Single courses

Enrolling in single courses

Those who wish to update, integrate or deepen their knowledge or need to acquire specific academic requirements can enrol in single courses activated within the Degree programmes, sit the relative exam and receive a certification.

Available courses

The courses offered by each Faculty are available in the “Degree programmes” section of our website, by selecting the Degree programme of interest and the menu item “Course catalogue”.
It is possible to check availability and restrictions in the Academic Regulations of each Degree programme for the Faculties of Medicine, Psychology and Philosophy.
Any incompatibilities will be communicated during the admission phase by the Admissions Office.


The minimum requirement to enrol in single courses is to have a secondary school diploma (or equivalent qualification). In the case of a non-Italian diploma, the evaluation of the qualification will be carried out by the Admissions Office.
Admission to the single course is assessed by the relevant Course Council.

How to apply

Candidates may submit their application within the following deadlines:

  • From 1 August 2024 to 15 September 2024 for first term and annual courses;
  • From 1 January 2025 to 15 February 2025 for second term courses.

The documentation must be submitted to the Admissions Office only via email as indicated in the application form, available in the section "Documents required for admission".
The Admissions Office is responsible for verifying the correctness of the application and submits it to the competent Academic Secretariat for evaluation. Once submitted, the application cannot be modified. It is possible to submit only one application per semester.

International students applying to single courses

International students can apply to single courses following the same deadlines and procedures provided to Italian students and mentioned above. In addition, they must submit to the Admissions Office the following documentation:

  • Secondary school diploma and, if applicable, translation, legalization, Declaration of Value or CIMEA Statement of Comparability and any other document certifying specific requirements for the validity of the qualification
  • Identity document
  • Residence permit (for Non-EU students only)
  • Italian tax code

Furthermore, Non-EU students residing abroad, following the admission result, will have to submit on Universitaly a request for a type D visa for “studio/corso singolo universitario”.

NB: You cannot obtain the renewal of your residence permit for attending a single course other than the one for which you came to Italy.
However, you can renew your residence permit for furthering your studies by enrolling in a related degree programme.


  • Students in possession of a valid Secondary School qualification and/or of a valid Bachelor/Master diploma can enrol to single courses, sit the exams and obtain a certificate according to the criteria established by the Academic Senate (Art. 32 University Regulations, General section).
  • Exams can be taken until the end of the academic year in which the student is enrolled (example: students who enrolled in 2024/25 must sit the exams by 30 September 2025)
  • Fees and contributions required upon enrolment:

- € 150,00 administrative fees;

- The contribution for each credit (CFU/ECTS) is calculated by dividing the annual cost of the Degree Course to which the single course(s) belongs by 60 (that is the total number of credits in an academic year).

NB: Once enrolment is completed, the amount paid will not be refundable regardless of circumstance.

Documents required for admission