Medicine and Surgery

Simulation Lab

SimLab: advanced simulation center of Vita-Salute San Raffaele University

Simulation Lab is the advanced simulation center located inside the San Michele building, in the Campus of Via Olgettina.

The space, innovative and highly technological, reproduces a shock room/intensive care unit, a surgical theatre and the control rooms adjacent to the surgical theatres, where rescue maneuvers, diagnostic tests, check-ups and nursing and surgical procedures can be simulated. All thanks to extremely realistic and interactive mannequins.

The SimLab allows students to practice different practices including CPR, catheterization techniques, the practice of intrademic, subcutaneous and intramuscular tissue injections.

The presence of a workshop room, on the other hand, allows students to exercise more and more specific training sessions, with precision sessions on a single limb or a particular injury.

Sim Lab: realistic and technological mannequins for a hands-on approach

The mannequins of the SimLab are equipped with heartbeat, spontaneous breathing, sounds and tearing, have configurable advanced airways, which also include pulmonary resistance to allow the simulation of problematic cases.

The pupils respond to light stimuli and react according to the clinical state set; a radiofrequency identification technology - RFID - automatically recognizes drugs and airway devices and allows you to measure the volume and concentration of drugs and fluids administered intravenously. Secretions such as sweat, tears, saliva, urine and liquids are simulated thanks to internal reservoirs, as is bleeding. The presence of soft pads covered with realistic skin best reproduces the tactile sensation given by human skin and the veins, also simulated, allow you to experience natural resistance during puncture and blood reflux.
The mannequins also simulate seizures and small movements.

Thanks to the integrated software, it is then possible for teachers to fully monitor the planning, execution and evaluation of all training sessions.

The new hyper-realistic mannequins that will accompany the students of Medicine and Nursing are of different types:

  • Nursing Kelly, designed to teach manipulation techniques of the patient, from Basic Life Support to advanced nursing care, including non-invasive blood pressure measurement, auscultation and recognition of normal or pathological heart, lung and intestinal noises.
  • Resusci Anne, for training in cardiopulmonary reanimation, compressions and ventilations and for training in defibrillation.
  • Choking Charlie is an adult torso designed to teach students to perform the Heimlich maneuver against choking.
  • NG Tube and Trach Care Trainer, designed for teaching the care of patients with particular respiratory conditions and for the practice of gastrointestinal care procedures, via nasal and oral access.

These new environments make it possible to finalize the "hands on" approach that characterizes Vita-Salute San Raffaele University teaching, introducing students to practice from the first months of their university adventure.