in two high risk pregnant women with heart failure undergoing emergency cesarean section [Difference gestione anestesiologica in due donne con insufficienza cardiaca ad alto rischio durante taglio cesareo emergente]. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 71(5):227-36. ISSN: 0375-9393. PMID: 15834351

Crivellari M, Bove T, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. (2004). Heart failure after Caesarean section for twin delivery. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY, vol. 21(12):986-8. ISSN: 0265-0215, DOI: 10.1017/S0265021504240376. PMID: 15719865

Zangrillo A, Landoni G, Sparicio D, Benussi S, Aletti G, Pappalardo F, Fracasso G, Fano G, Crescenzi G (2004). Predictors of atrial fibrillation after off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 18(6):704-8. ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2004.08.005. PMID: 15650977

Zangrillo A, Romano A, Landoni G, Sparicio D, Redaelli C, Pappalardo F, Marino G, Gulletta S, Aletti G, Alfieri O. (2004). Postoperative complications after coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a comparison between the off-pump and on-pump techniques. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY, vol. 21(9):745-7. ISSN: 0265-0215, DOI: 10.1017/S0265021504229131. PMID: 15595590

Bove T, Calabro MG, Landoni G, Aletti G, Marino G, Crescenzi G, Rosica C, Zangrillo A. (2004). The incidence and risk of acute renal failure after cardiac surgery. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 18(4):442-5. ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2004.05.021. PMID: 15365924

Zangrillo A, Landoni G, Putzu M. (2004). Which troponin I peak concentration?. ANESTHESIOLOGY, vol. 100(6):1620. ISSN: 0003-3022, DOI: 10.1097/00000542-200406000-00042. PMID: 15166589

Crescenzi G, Bove T, Pappalardo F, Scandroglio AM, Landoni G, Aletti G, Zangrillo A, Alfieri O. (2004). Clinical significance of a new Q wave after cardiac surgery. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIO-THORACIC SURGERY, vol. 25(6):1001-5. ISSN: 1010-7940, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2004.02.030. PMID: 15145001

Pappalardo F, Franco A, Landoni G, Cardano P, Zangrillo A, Alfieri O. (2004). Long-term outcome and quality of life of patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation after cardiac surgery. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIO-THORACIC SURGERY, vol. 25(4):548-52. ISSN: 1010-7940, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2003.11.034. PMID: 15037270

Crescenzi G, Cedrati V, Landoni G, Scandroglio AM, Bignami E, Bove T, Leoni A, Aletti G, Zangrillo A. (2004). Cardiac biomarker release after CABG with different surgical techniques. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 18(1):34-7. ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2003.10.007. PMID: 14973796

Crescenzi G, Scandroglio AM, Pappalardo F, Landoni G, Cedrati V, Bignami E, Aletti G, Zangrillo A. (2004). ECG changes after CABG: The role of the surgical technique. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 18(1):38-42. ISSN: 1053-0770, DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2003.10.008. PMID: 14973797

Sparicio D, Landoni G, Pappalardo F, Crivellari M, Cerchierini E, Marino G, Zangrillo A. (2004). Methylene blue for lithium-induced refractory hypotension in off-pump coronary artery bypass graft: Report of two cases. JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY, vol. 127(2):592-3. ISSN: 0022-5223. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2003.09.019. PMID: 14762380

Sparicio D, Landoni G, Zangrillo A (2004). Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors predispose to hypotension refractory to norepinephrine but responsive to methylene blue. JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY, vol. 127(2):608. ISSN: 0022-5223. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2003.01.001. PMID: 14762391

Pappone C, Santinelli V, Manguso F, Vicedomini G, Gugliotta F, Augello G, Mazzone P, Tortoriello V, Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Lang C, Tomita T, Mesas C, Mastella E, Alfieri O. (2004). Pulmonary vein denervation enhances long term benefit after circumferential ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. CIRCULATION, vol. 109(3):327-34. ISSN: 0009-7322. DOI: 10.1161/01.CIR.0000112641.16340.C7. PMID: 14707026

Zangrillo A, Sparicio D, Crivellari M, Aletti G, Bove T, Mamo D, Bignami E, Marino G, Landoni G. (2004). Low perioperative mortality for cardiac surgery in octogenarians [Bassa mortalità perioperatoria dopo cardiochirurgia in ultraottantenni]. MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA, vol. 70(10):717-26. ISSN: 0375-9393. PMID: 15516883

Leoni A, Landoni G. (2003). Management of the unanticipated difficult airway using a modified sequential intubation technique – Reply. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, vol. 50(10):1080-81. ISSN: 0832-610X. DOI: 10.1007/BF03018383. PMID: 14656799

Landoni G, Mamo D, Rosica C, Monaco C, Marino G, Alfieri O, Torri G, Beltchenko D, Fitch JC, LoCicero J. (2003). Elective cardiac Anesthesia in a nonagenarian. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 17(5):647-54. ISSN: 1053-0770. DOI: 10.1016/S1053-0770(03)00213-1. PMID: 14579223

Leoni A, Crescenzi G, Landoni G, Castracane W, Zangrillo A. (2003). Use of the laryngeal mask airway and a modified sequential intubation technique for the management of an unanticipated difficult airway in a remote location. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, vol. 50(5):523-4. ISSN: 0832-610X. DOI: 10.1007/BF03021071. PMID: 12734167

Landoni G, Marino G, Gerli C, Bellotti F, Bove T, Pappalardo F, Mamo D, Aletti G, Maisano F, Alfieri O, Torri G. (2002). Beating-heart coronary artery bypass graft surgery at San Raffaele Hospital: Four years of experience. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 16(6):691-4. ISSN: 1053-0770. DOI: 10.1053/jcan.2002.128417. PMID: 12486648

Pappalardo F, Landoni G, Franco A, Monaco C, Marino G, Torri G. (2002). Prolonged refractory hypotension in cardiac surgery after institution of cardiopulmonary bypass. J. CARDIOTHORAC. VASC. ANESTH., vol. 16(4):477-9. ISSN: 1053-0770. PMID: 12154431

Landoni G, Nattabi B, Opira C, Francesconi P. (2002). Abdominal tuberculosis adenitis in HIV-infected patients: is ultrasound diagnosis appropriate? TROPICAL DOCTOR, vol. 32(2):97-98. ISSN: 0049-4755. PMID: 11931213

Abstracts number=  216

Olper L, Bignami E, Di Prima AL, Albini S, Nascimbene S, Cabrini L, Landoni G, Alfieri O. “Non-invasive ventilation outside the intensive care unit in patients with hypoxemic acute respiratory failure after cardiac surgery. A randomized trial”, 3° International Conference on Respiratory Physiotherapy, 10th – 12th March 2016, Allegroitalia Savoia Rimini, Rimini, Italy

Fominskiy E, Lomivorotov W, Nepomniashchikh V, Monaco F, Vitiello C, Votta CD, Camarda V, Landoni G. “Efficacy and safety of fibrinogen concentrate in surgical patients: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials”, Poster 04, EACTA 2016, 11th – 13th May, Basel, Switzerland

Fominskiy E, Cabrini L, Savia I, Bevilacqua M, Votta CD, Manfredini L, Aslan NA, Filippini M, Gelosa B, Landoni G. “Continuous positive airway pressure during upper endoscopies: a bench-stufy on a novel device”. Oral Presentation 41, EACTA 2016, 11th – 13th May, Basel, Switzerland

Pagnesi M, Martino EA, Chiarito M, Mangieri A, Jabbour RJ, Godino C, Landoni G, Colombo A, Latib A. “Silent cerebral injury after transcatheter aortic valve implantation and the preventive role of embolic protection protection devices: a systemic review and meta-analysis”, EuroPCR, 17th – 20th May 2016, Paris, France

Landoni G, Belletti A, Sardo S, Fang M, Nardelli P, Votta CD, Baiardo Redaelli M, Turla G, Pappalardo F. “Should intra aortic balloon pump be mixed with ECMO?”, 9th Biennal Conference on Cardiopulmonary Bypass, 21st – 24th July 2016, The Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Landoni G, Belletti A, Sardo S, Fang M, Nardelli P, Votta CD, Baiardo Redaelli M, Monaco F: “The use of levosimendan in post-cardiac surgery & ICU”, 9th Biennal Conference on Cardiopulmonary Bypass, 21st – 24th July 2016, The Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Landoni G, Belletti A, Sardo S, Fang M, Nardelli P, Votta CD, Baiardo Redaelli M, Monaco F: “Mortality reduction in cardiac anaesthesia and intensive care: an international consensus conference”, 9th Biennal Conference on Cardiopulmonary Bypass, 21st – 24th July 2016, The Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Fominskiy E, Crivellari M, Pasin L, Paternoster G, Lucchetta L, Castella A, Monaco F, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. “Effect of blood transfusion strategy on mortality in cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials” Poster 18, XXX EACTA 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Pasin L, Nardelli P, Febres D, Belletti A, Saleh O, Bellandi M, Baiardo Redaelli M, Patermoster G, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. “Enhanced recovery after surgery program in elective sub-renal abdominal aortic aneurism repair: a single centre experience” Oral Presentation 114, XXX EACTA 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Pasin L, Nardelli P, Febres D, Belletti A, Saleh O, Bellandi M, Baiardo Redaelli M, Patermoster G, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. “Enhanced recovery after surgery program in elective sub-renal abdominal aortic aneurism repair: a single centre experience” Oral Presentation 114, XXX EACTA 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Pasin L, Nardelli P, Febres D, Belletti A, Saleh O, Bellandi M, Manfredini L, Paternoster G, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. “Carotid endarterectomy in octogenarians: a 5-years single centre experience” Poster 31, XXX EACTA 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Pasin L, Nardelli P, Febres D, Belletti A, Saleh O, Bellandi M, Baiardo Redaelli M, Patermoster G, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. “Enhanced recovery after surgery program in elective sub-renal abdominal aortic aneurism repair: a single centre experience” Oral Presentation 114, XXX EACTA 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Landoni G. “Fenoldopam Does Not Prevent Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery”, 2014.

Salvo I, Cabrini L, Mucchetti M, Landoni G. “A misura di …bambino: l’importanza della disponibilità di farmaci specifici per l’età pediatrica”, AIFA Guest Editorial 2014.

Ruggeri L, Covello RD, Nobile L, Di Prima AL, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. “An unforeseen route for a nasoenteral feeding tube”, BJA 2014.

Landoni G, Pieri M, Testa V, Silvetti S, Zambon M, Borghi G, Azzolini M, Di Prima AL, Nobile L, Lembo R, Zangrillo A.“Intrathecal lactate to predict spinal cord ischemia in major abdominal surgery” Critical Care,18,Suppl 1,P449,2014; BioMed Central Ltd

Landoni G, Taddeo D, Isella F, Baiardi Redaelli M, Maffini A. “Cardiac protection by volatile anesthetics: updated evidence” 61st Annual Meeting of JSA, May 2014 in Yokohama, Japan

Landoni G, Greco M, Isella F, Taddeo D, Saleh O, Belletti A, Putzu A, Lembo R, Zangrillo A “Epidural analgesia reduces perioperative myocardial infarction and all-cause mortality after cardiac surgery: but at least 25 epidural hematomas have already happened”. Poster at ISICEM 2014, published as abstract in Critical Care 2014;18(suppl. 1):S153

Landoni G, Matteazzi A, Belletti A, Tornaghi A, Maj R. “The role of levosimendan in cardiac surgery” 20th Annual Congress of the Hungarian Society of Cardiac Surgery, 7 – 9 November 2013, Debrecen, Kolcsey Kozpont, Hungary

Olper L, Corbetta D, Cabrini L, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. “Effects of NIV on hospital stay. A meta-analysis of randomized studies performed in cardiothoracic surgery” 4th European Respiratory Care Association Congress, 15 – 17 March 2012, Barcelona, Spain.

Cabrini L, Landoni G, Pasin L, Magnano di San Lio MS, Zangrillo A. Non-invasive ventilation: indications. HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care & Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2012;4(suppl.1):20-21

Pasin L, Nigro Neto C, Vittorio A, Greco T, Di Prima AL, Meroni R, Sassone ME, Cabrini L, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. Dexmedetomidine as a sedative agent in critically ill patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controller trials. Poster 224, 66th SIAARTI congress, 24 – 27th October 2012, Palacongressi,  Napoli

Landoni G, Greco M, Nigro Neto C, Cabrini L, Di Prima AL, Meroni R, Sassone M, Tarzia V, Pasin L, Zangrillo A. Drotrecogin alfa decreases mortality in high risk septic patients”. Poster 225, 66th SIAARTI congress, 24 – 27th October 2012, Palacongressi, Napoli

Landoni G, Nigri Neto C, Magnano di San Lio MS, Agracheva N, Tarzia V, Cabrini L, Turla O, Greco T, Pasin L, Zangrillo A. Anesthetic drugs and survival. A meta-analysis of randomized trials in cardiac surgery. Poster 229, 66th SIAARTI congress, 24 – 27th October 2012, Palacongressi, Napoli

Zambon M, Bertarelli G, Landoni G, Borghi G, Fumagalli L, Marino G, Zangrillo A. Risk factors for the development of ventilator associated pneumonia after cardiac surgery. Abstract 0221, 25th ESICM Annual Congress, 13th – 17th October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal

Borghi G, Greco T, Zambon M, Pasin L, Mattioli M, Febres Escalante D, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. Terlipressin versus norepinephrine for treatment of vasodilatory hypotension: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. Abstract 0317, 25th ESICM Annual Congress, 13 – 17th October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal

Zambon M, Bertarelli G, Landoni G, Fumagalli L, Borghi G, Marino G, Zangrillo A. Increased incidence but decreased mortality of meticillin resistant staphylococcus species (MRS) infections in a cardiac surgical intensive care unit. Abstract 0551, 25th ESICM Annual Congress, 13 – 17th October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal

Zambon M, Pasin L, Greco T, Crivellari M, Borghi G, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. Methylene blue in hypotensive critically ill patients. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. Abstract 0770, 25th ESICM Annual Congress, 13 – 17th October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal

Landoni G, Ponschab M, Pasero D, Comis M, Conte M, Cabrini L, Cariello C, Caramelli F, Del Sarto P, Galdieri N, Maglioni E, Sangalli F, Zucchetti M, Carpanese A, Pasin L, Zangrillo A. Mortality reduction in cardiac anesthesia and intensive care: results of the first International Consensus Conference. The 3rd International Symposium for Cardiac Anesthesia (3rd ISCA) and the 17th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists (17th JSCVA). September 15th 2012,  Sendai, Japan published in “Cardiovascular Anesthesia” The Journal of the Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists 2012;16(Suppl):96-97

Landoni G, Paternoster G, Patrignani R, Bignami E, Zangrillo A: “The results the first International Consensus Conference on Mortality Reduction in Cardiac Anesthesia and Intensive Care”, HSR proceedings in Intensive Care & Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2011;3(suppl.1):30-31

Olper L, Albini T, Cabrini L, Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Bignami E, Diprima A, Rossodivita A: “Non-invasive ventilation outside the Intensive Care Unit after Cardiac Surgery: the role of respiratory physiotherapist”, HSR proceedings in Intensive Care & Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2011;3(suppl.1):43-44

Landoni G, Mizzi A, Turi S. Perioperative use of Levosimendan. HSR proceedings in Intensive Care & Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010;2(Suppl.1):32-33

Manunta P, Frati E, Casamassima N, Landoni G, Bignami E, Lanzani C, Corno L, Slaviero G, Mizzi A, Querques M, Gerli C, Zangrillo A: “Clinical impact of highly sensitive biomarkers of acute kidney injury” Congresso ASN Renal Week 2010, 16 – 21 November, Denver, Co- USA

Conte M, Ranucci M, Landoni G, Guarracino F, Scolletta S, Escobar R, Falco M, Fiore F, Castelvecchio S, Megliola G: “The easier predicts better: multi-centric external validation and superior clinical performance of the ACEF score compared to additive and logistic EuroSCORE in 29,659 elective cardiac surgery patients” ESC Congress 2010

Landoni G, Bignami E, Nicolotti D, Pieri M, Silvetti S, Buratti L, Frati E, Barile L, Aletti G, Radice I, Zangrillo A: “Self citations in anaesthesiology and critical care journals” P35, XXI Congresso SMART 2010, 26 – 28 Maggio, Milano

Maj G, Monaco F, Bignami E, Nuzzi M, Virzo I, Scandroglio AM, Casiraghi G, Barile L, Pieri M, Landoni G, Zangrillo A: “Pressure-recording-analytical method versus thermodilution in unstable patients with atrial fibrillation” Comunicazione Libera 25, XXI Congresso SMART 2010, 26 – 28 Maggio, Milano

Pappalardo F, Monaco F, Crivellari M, Bignami E, Nuzzi M, Mattioli L, Pagan De Paganis C, Corti D, Landoni G, Zangrillo A: “Miniaturized cardiopulmonary bypass decreases organ dysfunction after cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized trials” Comunicazione Libera 79, XXI Congresso SMART 2010, 26 – 28 Maggio, Milano

Monaco F, Bignami E, Biselli C, De Luca M, Frau G, Nicolotti D, Barile L, Mucchetti M, Nobile L, Landoni G, Zangrillo A: “Cardiac Troponin release after mitral surgery” Comunicazione Libera 81, XXI Congresso SMART 2010, 26 – 28 Maggio, Milano

Bignami E, Pappalardo F, Marini C, Ferrari D, Azzolini ML Mucchetti M, Agarossi A, Nicolotti D, Monaco F, Landoni G, Zangrillo A: “Stroke increases with recombinant activated factor VII in cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis” Comunicazione Libera 82, XXI Congresso SMART 2010, 26 – 28 Maggio, Milano

Guarracino F, Cabrini L, Baldassarri R, Cariello C, Covello RD, Landoni G, Ambrosino N: “Non-invasive ventilation aided transoesophageal echocardiography in high risk patients: a pilot study”. P9, XXI Congresso SMART 2010, 26 – 28 Maggio, Milano

Covello RD, Ruggeri L, Landoni G, Bignami E, Buratti L, Frati E, Marino G, Virzo I, Franco A, Gerli C, Zangrillo A: “Transcatheter implantation of aortic valve” P14, XXI Congresso SMART 2010, 26 – 28 Maggio, Milano

Bignami E, Messina M, Buratti L, Borghi G, Barile L, Giacchi V, Turi S, Monti G, Covello RD, Landoni G, Zangrillo A: “Neuraxial analgesia in cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials” P18, XXI Congresso SMART 2010, 26 – 28 Maggio, Milano

Bignami E, Crescenzi G, Agarossi A, Borghi G, Nicolotti D, Pieri M, Silvetti S, Frati E, Iaci G, Landoni G, Zangrillo A: “Decision-making strategy for systolic anterior motion following mitral valve repair” P23, XXI Congresso SMART 2010, 26 – 28 Maggio, Milano

Virzo I, Bignami E, Landoni G: “Volatile anesthetics reduce mortality in cardiac surgery”. A98/C, HSR Scientific Retreat,11-13 February 2010, Palazzo dei Congressi, Stresa

Frati E, Bignami E, Corno L, Casamassima N, Slaviero G, Mizzi A, Persichini L, Landoni G, Lanzani C, Zangrillo A, Manunta P: “Endogenous ouabain or renal damage: which comes first?” A230/C, HSR Scientific Retreat,11-13 February 2010, Palazzo dei Congressi, Stresa

Landoni G, Zambon M, Bignami E, Monaco F, Prati P, Corno L, Bove T, Solvetti S, Pieri M, Zangrillo A: “Riduzione della mortalità in cardiochirurgia. Una overview di meta-analisi” Comunicazione Libera, 11° Congresso CARACT, 21-23 Ottobre 2009, Centro Congresso, Bergamo

Bignami E, Landoni G, Olper L, Bove T, Calabrò MG, Corno L, Buratti L, Barile L, Belloni I, Zangrillo A: “Ventilazione non invasiva al piano di degenza dopo chirurgia” Comunicazione Libera, 11° Congresso CARACT, 21-23 Ottobre 2009, Centro Congresso, Bergamo
Bignami E, Landoni G, Monaco F, Bove T, Calabrò MG, Prati P, Buratti L, Ruggeri L, De Luca M, Zangrillo A: “Analgesia epidurale in pazienti anziani sottoposti a chirurgia mitralica. Una case series”  Comunicazione Libera, 11° Congresso CARACT, 21-23 Ottobre 2009, Centro Congresso, Bergamo

Messina M, Maj G, Corno L, Belloni I, Maltese A, Marino G, Monaco F, Carozzo FA, Fusco T, Landoni G, Zangrillo A:“Cardiac index validation by pressure recording analytical method (PRAM) in unstable patients”. SIAARTI 2009, Florence.

Bignami E, Cabrini L, Monti G, Plumari V, Mamo D, Dedola E, Pasculli N, Turi S, Nicelli E, Landoni G, Zangrillo A: “Percutaneous tracheostomy in critically ill patients: which is the best technique? A meta-analysis”. SIAARTI 2009, Florence.

Messina M, Landoni G, Mizzi A, Testa V, Corno L, Belloni I, La Colla L, Maj G, Carozzo FA, Zambon M, Zangrillo A:“Reducing mortality in cardiac surgery. An overview of meta-analyses”. SIAARTI 2009, Florence.

Bignami E, Olper L, Cabrini  L, Ajello V, Monti G, Facchini A, Pasculli N, Turi S, Nicelli E, Landoni G, Zangrillo A: “Non-invasive ventilation outside the intensive care unit after cardiac surgery”. SIAARTI 2009, Florence.

Bignami E, Landoni G, Turi S, Oriani A, Corno L, Belloni I, D’Arpa MC, Frau G, Covello RD, Melisurgo G, Zangrillo A: “Esmolol reduces myocardial ischemia in patients undergoing cardiac and non-cardiac surgery”. SIAARTI 2009, Florence.

Bignami E, Landoni G, Mizzi A, Testa V, Ruggeri L, Corno L, Belloni I, Maltese A, Frau G, Prati P, Zangrillo A:“Levosimendan reduces mortality in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery or with heart failure”. SIAARTI 2009, Florence.

Bignami E, Mizzi A, Landoni G, Testa V, Ruggeri L, Corno L, Belloni I, Bernardelli M, Buratti L, Zuppelli P, Zangrillo A: “Sevoflurane in cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials”. SIAARTI 2009, Florence.

Bignami E, Mizzi A, Testa V, Biselli C, Ruggeri L, Corno L, Belloni I, Buratti L, De Simone F, Landoni G, Zangrillo A: “Sevoflurane versus propofol in patients undergoing combined cardiac surgery: a randomized study”. SIAARTI 2009, Florence.

Bignami E, Crescenzi G, Landoni G, Testa V, Ruggeri L, Corno L, Belloni I, Zuppelli P, Barile L, Distaso F, Zangrillo A:“Epidural anaesthesia in elderly patients undergoing mitral valve surgery. A case series”. SIAARTI 2009, Florence.

Bignami E, Covello RD, Franco A, Ruggeri L, Corno L, Belloni I, Buratti I, Nuzzi M, Giacchi V, Landoni G, Zangrillo A:“Anesthesiological management of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI)SIAARTI 2009, Florence.

Bignami E, Monti G, Landoni G, Facchini A, Corno L, Belloni I, Mizzi A, Buratti L, Maltese A, Fano G, Zangrillo A: “Human protein C concentrates in paediatric patients with sepsis”. SIAARTI 2009, Florence.

Messina M, Facchini A, Landoni G, Corno L, Belloni I, Barile L, Tuoro A, Casiraghi GM, Distaso F, Zangrillo A:“Human protein C concentrates in adult patients with sepsis”. SIAARTI 2009, Florence.

Bignami E, Facchini A, Landoni G, Testa V, Mizzi A, Corti D, Nassif R, Marino G, Gerli C, Cama F, Zangrillo A: “Adult septic patients with double organ failure and administration of human protein C concentrates”. SIAARTI 2009, Florence.

Bignami E, Nuzzi M, Landoni G, Pappalardo F, Testa V, D’Arpa MC, Marino G, Zangrillo A:“Protein C zymogen concentrate in severe sepsis and multiple organ failure after adult cardiac surgery”. Poster 33, XXIV EACTA 2009, Athens, Greece.

Nuzzi M, Bignami E, Landoni G, May G, Monaco F, Nassif R, Zambon M, Zangrillo A:“Cardiac output measurements in unstable patients with the pressure recording analytical method (PRAM)”. Poster 32, XXIV EACTA 2009, Athens, Greece

Bignami E, Nuzzi M, Landoni G, Oriani A, Mizzi A, Distaso F, Fusco T, Zangrillo A:“Decision-making strategy for systolic anterior motion following mitral valve repair”Poster 07, XXIV EACTA 2009, Athens, Greece

Bignami E, Nuzzi M, Landoni G, Mizzi A, Testa V, Belloni I, Corno L, Zangrillo A: “Levosimendan in cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies” Poster 06, XXIV EACTA 2009, Athens, Greece

Nuzzi M, Bignami E, Testa V, Mizzi A, Turi S, Dedola E, Landoni G, Zangrillo A:“A meta-regression on 34,310 patients undergoing CABG: the role of volatile anaesthetics”. Comunicazione Orale 79, XXIV EACTA 2009, Athens, Greece

Nuzzi M, Bignami E, Landoni G, Testa V, Mizzi A, Garozzo FA, Covello RD, Zangrillo A: “Epidural anaesthesia in elderly patients undergoing CABG”. Comunicazione Orale 09, XXIV EACTA 2009, Athens, Greece

Landoni G, Mizzi A, Testa V, Casiraghi G, Belloni I, Corno L, Frau G, Cama F, Marino G, Bignami E:“Levosimendan reduces mortality in high risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized trials”. Comunicazione Libera 70, XX SMART 2009, 6 – 8 Maggio , Milano

Bignami E, Mizzi A, Testa V, Turi S, Marino G, Zuppelli P, Franco A, Dedola E, Magrin S, Landoni G:“Sevoflurane versus propofol in high risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a randomized study”. Comunicazione Libera 65, XX SMART 2009, 6 – 8 Maggio , Milano

Bignami E, Corno L, Landoni G, Testa V, Belloni I, Casiraghi G, Mizzi A, Marino G, Lanzani C, Mununta P: “Endogenous ouabain: a new biomarker for glomerular damage in acute renal failure”. Comunicazione Libera 38, XX SMART 2009, 6 – 8 Maggio , Milano

Cabrini L, Monti G, Landoni G, Testa V, Zuppelli P, Covello RD, Fano G, Bergonzi PC, Bignami E, Zangrillo A: “Furosemide in children with acute renal failure after cardiac surgery”Comunicazione Libera 30, XX SMART 2009, 6 – 8 Maggio , Milano

Maj G, Monaco F, Landoni G, Casiraghi G, Testa V, Garozzo A, Fusco T, Cama F, Bignami E, Zangrillo A: “Cardiac index validation by pressure recording analytical method (PRAM) in unstable patients”. Comunicazione Libera 21, XX SMART 2009, 6 – 8 Maggio , Milano

Zangrillo A, Gerli C, Bignami E, Monti G, Zambon M, Bergonzi PC, Marino G, Ruggeri L, Facchini A, Landoni G: “Human protection C concentrates in adult septic patients”. Comunicazione Libera 6, XX SMART 2009, 6 – 8 Maggio , Milano

Bignami E, Landoni G, Testa V, Casiraghi G, Frau G, Cama F, Corno L, Nuzzi M, Gerli C, Zangrillo A: “A meta-analysis on the effects of spinal anaesthesia in cardiac surgery”. Comunicazione Libera 5, XX SMART 2009, 6 – 8 Maggio , Milano

Maj G, Landoni G, Testa V, Casiraghi G, Gerli C, Fano G, Fusco T, Distaso F, Bignami E, Zangrillo A: “Nesiritide in cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis”. Comunicazione Libera 4, XX SMART 2009, 6 – 8 Maggio , Milano

Monti G, Cabrini L, Landoni G, Bergonzi PC, Gerli C, Nuzzi M, Giacchi V, Testa V, Bignami E, Zangrillo A: “Furosemide in adult patients with acute renal failure”. Comunicazione Libera 3, XX SMART 2009, 6 – 8 Maggio , Milano

Bignami E, Fochi O, Testa V, Messina M, Crescenti A, Tuoro A, Giacchi V, Maltese A, Magrin S, Landoni G: “Cardiac protection by volatile anesthetics in non-cardiac surgery? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies on clinically relevant endpoints”. Comunicazione Libera 2, XX SMART 2009, 6 – 8 Maggio , Milano

Zangrillo A, Monti G, Landoni G, Testa V, Nassif R, Gerli C, Bergonzi PC, Facchini A, Bignami E, Silvani P: “Human Protein C concentrates in pediatric septic patients”. Poster 30, XX SMART 2009, 6 – 8 Maggio , Milano

Lanzani C, Casamassima N, Bignami E, Landoni G, Mizzi A, Testa V, Brioni E, Antoniolli S, Zangrillo A,Manunta P: “Endogenous ouabain: a new biomarker for glomerular damage in acute renal failure”. World Congress of Nephrology, 22-26 Maggio 2009, Milano

Gardini C, Landoni G, Bignami E, Gonfalini M, Aletti G, D’Arpa MG, De Simone F, Zangrillo A:“Reduction of N-Terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide release with epidural anaesthesia in elderly patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting”. Abstract EuroPrevent 2009 (European Society of Cardiology), 6 – 9 May, Stockholm, Sweden

Gonfalini M, Landoni G, Bignami E, Gardini C, Turi S, Cozzuto G, Bruno G, Zangrillo A: “N-Terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide for in-hospital prognosis after coronary artery bypass grafting”. Abstract EuroPrevent 2009 (European Society of Cardiology), 6 – 9 May, Stockholm, Sweden

Gardini C, Landoni G, Bignami E, Gonfalini M, Distaso F, Oriani A, Fusco T, Zangrillo A:“Cardiac protection by volatile anaesthetics in non-cardiac surgery. A randomised controlled study”. Abstract EuroPrevent 2009 (European Society of Cardiology), 6 – 9 May, Stockholm, Sweden

Gonfalini M, Landoni G, Bignami E, Gardini C, Belloni I, Corno L, Mizzi A, Zangrillo A:“Perioperative predictors of myocardial troponin I release in patients undergoing mitral valve surgery”. Abstract EuroPrevent 2009 (European Society of Cardiology), 6 – 9 May, Stockholm, Sweden

Gonfalini M, Landoni G, Bignami E, Gardini C, Nassif R, Cozzuto G, Chiappa C, Zangrillo A: “Epidural analgesia reduces the composite end point hospital mortality – myocardial infarction in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis of randomized matched clinical trials”. Abstract EuroPrevent 2009 (European Society of Cardiology), 6 – 9 May, Stockholm, Sweden

Gonfalini M, Landoni G, Bignami E, Gardini C, Mizzi A, Fusco T, Corno L, Zangrillo A: “Esmolol reduces perioperative ischaemia in cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis of randomised controlled studies”. Abstract EuroPrevent 2009 (European Society of Cardiology), 6 – 9 May, Stockholm, Sweden

Gardini C, Landoni G, Bignami E, Gonfaloni M, Virzo I, Fichera M, Chiappa C, Zangrillo A: “Endogenous ouabain: a new biomarker for glomerular damage”. Abstract EuroPrevent 2009 (European Society of Cardiology), 6 – 9 May, Stockholm, Sweden

Landoni G, Mizzi A, Garozzo FA, Zambon M: “Pharmacological pre-emptive strategies: give me the magic bullet, please”. INTERCEPT 2009, 16 – 18 Aprile, Milano

Casamassima N, Lanzani C, Bignami E, Mizzi A, Testa V, Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Manunta P: “Endogenous ouabain: a new biomarker for glomerular damage in acute renal failure”. Retreat HSR 2009

Nuzzi M, Landoni G, Maj G, Bignami E, Zangrillo A: “Pressure recording analytical method (PRAM) for cardiac output measurement in unstable patients” P9075, PGA 62 (Postgraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology), 12 -14 Dicembre 2008, New York

Nuzzi M, Landoni G, Crescenzi G, Bignami E, Zangrillo: “CABG with or without epidural anesthesia in elderly patients” P9111, PGA 62 (Postgraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology), 12 -14 Dicembre 2008, New York

Nuzzi M, Landoni G, Bignami E, Fochi O, Zangrillo A: “Reducing mortality in cardiac surgery with volatile anesthetics – a metaregression on 34.310 Italian patients” P9056, PGA 62 (Postgraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology), 12 -14 Dicembre 2008, New York

Marino G, Crescenzi G, Bignami E, Franco A, Pappalardo F, Garozzo A, Landoni G: “Desmopressin reduces transfusion needs in non-cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials”. Poster, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10)168-169

Morero S, Cabrini L, Monti G, Colombo S, Boroli F, Landoni G:“Ventilazione non invasiva in reparti ordinari: comparazione delle opinioni dei medici e degli infermieri dei reparti rilevate tramite questionario”. Poster, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):162

Turi S, Bignami E, Oriani A, Mizzi A, Distaso F, Garozzo A, Landoni G: “Esmolol in non cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies”. Poster, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2  al n.10):160

Nuzzi M, Crescenzi G, Belloni I, Castracane W, Gonfalini M, Bignami E, Landoni G: “Cardiopulmunary bypass with bivaluridin anticoagulation for a patient with known heparin allergy”. Poster, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):147

Belloni I, Crescenzi G, Bignami E, Virzo I, Aletti G, Monaco F, Landoni G:“Coronary artery bypass grafting and N-terminal B-natriuretic peptide”. Poster, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestsiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):146

Bignami E, Mizzi A, Landoni G, Lanzani C, Manunta P, Zangrillo A: “Endogenous ouabain: a new biomarker for glomerular damage”. Poster, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):142
Biselli C, Bignami E, Nobile L, Monaco F, Fichera M, Cabrini L, Landoni G: “N-acetylcysteine to prevent acute renal failure in theatre and ICI (non-contrast induced nephropathy). A meta-analysis of 35 randomized controlled studies”. Poster, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):135-136

Monaco F, Bignami E, Biselli C, De Simone F, Corno L, Bruno G, Landoni G: “Perioperative predictors of troponin I release in patients undergoing mitral valve surgery”. Comunicazione Libera, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):83

Cabrini L, Landoni G, Belloni I, Testa V, Corno L, Zangrillo A: “A new method for managing emergency calls”. Comunicazione Libera, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):75

Maj G, Landoni G, Bignami E, Monaco F, Testa V, Zangrillo A: “PRAM (pressure recording analytical method) for cardiac index measurement in unstable patients”. Comunicazione Libera, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):60

Crivellari M, Marino G, Landoni G, Belloni I, Bignami E, Zangrillo A:“Administration of human protein C concentrates in patients with double organ failure and severe sepsis after cardiac surgery”. Comunicazione Libera, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):48-49

Mizzi A, Landoni G, Bignami E, Distaso F, Quattrocchi T, Cavenago F, Zangrillo A: “Metformin intoxication or aortic dissection? A case report”. Comunicazione Libera, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):42

Plumari V, Monti G, Cabrini L, Landoni G, Moizo E, Vinciguerra F: “Outcome ospedaliero ed a 28 giorni dei pazienti assistiti da un medical emergency team e trattati con ventilazione non-invasiva”. Comunicazione Libera, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):37

Messina M, Nzepa Batonga J, Magrin S, Bignami E, Landoni G, Zangrillo A:“Comparison of epidural vs paravertebral blockade in thoracic surgery”.Comunicazione Libera, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):20-21

Fusco T, Bignami E, Crescenzi G, Nuzzi M, Oriani A, Mizzi A, Landoni G: “Epidural anaesthesia reduces perioperative acute renal failure in cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials”. Comunicazione Libera, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):19

Aldrovandi V, Testa V, Landoni G, Magrin S, Bignami E, Zangrillo A:“Cardiac protection by volatile anesthetics in noncardiac surgery. A randomized controlled study”. Comunicazione Libera, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):11

Covello D, Maj G, Landoni G, Crivellari M, Bignami E, Zangrillo A:“Anesthesiological management of percutaneous aortic valve implantation: a focus on challenges encountered and proposalof solutions”. Comunicazione Libera, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, 14-17 Ottobre 2008, Palermo, Italia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2008 Oct;74(suppl.2 al n.10):7-8

Landoni G, Bignami E, Guarracino F, Tritapepe L, Bonato R, Testa V, Mizzi A, Biselli C, Distaso F, Zangrillo A:“Protezione cardiaca con sevoflurane in pazienti ad alto rischio sottoposti a cardiochirurgia. Studio randomizzato e controllato”. Abstract, Convegno ‘La ricerca indipendente promossa dall’AIFA’, September 30th, 2008, Roma, Italy

Landoni G, Bignami E, Guarracino F, Tritapepe L, Bonato R, Testa V, Mizzi A, Biselli C, Di Staso F, Zangrillo A: “Cardioprotezione da anestetici alogenati. Uno studio randomizzato”. Abstract P87, Convegno ‘La ricerca indipendente promossa dall’AIFA’, September 30th, 2008, Roma, Italy

Landoni G, Cabrini L, Bignami E, Monti G, Fochi O, Zangrillo A: “C’è un medico in sala?” Velocizzare a basso costo il soccorso territoriale si può”. Abstract 3, Congresso Nazionale IRC, June 6th-7th, 2008, Napoli, Italy

Monti G, Cabrini L, Plumari S, Colombo S, Landoni G, Calvi MR, Whelan L: “General wards+met or ICU? It is not the same! Predicted and observed hospital mortality in general wards met-patients: a prospective study”. Abstract 6, Congresso Nazionale IRC, June 6th-7th, 2008, Napoli, Italy

Cabrini L, Landoni G, Beccaria P, Plumari V, Monti G, Boroli F, Fichera M, Garda A, Colombo S: “Impedance thresold device in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A meta-analysis”. Abstract P4, Congresso Nazionale IRC, June 6th-7th, 2008, Napoli, Italy

Cabrini L, Monti G, Colombo S, Landoni G, Plumari V, Negro A, Cocchi A: “A medical emergency team-based non-invasive ventilation service: 129 consecutive cases”. Abstract P5, Congresso Nazionale IRC, June 6th-7th, 2008, Napoli, Italy

Monti G, Cabrini L, Plumari V, Colombo S, Landoni G, Beccaria P, Rutigliano S: “What vital signs or scorse do predict 28-mortality in met-patients?”. Abstract P14, Congresso Nazionale IRC, June 6th-7th, 2008, Napoli, Italy

Negro A, Cabrini L, Monti G, Plumari V, Colombo S, Landoni G, Marazzi M: “Nine equivalents of nursing manpower score” dei pazienti assistiti dal MET. Un reparto ordinario non è una ICU”. Abstract  P15, Congresso Nazionale IRC, June 6th-7th, 2008, Napoli, Italy

Landoni G, Mizzi A, Bignami E, Turi S, Monti G, Maj G, Nuzzi M, Magrin S, Zangrillo A: “Levosimendan reduces mortality in patients with heart failure. A meta-analysis of randomized trials”. Abstract 13, XIX Congresso SMART, May 28th-30th , Milano, Italy

Maj G, Landoni G, Monaco F, Bignami E, Franco A, Scandroglio AM, Bove T, Zangrillo A: “Cardiac index validation by pressure recording analytical method (PRAM) in unstable patients”. Abstract 18, XIX Congresso SMART, May 28th-30th , Milano, Italy

Bignami E, Calabrò MG, Landoni G, De Simone F, Nassif R, Nuzzi M, Crivellari M, Covello D, Zangrillo A: “Sevoflurane versus propofol in combined cardiac surgery patients: a randomized controlled study” Abstract 19, XIX Congresso SMART, May 28th-30th , Milano, Italy

Bignami E, Landoni G, Fochi O, Calabrò MG, Scandroglio AM, Mizzi A, Monaco F, Zangrillo A: “Volatile anesthetics reduce mortality in cardiac surgery. A metaregression on 34.310 italian patients” Abstract 21, XIX Congresso SMART, May 28th-30th , Milano, Italy

Turi S, Landoni G, Fichera M, Vedovatti V, Specchio V, Chiappa C, Virzo I, Castelnuovo L, Monaco F, Zangrillo A: “Esmolol reduces perioperative ischemia in cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis of randomised controlled studies” Abstract 23, XIX Congresso SMART, May 28th-30th , Milano, Italy

Landoni G, Mizzi A, Bignami E, Giardina G, Zarantonello S, De Simone F, Nuzzi M, Aletti G, Zangrillo A: “Levosimendan in cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis of controlled randomized trials” Abstract 24, XIX Congresso SMART, May 28th-30th , Milano, Italy

Landoni G, Fochi O, Lombardo F, Nuzzi M, Crivellari M, Beccaria P, Cabrini L, Zangrillo A: “Impedance threshold devices improves early outcome in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies” Abstract 47, XIX Congresso SMART, May 28th-30th , Milano, Italy

Fochi O, Landoni G, Carozzo A, Monaco F, Gerli C, Rosica C, Crescenzi G, Marino G, Zangrillo A: “Propofol reduces blood loss compared to desflurane and sevoflurane. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies in non-cardiac surgery” Abstract P18, XIX Congresso SMART, 28 – 30 May 28th-30th , Milano, Italy

Bignami E, Landoni G, Crescenzi G, Messina M, Nuzzi M, Maj G, Boroli F, Zangrillo A: “Epidural anesthesia reduces myocardial infarction in patients undergoing cardiac surgery surgery. A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials” Abstract P19, XIX Congresso SMART, 28 – 30 May 28th-30th , Milano, Italy

Landoni G, Mizzi A, Bignami E, Dedola E, Fano G, Cabrini L, Marino G, Zangrillo A: “Recombinant activated FVII in cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis”. Abstract P22, XIX Congresso SMART, May 28th-30th , Milano, Italy

Crivellari M, Landoni G, Monaco F, Biselli C, Distaso F, Mizzi A, Testa V, Belloni I, Zangrillo A: “Safe administration of protein C concentrate in patients with sepsis at high risk for bleeding” Abstract P33, XIX Congresso SMART, May 28th-30th , Milano, Italy

Garozzo AF, Landoni G, Colangelo N, Casiraghi G, Nassif R, Maj G, Nuzzi M, Zangrillo A: “Minimal extra corporeal circulation improves outcome in cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies” Abstract P35, XIX Congresso SMART, May 28th-30th , Milano, Italy

Bignami E, Landoni G, Monaco F, Crescenzi G, Messina M, Mizzi AM, Maj G, Boroli F, Zangrillo A: “Reducing myocardial infarction with epidural anesthesia reduces in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials” Abstract. Arena 2008, May 7th-9th 2008, Città della Scienza, Napoli, Italy

Bignami E, Landoni G, Monaco F, Turi S, De Simone F, Nassif R, Maj G, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A: “Reducing perioperative ischemia in cardiac surgery with esmolol. A meta – analysis of randomised controlled studies” Abstract. Arena 2008, May 7th-9th 2008, Città della Scienza, Napoli, Italy

Lanzani C, Hamlyn JM, Landoni G, Bignami E, Slaviero G, Casamassima N, Zangrillo A, Manunta P: “Endogenous ouabain a new biomarker for glomerular damage”. Abstract, ASN Renal Week 2008

Bignami E, Boroli F, Landoni G, Aletti G, Nassif R, Mizzi AM, Turi S, Giardina G, Zarantonello A, Zangrillo A: “Prediction of long term outcome after cardiac surgery using cardiac troponin I” Abstract 30, HSR Scientific Retreat 2008, February 17th – 19th 2008, Stresa, Italy.

Bignami E, Boroli F, Landoni G, Belloni I, Nassif R, Testa V, Oriani A, Gonfaloni M, Fichera M, Zangrillo A:“Quality of life after cardiac surgery” Abstract 31, HSR Scientific Retreat 2008, February 17th – 19th 2008, Stresa, Italy.

Boroli F, Landoni G, Bove T, Marino G, Bignami E, Bruno G, Biselli C, Dedola E, Vedovatti V, Zangrillo A: “Fenoldopam reduces mortality in critically ill patients with or at risk for acute renal failure. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies” Abstract 32, HSR Scientific Retreat 2008, February 17th – 19th 2008, Stresa, Italy.

Boroli F, Bignami E, Crescenzi G, Landoni G, Bruno G, Biselli C, Nassif R, Maj G, Virto I, Zangrillo A: “Epidural analgesia reduces the composite end point hospital mortality – myocardial infarction in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis of randomized matched clinical trials” Abstract 33, HSR Scientific Retreat 2008, February 17th – 19th 2008, Stresa, Italy.

Cabrini L, Boroli F, Landoni G, Beccarla P, Aletti G, Belloni I, Distaso F, Crivellari M, Casrelnuovo L, Zangrillo A:“Impedance threshold device in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A meta-analysis” Abstract 34, HSR Scientific Retreat 2008, February 17th – 19th 2008, Stresa, Italy.

Crescenzi G, Boroli F, Landoni G, Rosica C, Bruno G, Biselli C, Calabrò MG, Garozzo A, Specchio V, Zangrillo A: “Treating systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve causing left ventricular outflow tract obstruction after mitral valve repair with esmol”. Abstract 36, HSR Scientific Retreat 2008, February 17th – 19th 2008, Stresa, Italy.

Marino G, Boroli F, Landoni G, Bignami E, Bove T, Bruno G, Biselli C, Cristallo E, Chiappa C, Zangrillo A: “Chlorhexidine and silver sulfadiazine coated central venous catheters in a cardio-surgical population”. Abstract 39, HSR Scientific Retreat 2008, February 17th – 19th 2008, Stresa, Italy.

Crescenzi G, Boroli F, Landoni G, Pappalardo F, Bignami E, Calabrò MG, Belloni I, Aldrovandi V, Gherbi G, Zangrillo A: “Desmopressin (DDAVP) reduces perioperative transfusion needs. A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials” Abstract, HSR Scientific Retreat 2008, February 17th – 19th 2008, Stresa, Italy.

Bignami E, Maj G, Landoni G, Fochi O, Gerli C, De Simone F, Manzoni P, Calabrò MG, Marchetti C, Crescenzi G: “Sevoflurane in high risk cardiac surgery patients: a randomized controlled study” Comunicazione Libera 5, XVIII Congresso SMART 30 Maggio – 1 Giugno 2007, Milano

Bignami E, Maj G, Landoni G, Fochi O, Biselli C, Fracasso G, Fano G, Carone C, Rosica C, Marino G: “Fenoldopam in vascular surgery. A meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials”. Comunicazione Libera 18, XVIII Congresso SMART 30 Maggio – 1 Giugno 2007, Milano

Maj G, Bignami E, Landoni G, Fochi O, Aldrovandi V, Covello RD, De Luca M, Calabrò MG, Marchetti C, Crescenzi G: “Sevoflurane pharmacological preconditioning in stenting procedures. A pilot study”. Comunicazione Libera 53, XVIII Congresso SMART 30 Maggio – 1 Giugno 2007, Milano

Bignami E, Maj G, Landoni G, Fochi O, Melone M, Pappalardo F, Aletti G, Calabrò MG, Franco A, Crescenzi G: “Cardiac troponin I as predictor of long term outcome after cardiac surgery”. Comunicazione Libera 60, XVIII Congresso SMART 30 Maggio – 1 Giugno 2007, Milano

Maj G, Marino G, Bignami E, Fochi O, Covello RD, Marchetti C, Crivellari M, Landoni G, Bove T, Zangrillo A: “Fenoldopam in cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials” Comunicazione Libera 63, XVIII Congresso SMART 30 Maggio – 1 Giugno 2007, Milano

Maj G, Bignami E, Landoni G, Fochi O, Marino G, Fano G, Fracasso G, D’Avolio S, Shawky A, Crescenzi G: “Incidence, classification and management of systolic anterior motion after mitral repair for degenerative mitral disease”. Comunicazione Libera 65, XVIII Congresso SMART 30 Maggio – 1 Giugno 2007, Milano

Bignami E, Maj G, Landoni G, Fochi O, Giardina G, Romano A, Scandroglio AM, Marchetti C, Castracane W, Crescenzi G: “Quality of life and predictors of long-term survival after cardiac surgery”. Poster P16, XVIII Congresso SMART 30 Maggio – 1 Giugno 2007, Milano

Landoni G, Calabrò MG, Bignami E, Marchetti C, Fochi O, Carone C, Pappalardo F, Aletti G, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A: “Cardiac protection by volatile anaesthetics in high risk cardiac surgery patients: a randomized controlled study” Comunicazione Libera, XXII Congresso EACTA 13 – 16 Giugno 2007, Krakov, Poland

Pappalardo F, Landoni G, Costantini M, Franco A, Zangrillo A: “Von Willebrand disease in patients with intracardiac high shear conditions: a PFA-100 analysis” Comunicazione Libera, XXII Congresso EACTA 13 – 16 Giugno 2007, Krakov, Poland

Landoni G, Marino G, Bignami E, Bove T, Fochi O, Calabrò MG, Marchetti C, Carone C, Pappalardo F, Zangrillo A: “Fenoldopam reduces hospital mortality and the need for renal replacement therapy in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery. A meta-analysis of randomized and propensity matched clinical trials” Poster, XXII Congresso EACTA  June 13rd – 16th 2007, Krakov, Poland
Landoni G, Fochi O, Bignami E, Calabrò MG: “Cardioprotezione da alogenati nei pazienti cardiopatici non cardiochirurgici” LXI CONGRESSO SIAARTI, October 18th –20th 2007, Torino, Italy. Minerva Anestesiol. 2007 Oct;73(suppl. 1 al 10):113-114

Landoni G, Marino G, Bove T: “Fenoldopam in cardiovascular surgery” LXI CONGRESSO SIAARTI, October 18th –20th 2007, Torino, Italy. Minerva Anestesiol. 2007 Oct;73(suppl. 1 al 10):141-142

Crescenzi G, Bignami E, Landoni G, Covello RD, Calabrò MG, Fochi O, De Simone F, Gerli C, Zangrillo A. “Esmolol to treat systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve causing left ventricular outflow tract obstruction after mitral valve repair” LXI CONGRESSO SIAARTI, October 18th –20th 2007, Torino, Italy. Minerva Anestesiol. 2007 Oct;73(suppl. 2 al 10):25

Fochi O, Bignami E, Landoni G, Pappalardo F, Calabrò MG, Giardina G, Biselli C, Bove T, Zangrillo A. “Cardiac protection by volatile anaesthetics in non-cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis”. LXI CONGRESSO SIAARTI, October 18th –20th 2007, Torino, Italy. Minerva Anestesiol. 2007 Oct;73(suppl. 2 al 10):26

Landoni G, Bignami E, Cabrini L, Beccaria P, Crivellari M, Fochi O, Biselli C, Aletti G, Zangrillo A. “The impedance threshold device improves survival in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A systematic review and meta-analysis” LXI CONGRESSO SIAARTI, October 18th –20th 2007, Torino, Italy. Minerva Anestesiol. 2007 Oct;73(suppl. 2 al 10):45

Crescenzi G, Bignami E, Landoni G, Pappalardo F, Marchetti C, Fochi O, Biselli C, Marino G, Zangrillo A. “Reduction in perioperative transfusion needs with desmopressin. A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials” LXI CONGRESSO SIAARTI, October 18th –20th 2007, Torino, Italy. Minerva Anestesiol. 2007 Oct;73(suppl. 2 al 10):182

Cavenago F, Pappalardo F, Franco A, Fochi O, Landoni G, Bignami E, Zangrillo A: “Quality of life and long term outcome of patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation after cardiac surgery”Poster, SIAARTI, 10th 13th October 2006, Perugia, Italy. Minerva Anestesiol. 2006;72(suppl. 2 al n.10):230

Marchetti C, Pappalardo F, Bignami E, Fochi O, Poli D, Landoni G, Zangrillo A: “Renal replacement therapy after cardiac surgery: predictor and outcome” Poster, SIAARTI, 10th 13th October 2006, Perugia, Italy. Minerva Anestesiol. 2006;72(suppl. 2 al n.10):230

Marchetti C, Landoni G, Pappalardo F, Fochi O, Calabrò MG, Bignami E, Zangrillo A: “New volatile anaesthetics reduce perioperative myocardial infarction following cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis” Poster, SIAARTI, 10th 13th October 2006, Perugia, Italy. Minerva Anestesiol. 2006;72(suppl. 2 al n.10):189-190

Landoni G: “Fenoldopam in the perioperative period and in critically ill patients. A meta-analysis of 16 randomized studies” Abstract book p 72-73. European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA 2006) May 26th 2006, Venezia, Italy

Landoni G, Calabrò MG, De Luca M, Scandroglio AM, Cerchierini E, Bove T, Pappalardo F, Zangrillo A. Volatile anaesthetic preconditioning in patients undergoing mitral surgery. A randomized controlled study. N 104. European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA 2006) May 25th – 27th 2006, Venice, Italy. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2006;23(suppl. 38):17

Landoni G, Roberti A, Marino G, Fichera M, Boroli F, Crivellari M, Bove T, Zangrillo A. Acute renal failure after mitral valve surgery. N 116. European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA 2006) May 25th – 27th 2006, Venice, Italy. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2006;23(suppl. 38):29

Bignami E, Landoni G, Crescenzi G, Giardina G, Boroli F, Fochi O, Aletti G, Zangrillo A. Quality of life and predictors of long-term survival after cardiac surgery. N 101. European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA 2006) May 25th – 27th 2006, Venice, Italy. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2006;23(suppl. 38):22

Landoni G, Crescenzi G, Pappalardo F, Rosica C, Aletti G, D’Avolio S, Franco A, Zangrillo A. Emergency conversion from off-pump to CPB-CABG. Predictors, outcomes and learning curve. N 116. European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA 2006) May 25th – 27th 2006, Venice, Italy. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2006;23(suppl. 38):43-44

Landoni G, Marino G, Roberti A, Rosica C, Gerli C, Marchetti , Romano A, Zangrillo A. Staphylococcus spp isolates in a cardiac surgical intensive care unit. N 117. European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA 2006) May 25th – 27th 2006, Venice, Italy. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2006;23(suppl. 38):29

Landoni G, Roberti A, Marino G, Fichera M, Boroli F, Crivellari M, Bove T, Zangrillo A: “Staphylococcus spp isolates in a cardiac surgical intensive care unit” European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA 2006) May 25th – 27th 2006, Venice, Italy. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2006;23(suppl. 38):38-39.P-113

Marino G, Landoni G, Bove T, Zangrillo A. Central venous catheters coated with Chlorhexidine and Silver Sulfadiazine: our experience on cardio-surgical population. N 45. European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA 2006) May 25th – 27th 2006, Venice, Italy. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2006;23(suppl. 38):31-32

Landoni G: “Myocardial preconditioning: an overview” Abstract book p 49-52. III InterCEPT 2006 April 8th 2006, Milano, Italy

Landoni G, Bove T, Calabrò MG, De Luca M, Zangrillo A“A meta-analysis on fenoldopam in critically ill patients with or at risk for acute renal failure” Anesthesiology 2006;105;A1053 presented at ASA, 14 – 18 Ottobre 2006, Chicago, Illinois.

Landoni G, Amà R, De Luca M, Cerchierini E, Scandroglio AM, Calabrò MG, D’Avolio S, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A. Pharmacological preconditioning in patients with or without concomitant ischemic disease undergoing mitral surgery. N 1036. San Raffaele Scientific Retreat (SR)2 2006, February 20th – 22nd Bardolino (VR), Italy.

Landoni G, Ama’ R, Bove T, Marino G, Marchetti C, Fochi O, Fichera M, Giardina G, Boroli F, Zangrillo A:“A randomized clinical trial on the renoprotective action of fenoldopam in cardiac surgery” Poster 1033, San Raffaele Scientific Retreat (SR)2 2006, February 20th – 22nd Bardolino (VR), Italy.

Landoni G, Amà R, Amà, Gerli C, Calabrò MG. Bove T, Marchetti C, Romano A, Crivellari M, Cerchierini E, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A. A randomized controlled study on perioperative magnesium to prevent atrial fibrillation in off-pump CABG. N 1034. San Raffaele Scientific Retreat (SR)2 2006, February 20th – 22nd Bardolino (VR), Italy.

Landoni G, Amà R, Franco A, Roberti A, Aletti G, Calabrò MG, Bignami E, Costantini M, Rosica C, Pappalardo F, Marchetti C, Slaviero G, Zangrillo A. The outcome of patients requiring renal replacement therapy after cardiac surgery. N 1035. San Raffaele Scientific Retreat (SR)2 2006, February 20th – 22nd Bardolino (VR), Italy.

Calabrò MG, Pappalardo F, Landoni G, Bove T, Franco A, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A. “Impianto percutaneo transcatetere di protesi valvolare aortica per stenosi aortica critica: aspetti anestesiologici. Minerva Anestesiologica 2004;70(suppl) :318-319

Zangrillo A, Calabrò MG, Scandroglio AM, Landoni G, Fracasso G, Ferronato L, Bove T. “Mitral valve surgery is an independent risk factor for acute renal failure. Minerva Anestesiologica 2004;70(suppl):326

Scandroglio AM, Landoni G, Aletti G, Ferronato L, Fracasso G, Talò G, Zangrillo A. Cardiac biomarkers release after coronary artery bypass grafting with different surgical techniques. Minerva Anestesiologica 2004;70(suppl):326-327

Zangrillo A, Scandroglio AM, Landoni G, Crivellari M, Sottocorna O, Fano G, Mantovani L. Off pump cabg in a nonagenarian. Minerva Anestesiologica 2004;70(suppl):475

Landoni G, Bove T: “Staphylococchi ssp resistenti alla meticillina in una terapia intensiva cardiochirurgia. 5 anni di esperienza”. Premio XV Congresso SMART, May 12th-14th 2004, Milano, Italy. (Best paper of the Congress)

Landoni G, Fracasso G, Putzu M, Dorigo E, Bove T, Calabrò MG, Marino G, Zangrillo A. Long term outcome of patients who require renal replacement therapy after cardiac surgery. EACTA, June 9th-11th 2004, London, UK.

Maisano F, Verzini A, Guzzetti E, Landoni G, Denti P, Fano G, Marino G, Zangrillo A, Alfieri O. Il rischio del reintervento per chirurgia valvolare in epoca moderna. XXXV Congresso Nazionale di Cardiologia ANMCO, May 22nd-26th 2004, Firenze, Italy.

Sparicio D, Landoni G, Cerchierini E, Aletti G, Bignami E, Bove T, Zangrillo A. a randomised controlled trial on high dose magnesium supplementation to prevent atrial fibrillation after off pump cabg. Minerva Anestesiologica 2004;70:532-53357° Congresso SIAARTI October 2003, Roma, Italy. (Best paper of the congress).

Landoni G, Crescenzi G, Leoni A, Bignami E, Sparicio D, Mamo D, Romano A, Colangelo N, Zangrillo A: A 20 joule electrical cardioversion directly applied to the heart release at least 1 ng/ml of cardiac troponin I. XIV Congresso SMART 2003, Milano, Italy.

Crescenzi G, Pappalardo F, Scandroglio AM, Landoni G, Cedrati V, Bignami E, Zangrillo A: Myocardial recovery after cardiac surgery: is ECG an indicator of stunning? A comparison between beating heart and standard CPB CABG. Congresso EACTA 2003, Prague, Czech Republic.

Franco A, Pappalardo F, Bove T, Landoni G, Zangrillo A: Long term outcome and quality of life of patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation after cardiac surgery. XXI Annual Symposium Clinical Update in Anesthesiology 2003, Antigua.

Pappalardo F,  Franco A,  Landoni G,  Cardano P,  Bove T,  Zangrillo A,  Alfieri O. Long term outcome and quality of life of patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation after cardiac surgery. 2° Eacts 2003, Vienna, Austria.

Landoni G, Cerchierini E, Pappalardo F, Mantovani L, Aletti G, Marino G, Zangrillo A: Off pump reduces neurologic complications after CABG Caract October 9th-11th 2003 Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy.

Landoni G, Bove T, Calabrò MG,. Leoni A, Sparicio D, Bellotti F, Zangrillo A: A randomized controlled study on acute renal failure prevention in cardiac surgery: preliminary results. Caract October 9th-11th 2003 Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy.

Landoni G, Bove T, Calabrò MG, Romano A, Scandroglio AM, Marino G, Zangrillo A: Acute renal failure after isolated mitral valve surgery in 1261 patients. Caract October 9th-11th 2003 Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy

Landoni G, Benussi S, Crivellari M, Corno C, Franco A, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A: Cardiac biomarker release after mitral surgery, the effect of radiofrequency ablation of atrial fibrillation. Caract October 9th-11th 2003 Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy. Best Abstract of the Congress.

Crescenzi G, Pappalardo F, Scandroglio AM, Landoni G, Cedrati V, Bignami E, Zangrillo A, Alfieri O: Myocardial recovery after cardiac surgery: is ECG an indicator of stunning? A comparison between beating heart and standard CPB CABG; in Arterial conduits for myocardial revascularization. June 19th-21st 2003, Roma, Italy.

Bove T, Biolcati F, Landoni G, Crescenti G, Rosica C, Franco A, Agricola E, Zangrillo A. Insufficienza renale acuta perioperatoria in cardiochirurgia: fattori di rischio. XIII Congresso SMART 2002, Milano, Italy.

Crescenzi G, Acciaro CM, Landoni G, Bove T, Leoni A, Scandroglio AM, Cedrati V, Marino G: Complicanze neurologiche dopo cardiochirurgia. XIII Congresso SMART 2002, Milano, Italy.

Mamo D, Landoni G, Sparicio D, Bove T, Lullo F, Mantovani L, Monzon E, Monaco C: Il grande anziano in cardiochirurgia. XIII Congresso SMART 2002, Milano, Italy.

Sparicio D, Landoni G, Mamo D, Castracane W, Bellotti F, Romano A, Oppizzi M, Zangrillo A: Methylen blue for lithium-induced refractory hypotension during beating heart CABG surgery. Two case reports. XIII Congresso SMART 2002, Milano, Italy.

Cerchierini E, Cedrati V, Landoni G, Rosica C, Mantovani L, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A. Cardiac troponin I releases after cardiopulmonary bypass. Minerva Anestesiol. 2003 Sept;69(suppl):158

Bove T, Calabrò MG, Cerchierini E, Leoni A, Landoni G, Marino G, Zangrillo A. Off-pump versus on-pump coronary artery bypass surgery and postoperative renal dysfunction in patients with chronic renal failure. Minerva Anestesiol. 2003;69(suppl):160

Crescenzi G, Calabrò MG, Bove T, Pappalardo F, Cardano P, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. Cardiac complications following cardiac surgery. Minerva Anestesiol. 2003;69(suppl):266-7

Pappalardo F, Franco A, Aletti G, Gerli C, Landoni G, Marino G, Zangrillo A. Diabetes is an independent predictor of hospital mortality in patients with prolonged mechanichal ventilation after cardiac surgery. Minerva Anestesiol. 2003;69(suppl):272-3

Landoni G, Sparicio D, Aletti G, Bellotti F, Marino G: “Preoperative prediction of exitus, renal failure, stroke, prolonged icu stay and mechanical ventilation after CABG”. Minerva Anestesiologica 2002;68:213.

Landoni G, Sparicio D, Aletti G, Gerli C, Monaco C: Atrial fibrillation after off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. Minerva Anestesiologica 2002;68:213-4.

Landoni G, Gerli C, Bellotti F, Mamo D, Castracane W, Rosica C, Leoni A, Franco A, Pappalardo F, Lullo F, Mantovani L, Sparicio D, Monaco C, Torri G: Anesthesiological management of the last 100 beating heart procedures of San Raffaele Hospital. Congresso APICE 2001, Trieste, Italy.

LandoniG, Gerli C, Bellotti F, Mamo D, Crescenzi G, Acciaro CM, Biolcati F, Gipponi A, Romano A, Bove T, Passaretta R, Marino G, Torri G: Beating heart coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Four years experience of San Raffaele Hospital. Congresso Apice 2001, Trieste, Italy.

Landoni G, Rosica C, Marino G, Monaco C, Alfieri O, Torri G: Uneventful cardiac anaesthesia with CPB in the elderly (93 years old). A case report. Congresso APICE 2000, Trieste, Italy.

Meani R, Landoni G, Casaletti E, Semino P, Torri G. La fisiostigmina nel cassetto: un caso di sindrome anticolinergica centrale. Smart May 1998, Milano, Italy

Zangrillo A, Landoni G, Magni E, Torri G. Analgesia del travaglio di parto in fase espulsiva. Smart May 1998, Milano, Italy

Landoni G, Cerri M, Zangrillo A. 4 tagli cesarei in una paziente con processo espansivo cerebrale: l’ anestesia nel corso degli anni. Smart 1998, Milano, Italy

Zangrillo A, Landoni G, Valentini G, Quattrocchi T, Celeste E, Mennella R, Garancini MP, Torri G. Effetto del preriempimento con liquidi caldi sulle perdite intraoperatorie in tagli cesarei eseguiti in ALR. Smart 1998, Milano, Italy

Zangrillo A, Landoni G. L’analgesia del travaglio: esperienze italiane a confronto: Nord. First international meeting on Regional anaesthesia and pain treatment. January 1998, Naples, Italy

Zangrillo A, Landoni G. Linee guida sull’ impiego della ropivacaina in ostetricia. VII convegno sulla sicurezza in anestesia. December 1997, Naples, Italy

Valeri R, Landoni G, Martani C, Meani R, Carozzo A, Casati A, Pezzetta E, Gioia L, Fesce R, Torri G. Neuromuscular block by cisatracurium during inhalation or total intravenous anaesthesia in the elderly. APICE Novembre 1997, Trieste, Italy.

Valeri R, Landoni G, Martani C, Meani R, Carozzo A, Pezzetta E, Gioia L, Galardi G, Torri G. Necrotizing myopathy worsened by spinal anaesthesia and not by general anaesthesia (a Case Report). APICE Novembre 1997, Trieste, Italy

Villa GF, Landoni G, Carozzo A. Formazione del personale di soccorso intraospedaliero: linee guida per le diverse figure e modalità di integrazione operativa. Convegno E97 “Tutto quanto fa emergenza”. October 1997 Riva del Garda, Italy.

Calderini E, Francavilla N, Azzimonti G, Landoni G, Puccio PG, Stella L. La terapia intensiva nell’ AIDS. “Aggiornamenti SIAARTI in anestesia, rianimazione e terapia antalgica” 51° Congresso SIAARTI, October 1997 Torino, Italy

Salvo I, Zoia E, Roma G, Landoni G. Sicurezza in Anestesia e Terapia Intensiva: Linee Guida SIAARTI. Atti XIV Convegno AARAM “Sicurezza in Anestesia e Rianimazione” September 1996 Montesilvano (PE), Italy


Landoni G, Ruggeri L, Zangrillo A. “Reducing mortality in the Perioperative Period”, Second Edition 2017.

Landoni G, Pisano A, Zangrillo A, Bellomo R. “Reducing Mortality in Acute Kidney Injury”, Springer 2016

Landoni G, Mucchetti M, Zangrillo A, Bellomo R. “Reducing Mortality in Critically Ill Patients”, Springer 2015

Landoni G, Ruggeri L, Zangrillo A. “Reducing mortality in the Perioperative Period”, Springer 2014.

Books Chapters number=13

Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Pisano A, Oppizzi M. “Perioperative Care to Reduce Major Adverse Cardiac Events and Mortality in Noncardiac Surgical Procedures”, Book Chapter in the book “Kaplan’s Cardiac Anesthesia: For Cardiac and Noncardiac Surgery”, 7th Edition. 2017:1615-1635, Elsevier (Editors Kaplan JA, Augoustides JGT, Manecke GR Jr., Maus T, Reich DL).

Landoni G, Pisano A, Zangrillo A, Bellomo R. “Preface”, Book Chapter in the book “Reducing Mortality in Acute Kidney Injury”. Springer 2016.

Monti G, Landoni G, Taddeo D, Isella F, Zangrillo A. “Clinical aspect of sepsis: an overview”, Book Chapter in the book “Sepsis – Diagnostic methods and protocols”, Springer 2015 (Editor Mancini N).

Zambon M, Monti G, Landoni G. “Outcome of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: cause of death, survival rates and long-term implications”, Book Chapter in Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2014: 245-253, Springer (Editor Vincent JL).

Greco T, Landoni G, Saleh O, Zangrillo A. Case study in anesthesia and intensive care. Book Chapter in Network Meta-Analysis: Evidence Synthesis with Mixed Treatment Comparison. 2014: 263-281, Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. (Editor Biondi-Zoccai G).

Cabrini L, Nobile L, Landoni G. Breve storia della simulazione in medicina. Capitolo 1 in “La simulazione in Medicina”. Raffaello Cortina Editore 2013. (Editors Bigi E, Bressan F, Cabrini L, Gasperini C, Menarini M).

Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Cabrini L: “Non-invasive ventilation outside the intensive care unit: the present and the future” Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2012, Springer 2012 (Editor Vincent JL).

Landoni G, Oriani A: “La protezione farmacologica perioperatoria in cardiochirurgia” chapter 15 in Terapia intensiva in chirurgia cardiovascolare. Elsevier 2011. (Editors Guarracino F and Santini F).
Landoni G, Bignami E: “Perioperative pharmacological cardiac protection” Thoraco-Abdominal Aorta Surgical and Anesthetic Management. Springer Edizioni 2010. December 2010. (Editors: Chiesa R, Melissano G, Zangrillo A).

Landoni G, Fochi O: “A new method for managing emergency calls” chapter 8 page 231 in Mobile telephones: networks, applications, and performance. Nova Science Publisher 2008 (Editors: Harper AC, Buress RV).
Landoni G: “Protezione cardiaca”. Chapter III in “PROTEZIONE D’ORGANO”. Edizioni Minerva Medica, Stabilimento di Saluzzo, Italia. September 2005. (Editor Torri G)
Crescenzi G, Benussi S, Landoni G, Alfieri O: “New-onset ventricular tachyarrhytmias after cardiac surgery: which significance and treatment?” page 415-418 in “CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS”. Edizioni Springer. Cernusco sul Naviglio, Milano, Italy. October 2003. (Editor Antonio Raviele).

Torri G, Landoni G: “Gli anestetici inalatori”. Chapter IV in “IL MECCANISMO DI AZIONE DEGLI ANESTETICI INALATORI” Edizioni Minerva Medica, Torino 1998 (Editor Torri G).

D.A.B. Doctor Authored Brochure = 1

Landoni G. Uso de agentes volateis e reducao da mortalitade em cirurgia cardiaca. Abbvie 2014

Landoni G. Cardiac Protection by Volatile Anesthetics. MINRAD 2008.


Invited speaker at local (88), national (41) and international (100) congresses (including Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Japan, India, Lebanon, Malaysia, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Spain, South Africa, Switzerland, Sweden and United Kingdom) TOTAL 206.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Le basi teoriche, le evidenze in Terapia intensiva, le ricerche in corso”, Terapia Intensiva 2017 update, March 30th 2017 and 2016 update, May 3rd 2016, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Inotropic support after cardiac surgery”, ISICEM 2017-37th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, March 21st-24th 2017, Brussels, Belgium.

Landoni G (Speaker) “New ideas and evidence on NIV”, Inaugural Austin Health Department of Anaesthesia Symposium “Advanced Management of the Surgical Patient”, February 10th-12th 2017, Melbourne, Australia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “The levosimendan story: faster than a CHEETAH?”, Inaugural Austin Health Department of Anaesthesia Symposium “Advanced Management of the Surgical Patient”, February 10th-12th 2017, Melbourne, Australia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Inhaled or IV anaesthesia for improving perioperative outcomes?”, Inaugural Austin Health Department of Anaesthesia Symposium “Advanced Management of the Surgical Patient”, February 10th-12th 2017, Melbourne, Australia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Do any interventions decrease or increase mortality in critically ill patients?”, Inaugural Austin Health Department of Anaesthesia Symposium “Advanced Management of the Surgical Patient”, February 10th-12th 2017, Melbourne, Australia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Sedazione in terapia intensiva con alogenati”, 2° Riunione biennale della Società Italiana di Terapia Intensiva SITI –ISIC, December 2nd 2016, Florence, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Epidural for patients with ischaemic heart disease for non-cardiac surgery”, DASAIM Annual Meeting 2016, November 11th 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Preconditioning – True or false”, DASAIM Annual Meeting 2016, November 11th 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Strategies for reducing mortality rates in surgical interventions. The impact of cardioprotection with phosphocreatine on survival”, Five-Continent International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases 2016, October 15th 2016, Beijing, China.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Triggers trasfusionali: ieri, oggi e domani”, XIX Annual Meeting Tuscany, September 27th 2016, Florence, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Epidural anesthesia in cardiac surgery”, 15th Congress Of «All-Russian Non-Governmental Organization Federation Of Anesthesiologists And Reanimatologists», September 17th  2016, Moscow, Russia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Strategies for reducing mortality rates in surgical interventions. The impact of cardioprotection with phosphocreatine on survival”, 15th Congress Of «All-Russian Non-Governmental Organization Federation Of Anesthesiologists And Reanimatologists», September 17th  2016, Moscow, Russia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “The Role of Levosimendan in Post Cardiac Surgery and ICU”, 9th Biennial Conference on Cardiopulmonary Bypass, July 24th 2016, The Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Should IABP be mixed with ECMO?”, 9th Biennial Conference on Cardiopulmonary Bypass, July 23rd 2016, The Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Mortality reduction in cardiac anesthesia and intensive care: results of the first International Consensus Conference”, 9th Biennial Conference on Cardiopulmonary Bypass, July 23rd 2016, The Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Levosimendan nel paziente critico”, Terapia Intensiva 2016 update, May 3rd 2016, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Chairman) “State of the art lectures”, XXXI EACTA 2016 Annual Congress, May 13th 2016, Basel, Switzerland.

Landoni G (Chairman) “Oral presentations”, XXXI EACTA 2016 Annual Congress, May 13th 2016, Basel, Switzerland.

Landoni G (Speaker) “CPB workshop – Simulation: Use of volatile anaesthetics during CPB. What we need to know to adapt accordingly the circuit”, XXXI EACTA 2016 Annual Congress, May 13th 2016, Basel, Switzerland.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Volatile anaesthetics versus TIVA during CPB”, XXXI EACTA 2016 Annual Congress, May 12th 2016, Basel, Switzerland.

Landoni G (Chairman) “Levosimendan for organ protection in critically ill patients”, ESCVS 2016 – 65th International Congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery, April 24th 2016, Belgrade, Serbia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Transfusions in cardiac surgery: liberal, restrictive, or patient-tailored?”, 13th International Course on Extracorporeal Perfusion Technologies (INTERCEPT), April 21st 2016, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “How to read (and write) an article”, 2nd ITACTA Congress, April 20th 2016, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “The best five Intensive Care articles I read in 2015”, 2nd ITACTA Congress, April 20th 2016, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “The place of Levosimendan in low cardiac output patients in Cardiac Surgery”, 12th International Meeting on Cardiac Surgery, April 16th 2016, Beirut, Lebanon.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Preventing perioperative acute kidney injury”, Ist International Conference on Advances in Postoperative Care, April 8th 2016, São Paulo, Brasil.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Mortality reduction in cardiac anesthesia and intensive care: an International Consensus Conference”, Ist International Conference on Advances in Postoperative Care, April 8th 2016, São Paulo, Brasil.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Importance and limitations of RCTs and meta-analyses in critical care medicine”, Selected Issues of Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care, March 31th 2016, Moscow, Russia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Mortality reduction in cardiac surgery”, Selected Issues of Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care, March 31th 2016, Moscow, Russia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Danno e protezione renale”, II° edizione CEC – Circolazione extracorporea sicura, dal monitoraggio al risk management, March 11th 2016, Siena, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Importance and limitations of RCTs and meta-analyses in critical care medicine”, Russian Italian Symposium. Actual Issues of Intensive Therapy in Cardiac Surgery, January  22nd 2016, Novosibirsk, Russia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Mortality reduction in cardiac surgery”, Russian Italian Symposium. Actual Issues of Intensive Therapy in Cardiac Surgery, January  22nd 2016, Novosibirsk, Russia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “What is reducing mortality in the Intensive Care Unit”, SITI – 27° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Terapia Intensiva (SITI), 2-5th December 2015, Florence, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) International Consensus Conference: “Reduction in Mortality in Cardiac Anesthesia and Intensive Care”, November 27th 2015 (second), June 26th 2010 (first), IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Randomized evidence of perioperative mortality reduction”, Peking University Third Hospital, November 2nd  2015, Beijing, China.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Reducing perioperative mortality: randomized evidence. A consensus conference update”, The 9th Five-Continent International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases, October 31st 2015, Beijing, China.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Perioperative cardiac protection”, “Esmololo up to date”. IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, October 28th 2015, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Perioperative cardio-protection”, 28th Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, October 7th 2015, Berlin, Germany

Landoni G (Chairman) “Fluids, bleeding and thrombosis 2”, 28th Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, October 7th 2015, Berlin, Germany.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Weaning strategies of VA ECMO and VADs”, 28th Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, October 6th 2015, Berlin, Germany.

Landoni G (Chairman) “Perioperative management in cardiac surgery”, 28th Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, October 5th 2015, Berlin, Germany.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Sedation in the intensive care. New frontiers with volatile agents”, 18th Annual Meeting: perioperative challenges and updates, September 30th 2015, Florence, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Reducing mortality in the perioperative period: randomized evidence”, Heart Failure Forum. International Symposium of Acute Heart Failure, September 12th 2015, São Paulo, Brazil.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Cardiorenal syndrome”, Heart Failure Forum. International Symposium of Acute Heart Failure, September 12th 2015, São Paulo, Brazil.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Severe sepsis”, Heart Failure Forum International Symposium of Acute Heart Failure, September 12th 2015, São Paulo, Brazil.

Landoni G (Chairman) “Poster Session 6 – Ultrasound and Dysfunction”, XXX EACTA 2015 Annual Congress, June 26th 2015 Gothenburg, Sweden.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Fenoldopam in cardiac surgery trial”, Collaborative Clinical Trials in Anaesthesia Prato Conference 2015, June 18th  2015, Monash University, Prato, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) “Organ protection in Critically Ill Patients”, June 12th and 13th 2015, June 5th and 6th 2014, April 3rd and 4th 2014, November 28th and 29th 2013, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Ischemic preconditioning: why I do believe in it” 1st ITACTA Congress, June 5th 2015, Florence, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Simple tools to improve your clinical and statistical performances”, 1st ITACTA Congress, June 5th 2015, Florence, Italy.

Landoni G (Chairman) “The cardiac anesthesiologist between clinical practice and scientific activity”, 1st ITACTA Congress, June 5th 2015, Florence, Italy.

Landoni G (Chairman) “Ischemic preconditioning: pro and contra debate”, 1st ITACTA Congress June 5th 2015, Florence, Italy.

Landoni G (Chairman) “Hemodynamics and cardiocirculatory problems”, XXVI SMART Congress, May 27th 2015, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Intensive care and anesthesia. Working with each and everyone”, Cardio-thoracic-vascular Meeting, April 29th 2015, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “The rational behind the use of volatile Agents in the ICU”, The use of volatile anesthesia within the intensive care unit, April 28th 2015, Brescia, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Cardioprotection by volatile anesthetics in the perioperative period”, II All Russia Symposium “Perioperative Organ Protection”, April 9th 2015, Moscow, Russia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Reducing perioperative mortality: randomized evidence”, II All Russia Symposium “Perioperative Organ Protection”, April 9th 2015, Moscow, Russia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Kidneys – Pharmacological protection”, SCTS/ACTA annual meeting. March 25th 2015, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Reducing perioperative mortality: randomized evidence”, Consensus update, March 23rd 2015, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Preconditionig – true or false”, The Scandinavian Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine Training Programme in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, March 17th 2015, Aarhus, Denmark.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Anesthesia during extracorporeal circulation – impact of epidural”, The Scandinavian Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine Training Programme in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, March 17th 2015, Aarhus, Denmark.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) International consensus conference “Reducing Perioperative Mortality with Drugs or Non-Surgical Techniques/ Strategies: Randomized Evidence” (any adult surgery), March 6th 2015, IRCCS San Raffaele scientific institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Effect of inotropic and vasoconstrictor drugs on survival”, 8th International Congress of Hemodynamic Monitoring, February 28th 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Towards zero-perioperative mortality”, 6th International Congress Aortic Surgery and Anesthesia “How to do it”, December 12th 2014, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Perioperative management of the ECMO patient”, O Norte da Anesthesia, 2014 Porto Anaesthesiology International Congress, November 22nd 2014, Porto, Portugal.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Use of Volatile Agents and Reduction of Mortality in Cardiac Surgery”, Brazilian Congress of Anesthesiology, November 16th 2014, Recife, Brazil.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Evidence based medicine and inotropic Support”, Symposium on acute heart failure: cardiac support, November 14th 2014, Pereira, Colombia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Reducing mortality in the critical ill patient”, Symposium on acute heart failure: cardiac support, November 14th 2014, Pereira, Colombia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Management of the difficult-to-wean patient and the low cardiac output syndrome”, Symposium on acute heart failure: cardiac support, November 14th 2014, Pereira, Colombia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Perioperative Cardiac protection + Levosimendan to improve survival in the perioperative period and in the critically ill”, Symposium on acute heart failure: cardiac support, November 13th 2014, Pereira, Colombia.

Landoni G (Chairman) Le infezioni associate alle pratiche assistenziali nelle unità di terapia intensiva, 28th October 2014, Cagliari, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Shall we treat cancer with extracorporeal techniques?”, L’assistenza ospedaliera…la ricerca…la tradizione…October 11th 2014, Roccella Jonica (RC), Italy, and Le frontiere della farmacologia, May 22nd 2014, Natural History Museum, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Chairman) “Impact of patient characteristics on outcome”, ESICM LIVES 2014, October 1st 2014, Barcelona, Spain.

Landoni G (Speaker) “A randomized trial of fenoldopam for the prevention and treatment of acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery”, ESICM LIVES 2014, October 1st 2014, Barcelona, Spain.

Landoni G (Chairman) “Poster session XIII: Cardiac Anaesthesia”, EACTA ICCVA 2014 (Appropriate Care in the face of Reduced Resources and increased Morbidity), September 19th 2014, Florence, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) “Sedation scores in the Intensive Care Unit”, Grand rounds in anesthesia and intensive care, June 11th 2014, IRCCSSan Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Hot topics in Critical Care medicine. Last year’s top publications”, European Society of Anaesthesiology, June 1st 2014, Stockholm, Sweden.

Landoni G(Speaker) “Cardiac protection by volatile anesthetics, updated evidence”, 61st annual meeting of JSA, May 15th 2014, Yokohama, Japan.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Preventing renal failure. Fenoldopam in renal protection”, International Simposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine ISICEM, March 21st 2014, Brussels, Belgium.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Which multicenter RCTs show a reduced mortality in critically ill patients?”, International Simposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine ISICEM, March 19th 2014, Brussels, Belgium.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Desmopressin (DDAVP)?”, International Simposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, March 19th 2014 ISICEM, Brussels, Belgium.

Landoni G (Chairman) “High Risk Surgery”, International Simposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine ISICEM, March 19th 2014, Brussels, Belgium.

Landoni G (Speaker) “How we made progress…in renal failure”, International Simposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine ISICEM, March 18th 2014, Brussels, Belgium.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Consensus Conference on Criticall Illness”, Critical Care Without Walls, March 11th and 12th 2014, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) “Animal research: a model of cardiac arrest in the rat”,Grand rounds in anesthesia and intensive care. December 20th 2013, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) “Ventilazione non invasiva: mai senza!”, Grand rounds in anesthesia and intensive care, November 28th 2013, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Network meta-analyses”, Grand rounds in anesthesia and intensive care, October 29th 2013, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Anesthetic Cardiac Protection in CABG Surgery- Fact or Fiction?” Blockkurse Anästhesiologie Blockkurs III / 2013 Cardiac Anesthesia. September 2nd 2013, University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Improving Outcome in Cardiac Surgery: Milrinone, Levosimendan, IABP, ECMO?”, Blockkurse Anästhesiologie Blockkurs III / 2013 Cardiac Anesthesia, September  3rd 2013, University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) First International Consensus Conference: “Improving Survival in Adult Critically Ill Patients. Multicenter Randomized Evidence”, June 20th 2013, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) “Conducting and interpreting a Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials”, June 13th-14th 2013, April 22th-23th 2013, March 11th – 12th 2013, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Italian Multicenter Trials”, Collaborative Clinical Trials in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Congress, June 7th  2013, Monash University, Prato, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Anemia in Cardiac Surgery Patients”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Ematologia – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, June 4th 2013, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Levosimendan to improve survival in critically ill patients”, XV Gda?sk Cardiac Surgical Meetings, January 18th 2013, Gda?sk, Poland.

Landoni G (Speaker) “New inotropes: Levosimendan” 5th International Congress Aortic Surgery and Anesthesia “How to do it”, 13 – 15th December 2012, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Lecturer) “Importance and limitations of RCTs and meta-analyses in critical care medicine”, 14th CARACT congress, Novembre 15-17th 2012, Lido di Camaiore, Lucca, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Alogenate ischemic preconditioning”, XXVI SICCH National Congress, November 10-13th 2012, Rome, Italy.

Landoni G (Chairman) “What we should and what we should not do in adult cardiac surgery”, XXVI SICCH National Congress, November 10-13th 2012, Rome, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Mortalità postoperatoria”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, October 10th 2012, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Director)“Basic Life Support Defibrillation & Advanced Life Support”, November 8th-9th 2012, October 18th-19th 2012, October 11th-12th 2012, October 13th-14th 2011, May 19th-20th 2011, May 5th-6th 2011, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Mortality reduction in cardiac anesthesia and intensive care: results of the first International Consensus Conference”, The 3rd International Symposium for Cardiac Anesthesia (3rd ISCA) and the 17th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists (17th JSCVA), September 15th 2012, Sendai, Japan.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) How to read a scientific paper, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, July 17th 2012 and May 2nd 2011, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “The latest meta-analysis on levosimendan: cardiology and intensive care”, Symposium“A cardioprotective inodilator-from bench to bedside”, May 21st 2012, Belgrade, Serbia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Meta-analysis on levosimendan in cardiologic and critically ill patients”, Cardiovascular Preconditioning ISICEM, March 26th 2012, Madrid, Spain.

Landoni G (Speaker) “What can reduce postoperative mortality?” – Postoperative complications, 32nd International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine ISICEM, March 19th-22th 2012, Brussels, Belgium.

Landoni G (Speaker) “A place for fenoldopam?”- Renal therapy, 32nd International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine ISICEM, March 19th-22th 2012, Brussels, Belgium.

Landoni G (Speaker) “The case for levosimendan”- Cardiac failure, 32nd International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine ISICEM, March 19th-22th 2012, Brussels, Belgium.

Landoni G (Speaker) “The mask with holes”- Non-invasive ventilation, 32nd International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine ISICEM, March 19th-22nd 2012, Brussels, Belgium.

Landoni G (Moderator) “Delirium”- Standard presentation, 32nd International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine ISICEM, March 19th-22nd 2012, Brussels, Belgium.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) First International Consensus Conference: “Improving Survival in Adult Critically Ill Patients with or at Risk for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)”. February 14th 2012, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Mortality reduction in cardiac anesthesia and intensive care: results of the first International Consensus Conference”, November 25th-26th 2011, Chandigarh, India.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Reducing perioperative mortality in adult surgery”, November 22nd 2011, Università degli Studi di Torino – Dipartimento di Discipline Medico Chirurgiche, Sezione di Anestesia e Rianimazione, Turin, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) “Corso di Cardioprotezione” November 17th-18th 2011, October 27th-28th 2011, September 29th-30th 2011, May 12nd-13rd 2011, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Protezione cardiaca perioperatoria: dalla riduzione dei cardiac biomarkers al miglioramento della sopravvivenza”,13° Congresso Nazionale CARACT, November 3rd-5th 2011, Rome, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Prevention and treatment of acute renal failure in the critically ill patient”, 65th SIAARTI congress, October 5th-8th 2011, Turin, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Reducing mortality in the critically ill patient with or at risk for acute renal failure”, 65th SIAARTI congress, October 5th-8th 2011, Turin, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “New inotropes in cardiac surgery”,II Congreso InternacionalNuevas Fronteras en la Intervención Cardiovascular, July 27th-28th 2011, Clínica El Rosario, Medellín, Colombia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Clinical safety in cardiac surgery”, II Congreso Internacional Nuevas Fronteras en la Intervención Cardiovascular, July 27th-28th 2011, Clínica El Rosario, Medellín, Colombia.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) First International Consensus Conference: “Reducing Perioperative Mortality with Drugs or Non-Surgical Techniques/Strategies” (any adult surgery), June 8th 2011, IRCCS San Raffaele scientific intitute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “I risultati della Consensus Conference Internazionale”, 2° Corso di Aggiornamento interdisciplinare sul paziente cardiopatico da sottoporre a chirurgia cardiaca, April 14th-15th 2011, Camera di Commercio di Taranto, Cittadella delle Imprese, Taranto, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Studio POISE 2 (pazienti ad alto richio per coronaropatia, ma non cardiochirurgici)”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, March 30th 2011, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Ricerca traslazionale nell’urgenza ed emergenza cardiovascolare ospedaliera e territoriale”, Workshop sulla ricerca biomedica traslazionale “Dal Laboratorio alla clinica”, Auditorium Giorgio Gaber, Palazzo della Regione Lombardia, March 21st 2011, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Committee and Speaker) “New inotropic agents and survival: Levosimendan”, Aortic Surgery and Anesthesia “How to do it”, December 17th-18th 2010, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Cosa influenza la mortalità?”, XXII CARACT Congress, November 17th-19th 2010.CNR- Area della Ricerca, Pisa, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Reducing mortality in cardiac anesthesia and intensive care”, in “Improving perioperative management to improve patient’s outcome”, XXV SICCH National Congress, November 6th-9th 2010, Rome, Italy.

Landoni G (Chairman) Round Table “Officina dello scompenso: Levosimendan un’unica molecola per tre scenari clinici complessi”, 64° Congresso SIAARTI, October 15th 2010, Parma, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Director)“Papers, Poster, Presentations: Communicating the biomedical sciences” (“Basic statistics” “Fighting with the reviewers” “Trends in anesthesiology and intensive care”), September 30th and September 23rd 2010, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Cardioprotezione e gas in sedazione”, Update in Anesthesia, September 24th 2010, San Giovanni Battista Molinette Hospital, Turin, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Levosimendan mechanism of action: did we reach a consensus?”, Expert Meeting, September 1st 2010, First Hotel Royal Star, Stockholm, Sweden.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) “Papers, Poster, Presentations: Communicating the biomedical sciences” (“Basic statistics” “Fighting with the reviewers” “Trends in anesthesiology and intensive care”), June 17th 2010, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Chairman) “Levosimendan: casi clinici”. V Meeting Biennale di ClubARENA, 5th–7th May 2010, Città della Scienza, Naples, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Levosimendan: Chirurgia vascolare e cardiaca”, V Meeting Biennale di ClubARENA, 5th – 7th May 2010, Città della Scienza, Naples,Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Spunti da un ampio studio multicentrico italiano randomizzato in corso (Fenoldopam vs Placebo)”, V Meeting Biennale di ClubARENA, 5th–7th May 2010, Città della Scienza, Naples, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Committee and Speaker) “Utilizzo perioperatorio del levosimendan”, 1° Corso di aggiornamento Interdisciplinare sul paziente cardiopatico da sottoporre a chirurgia cardiaca, April 15th-16th 2010, Camera di Commercio, Taranto, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Cardiac protection by volatile agents in cardiac and non cardiac surgery”, 13th National Congress of Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anesthesiologists (IACTA) 2010, February 26th 2010, Kolkata, India.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) “Winning the Publications Game – How to Develop Effective Abstracts and Manuscripts in Anesthesia”, “Research and publishing trends in anesthesia”, “The importance of statistics: from the architecture to the endpoints”, “Methodology exercise”, “Surviving the peer review process in anesthesia”, “The peer review in anesthesia”, February 15th-16th 2010, Policlinico Gemelli, Roma, and February 11th- 12th 2010, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) “Anestetici alogenati in circolazione extracorporea (CEC) e in Terapia Intensiva”, December 2nd 2009, IRCCS San Raffaele scientific intitute, Milan, Italy

Landoni G (Speaker) “Effetto cardioprotettivo degli anestetici short acting”, Heart and perioperative care: new role for short acting drugs, November 7th 2009, Mogliano Veneto (TV), Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “I farmaci importanti in cardiochirurgia: esistono?”, 11° Corso Nazionale di aggiornamento in anestesia e rianimazione cardiotoracica (CARACT), October 23th 2009, Bergamo, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “I betabloccanti in cardiochirurgia sono un bene o un male?”, 63° Congresso SIAARTI, August 29th- September 1st2009, Firenze, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Esmololo nei pazienti a rischio sottoposti a interventi di chirurgia addominale maggiore: un modello di approcio perioperatorio”, 63° Congresso SIAARTI, August 29th- September 1st 2009, Firenze, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Committee) “Effetto cardioprotettivo degli anestetici short acting”, Heart and Perioperative Care: New role for for short acting drugs, June15th 2009, Bergamo, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Anesthesiology + Intensive Care Medicine”, English lectures with specialists for the School of Medicine Vita-Salute University of Milan year 2008/2009, May 14th 2009, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Pharmacological pre-emptive strategies: give me the magic bullet, please” VI InterCEPT 2009, April 17th 2009, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Protein C zymogen as adjuvant treatment of severe sepsis in heart surgery patients”, 9° International Winter Meeting on Coagulation “Basic, Laboratory and Clinical Aspects of Venous and Arterial Thromboembolic Disease”, April 1st-4th 2009, Bormio (SO), Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Cardioprotezione nel perioperatorio”, Tutorial in General Anaesthesia, March 28th 2009, Hotel Michelangelo, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “La proteina C zimogeno nel paziente adulto”,Workshop “Alterazioni emocoagulative nella sepsi: ruolo della proteina C”, February 19th 2009, Ospedale Riuniti di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Committee and Speaker) “Volatile anesthetics reduce perioperative mortality in cardiac surgery”,Aortic Surgery and Anesthesia “How to do it”, Dicember 11th-13th 2008, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Intitute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Sceintific Committee) “Perioperative anesthesiological challenges of the unfit patient “ideal candidate” of transfemoral aortic valve implantation”, Aortic Surgery and Anesthesia “How to do it”, Dicember 11th-13th 2008,IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “How to write an article for publication: Review Articles/Systematic Reviews “RSACPCON 2008, XVIII Biennial National Conference, November 16th 2008, Kolkata, India.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Does the choice of anaesthetic influence outcome”, RSACPCON 2008, XVIII Biennial National Conference, November 15th 2008, Kolkata, India.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Do perioperative pharmacological interventions affect outcome?”1948 – 2008 Happy Birthday Anesthesia, November 7th 2008, Torino, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “I beta bloccanti nel perioperatorio: quale ruolo per l’esmololo?”, 10° Corso Nazionale di aggiornamento in anestesia e rianimazione cardiotoracica (CARACT), November 5th-7th 2008, Lucca, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Indicazioni al ricovero postoperatorio in TIPO nel paziente cardiopatico sottoposto a chirurgia non cardiaca”, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, October 14th-17th2008, Palermo, Italy.

Landoni G (Chairman) “Problematiche perioperatorie del paziente cardiochirurgico”, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, October 14th-17th2008, Palermo, Italy.

Landoni G (Chairman) “Esmololo: una nuova opportunità – Diverse prospettive per diversi scenari”, 62° Congresso SIAARTI, October 14th-17th 2008, Palermo, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “I miorilassanti steroidei e benzilisochinolinici”, Congresso “I miorilassanti – vecchie abitudini e nuove prospettive”, October 3rd 2008, Hotel Hilton, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “La sepsi nell’adulto dopo intervento cardiochirurgico”, Corso “La gestione del paziente critico in squilibrio emocoagulativo”, Semptember 17th 2008, Hotel del Re, Dozza Imolese (BO), Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) Master in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Intensive Care, Vita-Salute San Raffele University, July 29th 2008, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Principi di valutazione clinica del paziente sottoposto a chirurgia dello scompenso cardiocircolatorio”, Master in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Intensive Care, Vita-Salute University San Raffele, July 29th 2008, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Meta-analisi”, Dal progetto alla pubblicazione: one-day tutorial course per giovani ricercatori clinici, IRCCS Policlinico S. Donato, June 30th 2008, San Donato, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Scientific Director) “La cardioprotezione”, Corso Teorico Pratico, June 24th-25th, May 6th-7th, April 15th-16th, March 11th-12th, February 12th-13th 2008, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Uso del beta-blocco ultrabreve nel paziente a rischio”, 3rd International Meeting, DIALOGUES on ANAESTHESIA and INTENSIVE CARE, June 23rd-25th 2008, Complesso Universitario Monte S. Angelo, Naples, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Any best in cardiac anesthesia?”, XIX CONGRESSO SMART, May 28th-30th2008, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Riduzione di mortalità e di necessità trattamento sostitutivo renale in chirurgia cardiovascolare con l’utilizzo di fenoldopam. Una meta-analisi”, IV Meeting Biennale di ClubARENA 2008, May 7th-9th 2008, Città della Scienza, Naples, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Pazienti ad alto rischio di sanguinamento: quale proteina C”, IV Meeting Biennale di ClubARENA 2008, May 7th-9th 2008, Città della Scienza, Naples, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Cardioprotection with desflurane and sevoflurane”, 8th expert meeting of the Croatian Association of Anesthesiology and ICM, April 11st 2008, Pula, Croazia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Cardioprotective properties of volatile anaesthetics, from cardiac to non-cardiac anesthesia”, Minrad International Distributor Meeting, March 1st 2008, Cape Town, South Africa.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Uso del fenoldopam nel perioperatorio”, STAR, November 15th 2007, Rome, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Prevention of cardiac damage by inhalation anaesthesia – is the assumption evidence based?”, APICE, November 9th 2007, Venice, Italy

Landoni G (Speaker) “Cardioprotezione da alogenati nei pazienti cardiopatici non cardiochirurgici”, 61° CONGRESSO SIAARTI, October 18th-20th 2007, Torino, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Fenoldopam in cardiovascular surgery”, 61° CONGRESSO SIAARTI, October 18th-20th 2007, Torino, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Il trattamento al cuore scompensato: un approcio razionale”, IX Congresso “Corso Nazionale di aggiornamento in anestesia e rianimazione cardiotoracica (CARACT)”, October 4th-6th 2007, Bergamo, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Protezione farmacologica”, V CONGRESSO SIARED, September 20th-22th 2007, Napoli.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Ottimizzazione farmacologica pre-operatoria”, V CONGRESSO SIARED, September 20th-22th 2007, Napoli.

Landoni G (Speaker) “La cardioprotezione in anestesia: quale impatto sull’outcome?”, XVIII CONGRESSO SMART, May 30th-31th, June 1st 2007, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Prevenzione del danno miocardico con anestetici volatili: un effetto importante in chirurgia non cardiaca”, XVIII CONGRESSO SMART, May 30th-31th, June 1st 2007, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Chairman), “Importanti fattori di rischio cardiovascolare in anestesia” XVIII CONGRESSO SMART, May 30th-31th, June 1st 2007, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Meta-analisi”, Management delle complicanze emodinamiche: prevenire il danno ischemico. Fenoldopam è una soluzione?, February 16th 2007, Hotel Michelangelo, Milan, Italy

Landoni G (Speaker) “Fenoldopam in the perioperative period and in critically ill patients. A meta-analysis of 16 randomized studies”, European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA 2006), May 26th 2006, Venice, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Precondizionamento Miocardico Farmacologico da Anestetici Alogenati”, III Nuove Frontiere nella Diagnostica e Terapia Cardiovascolare. Dalla fisiologia clinica alla biologia clinica”, April 27th-28th 2006, Baveno, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Myocardial preconditioning: an overview”, III InterCEPT 2006, April 8th 2006, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Renal protection by fenoldopam in cardiac surgery patients”, International Symposium “Cardiac surgery and nephrology”, March 25th 2006, Offenburg, Germany.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Risultati clinici del precondizionamento”, La moderna anestesia bilanciata. Anestesia generale e protezione cardiaca, October 15th 2005, Rome, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Il fenoldopam in cardiochirurgia” CARACT 2005, VIII Corso Avanzato di Anestesia e Rianimazione Cardiotoracica, October 20th-22nd 2005, Siena, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Anestetici e Precondizionamento Ischemico: Evidenze Cliniche”, Precondizionamento. La moderna anestesia bilanciata. Anestesia generale e protezione cardiaca. September 17th 2005, Monserrato (CA), Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Rischio cardiovascolare perioperatorio”, Corso di aggiornamento SIAARTI, La moderna anestesia bilanciata Anestesia generale e Protezione d’organo, July 9th 2005, Verona, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Precondizionamento e Cardioprotezione”, Giornata di aggiornamento in anestesia, July 1st 2005, Francavilla al Mare, Chieti, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Anestetici alogenati e cardioprotezione: quale conferma?”, Corso di aggiornamento SIAARTI, La moderna anestesia bilanciata Anestesia generale e Protezione, June 18th 2005, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Effetti cardiovascolari degli anestetici alogenati ed endovenosi”, Meeting di Caserta: I° giornata Campana di aggiornamento in anestesia generale, May 6th 2005, Grand Hotel Vanvitelli, Caserta, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Effetti cardiovascolari degli anestetici alogenati ed endovenosi”, Meeting di Palermo: I° giornata Palermitana di aggiornamento in anestesia generale, May 5th 2005 Hotel Villa Igea, Palermo, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Basic Life Support – Defibrillator”, April 7th, April 21st , October 14th, December 15th 2005; March 22nd, March 31st, May 18th, November 23rd, 2006 October 10th, October 24th, October 26th 2007, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy

Landoni G (Speaker) “Protezione cardiaca e anestesia bilanciata”, Update sulla moderna anestesia bilanciata in circuito a bassi flussi, September 19th-21st 2005, May 9th-11th 2005, March 7th-9th 2005, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Precondizionamento: evidenze cliniche”, Lab 2004, December 9th-10th 2004, Pisa, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Myocardial damage and cardiac troponin I release”. 58° Congresso Nazionale SIAARTI, October 27th-30th 2004, Genova, Italy.

Landoni G (Speaker) “New-onset ventricular tachyarrhytmias after cardiac surgery: which significance and treatment?”, Master di Eco-doppler in cardiochirurgia – Insufficienza mitralica funzionale, June 11st-13th 2003, Milan, Italy.


Landoni G “Procedure anestesiologiche in cardiochirurgia”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia, Rianimazione e Terapia del Dolore- Università di Cagliari, June 14th 2015, Cagliari, Italy.

Landoni G “Protezione renale nel periodo peri operatorio ed in terapia intensiva”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Università di Genova, March 9th 2015, Genova, Italy.

Landoni G “Grant applications: dall’ideazione alla scrittura del protocollo”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, January 23th 2015, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Come si conduce una metanalisi di studi randomizzati”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, January 23th 2015, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Farmacovigilanza in anestesia e rianimazione”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, January 15th 2015, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Riduzione della mortalità nel paziente critico”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, January 13th 2015, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Miglioramento della sopravvivenza perioperatoria”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, November 14th 2014, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “How to read and a scientific article”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, July 1st 2014 and April 9th 2014, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Pharmacovigilance in anesthesia and intensive care”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, May 21st 2014, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Improving perioperative survival”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, April 28th 2014, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Monitoraggio intraoperatorio”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, April 2nd 2014, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Peer review of scientific manuscripts”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, March 21st 2014, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Drugs, strategies and techniques to reduce perioperative mortality”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Università di Cagliari, February 27th 2014, Cagliari, Italy.

Landoni G “Volatile anesthetics cardiac protection”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Università di Cagliari, February 27th 2014, Cagliari, Italy.

Landoni G “Miglioramento della sopravvivenza perioperatoria”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, March 4th 2013, Milan, Italy.
Landoni G “Mortality Reduction In Cardiac Anesthesia  And Intensive Care”, results of the first International Consensus Conference, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Universita’di Torino, May 29th 2012, Torino, Italy.

Landoni G “Monitoraggio intraoperatorio”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, April 18th 2012, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Interpretazione di un articolo scientifico”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, February 21st 2012, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Cosa influenza la mortalità?”, First International Consensus Conference, Università degli Studi di Verona, Anestesia e Rianimazione, April 12nd 2011, Verona, Italy.

Landoni G “Anestesia in cardiochirurgia”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, April 24th 2008, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Emostasi farmacologia”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, April 3rd 2007, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Protezione farmacologia di organo”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, March 13th 2007, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Perioperative Cardiac Protection”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, February 14th 2006, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Betabloccanti Perioperatori in chirurgia non-cardiochirurgica”, Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Vascolare – Vita-Salute San Raffaele Univeristy, January 23rd 2006, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Farmacologia clinica degli anestetici volatili”, Seminari di aggiornamento in Anestesia e Rianimazione: Argomenti di Anestesia, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione Università di Varese, June 21st 2005, Varese, Italy.

Landoni G “Farmaci anestetici e precondizionamento” Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, June 14th 2005, Milan, Italy.

Landoni G “Diagnostica e trattamento degli aneurismi aortici in rottura” Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, January 20th 2004, Milan, Italy.


Landoni G (Speaker) “Inotropic support after cardiac surgery” April 5th 2017, Rome and other 19 cities in Italy, organized by PROXIMA with the support of SIAARTI

Landoni G (Speaker) “Volatile Cardiac protection in the Perioperative period”. Remote conference, XXII Anesthesia Course – Clinicas Colsanitas, February 14th 2015, Bolivia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Reducing Perioperative Mortality: randomized evidence. A consensus conference update”. Remote conference, XXII Anesthesia Course – Clinicas Colsanitas, February 14th 2015, Bolivia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Inotropes and survival. The largest meta-analysis of RCTs ever”. Remote conference, Anesthesia Course – Clinicas Colsanitas, February 14th 2015, Bolivia.

Landoni G (Speaker) “Practical Approach to Phase IV studies, Real life case study” in Best Practice in Phase IV studies. May 25th 2011. Webinar platform. Kakushin group.
Participation in randomized clinical trials approved by the ethical committee of Vita-Salute University of Milano, San Raffaele Hospital. N=35

Randomized controlled non-sponsored multicentric trial approved by San Raffaele Scientific Hospital Ethical Commettee and coordinated by Giovanni Landoni (7)

Early Non-invasive Ventilation Outside the Intensive Care Unit. A Randomized Trial. “Early-NIV. La ventilazione non invasiva per prevenire la necessità di ricovero in terapia intensiva nei pazienti con insufficienza respiratoria acuta”. e-NIV Luca Cabrini (principal investigator). Cabrini L, Pasin L, Landoni G, Beretta L, Zangrillo A. 2012, Identifier: NCT01572337

Volatile 10,600: Volatile Anesthetics to Reduce Mortality in Cardiac Surgery, a Multicentre Randomized Controlled Study. Alberto Zangrillo (principal investigator). Severi L, Manzato A, Zucchetti M, Erice F, Pala G, Alvaro G, Pittarello D, Bignami E, Bove T, Calabrò MG, Cama F, Covello RD, Crivellari M, De Luca M, Fano G, Franco AL, Frau G, Gerli C, Landoni G, Maj G, Melisurgo G, Messina M, Monaco F, Pappalardo F, Ruggeri L, Scandroglio AM. EudraCT Number: 2013-005533-20.

Levosimendan in High Risk Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. A Randomized Multicenter Trial. “Levosimendan in pazienti cardiochirurgici ad alto rischio. Uno studio multicentrico randomizzato” Giovanni Landoni (principal investigator) HSR-LEVO. Landoni G, Bignami E, Bove T, Calabrò MG, Fano G, Monaco F, Nuzzi M, Ajello V, Covello RD, Melisurgo G, Prati P, Mizzi A, Zambon M, Marino G, Zangrillo A. 2009, Identifier: NCT00994825

Sevoflurane in Cardiac Protection of High Risk Patients undergoing Cardiac Surgery. A Randomized Multicenter Trial. “Protezione cardiaca con sevoflurane in pazienti ad alto rischio sottoposti a cardiochirurgia. Studio randomizzato e controllato”. Codice: SEVO-AIFA (AIFA FARM6H73Z9). Landoni G, Calabrò MG, Covello RD, Crivellari M, Gerli C, Monaco F, Nuzzi M, Bove T, Scandroglio AM, Marino G, Crescenzi G, Zangrillo A. 2008–2011, Identifier NCT00821262

Fenoldopam and Acute Renal Failure. A Randomized Multicenter Trial. “Fenoldopam e insufficienza renale acuta”. Bove T, Landoni G, Marino G, Crescenzi G, Calabrò MG, Scandroglio AM, Bignami E, Covello RD, Pappalardo F, Zangrillo A. 2007, Identifier NCT00621790

Desmopressin in Cardiac Surgery. A Randomized Multicenter Trial. “Efficacia della somministrazione di desmopressina in pazienti con sanguinamento attivo dopo intervento cardiochirurgico” Crescenti G, Marchetti C, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. 2006, Identifier NCT00337766

Preconditioning by Desflurane in Cardiac Surgery. A Randomized Multicenter Trial. “Effetto di precondizionamento ischemico dell’anestetico inalatorio desfluorane” Leoni A, Crescenzi G, Sparicio D, Bove T, Carone C, Tritapepe L, Zangrillo A. 2004–2005

Randomized controlled international multicentric trials (12)

PHARLAP A multi-centre randomised controlled trial of an Open Lung Strategy including Permissive Hypercapnia, Alveolar Recruitment and Low Airway Pressure in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Promotore: Anzic-RC Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre. Landoni G (National Principal Investigator), Monti G (Co-investigator). 2016 – 2017

HIP ATTACK – Hip fracture accelerated surgical treatment and care track trial. Promotore: Population Health Research Institute (PHRI). Landoni G (National Principal Investigator). 2016 – 2018

MANAGE: Management of myocardial injury After NoncArdiac surGEry: A large, international, randomized, placebo-controlled trial to assess the impact of dabigatran (a direct thrombin inhibitor) and omeprazole (a proton-pump inhibitor) in patients suffering myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery. Population Health Research Institute (PHRI). Landoni G (Local Principal Investigator). 2015

REstrictive versus LIbEral Fluid Therapy in Major Abdominal Surgery. ANZIC Research Centre. Landoni G (National Principal Investigator). 2014

AP-recAP-AKI-02-01 A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Four-Arm, Parallel-Group, Proof of Concept, and Dose-Finding Adaptive Phase 2a/2b Study to Investigate the Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy and Effect on Quality of Life of Human Recombinant Alkaline Phosphatase in the Treatment of Patients With Sepsis-Associated Acute Kidney Injury. Sponsor: AM-Pharma B.V. Landoni G (Principal Investigator), Monti G (Co-investigator). 2014–2015.

Sedation Practices in Intensive Care Evaluation: SPICE III – A Prospective Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial of Early Goal Direct Sedation vs. Standard Care Sedation. ANZIC Research Centre C. Leggieri (Principal Investigator), Landoni G (National Principal Investigator, Local Co-Investigator). 2013

The Atacas trial: Aspirin and Tranexamic Acid for Coronary Artery Surgery Trial.Studio randomizzato, multicentrico, internazionale. The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, Landoni G. PMID:18215590 National principal investigator (9 centres in Italy). 2012–2015

“REPLACE (Randomized evaluation of fibrinogen versus placebo in complex cardiovascular surgery): a prospective, multinational, multicenter, randomized, double bind, placebo-controlled, Phase III study for the use of Fibrinogen Concentrate (Human) (FCH) in complex cardiovascular surgery.” Sponsor: CSL Behring GmbH, BI3023_3002. Franco  A (principal Investigator) Landoni G (co-investigator), 2012–2013.

“PeriOperative ISchemic Evaluation?2 Trial”. A large, international, placebo-controlled, factorial trial to assess the impact of clonidine and acetyl-salicylic acid (ASA) in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery who are at risk of a perioperative cardiovascular event. Population Health Research Institute, Hamilton General Hospital Campus, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Landoni G. National principal investigator (4 centres in Italy) and member of the steering committee. 2010–2014 Identifier NCT01082874

“A Multi-Centre, Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial on Efficacy and Safety of FXIII Replenishment with two different Doses of Recombinant Factor XIII following Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgey” Sponsor: Novo Nordisk A/S TRIAL ID: NN1810-3540 Marino G (principal investigator), Landoni G (sub-investigator), 2009–2010

“A Multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled, dose escalation trial on safety and efficacy of activated recombinant factor VII (rFVIIa/NovoSeven® ) in the treatment of post-operative bleeding in patients following cardiac surgery requiring cardiopolmunary bypass”. (“Studio clinico multicentrico, randomizzato, in doppio-cieco, a dose scalare, placebo-controllato, per valutare la sicurezza e l’efficacia del fattore VII ricombinante attivato (rFVIIa/NovoSeven®) nel trattamento delle emorragie post-operatorie in pazienti sottoposti ad interventi cardiaci con by-pass cardiopolmonare”), 2005-2008. Sponsor: Novonordisk. Codice dello studio F7CARD-1610, EUDRACT n° 2004-000100-40. 2005–2007 Marino G (principal investigator), Landoni G (coinvestigator).

“PRIMO CABG: A phase III randomized, parallel, double-blind, multi-center, placedo-controlled study of the effect of pexelizumab on all-cause mortality and myocardial infarction in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass”, 2002–2003. Sponsor: Procter and Gamble. Alfieri O (principal investigator) Landoni G (coinvestigator)

Randomized controlled non-sponsored trial approved by San Raffaele Scientific Hospital Ethical Committee (16). Seven of them were coordinated by Giovanni Landoni

Ischaemic PReconditioning In Non Cardiac surgEry (PRINCE trial). Studio prospettico, randomizzato, monocentrico, non farmacologico, volto a verificare se il precondizionamento ischemico riduce il danno miocardico nei pazienti ad alto rischio sottoposti a chirurgia non cardiaca. Landoni G (Principal Investigator). 2015.

Tranexamic acid in major vascular surgery. (TRANEX AAA) L. Pasin (Principal Investigator) Landoni G (Co-Investigator). 2014.

Esmolol in Cardiac Surgery. A Randomized Trial. “Esmololo in cardiochirurgia. Uno studio randomizzato, controllato con endpoints chinicamente rilevanti” BREVI Elena Bignami (principal investigator). Bignami E, Landoni G, Ajello V, Covello RD, Franco A, Fano G, Gerli C, Marino G, Mizzi A, Nuzzi M, Prati P, Turi S, Zambon M, Zangrillo A. 2009, Identifier: NCT00959569

Tranexamic Acid in Urologic Surgery. A Randomized Trial. “Efficacia dell’acido tranexamico nel ridurre il sanguinamento perioperatorio nei pazienti sottoposti a prostatectomia radicale.” Crescenti A, Landoni G, Salonia A, Rigatti P, Zangrillo A, Magrin S, Rapati D, Quattrocchi GT, Mennella R, Aldrovandi V, Cavenago F, Maccagno C, Sozzi F. 2008–2010, Identifier: NCT00670345

Hemodilution and Outcome in Cardiac Surgery. A Randomized Trial. “Effetto dell’emodiluizione moderata in circolazione extra-corporea sull’outcome postoperatorio in pazienti cardiochirurgici”. Crescenzi G, Marchetti C, Landoni G, Calabrò MG, Franco A, Bove T, D’Avolio S, Bignami E, Martina C, Zangrillo A. 2006–2009, Identifier NCT00364494

Cardiac protection by volatile anaesthetics: A Randomized Trial. “Effetto di precondizionamento degli anestetici inalatori”. Landoni G, Leoni A, Scandroglio AM, Tritapepe L, Colombo A, Zangrillo A. 2005, Identifier NCT00364637

Postoperative Pain Management after radical retropubic prostatectomy. “Controllo del dolore dopo interventi di prostatectomia radicale”. Crescenti A, Memmo A, Lorizio M, Rapati D, Landoni G, Magrin S, Zangrillo A. 2003–2005

Mini CardioPulmonary Bypass in Cardiac Surgery. A Randomized Trial. “Circolazione extracorporea in pazienti con ridotta superficie corporea”. Crescenzi G, Pappalardo F, Franco A, Corno C, Calabrò MG, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. 2003–2006

Different Oxygenators in Cardiac Surgery. “Confronto tra ossigenatori con e senza fosforilcolina in pazienti sottoposti ad intervento cardiochirurgico con circolazione extracorporea”. Crescenzi G, Franco A, Sparicio D, Landoni G, Pappalardo F, Zangrillo A. 2003–2004

Temperature management during off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of a circulating water system versus a forced-air system. “Mantenimento della normotermia intraoperatoria in interventi di bypass coronarico a cuore battente: due metodiche a confronto”. Crescenzi G, Sparicio D, Crivellari M, Landoni G, Zangrillo A. 2003

General versus spinal anesthesia in patients undergoing radical retropubic prostatectomy. “Anestesia spinale versus anestesia generale negli interventi di prostatectomia radicale”. Crescenti A, Memmo A, Bignami E, Landoni G, Magrin S, Zangrillo A. 2003–2004

Superficial vs deep cervical plexus block with ropivacaine 0,75% for carotid endarterectomy.  “Confronto tra due diverse metodiche anestesiologiche per intervento di trombo-endo-arterectomia (TEA) carotidea con utilizzo di ropivacaina 0.75%: blocco del plesso cervicale superficiale versus blocco del plesso cervicale profondo”. Carozzo A, Magrin S, Leoni A, Landoni G, Bignami E, Zangrillo A. 2002–2003

Renoprotective action of fenoldopam in high-risk patients undergoing urologic surgery. “Valutazione comparativa degli effetti nefroprotettivi di Fenoldopam e Dopamina in chirurgia urologica”. Crescenti A, Landoni G, Magrin S, Zangrillo A. 2002–2004

Renoprotective action of fenoldopam in high-risk patients undergoing vascular surgery.  “Valutazione comparativa degli effetti nefroprotettivi di Fenoldopam e Dopamina in chirurgia vascolare”. Carozzo A, Landoni G, Magrin S, Zangrillo A. 2002–2004

Renoprotective action of fenoldopam in high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery. “Valutazione comparativa degli effetti nefroprotettivi di Fenoldopam e Dopamina in cardiochirurgia”. Bove T, Landoni G, Monaco C, Marino G, Zangrillo A. 2002–2004

Perioperative magnesium supplementation to prevent atrial fibrillation after off-pump coronary artery surgery: a randomized controlled study. “BH-MG: Ruolo del magnesio nella prevenzione delle tachiaritmie sopraventricolari perioperatorie in interventi di bypass coronarico a cuore battente.” Landoni G, Bellotti F, Gerli C, Sparicio D, Monaco C, Torri G. 2002-2003.


“Collaborative Clinical Trials in Intensive Care Medicine Conference”, Monash University, Prato, Italy, June 15th-17th 2015

“Echocardiograpy in the critically ill patient”, Milano, Italy, February 11th 2015

“Ultrasound Central Vascular Access Course”, Milano, Italy, January 21st 2014

“Collaborative Clinical Trials in Intensive Care Medicine Congress. International Trials in Reanimation”, Monash University, Prato, Italy, June 5th-7th 2013

“5th RHICVSS Expert Forum. All about the mitral valve: evolving concepts, challenges and surgical perspectives.” April 20th 2013, Berlin, Germany.

“EACTA meeting”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 23rd 2012

“Corso Teorico Pratico V-A ECMO per il trattamento dell’ARDS” Ospedale San Raffaele – Milano 15 Maggio 2012

“Poise-2 investigator meeting”. San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina. San Diego, CA, US. October 17t,h 2010

CANNeCTIN Cutting Edge Symposium on Perioperative Medicine. The David Braley Cardiac, Vascular and Stroke Research Institute (DBCVSRI) Hamilton General Hospital, Ontario, Canada. April 28-29, 2010

“La gestione dei fluidi in ambito emergenza-urgenza: il ripristino volemico e la small volume resuscitation”.Istituto Scientifico San Raffaele – Milano, 5 aprile 2008.

F7CARD-1610 Trial Results Meeting. Prague, Czech Repubblic, 4 aprile 2008.

14th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. Cape Town (South Africa), 2-7 marzo 2008.

22nd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists. Krakow Poland, 13-16 giugno 2007.

ASA 2006 Annual Meeting. Chicago (Illinois), 14-18 ottobre 2006.

Retreat della Ricerca Scientifica. Bardolino (Verona), 19-21 febbraio 2006.

Corso di Fotografia Digitale. Milano, 27 settembre 2005.

Corso Istruttori Corsi di Base – BLSD. Milano, 27-28 gennaio 2005.

Corso BLSD – Rianimazione Cardiopolmonare di Base e Defibrillazione Precoce. Milano, 21 ottobre 2004.

XV Simposio SMART. Milano, 12-14 maggio 2004.

Retreat della Ricerca Scientifica. Garda (Verona), 2-4 febbraio 2004.

57° Congresso Nazionale SIAARTI. Roma, 22-25 ottobre 2003.

7° Corso di Aggiornamento in Rianimazione e Anestesia CardioToracica per Infermieri. Salsomaggiore Terme, 9-11 ottobre 2003.

56° Congresso Nazionale SIAARTI. Milano, 9-12 ottobre 2002.

XIII Simposio SMART. Milano, 29-31 maggio 2002.

Convegno “Nuovi concetti in circolazione extracorporea Miglioramento del Patient Outcome Miniaturizzazione dei sistemi”. Istituto Scientifico San Raffaele – Milano, 18 maggio 2002.

16th Symposium on Critical Care Medicine A.P.I.C.E. Trieste, 16-20 novembre 2001.
Educational Course SMART Sepsis. Milano, 13 ottobre 2001.

8th Course Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias: RF Advanced Course on Theory and Practice. Baveno, 12-15 luglio 2001.

Corso di Aggiornamento “Update in Anestesia e Terapia Intensiva Pediatrica Ventilazione Meccanica nel Bambino”. Azienda Ospedaliera Istituti di Perfezionamento Ospedale dei Bambini V. Buzzi –Milano, 7 giugno 1999.

Simposio Mostra Anestesia Rianimazione e Terapia Intensiva. Milano, 26-28 maggio 1999.

ATLS Student Course of the American College of Surgeons.Ospedale San Raffaele -Milano, 25-27 febbraio 1998.Seminario “Tutorial in Anestesia Ostetrica”. Istituto Scientifico San Raffaele – Milano, 24-25 maggio 1999.

Seminario “Quale ruolo per i nuovi analgesici?”. Istituto Scientifico San Raffaele – Milano, 29 novembre 1997.

International Symposium on Critical Care Medicine, 12th Annual Meeting A.P.I.C.E. ’97. Trieste, 19-21 novembre 1997.

Convegno “L’analgesia in travaglio: una realtà in Europa, e in Italia?”. Montecatini Terme, 17 ottobre 1997.

II Corso di Aggiornamento S.I.A.A.R.T.I. Torino, 2-4 ottobre 1997.

51° Congresso Nazionale S.I.A.A.R.T.I.  Torino, 1-4 ottobre 1997.

Simposio Mostra Anestesia Rianimazione e Terapia Intensiva. Milano, 28-30 maggio 1997.

Incontro scientifico “Anestesia Generale Vs. Anestesia Locoregionale”. Ospedale San Raffaele – Milano, 23 aprile 1997.

Convegno Interdisciplinare “Il politrauma”. Università degli Studi di Milano, 17-19 aprile 1997.

Workshop “Ventilazione non invasiva in maschera”. Istituto Scientifico San Raffaele -Milano, 22 marzo 1997.

II° Corso Universitario Multidisciplinare di Educazione allo Sviluppo. Università degli Studi di Milano, Anno accademico 1995-1996.

I° Corso Sperimentale di Medicina della Salute. Università degli Studi di Milano, Anno accademico 1995-1996.

Int Standard – Medicine Course. Hampstead (England). 14-25 agosto 1995.

44th General Assembly of the International Federation of Medical Students Associations. Barcelona (Catalonia), 2-5 agosto 1995.

Internationl Workshop Public Health: “Close to the year 2000”, Annual Workshop of the International Federation of Medical Students Associations. Barcelona (Catalonia), 2-5 agosto 1995.

I° Corso Universitario Multidisciplinare di Educazione allo Sviluppo. Università degli Studi di Milano. Anno accademico 1994-1995.

Corso Annuale di Base di Filosofia della Medicina, Etica Medica e Biomedica. Istituto Scientifico San Raffaele – Milano, 1992-1993.

Il titolare del presente curriculum vitae, pubblicato online sul portale, è garante in via esclusiva della correttezza e della veridicità dei dati e delle informazioni in esso riportate e del loro eventuale e puntuale aggiornamento. Egli è dunque il diretto ed unico responsabile dei contenuti indicati nei propri curricula.