Martino Gianvito Professore ordinarioMedicinaBIO/13




Nato a Bergamo nel 1962, si è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università di Pavia nel 1987 dove si è specializzato in Neurologia nel 1991. Dal 1990 al 1992 ha svolto attività di ricerca all’estero presso il Dipartimento di Neurologia del Karolinska Institute di Stoccolma e presso il Dipartimento di Neurologia dell’Università di ChicagoPresso l’Istituto Scientifico San Raffaele di Milano dal 2008 al 2016 ha diretto la Divisione di Neuroscienze, e dal 1997 l’Unità di Neuroimmunologia. Dal 2016 è Direttore Scientifico dell’Ospedale San Raffaele.

Già honorary professor presso la School of Medicine and Dentistry at Queen Mary University of London, è professore ordinario di biologia applicata e prorettore alla ricerca e alla terza missione presso l’Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele di Milano. E’ stato tra i fondatori dell’Associazione Italiana di Neuroimmunologia (AINI), di cui è stato Presidente dal 2009 al 2012, e dell’European School of Neuroimmunology (ESNI) e della Global Schools of Neuroimmunology (GSNI) delle quali è tutt’ora coordinatore scientifico. Dal 2010 al 2012 è stato Vice Presidente e dal 2012 al 2014 è stato Presidente dell’International Society of Neuroimmunology (ISNI). È stato membro del consiglio scientifico di numerose società scientifiche nazionali ed internazionali, tra cui UK Multiple Sclerosis Society, Wellcome Trust's Peer Review College, INSERM, ECTRIMS, FISM and MSIF. Dal 2017 al 2019 è stato Presidente del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico della Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB). Dal 2015 al 2022 è stato Panel Member dell’European Research Council (ERC). Negli anni ha conseguito numerosi premi scientifici tra i quali il Premio Rita Levi-Montalcini. I suoi interessi scientifici, concretizzatosi nella pubblicazione di oltre 300 articoli scientifici, vanno dallo studio dei meccanismi patogenetici alla base dei disturbi del sistema nervoso centrale di tipo immuno-mediato allo sviluppo di strumenti di terapia genica e di innovative terapie con cellule staminali neurali per il trattamento di questi disturbi.


Genchi A, Semerano A, Schwarz G, Dell'Acqua B, Gullotta GS, Sampaolo M, Boeri E, Quattrini A, Sanvito F, Diamanti S, Bergamaschi A, Grassi S, Podini P, Panni P, Michelozzi C, Simionato F, Scomazzoni F, Remida P, Valvassori L, Falini A, Ferrarese C, Michel P, Saliou G, Hajdu S, Beretta S, Roveri L, Massimo F, Strambo D, Martino G, Bacigaluppi M. Neutrophils predominate the immune signature of cerebral thrombi in COVID-19 stroke patients. Acta Neuropathol. Comm. 2022;10:1-13

Hanuscheck N, Thalman C, Domingues M, Schmaul S, Muthuraman M, Hetsch F, Ecker M, Endle H, Oshagi M, Martino G, Kuhlmann T, Bozek K, van Beers T, Bittner S, von Engelhardt J, Vogt J, Vogelaar CF, Zipp F. Interleukin-4 receptor signaling modulates neuronal network activity. J. Exp Med. 2022;219:e20211887

BUTTI E, CATTANEO S*, BACIGALUPPI M*, CAMBIAGHI M, SCOTTI G, BRAMBILLA E, RUFFINI F, SFERRUZZA G, RIPAMONTI M, SIMEONI F, CACCIAGUERRA L, ZANGHÌ A, QUATTRINI A, FESCE R, PANINA-BORDIGNON P, GIANNESE F, CITTARO D, KUHLMANN T, D’ADAMO P, ROCCA MA, TAVERNA S, MARTINO G. Neural precursor cells contribute to decision-making by tuning striatal connectivity via secretion of IGFBPL-1. Nat. Commun. 2022;13: 7579. (*equally contributed)

Genchi A, Brambilla E, Sangalli F, Radaelli M, Bacigaluppi M, Furlan R, Andolfo A, Drago D, Magagnotti C, Scotti GM, Greco R, Vezzulli P, Ottoboni L, Bonopane M, Capilupo D, Ruffini F, Belotti D, Cabiati B, Cesana S, Matera G, Leocani L, Martinelli V, Moiola L, Vago L, Panina-Bordignon P, Falini A, Ciceri F, Uglietti A, Sormani MP, Comi G, Battaglia MA, Rocca AM, Storelli L, Pagani E, Gaipa G, Martino G. Neural stem cell transplantation in patients with progressive multiple sclerosis (STEMS): a not randomized, open label, phase I study. Nat. Med. 2023;29:75-85.

Gullotta G*, De Feo D*, Friebel E, Semerano A, Scotti M, Bergamaschi A, Butti E, Brambilla E, Genchi G, CAPOTONDO A, Gallizioli M, COVIELLO S, PICCOLI M, Vigo T, DELLA VALLE P, Ronchi P, Comi G, D’ANGELO A, Maugeri N, Roveri L, Uccelli A, Becher B*, Martino G,* Bacigaluppi M*. Age-induced alterations of granulopoiesis generate atypical neutrophils that aggravate stroke pathology. Nat. Immunol. 2023;24:925-940 [Epub ahead of print on May 15, 2023] (*equally contributed)

PLUCHINO S, QUATTRINI A, BRAMBILLA E, GRITTI A, SALANI G, DINA G, GALLI R, BERGAMI A, FURLAN R, DELCARRO U, AMADIO S, COMI G, VESCOVI AL, MARTINO G. Injection of adult neurospheres induce clinical recovery in a chronic model of multiple sclerosis. Nature 2003;422:688-694.

MARTINO G. How the brain repairs itself: perspectives for new therapeutic strategies for inflammatory and degenerative CNS disorders. Lancet Neurol. 2004;3:372-378.

PLUCHINO S, ZANOTTI L, ROSSI B, BRAMBILLA E, OTTOBONI L, SALANI G, MARTINELLO M, CATTALINI A, BERGAMI A, FURLAN R, COMI G, CONSTANTIN G, MARTINO G. Neurosphere-derived multipotent precursors promote neuroprotection by an immunomodulatory mechanism. Nature 2005;436:266-271.

MARTINO G, PLUCHINO S. The therapeutic potential of neural stem cells. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 2006;7:395-406.

ZIV Y, AVIDAN H, PLUCHINO S, MARTINO G, SCHWARTZ M. Synergy between immune cells and adult stem/progenitor cells promote functional recovery from spinal cord injury. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2006;103:13174-13179.

FURLAN R, BERGAMI A, BRAMBILLA E, 2007- E, DE SIMONI MG, CAMPAGNOLI M, MARCONI P, COMI G, MARTINO G. HSV-1-mediated IL-1 receptor antagonist gene therapy ameliorates MOG35-55 induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in C57BL/6 mice. Gene Ther. 2007;14:93-98.

PLUCHINO S, MUZIO L, IMITOLA J, DELEIDI M, ALFARO-CERVELLO C, SALANI G, PORCHERI C, BRAMBILLA E, BERGAMASCHI A, GARCIA-VERDUGO JM, COMI G, KHOURY SJ*, MARTINO G*. Chronic inflammation induces a non cell-autonomous dysfunction of the endogenous brain stem cell compartment. Brain 2008;131:2564-2578 (*equally contributed).

BUTTI E, BERGAMI A, RECCHIA A, BRAMBILLA E, DEL CARRO U, AMADIO S, CATTALINI A, STORNAIUOLO A, COMI G, PLUCHINO S, MAVILIO F, MARTINO G, FURLAN R. IL-4 gene delivery to the CNS recruits regulatory T cells and induces clinical recovery in mouse models of multiple sclerosis. Gene Ther. 2008;15:504-515.

CENTONE D*, MUZIO L*, ROSSI S, CAVASINNI F, DE CHIARA V, BERGAMI A, MUSELLA A, MARCELLO D’AMELIO M, CAVALLUCCI V, MARTORANA A, BERGAMASCHI A, CONCIONI MT, DIAMANTINI A, BUTTI E, COMI G, BERNARDI G, CECCONI F, BATTISTINI L, FURLAN R, MARTINO G. Inflammation triggers synaptic alteration and degeneration in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. J. Neurosci. 2009;29:3442-3452 (*equally contributed).

BACIGALUPPI M*, PLUCHINO S*, KILIC E, PERUZZOTTI-JAMETTI L, KILIC U, SALANI G, BRAMBILLA E, COMI G, MARTINO G*, HERMANN DM*. Delayed post-ischemic neuroprotection following systemic neural stem cell transplantation involves multiple mechanisms. Brain 2009;132:2239-2251 (*equally contributed).

SHECHTER R, LONDON A, VAROL C, CUSIMANO M, RAPOSO C, ROLLS A, PLUCHINO S, MARTINO G, JUNG S, SCHWARTZ M. Infiltrating blood-borne monocytes display an anti-inflammatory role in supporting recovery from spinal cord injury. PLoS Med. 2009;6:e1000113.

PLUCHINO S*, GRITTI A*, BLAZER E, AMADIO S, BRAMBILLA E, BORSELLINO G, COSSETTI C, DEL CARRO U, COMI G, ‘T HART B, VESCOVI A, MARTINO G. Human neural stem cells ameliorate autoimmune encephalomyelitis in non human primates. Ann. Neurol. 2009;66:343-354 (*equally contributed).

MARTINO G, FRANKLIN RJ, VAN EVERCOOREN AB, KERR DA, the Stem Cells in Multiple Sclerosis (STEMS) Consensus Group. Stem cell transplantation in multiple sclerosis: current status and future prospects. Nat. Rev. Neurol. 2010;6:247-255.

MARTINO G, PLUCHINO S, BONFANTI L, SCHWARTZ M. Brain regeneration in physiology and pathology: the immune signature driving therapeutic plasticity of neural stem cells. Physiol. Rev. 2011;91:1281-1304.

BUTTI E, BACIGALUPPI M, ROSSI S, CAMBIAGHI M, BARI M, CEBRIAN SILLA A, BRAMBILLA E, MUSELLA A, DE CEGLIA R, TENEUD L, DE CHIARA V, D’ADAMO P, GARCIA-VERDUGO JM, COMI G, MUZIO L, QUATTRINI A, LEOCANI L, MACCARRONE M, CENTONZE D, MARTINO G. Subventricular zone neural progenitors protect striatal neurons from glutamatergic excitoxicity. Brain 2012;115:3320-3335.

KOKAIA Z*, MARTINO G*, SCHWARTZ M*, LINDVALL O. Cross-talk between neural stem cells and immune cells: the key to better brain repair? Nat. Neurosci. 2012;15:1078-1087 (*equally contributed).

BUTTI E*, BACIGALUPPI M*, ROSSI S, CAMBIAGHI M, BARI M, CEBRIAN SILLA A, BRAMBILLA E, MUSELLA A, DE CEGLIA R, TENEUD L, DE CHIARA V, D’ADAMO P, GARCIA-VERDUGO JM, COMI G, MUZIO L, QUATTRINI A, LEOCANI L, MACCARRONE M, CENTONZE D, MARTINO G. Subventricular zone neural progenitors protect striatal neurons from glutamatergic excitoxicity. Brain 2012;115:3320-3335 (*equally contributed).

NIGRO A, MENON R, BERGAMASCHI A, CLOVIS Y, BALDI A, DE PIETRI TONELLI D, COMI G, FARINA C, MARTINO G*, MUZIO L*. MiR-30 and miR-181d control radial glia cell proliferation via HtrA1 modulation. Cell Death Dis. 2012;3:e360 (*equally contributed).

PERUZZOTTI-JAMETTI L*, CAMBIAGHI M*, BACIGALUPPI M, GALLIZIOLI M, GAUDE E, CURSI M, MARI S, SANDRONE S, TENEUD L, COMI G, MUSCO G, MARTINO G*, LEOCANI L*. Cathodal tDCS prevents neuronal damage in the very acute phase of ischemic stroke. Stroke 2013;44:3166-3174 (*equally contributed).

LATERZA C, MERLINI A, DE FEO D, RUFFINI F, MENON R, ONORATI M, FREDRICKX E, MUZIO L, LOMBARDO A, COMI G, QUATTRINI A, TAVEGGI AC, FARINA C, CATTANEO E, MARTINO G. iPSC-derived neural precursors exert a neuroprotective role in immune-mediated demyelination via the secretion of leukemia inhibitory factor. Nat. Commun. 2013;4:2597.

SANDRONE A, BACIGALUPPI M, GALLONI MR, CAPPA SF, MORO A, CATANI M, FILIPPI M, MONTI MM, PERANI D*, MARTINO G*. Weighing brain activity with the balance: Angelo Mosso’s original manuscripts come to light. Brain 2014;137:621-633 (*equally contributed).

MARTINO G, BUTTI E, BACIGALUPPI M. Neurogenesis or non-neurogenesis: this is the question. J. Clin. Invest. 2014;124:970-973.

ONORATI M*, CASTIGLIONI V*, BIASCI D**, CESANA E**, MENON R**, VUONO R, TALPO F, GOYA RL, LYONS P, BULFAMANTE GP, MUZIO L, MARTINO G, TOSELLI M, FARINA C, BARKER RA, BIELLA G, CATTANEO E. Molecular and functional definition of the developing human striatum. Nat. Neurosci. 2014;17:1804-1815 (*,**equally contributed).

ARNÒ B, GRASSIVARO F, ROSSI C, BERGAMASCHI A, GRETER M, FAVARO R, COMI G, BECHER B, MARTINO G*, MUZIO L*. Neural progenitors cells orchestrate microglia migration and positioning into the developing cortex. Nat. Comm. 2014;5:5611 (*equally contributed).

MOZAFARI S, LATERZA C, ROUSSEL D, BACHELIN C, MARTEYN A, DEBOUX C, MARTINO G, BARON-VAN EVERCOOREN A. Skin-derived neural precursors competitively generate functional myelin in adult demyelinated mice. J. Clin. Inv. 2015;125:3642-3656.

BACIGALUPPI M, RUSSO G*, PERUZZOTTI-JAMETTI L*, ROSSI S, SANDRONE S, GALLIZIOLI M, DE CEGLIA R, BUTTI E, STUDER V, COLOMBO E, REITMEIR R, MOTTA C, MUZIO L, COMI G, FARINA C, LETTERIO POLITI LS, INVERNIZZI RW, HERMANN DM*, CENTONZE D*, MARTINO G. Neural stem cell transplantation promotes post-ischemic neuronal plasticity by regulating the expression of glutamate transporters. J. Neurosci. 2016;36:10529-10544 (*equally contributed).

DE FEO D, MERLINI A, BRAMBILLA E, OTTOBONI L, LATERZA C, MENON R, SRINIVASAN S, FARINA C, MANTEIGA JMG, BUTTI E, BACIGALUPPI M, COMI G, GRETER M, MARTINO G. Neural precursor cell-secreted TGF-β2 redirects inflammatory monocyte-derived cells in CNS autoimmunity. J. Clin. Inv. 2017;127:3937-3953 [Epub ahead of print on September 25, 2017]

ROSSI C, CUSIMANO M, ZAMBITO M, FINARDI A, CAPOTONDO A, GARCIA-MANTEIGA JM, COMI G, FURLAN R, MARTINO G*, MUZIO L*. IL-4 modulates microglia homeostasis and attenuates the early slowly progressive phase of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Cell Death Dis. 2018;9:250 (*equally contributed).

CUSIMANO M, BRAMBILLA E, CAPOTONDO A, DE FEO D, TOMASSO A, COMI G, MUZIO L*, MARTINO G*. Selective killing of spinal cord neural stem cells impairs locomotor recovery in a mouse model of spinal cord injury. J. Neuroinflamm. 2018;15:58 (*equally contributed).


CORADA M, ORSENIGO F, PARAMESHWAR BHAT G, CONZE LL, BREVIARIO F, CUNHA SI, CLAESSON-WELSH L, BEZNOUSSENKO GV, MIRONOV AA, BACIGALUPPI M, MARTINO G, PITULESCU ME, ADAMS RH, MAGNUSSON P, DEJANA E. Fine tuning of Sox17 and canonical Wnt coordinates the permeability properties of the blood-brain barrier. Circ. Res. 2019;124:511-525.

BUTTI E, BACIGALUPPI M, CHAABANE L, RUFFINI F, BRAMBILLA E, BERERA G, MONTONATI C, QUATTRINI A, MARTINO G. Neural stem cells of the subventricular zone contribute to neuroprotection of the corpus callosum after cuprizone-induced demyelination. J. Neurosci. 2019;39:5481-5492 [Epub ahead of print on May 28, 2019].

GRASSIVARO F, MENON R, ACQUAVIVA M, OTTOBONI L, RUFFINI F, BERGAMASCHI A, MUZIO M, FARINA C*, MARTINO G*. Convergence between microglia and peripheral macrophages phenotypes during development and neuroinflammation. J. Neurosci. 2020;40 (4):784-795 [Epub ahead of print on Dec. 9, 2019] (*co-correspondence)

Viggiano D, Wagner C, Martino G, Nedergaard M, Zoccali C, Unwin R, Capasso G. Mechanisms of cognitive dysfunction in CKD. Nat. Rev. Nephrol. 2020;16:452-469 [Epub ahead of print on March 31]

MUZIO L, SIRTORI R*, GORNATI D*, ELEUTERI S, FOSSAGHI A, MANZONI L, OTTOBONI L, DE FEO L, QUATTRINI A, MASTRANGELO E, SORRENTINO L, SCALONE E, COMI G, RIVA N, MILANI M*, SENECI P*, MARTINO G*. Therapeutic effects of retromer stabilization in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis models. Nat. Comm. 2020;11:3848 (IF’19 12.121). (*equally contributed)

Starost L, Lindner M, Herold M, Xu YKT, Drexler HCA, Heß K, Ehrlich M, Ottoboni L, Stehling M, Röpke A, Thomas C, Schöler HR, Antel J, Winkler J, Martino G*, Klotz L*, Kuhlmann T*. Extrinsic immune cell-derived, but not intrinsic oligodendroglial factors contribute to oligodendroglial differentiation block in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neuropathol. 2020;10.1007/s00401-020-02217-8 [Epub ahead of print on Spet. 7, 2020]. (*equally contributed)

Mozafari S, Starost L, Manot B, Garcia-Diaz, Xu YKT, Roussel D, Levy MJF, Antel JP, Martino G, Angulo MC, Kuhlmann T, Baron-Van Evercooren A. Multiple sclerosis iPS-derived oligodendrocytes conserve their intrinsic properties to functionally interact with axons and glial cells in vivo. Science Advances. 2020;6:eabc6983

MUZIO L, SIRTORI R*, GORNATI D*, ELEUTERI S, FOSSAGHI A, MANZONI L, OTTOBONI L, DE FEO L, QUATTRINI A, MASTRANGELO E, SORRENTINO L, SCALONE E, COMI G, RIVA N, MILANI M*, SENECI P*, MARTINO G*. Therapeutic effects of retromer stabilization in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis models. Nat. Comm. 2020;11:3848 (IF ’19 12.121) (*equally contributed).

Starost L, Lindner M, Herold M, Xu YKT, Drexler HCA, Heß K, Ehrlich M, Ottoboni L, Stehling M, Röpke A, Thomas C, Schöler HR, Antel J, Winkler J, Martino G*, Klotz L*, Kuhlmann T*. Extrinsic immune cell-derived, but not intrinsic oligodendroglial factors contribute to oligodendroglial differentiation block in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neuropathol. 2020;10.1007/s00401-020-02217-8 [Epub ahead of print on Sept. 7, 2020]. (*equally contributed)

MOZAFARI S, DEBOUX C, LATERZA C, EHRLICH M, KUHLMANN T, MARTINO G, BARON-VAN EVERCOOREN A. Beneficial contribution of iPSC-progeny to connexin 47 dynamics during demyelination-remyelination. Glia 2021;69:1094-1109 [Epub ahead of print on Dec. 10, 2020].

BACIGALUPPI M, SEMERANO A, SALIOU G, SANVITO F, GENCHI A, GULLOTTA G, SALVIONI P, MICHEL P, FILIPPI M, MARTINO G, STRAMBO D, BACIGALUPPI M. Fishing an anemone in the brain: embolized cardiac fibroelastoma revealed after stroke thrombectomy. Eur. Heart J. 2021;ehab019.

TEDESCO M, GIANNESE F, LAZAREVIC D, GIANSANTI V, ROSANO D, MONZANI S, CATALANO I, GRASSI E, ZANELLA E, BOTRUGNO OA, MORELLI L, PANINA BORDIGNON P, CARAVAGNA G, BERTOTTI A, MARTINO G, ALDRIGHETTI L, PASQUALATO S, TRUSOLINO L, CITTARO D*, TONON G*. Chromatin Velocity reveals epigenetic dynamics by single-cell profiling of heterochromatin and euchromatin. Nat. Biotech. [Epub ahead of print on Oct 11, 2021] (*equally contributed)

Genchi A, Semerano A, Schwarz G, Dell'Acqua B, Gullotta GS, Sampaolo M, Boeri E, Quattrini A, Sanvito F, Diamanti S, Bergamaschi A, Grassi S, Podini P, Panni P, Michelozzi C, Simionato F, Scomazzoni F, Remida P, Valvassori L, Falini A, Ferrarese C, Michel P, Saliou G, Hajdu S, Beretta S, Roveri L, Massimo F, Strambo D, Martino G, Bacigaluppi M. Neutrophils predominate the immune signature of cerebral thrombi in COVID-19 stroke patients. Acta Neuropathol. Comm. in press.

(Agg. sept. 2023)

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