Student Center
Student Center
Student Center will be the first contact and support for students enrolled in a three-year, master's, single-cycle master's degree course at UniSR.
The Student Center deals with all Front and Back Office; promotion and organization of cultural and sporting activities, the engagement of international students and Inclusion and Counseling services.
Who we are?
Student Center is divided in five main offices that are:
Front office
It is the welcome point and first point of contact for students, it provides information on University services and issues certificates and/or documents relating to their university career.
Back office
It deals with the administrative aspects relating to the career of male and female students.
Live Campus
Promotes cultural activities supports student groups and University sports teams, organizes activities and events that encourage student aggregation More information on the dedicated page.
International Student Engagement Office
It assists international students in their immersion and adaptation to life in Milan, both from a bureaucratic-administrative, cultural and social point of view. In the same context, it also organizes and coordinates multicultural initiatives and events to further consolidate the international community of UniSR.
Inclusion and Counseling Office
It supports students with disabilities / SLD throughout the academic career with the collaboration of qualified tutors and the responsibility of the Rector's Delegate for equal opportunities and disabilities. The Counseling service is dedicated to all students who encounter discomfort or personal problems, limiting in some way the possibility of realizing their personal or academic growth path. More information on the dedicated pages: Inclusion Office, Counseling Service.
Opening days and hours
Campus via Olgettina 58 (Dibit 2, floor -1)
Monday – Wednesday – Friday 08.30 – 18.00
Tuesday – Thursday 08:30 – 12:30 / 13:30 – 18:00
Campus Milano 2 (Palazzo Canova, 2nd floor)
Tuesday 09:30 – 12:00 Thursday 1.30pm – 4pm
The contact details of the individual offices belonging to the Student Center are available in the Vademecum, made available to male and female students following enrollment at UniSR.
All students enrolled in UniSR Study Programs are required to use the institutional email address ( to communicate with the University Service