Single courses

Admission to single courses

Those who wish to update, integrate or deepen their knowledge or need to acquire specific academic requirements can enrol in single courses activated within the Degree programmes, upon the Course Council's approval, sit the relative exam and receive a certification.

How to apply


The admission procedure to single courses is being updated. Information may vary.

Candidates may submit their application within the following deadlines:

  • by September 15 for first term and annual courses;
  • by February 15 for second term courses.

The documentation must be sumbitted to the Admissions Office only via email as indicated in the application form, available in the section "Documents required for admission".


  • Students in possession of a valid Secondary School qualification and/or of a valid Bachelor/Master diploma can enrol to single courses, sit the exams and obtain a certificate according to the criteria established by the Academic Senate (Art. 32 University Regulations, General section).
  • Exams deadline: exams can be taken until the end of the academic year in which the student is enrolled.
  • Fees and contribution:

- € 150,00 administrative fees;

- The contribution for each credit (CFU/ECTS) is calculated by dividing the annual cost of the Degree Course to which the single course(s) belongs by 60 (that is the total number of credits in an academic year).

Enrolment procedure

Candidates who have submitted their application within the set deadlines will be contacted via e-mail by the Admissions Office on the outcome and enrolment procedures.

Modulo di iscrizione ai corsi singoli Single courses enrolment form