Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree Fees and Contributions

Tuition fees and instalments for the academic year 2023/2024

For each due instalment a MAV payment form is published in the "Payments" section of the Intranet during the month prior to the expiring date.
Italian students must pay using the MAV and not bank transfers. Foreign students may pay with bank transfers (see the university bank details for transfers in the Intranet folder called International Students.)

PLEASE NOTE THAT NEITHER MAV FORMS NOR PERSONAL NOTICES WILL BE SENT VIA POST OR E-MAIL. Students should periodically check the payment section of the Intranet as they are personally responsible for abiding by payment deadlines.
Extra fees (diritti di segreteria) are applied in case of overdue payments as specified in the "Indications for Enrolment from year 2 onwards", published in the Registrar's Office online documents folder on the Intranet.

Tuition fees and instalments

*(1)  The Lombardy Region sets the amount of the regional tax annually in compliance with the Italian Legislative Decree no. 68 dated 20.03.2012.
The regional tax for the 2022/2023 academic year was € 140.00.
If changes are made to the amount of the regional tax for the 2023/2024 academic year, relevant adjustments will be made