Inclusion Office
Candidates with disability or with SLD
Candidates with valid certification must follow the procedure described in the Call within the deadlines set by the Call itself: they will receive an adequate response in time.
Candidates with disabilities can ask for:
- additional time of 30% (can be increased to 50% if a specific request is made and if deemed necessary by the specific pathology)
- tools necessary for the specific pathology.
Candidates with SLD can ask for:
- additional time of 30%
- additional compensatory tools, such as unscientific calculator or coaching by a tutor chosen by the University (if explicitly stated in the certification as a diagnosis and not just as recommended tools)
The certificate must be sent in Italian or in English.
IMPORTANT: the steps to follow to request additional time, calculator, tutor for the admission test are two and they are indicated in the call for applicant and on the Application guide.
- upload the certification
- insert the request