Sacchi Elisabetta Professore associatoPhilosophyM-FIL/05
Elisabetta Sacchi obtained a degree in Philosophy (with the mark 110/110 cum laude) at Bologna University with a degree thesis called Senso e Deissi in Gottlob Frege and a Ph.D in Philosophy of Language with a thesis on Singular Thoughts. Member of Corpus Christi College she did research work as visiting student at the Subfaculty of Philosophy of Oxford University. She was Research Fellow in the Department of Philosophy of the University of Padua joining a research project on Ontological Commitment in Natural and Formal Languages. She taught Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Bologna, Philosophy of Language at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Padua, Philosophy of Mind at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Padua and Theories of Communication at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and at the Faculty of Philosophy of University San Raffaele, Milan. Over the years she has been a Board Member of the SIFA (Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy, 2004-2008). Since 2008 she is Research Fellow (permanent position) in Philosophy of Language at the Philosophy Faculty of the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan. She teaches Theories of Communication (undergraduate course).
She has written many articles and reviews in Italian and English that have appeared in journals, edited books and conference proceedings. She has published two books Singular Thoughts: Perceptual Demonstrative Thoughts and I-Thoughts (with A. Coliva) (Macerata, Quodlibet, 2001) and Pensieri e rappresentazioni mentali: Frege e il cognitivismo contemporaneo (Roma, Carocci, 2005). She is also co-editor of Propositions: Semantic and Ontological Issues ( Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2006). She works in the fields of Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Mind. Her research interests are on the topics of intentionality, singular reference and contents individuation. Other research interests include Ontology and Metaphysics of mind and thought.
Publications (selections)
- (2005). Pensieri e rappresentazioni mentali: Frege e il cognitivismo contemporaneo, Roma, Carocci.
- (2001). Singular Thoughts: Perceptual Demonstrative Thoughts and I-Thoughts, Macerata, Quodlibet, (with A. Coliva).
Edited Books
- (2006) Propositions: Semantic and Ontological Issues, special issue of «Grazer Philosophische Studien», Amsteram, Rodopi (with M. Carrara).
- (2007) Thought and Thinking: the Ontological Ground of Intentionality, in M. Beaney et al. (eds.), Explaining the Mental. Naturalist and Non-Naturalist Approaches to Mental Acts and Processes, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholar Press, pp.135-152.
- (2007) Cardinality and Identity, «Journal of Philosophical Logic», 36 (5), pp. 539-556 (with M. Carrara).
- (2007) Teoria del pensiero: questioni metodologiche e ontologiche, in A. Coliva (ed.) Filosofia analitica. Temi e problemi, Roma, Carocci, pp. 91-120.
- (2006) An Introduction, in Sacchi e Carrara (eds), Propositions: Semantic and Ontological Issues, «Grazer Philosophische Studien», vol. 72, Rodopi, pp. 1-27 (with M. Carrara).
- (2006) Fregean Propositions and Their Graspability, in Sacchi e Carrara (eds), Propositions: Semantic and Ontological Issues, «Grazer Philosophische Studien», vol. 72, Rodopi, 2006, pp. 73-94.
- (2006) Frege, in R. Lolli, G. Penzo, P. Salandini (eds), Filosofie nel tempo: storia filosofica del pensiero occidentale e orientale, Roma, Spazio Tre, pp. 885-912.
- (2006) Cognitive Externalism and the World-Involving Character of Thoughts, Preprint, 28, Logica, Scienza, Linguaggio, Bologna, CLUEB, pp. 143-156.
- (2004) I pensieri e il «Regno di mezzo», in Ontologie Analitiche, «Rivista di Estetica», XXVI, pp. 239-255.
- (2003) Fodor e la psicologizzazione dei sensi fregeani, in M. Carrara, G. De Anna e S. Magrin (eds), Linguaggio, mente e mondo: Saggi di Filosofia del linguaggio, filosofia della mente e metafisica, Padova, Il Poligrafo, pp. 81-119.
- (2003) Cardinalità e identità: Geach sulla cardinalità in Frege, in C. Bianchi e A. Bottani (eds), Significato e Ontologia, Milano, Franco Angeli, pp. 53-69. (with M. Carrara).
- (1998) Internismo e contenuti percettivi, in M. Di Francesco, D. Marconi, P. Parrini (eds), Filosofia Analitica 1996-1998: Prospettive teoriche e revisioni storiografiche, Milano, Guerini Studio, pp. 305-311.
- (1998) L’architettura del linguaggio e l’atomismo concettuale, «Lingua e Stile», XXXIII, 4, pp. 603-626.
- (1999) Why is Russell’s Principle So Elusive?, «Lingua e Stile», XXXIV, 1, pp. 27-50.
- (1998) “Review of S. Gozzano, Intenzionalità, contenuto e comportamento”, «Lingua e Stile», XXXIII, 4, pp. 736-737.
- (1998) “Review of M. Sainsbury (ed.), Thought and Ontology, «Lingua e Stile», XXXIII, 4, pp. 660-662.
- (1996) “Review of J. Perry, The Problem of the Essential Indexical and Other Essays”, «Lingua e Stile», XXXI, 4, pp. 585-588.
- (1995) “Review of C. Peacocke, A Study of Concepts”, «Lingua e Stile», XXX, 4, pp. 697-701.
- (1991) “Review of J. Almog et al (ed.), Themes from Kaplan”, «Lingua e Stile», XXVI, 4, pp. 580-583.
- (2004) Italian translation of Sellars, Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind, Cambridge (Mass.), Cambridge University Press (1997).
- (2003) Italian translation of Putnam, The Threefold Cord: Mind, Body and World, New York, Columbia University Press (1999).
- (1995) Italian translation of Putnam, Realism with a Human Face, Cambridge (Mass.), Cambridge University Press (1990)
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