The University

Our history

The first department established was Psychology, developing a teaching unit in the former Casa di Cura Ville Turro (now San Raffaele Turro) and having available a neuroscience sector.

1996: the Psychology Department is inaugurated

1998: opening of the Medical School.

1999: launch of the first Specialization Schools – Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases
2001: the Schools of Nursing and Physiotherapy are established, based on the already existing university degrees.

2001: the Philosophy Department is opened. An agreement with the Municipality of Cesano Maderno allows to give lectures in the historical Arese-Borromeo Palace.

2002: UniSR becomes a center for the state-sponsored qualification exam. The postgraduate school comes to life with its Ph.D. program in Cellular Biology and the Master in Clinical Psychopharmacology.

2005: The University opens a new course in Dental Hygiene and a Graduate Degree in Philosophy of the Mind, Person, City and History. The Centre of Statistics for Biomedical Sciences (CUSSB) is inaugurated.

2006: Foundation of the Research Center of Experimental and Applied Epistemology (CRESA)

2007: Creation of the Center for Studies in Public Ethics (CeSEP)

2008: Inauguration the new areas of the DiBit2, the new Department of Biotechnologies and Research: 80.000 square meters destined to research laboratories, clinical analysis laboratories and classrooms.

2009: the administrative offices are transferred in the DiBit2, where new classrooms and laboratories are inaugurated. The Philosophy Department is moved from the Cesano Maderno location to the headquarters in Via Olgettina.

2010: the San Raffaele International MD Program is created.

2011: the Course of Dentistry is started.

2015: the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University becomes part of Gruppo San Donato, the first hospital group in Italy and the second national research institution.