Mortini Pietro Professore ordinarioMedicinaMED/27 - MEDS-15/A - Neurochirurgia
Professor of Neurosurgery – MD, Specialist in Neurosurgery and ENT Surgery
Clinical Activity
01/10/2008 to date
Chairman Department of Neurosurgery and Radiosurgery
Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan (ITALY)
11/01/2005 – 01/09/2008
Chairman Department of Neurosurgery
Spedali Civili Hospital, Brescia (ITALY)
01/10/2005 – 01/09/2008
Consultant Neurosurgeon at the Department of Neurosurgery
Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan (ITALY)
Director Skull Base Surgery Section, Department of Neurosurgery
Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan (ITALY)
Senior Active Staff member, Department of Neurosurgery
Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan (ITALY)
1996 – 2005
Consultant Neurosurgeon at the Department of Neurosurgery
Lodi County Hospital, Lodi (ITALY)
1992 – 2000
Active Staff member, Department of Neurosurgery
Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan (ITALY)
1986 – 1991
Resident in Neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery
University of Verona, Verona (ITALY)
Research Activity
Author of more than 200 publications, mainly of international level
Experimental Activities
Head Unit of Experimental Neurosurgery
– Pre-Clinical study on olfactory cell transplantation in spinal cord injuries (Grant of Regione Lombardia “Autologous olfactory ensheathing cell transplantation in humans with spinal cord injuries: an international phase 2 multicentric clinical trial” – 2011/2012)
– Pre-clinical study on use of collagen scaffold in spinal cord and peripheral nerves injuries (PON #2 – RINOVATIS)
2005 to date
Collaboration with the Department of Bioengineer University of Lecce (ITALY), Harvard Medical School, Boston (USA), Massachussets Institute of Technology Boston (USA) and Dept. of Neurology – Vita-Salute San Raffaele University Milano (ITALY) for the research on applications of collagen scaffolds for the treatment of nervous system injuries.
2000 to date
Collaboration with the Institute of Medical Genetics at the University of Milano to study the cytogenetic of skull base chordomas.
1996 to date
Collaboration with the Max Plank Istitut für Psychiatrie of Munchen (GERMANY) to study the pathology of the pituitary tumors.
1992 to date
Collaboration with the Chair of Maxillo-facial surgery of the University of Milan for the research on new surgical technique for the treatment of cranio-facial malformation and cranio-facial tumors.
1992 to date
Member of the Pituitary Unit (research unit officially recognized by the International Advisory Board of the Neuroscience Department of the San Raffaele Scientific Institute).
Active Collaborations
Clinical and Basic Research
Dept. of Neurology, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Dept. of ENT Surgery, Dept. of Endocrinology and Dept. of Pathology at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele University Milan (ITALY)
Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie, Munchen (GERMANY)
Dept. of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Institute for Medical Genetics at the University of Milan (ITALY)
The George Washington University Washington DC (USA) Harvard Medical School, Boston (USA)
Massachussets Institute of Technology Boston (USA)
Department of Bioengineer University of Lecce (ITALY)
Scientific Societies
1998 – 2005
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Skull Base Society
Congress of Neurological Surgeons (USA)
European Society for Skull Base Surgery
Italian Society for Skull Base Surgery
Italian Society for Neurosurgery
Consultant Neurosurgeon at the Department of Neurosurgery Lodi County Hospital, Lodi (ITALY)
Scientific Reviewer
Pituitary (PITU), Editor-in-Chief Dr. Shlomo Melmed
Academic appointments and Teaching activity
Director, International University Master in Radiosurgery, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University – School of Medicine, Milano (ITALY)
15/07/2011 to date
Member of the Dean Committee of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University – School of Medicine, Milano (ITALY)
2010 to date
Member of the Technical Commission – Cooperation Agreement between the University of Extremadura (Spain) and Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Italy)
2012 to date
Member of the Technical Commission – Cooperation Agreement between the George Washington University (USA) and Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Italy)
01/17/2008 to date
Director Residency Program in Neurosurgery, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (ITALY)
01/10/2008 to date
Full time professor, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (ITALY)
2007 to date
Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery
The George Washington University Neurological Institute, Washington D.C. (USA)
2005 – 2008
Director Residency Program in Neurosurgery, University of Brescia (ITALY)
2005 – 2008
Full time professor, University of Brescia (ITALY)
2004 – 2005
Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Brescia (ITALY)
2004 – 2005
Professor of Clinical Neuroanatomy, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (ITALY)
September 2004
Visiting Professor of Neurosurgery, Residency Program
The George Washington University Neurological Institute, Washington D.C. (USA)
October 2002
Visiting Professor of Neurosurgery, Residency Program
The George Washington University Neurological Institute, Washington D.C. (USA)
2000 – 2002
Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery
School of Medicine, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (ITALY)
2000 – 2002
Professor of Surgical Anatomy of the Skull and Brain
School of Medicine, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (ITALY)
2000 – 2002
Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery,
Residency Program in Neurosurgery, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (ITALY)
1995 – 2000
Tutor of Clinical Neurosurgery
Residency Program in Neurosurgery, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (ITALY)
1999 – 2000
Tutor of Neurosurgery at the School of Medicine and Residency Program
University of Milan (Policlinic Hospital, San Raffaele Hospital, Sacco Hospital), University of Milano
Bicocca (San Gerardo Hospital, Monza) (ITALY)
1994 – 2000
Instructor of Neuroanatomy, Chair of Human Anatomy
University of Milan, Milan (ITALY)
1992 – 1996
Instructor of Neuroanatomy
Residency Program in Neurosurgery, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (ITALY)
Italian Ministry of Health
Member of the Joint Commission for cooperation between Italy and Malta
Consultant for the Italian Ministry of Health for neurosurgery and tissue engineering
School of Nursing
1990 – 1996
Professor of Neurosurgery at the School of Nursing at the Verona University Hospital and at the San Raffaele University Hospital in Milan (ITALY)
Post-graduated courses
Organizer, instructor, lecturer in more than 45 courses in Italy and abroad.
(see annex I/02 for detailed description)
Education and training
High School leaving Certificate, Classical Lyceum
First Class medical degree Cum Laude and university honour
Licensure and Certification
Swiss licence to practice medicine and surgery in the specialty of neurosurgery
Specialty in ENT Surgery with top marks
University of Milan, Milan (ITALY)
Specialty in Neurological Surgery with top marks
University of Verona, Verona (ITALY)
Italian license to practice medicine and surgery with top marks
University of Parma, Parma (ITALY)
Postdoctoral Training
Courses attended IN ITALY
8th course in vascular surgery techniques, Milan (ITALY)
International course on intra-operative cranial nerves monitoring
Italian Society for Skull Base Surgery, Parma (ITALY)
Cranio-cervical junction surgery, Italian Society for Skull Base Surgery, Milan (ITALY)
Trans-craniofacial approaches, Italian Society for Skull Base Surgery, Rome (ITALY)
Lateral approaches to the skull base, Piacenza (ITALY)
International Course on Transcranial Doppler, Montesilvano (PE,ITALY)
4th microsurgery workshop, Microsurgical Research Institute, Prato (ITALY)
Annual course of the Italian Society for Neurosurgery, Abano (PD, ITALY)
Annual course of the Italian Society for Neurosurgery, Abano (PD, ITALY)
Cerebral arterio-venous malformations, Verona (ITALY)
Cerebral aneurysms: imaging, Verona (ITALY)
Courses attended OUTSIDE ITALY
Congress of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, New Orleans (USA)
Antero-lateral approaches to tumors and aneurysms (Credit 4), Cavernous sinus surgery (Credit 2),
Angiografically occult vascular malformations (Credit 2), Lateral skull base (Credit 2), Intracranial endoscopy (Credit 2)
Course de chirurgie de la base du crâne (Prof Magnan), Marseille (FRANCE)
5th practical course in Microsurgery of the Skull Base (Prof. Fish), Zurich (SWITZERLAND)
Workshop on the vertebral artery (Prof. George), Paris (FRANCE)
International course on clinical neurosurgery (Prof. Samii), Hannover (GERMANY)
Focus Clinical and Research
Educational Experiences
International Fellowship. Research activity at the Minimally Invasive Surgery skull Base Training Center on microsurgical and endoscopic skull base approaches for clival tumors, vascular microsurgical and
EC/IC by-pass training. Prof L. N. Sekhar, Department of Neurosurgery, The George Washington University Neurological Institute, Washington D.C. (USA)
Training on the surgical techniques for the control of vertebral artery in the treatment of vascular and tumoral pathologies of the skull base, the cranio cervical junction and the cervical spine. Prof. B.George, Department of Neurosurgery, Hôspital Lariboisiére, Paris (FRANCE).
Experimental and clinical researches on calcium channel blockers in SAH related vasospasm, Prof N. Kassel. Training in Stereotactic radiosurgery, Prof. L. Steiner. Department of Neurosurgery, Virginia University, Charlottesville (USA).
Training in Neurotrauma, Prof Miller D, Department of Neurosurgery, Western General Hospital, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (UK).
Personal skills and Competences
2008 Surgical instruments set for microsurgery of skull base.
See: K. Storz catalogue – Instruments according to Prof. P. Mortini
2012 Patent: Collagen Scaffold in nervous system regeneration. AS 34576
Technical skills and competences
4262 surgical procedures performed, mainly for skull base, brain and spine tumors and cerebrovascular disorders.
Stereotactic Gamma Knife radiosurgical procedures since 1994
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