Mortini Pietro Professore ordinarioMedicineMED/27



Professor of Neurosurgery

Chairman Department of Neurosurgery, San Raffaele Scientific Institute


First Class Medical Degree – University of Parma – 1986

Speciality in Neurological Surgery – University of Verona – 1991.

Speciality in ENT Surgery – University of Milano – 2000.



17/01/2008 to date

Director Residency Program in Neurosurgery, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan

1/02/2008 to date

Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery at The George Washington University, Neurological Institute, Washington D.C. (USA)

10/01/2008 to date

Full time professor, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan

2005 – 2007

Director Residency Program in Neurosurgery, University of Brescia, Verona (ITALY)

2004 – 2007

Full time professor, University of Brescia, Verona (ITALY)

2004 – 2005

Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Brescia (ITALY)

2004 – 2005

Professor of Clinical Neuroanatomy, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (ITALY)

September 2004

Visiting Professor of Neurosurgery, Residency Program The George Washington University Neurological Institute, Washington D.C. (USA)

October 2002

Visiting Professor of Neurosurgery, Residency Program The George Washington University Neurological Institute, Washington D.C. (USA)

2000 – 2002

Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery School of Medicine, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (ITALY)

2000 – 2002

Professor of Surgical Anatomy of the Skull and Brain School of Medicine, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (ITALY)

2000 – 2002

Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery, Residency Program in Neurosurgery, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (ITALY)

1995 – 2000

Tutor of Clinical Neurosurgery Residency Program in Neurosurgery, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (ITALY)

1999 – 2000

Tutor of Neurosurgery at the School of Medicine and Residency Program University of Milan (Policlinic Hospital, San Raffaele Hospital, Sacco Hospital), University of Milano

Bicocca (San Gerardo Hospital, Monza) (ITALY)

1994 – 2000

Instructor of Neuroanatomy, Chair of Human Anatomy University of Milan, Milan (ITALY)

1992 – 1996

Instructor of Neuroanatomy Residency Program in Neurosurgery, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan



01/10/2008 to date

Chairman Department of Neurosurgery Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan (ITALY)

11/01/2005 – 01/09/2008

Chairman Department of Neurosurgery Spedali Civili Hospital, Brescia (ITALY)

01/10/2005 – 01/09/2008

Consultant Neurosurgeon at the Department of Neurosurgery Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan (ITALY)


Director Skull Base Surgery Section, Department of Neurosurgery Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan (ITALY)


Senior Active Staff member, Department of Neurosurgery Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan (ITALY)

1996 to date

Consultant Neurosurgeon at the Department of Neurosurgery Lodi County Hospital, Lodi (ITALY)

1992 – 2000

Active Staff member, Department of Neurosurgery Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan (ITALY)



2005 to date

Collaboration with the Department of Bioengineer University of Lecce (ITALY), Harvard Medical Shool, Boston (USA), Massachussets Insitute of Technology Boston (USA) and Dept. of Neurology – Vita- Salute San Raffaele University Milano (ITALY) for the research on applications of collagen scaffolds or the treatment of nervous system injuries.

2005 to date

Collaboration with University of Brescia – Morphometric analysis of brain circulation

2000 to date

Collaboration with the Institute of Medical Genetics at the University of Milan to study the chordomas from the cytogenetic point of view.

1999 to date

Collaboration with The George Washington University – Neurological Institute (USA) – Development of new treatments for skull base lesions

1996 to date

Collaboration with the Max Plank Istitut für Psychiatrie of Munchen (GERMANY) to study the pathology of the pituitary tumors.

1992 to date

Collaboration with the Chair of Maxillo-facial surgery of the University of Milan for the research on new surgical technique for the treatment of cranio-facial malformation and cranio-facial tumors.

1992 to date

Member of the Pituitary Unit (research unit officially recognized by the International Advisory Board of the Neuroscience Department of the San Raffaele Scientific Institute).

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