Ongoing guidance
Academic Tutoring
Academic Tutoring
- In compliance with art. 13 of Law no. 341 of 19 November 1990 (University Reform) and art. 19 of its own Didactic Regulations, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University has established a Tutoring system with the aim of helping students during their studies, before and during their university careers, in order to ensure that they complete their courses within the periods of time allocated by the didactic regulations and with positive outcomes in terms of their professional skills and personal development.
- Within each Degree Course, the University operates an Academic Tutoring service providing assistance intended to overcome the difficulties students encounter during their studies and ensure that they obtain full benefits from the courses they attend. Its activities are closely linked on the one hand to the planning of the individual student's educational programmes, in accordance with the relevant didactic regulations, and on the other to the monitoring of students' academic careers and measures intended to identify students who are falling behind and help them to recover their positions (Art. 3, University Tutorship Regulations).
- Specifically it supports students throughout their academic development and strives to improve the quality of students’ learning conditions: it helps newly-registered students slot into university life, it supports students in defining their study plans, it offers advice for resolving class or individual disruptions that might impede study, it confronts specific issues related to educational procedure brought up by students, it fosters a productive relationship between teachers and students.
- Academic Tutors - who are university professors and researchers - collaborate with the Course President, who leads the Course Academic Tutoring Service and coordinates the work of the tutors, to support students through measures to identify those who are falling behind and assist them in recovering their academic and practical learning positions; they inform, help and advise students in every phase of their learning process.
- Enrolled students can access all the email addresses of the academic tutors of their degree courses on the Intranet, using their User ID and Password (Student Guide/Guidance and Tutoring section).