Boccuni Francesca Professore AssociatoPhilosophyM-FIL/02
Francesca Boccuni graduated in Philosophy at the University of Padua with a thesis titled “Gödel’s theorem and Russell’s Vicious Circle Principle” (supervisor: Prof. Enrico Martino). She was awarded a PhD in Philosophy of Language at the University of Eastern Piedmont with a thesis titled “Plural quantification and a predicative revision of Frege’s Grundgesetze” (supervisor: Prof Gabriele Usberti, University of Siena – committee: Prof Andrea Bonomi, Prof Enrico Moriconi, Prof Alfredo Paternoster).
She was awarded a post-lauream grant by the University of Padua for working on the project “Paradoxes and Gödel’s undecidable sentence”. During her PhD, she was a visiting fellow at the University of Oxford, the Institute Jean Nicod-CNRS (Paris), and the Philosophy department of the Ohio State University (USA). She was a British Academy Visiting Post-Doctoral fellow at the University of Bristol, a research fellow at the Philosophy Faculty of University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, a visiting fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study (London) and the European Research Council project “Plurals, Predicates and Paradox” at the University of Oslo. In 2013, she visited the Ohio State University for the second time. In 2015, she visited the Philosophy department of UC Davis (USA). In 2016, she visited the Philosophy deparment of Bilkent University (Turkey). In 2022, she visited Northwestern University (Chicago) and Kansas State University. She is currently Associate Professor in Logic at the Faculty of Philosophy at University Vita-Salute San Raffaele.
She a member of the promoting committee of the Italian network for the philosophy of mathematics FilMat (, of the Cogito research centre in philosophy (, and of the scientific committee of the PhD programme in Philosophy at University Vita-Salute San Raffaele.
Her research interests concern abstractionism in philosophy of mathematics and Frege’s logicism, second-order logic and plural logic, the issue of reference in mathematics.
Francesca Boccuni teaches Formal Logic (undergrad course) and Philosophical Logic (grad course) at the Philosophy Faculty of University Vita-Salute San Raffaele. She also teaches Logic of scientific discovery and innovation (Biotechnology and Medical Biology) and Didactic Methodologies and Philosophical Writing (Philosophy, UniSR).
Seminars and Conference Talks (selected)
The Caesar Problem Problem (joint work with Luca Zanetti), Kansas State University, May (invited)
Explicit Abstract Objects, OC-IE HPML Group, Chapman University, May (invited)
How to Hamlet a Caesar (with Luca Zanetti, PoliMI), XIV Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica: Shaping the future: What’s the Role of Philosophy?
Relevant Abstractionism (with Shay Logan, Kansas State University), CRESA WIP seminars, UniSR, June
How to Hamlet a Caesar (with Luca Zanetti, IUSS, Pavia), IUSS Philosophy Seminars eMath Project, IUSS, Pavia, May (invited)
How to Hamlet a Caesar. Il Principio di Hume è analitico? (with Luca Zanetti, IUSS, Pavia), Synergia seminars, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, March (invited)
How to Hamlet a Caesar (with Luca Zanetti, IUSS, Pavia), Science and More Talks, University of Turin, February (invited)
How to Hamlet a Caesar (with Luca Zanetti, IUSS, Pavia), CRESA WIP Seminars, UniSR, November
High Hopes for Frege’s Logicism?, University of Birmingham, February (invited)
- Sortali, identità e astrazione, Inferenze: logica, scienze, linguaggio. Giornata di studi in onore di Pierdaniele Giaretta, University of Padua, November (invited)
- Abstraction for real(s)! Frege’s theory of real numbers (with Marco Panza), Varieties of Mathematical Abstraction, University of Wien, July (invited)
- Lightweight Neologicisim (do a lot with less), Meaning and Knowledge: Celebrating Gabriele Usberti and his work, University of Siena, July (invited)
- Realismo e indeterminatezza in filosofia della matematica, Lost in physics and metaphysics. Questioni di realismo scientifico, Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, January (invited)
- Reference in Formal Semantics and Natural Language: A Methodological Route, The Methods of Philosophy, Palazzo Arese Borromeo, Cesano Maderno, October
- Arithmetic on the Cheap, ECAP9 (contributed workshop ‘Mathematical Platonism: Frege and Neo-Fregeanism’), LMU, Munich, August (invited)
- What should we render unto Caesar?, (with Jack Woods – Leeds University), FPMW8, Marseille, November (contributed)
- Structuralist (Neo-?)Logicism, (with Jack Woods – Leeds University), Foundations of Mathematical Structuralism, MCMP, Munich, October (contributed)
- Arithmetic on the Cheap, Fregean Issues in Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, University of Milan, October (invited)
- Metaphysically Lightweight Arithmetic: You can’t always get what you want, but you get what you need, workshop Plural Foundations, University of Leeds, UK, June (invited)
- What should we render unto Caesar?, (with Jack Woods – Bilkent University), University of Bologna, March (invited)
- What should we render unto Caesar?, (with Jack Woods – Bilkent University), first IUSS-IHPST workshop in the Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, IUSS Pavia, March (invited)
- The Julius Caesar Problem and Invariance, Philosophy Department, Bilkent University, Turkey, January (invited)
- Metaphysically Lightweight Abstraction, Realism and Objectivity, Matera, September (invited)
- Reference and Invariance in Abstraction Principles, CLMPS, Helsinki, August (contributed)
- Metaphysically Lightweight Abstraction, Workshop in Philosophy of Logic, University of Padua, Italy, May (invited)
- Reference and Invariance in Abstraction Principles, Logic Colloquium, University of Connecticut, USA, February (invited)
- On the existence and identity of Fregean abstracta, Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications, University of California Irvine, USA, January (invited)
- Reference and Invariance in Abstraction Principles (I and II), Philosophy Department, UC Davis, January (invited)
- Reference, Individuation, and Abstraction, ECAP 2014, Bucharest, September (contributed)
- Reference, Individuation, and Abstraction, SIFA 2014, L’Aquila, September (contributed)
- A Theory of Fregean Concepts and Objects, SILFS 2014, Rome, June (contributed)
- On the Logicality of Frege’s Definition of Domains of Magnitudes (with Marco Panza), Frege and Neo-Fregeanism, IHPST, Paris, June (invited)
- A Theory of Fregean Concepts and Objects, PPP workshop on Abstraction: Philosophy and Mathematics, University of Oslo, May (contributed)
- A Theory of Fregean Concepts and Objects, workshop on Abstractionism and Neologicism, UConn Logic group, University of Connecticut, April (invited)
- A Plural Approach to Frege’s Logicism, Logic, Language, and Science Colloquium Series, August, Ohio State University (invited)
- Per una teoria degli oggetti astratti fregeani, Cogito seminar, May, University of Bologna (invited)
- A Theory of Fregean Abstract Objects, Workshop on Intensionality in Mathematics, May, Lunds Universitet (invited)
- The Logicality of Plural Logic, Workshop on Philosophy of Logic, December, University of Padua (with M. Carrara & E. Martino) – (invited)
- Towards a Notion of Grounded Reference, November, PPP Seminar, University of Oslo
- Grounding (Ideal) Reference, October, Groundedness: Semantics and Beyond, MCMP, Munich (invited)
- Frege’s Grundgesetze and a Reassessment of Impredicativity, September, Filosofia della matematica: dalla logica alla pratica, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (contributed)
- Frege’s Grundgesetze and a Reassessment of Impredicativity, June, Department Seminar, Philosophy Dept. University of Bristol, UK (invited)
- Logicismo plurale, June, Philosophy Departement, University of Siena, Italy (invited)
- Frege’s Grundgesetze and a Reassessment of Impredicativity, May, Lunchtime Seminars Series, Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, London, UK (invited)
(Update july 2022)
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