Melissano Germano Professore OrdinarioMedicineMED/22





1984–1988    Intern – Department of Cardio-thoracic Surgery Careggi Hospital, Florence (Italy)

1988–1994    Surgical Resident – Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery H. San Raffaele, Milan (Italy)

1994–1996    Junior Staff Surgeon – Department of Vascular Surgery H. San Raffaele, Milan (Italy)

1996–1998    Senior Staff Surgeon – Department of Vascular Surgery H. San Raffaele, Milan (Italy)

1998–2013    Deputy Chief – Department of Vascular Surgery  H. San Raffaele, Milano (Italy)

2013–2021 Associate Professor of Vascular Surgery   Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milano (Italy)

2019 - present   Director of the School of Specialization in Vascular Surgery.

2020 - present Director of the II level Master in Aortic Surgery

2021- present Full Professor of Vascular Surgery   Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milano (Italy)


1977–1982    B.A. Humanities Collegio Alla Querce, Firenze (Italy)

1982–1988    Degree in Medicine and Surgery (M.D.) Florence University, Florence (Italy)

1988–1993    General Surgery Board Milan University, Milan (Italy)

1993–1999    Vascular Surgery Board Milan University, Milan (Italy)


Organisational / managerial skills

Organizer and Scientific Director of 15 Courses of Surgical Techniques concerning: Anastomotictechniques and peripheral revascularizations, Carotid surgery, Abdominal Aortic Surgery; that were held in Milan, Siena (Italy) and Salvador Bahia (Brasil). (1994–2006)

Organizer and Scientific Director of 6 editions of the international congress “Aortic Surgery: How to do it” held in Milano with the participation of more than 1000 delegates in each edition. (2004-2014)

Teacher and Secretary of the 5 yearsResidency Program in Vascular Surgery of San Raffaele University. Teaches also in other surgical residency programs of the same University. (2001-2014)

Co-Director of the Postgraduate Master Course in Aortic Surgery of San Raffaele University. (2005-2014)

Job-related skills

Surgical Experience 1988- 2014:

over 12.000 operations, including open and endo-vascular cases, major complex aortic cases, thoracic, abdominal thoraco-abdominal, carotid, peripheral, splanchnic and venous.

Computer skills

Routine use of office suite (on both PC and Mac) and photo editing.

Pro knowledge of CT scan post-processing (OsiriX, Tera Recon, etc) for planning and sizing of aortic interventions. Organizer and teacher of over 10 courses on this topics and author of a book on this topic.


Honors and Awards

1992 ”Young Vascular Surgeons’ Award” European Forum of Young Vascular Surgeons – Berlin

1992 “Award for Best Presentation” 9th Congress of the M.E. De Bakey International Surgical Society

1997 “Convidado Estrangeiro” Angiologiae Cirurgia Vascular – Curitiba- Parana – Brazil

2002 “Consultant” of the Cardio-Thoracic Center of Monaco – Montecarlo

2007 “Lecturer” Siriraj University Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand

2009 “Distinguished Visiting Professor” Stanford University Palo Alto – CA

2011 “Presidential Guest Lecturer” Western Society for Vascular Surgery, Kawai, – HI

2012 “Guest Lecturer” Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery, Nagano, Japan

1992 Guest of the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA (Prof. J.S. Coselli)

1993 Guest of the Kanton Spital, Luzern, CH (Prof.J. Largiadère)

1994 Guest of the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA (Prof. J.S. Coselli)

1998 Guest of the Städtische Kliniken Frankfurt am Main – Höchst, D (Prof. W.J. Stelter}

1999 Guest of the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA (Prof. J.S. Coselli)

2004 Guest of the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA (Prof. R. Greenberg)


Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS), European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery (ISCVS), Michael E. De Bakey International Surgical Society, Francophone Society for Vascular Surgery (SCV), Italian Society for Vascular and Endovascular surgery (SICVE).

Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (EJVES) and of the World Journal of Cardiology (WJC).

Reviewer for JEVT, JVIR, EJVES and several other Journals

Other Qualifications

1978 “Proficiency Certificate in spoken English “Trinity College – London – UK

1981 “Certificate of Proficiency in English” University of Cambridge – UK

1988 “Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in the Medical Sciences” FMGEMS (Basic Medical Science, Clinical Science, ECFMG English Test).

2001 “European Board of Vascular Surgery” – Luzern – Switzerland


Publications (Author Impact Analysis)

Papers: 246

h-index: 27

Citations: 3038

Cites/paper: 12.35

Papers/author: 61.41

g-index: 50

AW-index: 16.82

Years: 27

Citations/year: 112

(Source: Publish or Perish 05/2014)


Books, Chapters and Presentations

Co-Author or Editor of 12 books and 52 book chapters.

Over 200 papers presented at national or international congresses or symposia.


Research support

Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator in several National and International Trials and research projects including the international pivotal trial for FDA approval of one of the leading thoracic stent grafts.

Il titolare del presente curriculum vitae, pubblicato online sul portale, è garante in via esclusiva della correttezza e della veridicità dei dati e delle informazioni in esso riportate e del loro eventuale e puntuale aggiornamento. Egli è dunque il diretto ed unico responsabile dei contenuti indicati nei propri curricula.