International Students
What to do upon arrival - EU Citizens
As an EU Citizen you only need your identity card to enter Italy. If you are staying for less than 3 months, you should report your presence on the Italian territory to the closest police station Polizia di Stato.
If on the other hand, you will be residing in Italy for more than 3 months, then you must register to the local Anagrafe office (the population register) in the district you live in.The updated procedure is available here.
Please note that if you live in the suburbian areas of the Province of Milan you will be residing in a different Comune (district) and will have to refer to the Anagrafe office and to the forms that specific disctrict requires. The University will be glad to help you understand this procedure.
If you’re an EU Citizen, follow the tabs below to find out all you need to do before coming to study in Italy and once you’ ve arrived.
EU Citizens
The codice fiscale is a national identification number or National Identity Card number issued by the Ministry of Finances. You need to have your own codice fiscale to register to the MD Program, to the Italian National Health Service, to open a bank account and for other bureaucracies.
It is advisable to obtain your codice fiscale at the Italian Embassy/Consulate in your home country.
In Italy you have to go to the nearest “Ufficio delle Entrate”, according to the area you live in.
The nearest office to the San Raffaele University is ‘Ufficio Locale delle Entrate 3, via Bistolfi 5, 20134
Ph. +39 02 21 0491
Fax. +39 02 2104 9345
Eu Citizens need to have valid Health Insurance for registering to the local police headquarters upon arrival. If you have a private health insurance verify its validity in Italy and that it covers all risks before leaving home.
The EHIC: European Health Insurance Card, replaces the old E111 form and is for EU residents. It allows access to the same state-provided healthcare as a resident of the country you are visiting.
It is a plastic, non-electronic card and is valid for one year. It is used when receiving state provided services but not in private hospitals or for private treatments.
The European Health Insurance Card is being introduced gradually in the different Eu member states; the health authorities of your home country may still issue an E128 under the previous medical care scheme; it will be accepted all the same. The EHIC card issued outside Italy can be used for the following situations:
Doctors and Dentists: ensure the medical profession is affiliated to the state national health service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, SSN). Most dentists are private and so are some hospitals, however some services may still be refundable so keep receipts and contact the local ASL (Azienda Sanitaria Locale) for reimbursement.
Prescriptions: some medications prescribed by SSN doctors are free, while others require payment and are not refundable
You can register to the National Health Service (SSN: Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) to have access to the public health care with which you can choose a physician (near your home) who will become you ‘family doctor’, once you obtain your permit to stay.
Please be aware that it is against the law to have medication mailed to you which will be stopped at customs. The registration is on annual basis and it allows you to cover most of health care related expenses, including medicines.
Documents required:
- Health Insurance documents
- Certificate of enrolment as a student
- Your Codice Fiscale
The registration must be done at the ATS office nearest to where you will be living.
The University Student Services will help you throughout the whole procedure.
Whilst we reccommend registering to the Italian mational health Service, if you already have a private Health Insurance please make sure you are covered for all needs in Italy and that you knwo who to call when necessary.
A good option for students who want a private insurance is the Aon student insurance complete (private insurance). Check out the AON website for more information.
Please note that private health insurances do not entitle you to a family practitioner of the Italian National Health Service. Although we understand you may have an international Health insurance, we do suggest that you consider registering to the NHS (in Italian Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) all the same.
Follow this link to learn more about studying in Italy
What to do upon arrival - Non-EU Citizens
According to Italian law, all non-EU students must obtain a Student Visa before commencing their studies in Italy.
We kindly remind you that it is your responsibility to initiate the student visa application process promptly upon receiving your admission to the course, as this procedure may take up to two months to complete.
The University Student Services are pleased to provide assistance with all administrative procedures.
If you’re a Non-EU Citizen, follow the tabs below to find out all you need to do before coming to study in Italy and once you’ ve arrived
Non-Eu Citizens
Here is a list of documents you will need. Please be aware that not all Italian Consulates follow identical procedures and it is your responsibility to contact your local Italian Embassy/Consulate and control the documents requested for your student visa.
- Visa application form.
- Recent passport-style photos (4 or More).
- Passport or travel document valid for at least three months after the visa’s date of expiration.
- Proof of means of support in Italy of not less than € 540,00 for each month of the academic year. This availability is given through proof of personal or family resources or guarantee of financial resources by accredited Italian institutions or agencies, local governments, or foreign institutions or agencies considered trustworthy by the Italian Diplomatic Representation.
- A declaration that you will have access to appropriate lodgings in Italy.
- Evidence that you have the funds necessary to return to your home country. (Some embassies may require you to show a return airline ticket for this purpose).
- Health Insurance Valid In Italy: If you’re planning on using health insurance that you already possess, you must obtain an official letter from your Insurance Company stating that your coverage is valid in Italy and has no restrictions. Bring that statement with you to your Consulate when you apply for your visa and keep 2 copies, one for you and one for the University. If your health insurance is not valid in Italy, you can subsribe to an Italian one- AON Student Insurance will provide you with a consistent coverage in addition to dental care and has an emergency number you can contact when needed. In all cases the insurance must be a year long insurance or it will not be valid for your permit to stay.
Once you have obtained your student visa, you should make at least three photocopies of both your passport and your visa. Leave one of the copies at home and bring the others along with the original documents to Italy. Should your passport be lost or stolen, these photocopies will help you in the process of requesting replacements.
You will need many of the copies of the documentation you submitted to the Italian Consulate for your visa application when you apply for your Permit to Stay so be sure to bring them along with you to Italy.
The codice fiscale is a national identification number or National Identity Card number issued by the Ministry of Finances.
You need to have your own codice fiscale to register to the MD Program, to the Italian national health Service, open a bank account and for all other bureaucracies in Italy.
It is advisable to obtain your codice fiscale at the Italian Embassy/Consulate in your home country.
In Italy you will have to go to the nearest “Ufficio delle Entrate”, according to the area you live in.
You will be asked to bring your passport and permit to stay with you.
The nearest office to the San Raffaele University is ‘Ufficio Locale delle Entrate 3, via Bistolfi 5, 20134’ ph. +39 02/210491, fax. +39 02/21049345
For more information check the website of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Permit to Stay (Permesso di soggiorno)
The Permit to Stay is a legal document that registers Non-EU citizens with local Italian government officials so that they may reside legally in the country, whether for work, study, family or for other reasons.
By law you must apply for a Permesso di Soggiorno (Permit to Stay) within eight (8) business days of your arrival in Italy at one of the appropriate Public Offices (Questura or Post Offices) and renew it every year.
You will be given an Immigration KIT ( Kit Immigrazione) and since you are here for study reasons you will be filling our form 1 according to the indications given on the instructions.
you will have to hand that kit back to the post office with copies of the documents listed below. The post office will inset the information provided into a database and send your kit off.
You will the be given 2 receipts and a paper indicating your appointment with the police for fingerprinting.
Documents for the Immigration kit (the second copy is for the appointment with the Police):
- 2 photocopies of your passport
- 2 photocopies of your visa
- 2 photocopies of a medical insurance policy valid in Italy*
- 2 photocopies of the enrolment certificate or letter of admission to the International MD Program at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University stamped and signed by the Consulate
- 2 copies of the DICHIARAZIONE CONSOLARE stating you have submitted all papers and have met all the requirments for coming to study in Italy / OR a bank statement or other documents demonstrating adequate means of economic support and lodging.
- A revenue stamp worth € 16 (you can buy them at any tobacconist’s shop ‘Tabaccheria’)
- Your Codice Fiscale.
- 2 identical, passport-sized photos (only for the appointment with the police)
Additional costs will be for the release of your Permit to Stay + mailing the kit for a total amount of around €100,00. It may take a few months to have the standard Permesso issued. In the waiting period you will be given a receipt by the post office which testifies that you complied within the terms of 8 days with the law requirements.
The Italian authorities will accept private foreign medical insurances only if the company issues a letter summarizing the conditions of the policy and stating that there are no restrictions on its validity and does not imply any limitations of or exceptions to the tariffs fixed for urgent hospitalization during the whole time period it may be necessary
If your health insurance is not valid in Italy, you will have to subscribe one. AON Student Insurance give you the necessary coverage in addition to dental care and has an emergency number you can contact w hen needed.In all cases the insurance must be a year long insurance or it will not be valid for your permit to stay.
Registration to the National Health Service
You can also register to the National Health Service (SSN: Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) to have access to the public health care with which you can choose a physician near your home who will become you ‘family doctor’, once you obtain your permit to stay.
Please be aware that it is against the law to have medication mailed to you which will be stopped at customs. The registration is on annual basis and it allows you to cover most of health care related expenses, including medicines.
- Health Insurance documents
- Certificate of enrolment as a student
- Your Codice Fiscale
The registration must be done at the ATS office nearest to where you will be living.
The Univrsity Student Services will help you throughout the whole procedure.
Whilst we reccommend registering to the Italian mational health Service, if you already have a private Health Insurance please make sure you are covered for all needs in Italy and that you knwo who to call when necessary.
A good option for students who want a private insurance is the Aon student insurance complete (private insurance). Check out the AON website for more information.
Please note that private health insurances do not entitle you to a family practitioner of the Italian National Health Service. Although we understand you may have an international Health insurance, we do suggest that you consider registering to the NHS (in Italian Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) all the same.
Find out more about Studying In Italy