Tobia Valentina Professore AssociatoPsychologyM-PSI/04




2002 - High school diploma in foreign languages.

2008 - Master’s Degree in School and Educational Psychology, University of Milano-Bicocca.

20014 - Ph.D. in “Experimental Psychology, Linguistics and Cognitive Neuroscience”, University of Milano-Bicocca.


Academic positions

March 2022 professor in Developmental Psychology (M-PSI/04), Faculty of Psychology, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University.

March 2019 – present: Assistant professor in Developmental Psychology (M-PSI/04), Faculty of Psychology, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University.

2015-2019. Post-doc research fellow (M-PSI/04: developmental psychology and psychology of education) with the project: “Intervention with preschoolers at risk of developing difficulties in mathematics”; University of Milano-Bicocca.


Research interests

– Learning processes and learning prerequisites in typical and atypical development, with a focus on Specific Learning Disorders

– Interactions between cognitive and socio-emotional processes in the school context

– School wellbeing

Il titolare del presente curriculum vitae, pubblicato online sul portale, è garante in via esclusiva della correttezza e della veridicità dei dati e delle informazioni in esso riportate e del loro eventuale e puntuale aggiornamento. Egli è dunque il diretto ed unico responsabile dei contenuti indicati nei propri curricula.