Post lauream

Health Area Graduate Schools


Health Area Graduate Schools are university study courses which teach a high level of professional skills, intended to train medical specialists.
At the end of the course of study, participants are issued with a diploma of specialisation in their chosen sector.
Specialist training for doctors is provided on a full-time basis.
Access to the School is by competitive examination, for candidates who hold a degree in medicine and surgery and are licensed to practise as physicians,
with a number of places planned at the ministerial level.
Doctors undergoing specialist training are employed under a specialist training contract throughout their course of study.

The relevant Regulations, Teaching Regulations and Student Guide are published on the specific webpages of each individual School.


Admission to the Ministerial Competitive Examination, 2018/2019 Academic Year

Regulations of the Graduate Schools of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery - General part

Regolamento delle Scuole di Specializzazione di area sanitaria (DR n. 8801/2024) – In vigore dal 28/02/2024

Surgical Area, Ministerial Decree 68 of 4/2/2015

Clinical Services Area, Ministerial Decree 68 of 4/2/2015

Previous regulations

For interest only, this section contains the Graduate Schools in operation under the previous regulations: LIST OF SCHOOLS

Questionari Medici Specializzandi - Rilevazione 2023 Questionari Medici Specializzandi - Rilevazione 2022

Previous regulations

For interest only, this section contains the Graduate Schools in operation under the previous regulations: LIST OF SCHOOLS