
Inclusion Office

Disability and Learning Disability Tutoring

The UniSR Disabilities and Learning Disabilities Service has been established to support the learning requirements of students with special needs, who have the same right as others to access to the academic world as a major opportunity for their cultural and personal growth.

Our University recognises the importance of independence for all students as a part of the learning process in its own right, and the profound educational value of enabling individuals to play a full role in the community by expanding their experience and increasing their opportunity to meet and interact with others.

The Service is the focal point for information, reception and the activation of customised solutions, and is tasked with adopting and managing services for students with Learning and other Disabilities directly or in partnership with other University functions.
In particular, it manages educational and administrative support, helps to design and implement individual guidance, learning and introduction to employment programmes, and handles relations with degree courses, Faculties and teaching staff.

For Specific Learning Disabilities in particular, in response to current legal requirements, our University offers students with Learning Disabilities the assistance required under art. 5, comma 4 of Law 170/2010, meaning the opportunity to use suitable forms of testing and assessment at all stages of their university education and training careers, both during admission tests and during their years of study.

Specifically, once appropriate documentation confirming the diagnosis by a suitably qualified professional has been provided, students may be assisted during admission tests via compensatory measures (such as 30% more time than granted to other students, or the use of calculators and tables).

Then, during their university lives, specialist tutors provide advice on the organisation of their studies and the monitoring of their careers, through specific meetings to assess each student's difficulties and aid them in their preparation for examinations: the option of offering digitised texts and audiovisual aids (such as the video-recording of some lectures) is also assessed on an ongoing basis.

Measures are also in place to allow the identification of suspected cases of learning disorders using specific screening tools or questionnaires; the results obtained do not constitute a diagnosis but can certainly highlight a difficulty, with the aim of enabling students to get the very most from their academic career.

With effect from October 2016, the University participates in CALD, the Lombardy University Coordinating Network for Disabilities, founded by the Rectors' Representatives in 2011 for the more effective implementation of university legislation to ensure the full inclusion and participation in university life of students with learning and other disabilities.

The University is a signatory of the convention signed by the participant institutions at the Congress held on 21 October 2016, confirming its commitment to inclusiveness.

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