Giordano Leone Professore AssociatoMedicineMED/31




Degree in Medicine and Surgery on 20/07/1995 at the University of Pavia with a score of 110/110

Qualified to practice the Medical Profession at the University of Pavia in the first session 1996 (May 1996)

Specialization in Otolaryngology awarded on 11/13/2000 at the University of Turin, scoring seventy points out of seventy cum laude (70 cum laude/70)

Second Level Master in Aesthetic Surgery awarded at the University of Milan, Academic Year 2011/2012


From 2005 to 2022 Adjunct Professor at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery- School of Specialization in Otolaryngology 

Since  01-11-2022    University Associate Professor  for the S.S.D.

MED/31 – Otolaryngology at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery ,   Vita Salute San Raffaele University, Milan

Activity tutor and path tutor for postgraduates of the Specialization School of Otolaryngology

Co-Supervisor in the drafting and implementation of numerous research projects for degree theses in Medicine and Surgery and Specialization thesis  in Otolaryngology 


Since 04/02/2002  full-time Medical Ent Doctor and later Senior Ent Medical Doctor  at the Otolaryngology Operating Unit, IRCCS San Raffaele Institute, Milan

Over 5,000 ENT surgical procedures performed as main surgeon

He focuses his interest on major oncological surgery of the head and neck and reconstructive surgery with local flaps, pedunculated and revascularized with microsurgical techniques

Coordinator of the Disease Unit Head and Neck Cancer ,   San Raffaele Hospital


Author / Co-author of

71  scientific papers including publications in national and international scientific journals, 8 book chapters 

Principal Investigator PI of the study entitled: “ Neurophysiological Intraoperative Monitoring During Neck Dissection.NIMED” Prospective Randomized Monocentric Study Unit:

Otolaryngology , Clinical Department : Head and Neck Department, Research Division: Neuroscience  Scientific Institute San raffaele Hospital

 Main Outcome: Impact of intraoperative monitoring of the spinal accessory nerve to reduce its  damage  during neck dissection

Principal Investigator PI of the study entitled:” Use of indocyanine green angiography in reconstructive surgery of head and neck”  prot HeadNeckSurg ,  a prospective observational study compared with an historical cohort

Co-Pi in the study entitled :” Economic and health  implications of two different follow-up strategies in  advanced head and neck cancer effectively treated INT 48/14 protocol of Fondazione IRCCS National Cancer Institute

-Registered since 1997 in the SIO “ Italian Society of Otorhinolarynology and Head and Neck Surgery”

-Founding Partner   ‘A.I.O.C.C. “ Italian Association of Head and Neck Oncology” and registered since 2010

-Member of the  European Head and Neck Society

 Editorial Board  Member of   “Global Journal of Otolaryngology” 

 Editorial Board Member  and Associate Editor of  "Otolaryngology Open Access Journal" (OOAJ)

Reviewer of  scientific journals  including  Laryngoscope, Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica 


-Winner of the “Best Dissection Award” XX Course  Andreas Vesalius, Intensive course of dissective Anatomy and Operative Techniques; Modern Fundamental Techniques of Rhinological Surgery (Endoscopic , Aesthetic Reconstructive); Brussels, November 18-22 , 2003 di Anatomia Dissettiva e Tecniche Operatorie; Moderne tecniche Fondamentali di Chirurgia Rinologica (Endoscopica, Estetica, Ricostruttiva); Bruxelles , 18-22 novembre 2003

-Winner of the AOOI Award named after prof. Francesco Marzetti during the 108th Sio Congress, Rome 25-28 May 2022

Award for the best video entitled:” The use of fluorescence with indocyanine gree in head and neck  oncological surgery : advantages and possible fiels of application “

-Prix Poster Cancerologie,115 Congrès de la Sociètè Française d’ORL et de chirurgie de la Face et du Cou

“Laryngectomie subtotale avec trachèo-hyoidopexie: expèrience multicentrique”

Bussi M., Rizzotto G., Succo G., Recanati P., Pazzaia T., Crosetti E., Giordano L.

(11 nov 20022)

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