Songhorian Sarah Ricercatore tempo determinato tipo bPhilosophyM-FIL/03 - Filosofia Morale



A little profile

Sarah Songhorian is Research Fellow (RTD-A) in Moral Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and Deputy Head of Study Programme, MA Philosophy, Politics and Public Affairs (PPPA), University of Milan and Vita-Salute San Raffaele University.

She is the treasurer and a member of the Board for SINe (Società Italiana di Neuroetica e Filosofia delle neuroscienze).

She obtained her Ph.D. in in Cognitive Neurosciences and Philosophy of Mind in 2015 with a dissertation entitled Empathy, Sympathy, and Morality: An Interdisciplinary Approach (tutor: Professor Massimo Reichlin).

She has published Etica e scienze cognitive (Carocci, 2020), Sentire e agire. L’etica della simpatia tra sentimentalismo e razionalismo (Mimesis, 2016) and several scientific papers in national and international journals.

She teaches History of Moral Philosophy (MA in Philosophy of the Contemporary World), Neuroethics (BA in Philosophy), Neuroethics and Human Enhancement (MA in PPPA), Logic of Scientific Discovery and Innovation (with Professor Francesca Boccuni; MA in Biotechnology and Medical Biology).


ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0847-5276

Scopus Author ID: 57195315586

Google Scholar:


For a complete CV, see here.

•    2015 – Ph.D. in Cognitive Neurosciences and Philosophy of Mind, Faculty of Philosophy, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and IUSS, Pavia.
•    2011 – MA in Philosophy, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University.
•    2009 – BA in Philosophy, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University.

Participation to Research Projects
•    Member of FISR 2020 CoRC (Covid Rules and Compliance) - The regulatory measures to contain the epidemic. Analysis of the underlying reasons for their compliance or violation in order to develop a conceptual support for the legislator.
•    Member PRIN 2017 Nuove sfide per l’etica applicata. L’impatto morale degli avanzamenti scientifici e tecnologici.
•    Member PRIN 2010-2011 Realismo e oggettività.
•    Member of Intellectual Humility and Cultural Diversity in Philosophy research project (2013-2014).

Prizes and acknowledgments
•    National scientific qualification in Moral Philosophy – Associate Professor, 2020
•    Winner of the NOUS Adam Smith prize for the essay “Three Conceptions of Sympathy in Adam Smith and Their Relevance in Contemporary Debates”, in The continuing relevance of Adam Smith, NOUS – Network for Constitutional Economics and Social Philosophy”, Berlin, September 13th, 2018.  
•    SIFM (Italian Society of Moral Philosophy) Prize 2015/2016 for young researchers in the Essays section for “Il ruolo dello spettatore simpatetico e imparziale in etica”.
•    Mention for the poster “Moral Abilities and Behavioural Characteristics in a Sample of 4 to 5 Years Old from General Population: A Preliminary Study”, presented at the V Convegno Scientifico di Neuroetica. Neuroetica: nascita di una disciplina dai laboratori alla vita quotidiana. Incontri su Neuroscienze e società, Padua, May 8th – 10th, 2013.

(Update july 2022)

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