De Curtis Ivanmatteo Professore ordinarioMedicineBIO/13
Present position
Full Professor of Biology
Head of the Laboratory of Cell Adhesion, San Raffaele Scientific Institute
Professional experience
PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Milano.
Post-doctorate, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany.
Post-doctorate, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Dept. of Physiology, University of California, San Francisco, USA.
Since 1992
Head, Unit of Cell Adhesion, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano.
Since 2007
Full professor, School of Medicine, Universita’ Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano.
Since 2011
Coordinator of the PhD Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology.
Member of the Italian Association of Cell Biology, American Society of Cell Biology, Society for Neuroscience (USA). Editor, PlosOne.
Research Area
Molecular mechanisms of signal transduction in cell migration and invasion. Cellular and animal models for the analysis of neuronal development.
Selected publications
Totaro A, Astro V, Tonoli D, de Curtis I. (2014). Identification of Two Tyrosine Residues Required for the Intramolecular Mechanism Implicated in GIT1 Activation. PLoS One 9:e93199.
Vaghi V, Pennucci R, Talpo F, Corbetta S, Montinaro V, Barone C, Croci L, Spaiardi P, Consalez GG, Biella G, de Curtis I. (2014)
Rac1 and rac3 GTPases control synergistically the development of cortical and hippocampal GABAergic interneurons.
Cereb Cortex 24:1247-58.
Falco A, Pennucci R, Brambilla E, de Curtis I. (2014) Reduction in parvalbumin-positive interneurons and inhibitory input in the cortex of mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. In press
de Curtis I, Meldolesi J. (2012) Cell surface dynamics – how Rho GTPases orchestrate the interplay between the plasma membrane and the cortical cytoskeleton. J Cell Sci. 125:4435-44.
Astro V, Asperti C, Cangi MG, Doglioni C, de Curtis I. (2011) Liprin-α1 regulates breast cancer cell invasion by affecting cell motility, invadopodia and extracellular matrix degradation. Oncogene 30:1841-9.
de Curtis I. (2011) Host-pathogen interactions: cheating the host by making new connections. Curr Biol. 21:R192-4.
Basso V, Corbetta S, Gualdoni S, Tonoli D, Poliani PL, Sanvito F, Doglioni C, Mondino A, de Curtis I. (2011) Absence of Rac1 and Rac3 GTPases in the nervous system hinders thymic, splenic and immune-competence development. Eur J Immunol.41:1410-9.
Pennucci R, Tavano S, Tonoli D, Gualdoni S, de Curtis I. (2011) Rac1 and Rac3 GTPases regulate the development of hilar mossy cells by affecting the migration of their precursors to the hilus. PLoS One 6:e24819.
Asperti C, Astro V, Pettinato E, Paris S, Bachi A, de Curtis I. (2011) Biochemical and functional characterization of the interaction between liprin-α1 and GIT1: implications for the regulation of cell motility. PLoS One 6:e20757.
de Curtis I . (2011) Function of liprins in cell motility. Exp Cell Res. 317:1-8.
Asperti C, Pettinato E, de Curtis I. (2010) Liprin-alpha1 affects the distribution of low-affinity beta1 integrins and stabilizes their permanence at the cell surface. Exp Cell Res. 316:915-26.
Gavina M, Za L, Molteni R, Pardi R, de Curtis I. (2010) The GIT-PIX complexes regulate the chemotactic response of rat basophilic leukaemia cells. Biol Cell. 102:231-44.
Corbetta S, Gualdoni S, Ciceri G, Monari M, Zuccaro E, Tybulewicz VL, de Curtis I. (2009) Essential role of Rac1 and Rac3 GTPases in neuronal development. FASEB J. 23: 1347-57.
Asperti C, Astro V, Totaro A, Paris S, de Curtis I. (2009) Liprin-alpha1 promotes cell spreading on the extracellular matrix by affecting the distribution of activated integrins. J Cell Sci. 122: 3225-32.
de Curtis I. (2008) Functions of Rac GTPases during neuronal development. Dev Neurosci. 30:47-58.
Totaro A, Paris S, Asperti C, de Curtis I. (2007) Identification of an intramolecular interaction important for the regulation of GIT1 functions. Mol Biol Cell. 18:5124-38.
Gualdoni S, Albertinazzi C, Corbetta S, Valtorta F, de Curtis I. (2007) Normal levels of Rac1 are important for dendritic but not axonal development in hippocampal neurons. Biol Cell. 99:455-64.
Za L, Albertinazzi C, Paris S, Gagliani M, Tacchetti C, de Curtis I. (2006) betaPIX controls cell motility and neurite extension by regulating the distribution of GIT1. J Cell Sci. 119:2654-66.
Corbetta S, Gualdoni S, Albertinazzi C, Paris S, Croci L, Consalez GG, de Curtis I. (2005) Generation and characterization of Rac3 knockout mice. Mol Cell Biol. 25: 5763-76.
Albertinazzi C, Za L, Paris S, de Curtis I. (2003) ADP-ribosylation factor 6 and a functional PIX/p95-APP1 complex are required for Rac1B-mediated neurite outgrowth. Mol Biol Cell. 14:1295-307.
Paris S, Longhi R, Santambrogio P, de Curtis I. (2003) Leucine-zipper-mediated homo- and hetero-dimerization of GIT family p95-ARF GTPase-activating protein, PIX-, paxillin-interacting proteins 1 and 2. Biochem J. 372:391-8.
de Curtis I. (2001) Cell migration: GAPs between membrane traffic and the cytoskeleton. EMBO Rep. 2: 277-81. Review.
Matafora V, Paris S, Dariozzi S, de Curtis I. (2001) Molecular mechanisms regulating the subcellular localization of p95-APP1 between the endosomal recycling compartment and sites of actin organization at the cell surface. J Cell Sci. 114:4509-20.
Di Cesare A, Paris S, Albertinazzi C, Dariozzi S, Andersen J, Mann M, Longhi R, de Curtis I. (2000) p95-APP1 links membrane transport to Rac-mediated reorganization of actin. Nat Cell Biol. 2: 521-30.
Albertinazzi C, Cattelino A, de Curtis I. (1999) Rac GTPases localize at sites of actin reorganization during dynamic remodeling of the cytoskeleton of normal embryonic fibroblasts. J Cell Sci. 112:3821-31.
Albertinazzi C, Gilardelli D, Paris S, Longhi R, de Curtis I. (1998) Overexpression of a neural-specific rho family GTPase, cRac1B, selectively induces enhanced neuritogenesis and neurite branching in primary neurons. J Cell Biol. 142: 815-25.
Malosio ML, Gilardelli D, Paris S, Albertinazzi C, de Curtis I. (1997)
Differential expression of distinct members of Rho family GTP-binding proteins during neuronal development: identification of Rac1B, a new neural-specific member of the family. J Neurosci. 17: 6717-28.
Cattelino A, Longhi R, de Curtis I. (1995) Differential distribution of two cytoplasmic variants of the alpha 6 beta 1 integrin laminin receptor in the ventral plasma membrane of embryonic fibroblasts. J Cell Sci. 108:3067-78.
Weaver CD, Yoshida CK, de Curtis I, Reichardt LF. (1995) Expression and in vitro function of beta 1-integrin laminin receptors in the developing avian ciliary ganglion. J Neurosci. 15:5275-85.
de Curtis I, Gatti G. (1994) Identification of a large complex containing the integrin alpha 6 beta 1 laminin receptor in neural retinal cells. J Cell Sci. 107:3165-72.
de Curtis I, Reichardt LF. (1993) Function and spatial distribution in developing chick retina of the laminin receptor alpha 6 beta 1 and its isoforms. Development. 118: 377-88.
de Curtis I, Quaranta V, Tamura RN, Reichardt LF. (1991) Laminin receptors in the retina: sequence analysis of the chick integrin alpha 6 subunit. Evidence for transcriptional and posttranslational regulation. J Cell Biol. 113: 405-16.
de Curtis I. (1991) Neuronal interactions with the extracellular matrix. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 3: 824-31. Review.
de Curtis I, Simons K. (1989) Isolation of exocytic carrier vesicles from BHK cells. Cell 58: 719-27.
de Curtis I, Simons K. (1988) Dissection of Semliki Forest virus glycoprotein delivery from the trans-Golgi network to the cell surface in permeabilized BHK cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 85: 8052-6.
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