Motterlini Matteo Mario Pietro Professore ordinarioPhilosophyM-FIL/02
Matteo Motterlini is Full Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan. Former Adviser for Social and Behavioural Sciences of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers. He investigates human irrationality and how we make our decisions. He teaches the courses of Neuro-Cognitive Economics and Behavior Change. He is the International bestselling author of Emotional Economics and Mental Traps. He regularly gives keynote speeches, designs corporate training programs and advises CEOs and corporate boards.
Sito personale
google scholar
- Full Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science
- Former Adviser for Social and Behavioral Sciences for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Palazzo Chigi, Rome, Italy (may 2016-June 2018)
- Director of the Center for Experimental and Applied Epistemology (CRESA)
- Director of the Customer Behavior Lab
- Member of the Cognitive Neuroscience Center and of the Division of Neuroscience
- Contributor for CorrierEconomia (Corriere della Sera), Il Sole24Ore, Il Foglio
- Chief Behavioral Officer, E.ON Italia spa (2018-2021)
- Chief Behavioral Officer, Gruppo San Donato (2018-2021)
- Scientific Director, Behavioral Finance Project Schroders Italy (2011-2014)
- Scientific Advisor, MarketPsych LLC, Los Angeles (2012-2014)
- Scientific Advisor, MilanLab, AC Milan spa (2004 - 2010)
- Director, Center for Behavioral Finance of Anima Sgr (2006-2008)
Scientific Method, History & Philosophy of Science, Psychology of Judgment & Decision-Making, Behavioral Economics & Finance, Neuroeconomics, Data mining in Soccer & Sport technology, Evidence-basedpolicy
2007 - present Full Professor of Logic & Philosophy of Science – Faculty of Philosophy
2005-20072011- 2012 Associate Professor of Logic & Philosophy of Science – Faculty of Philosophy
Visiting Research Scholar (Neuroeconomics) – Faculty of Psychology University of Trento
2003-2005 Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science – Dept. of Cognitive Sciences
2001-2003 Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science – Dept. of Economics
1999-2001 Assistant Professor of Political Economics - Dept. of Economics London School of Economics and Political Science
1997-2005 Research Fellow - CPNSS Carnegie Mellon University
2000-2001 Visiting Associate Professor - Dept. of Social and Decision Sciences
1999-2000 Visiting Assistant Professor - Dept. of Social and Decision Sciences
1996 -1997 Graduate Diploma in Economics, The London School of Economics (LSE)
1992 -1996 Ph.D. in Logic & Philosophy of Science, Università di Milano
1991-1992 Master of Science in Philosophy, Logic & Scientific Method, (LSE)
1990-1985 B.A. (Laurea) Philosophy 110/110 cum laude, Università di Milano
(Upgrade july 2022)
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