De Vecchi Francesca Maria Professore OrdinarioPhilosophyM-FIL/01



Francesca De Vecchi is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the Philosophy Faculty of the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan. She teaches Social Ontology (graduate course), Gender Studies (graduate course), Philosophy of the Person (undergraduate course), and Phenomenology of the Person and Empathy (undergraduate course, Faculty of Medicine). She’s been coordinator of the graduate course and seminar of Neurophenomenology (2020/2021 and 2021/2022) and teacher of the seminar Persons and Bodies (2021/2022) at the Faculties of Philosophy and Medicine.

Since 2019 she is President of the Equal opportunities supervisory committee (CUG) and since 2021 member of the GEP (Gender Equality Plan) Commission.

She obtained a degree in Philosophy with honours at the Department of Philosophy in the University of Milan, a Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies and a Ph.D in Philosophy at the University of Geneva. She was Chercheuse associée at the Archives Husserl de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris (2006-2007), Chercheuse avancée at the Département interfacultaire d’éthique of the University of Lausanne (2007-2008), and then Assistant Professor in Theoretical Philosophy (2008-2017) at the Philosophy Faculty of the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele.

She is Co-editor in chief of the journal Phenomenology and Mind and Director of PERSONA (Research Centre in Phenomenology and Sciences of the Person). She was Director of GENDER (Interfaculty Centre for Gender Studies) (2016-2022), and is now member of its Scientific Board. She is also member of the Scientific Board of the Centro interuniversitario in culture di genere.

Her main research interests are in the fields of social ontology, phenomenology of the person, gender identity, and acts of empathy, in dialogue with neuroscientific and psychiatric perspectives.

She is the author of several papers in Italian, English and French, published in international journals and volumes by Springer, Brill e Routledge. She published the books La libertà incarnata (2008, Bruno Mondadori), Eidetica del diritto e ontologia sociale (Mimesis 2012) and La società in persona. Ontologia sociale qualitativa (Il Mulino 2022, forthcoming).

She is a referee for many international journals among which Journal of Social Ontology, Journal of Social Epistemology, Humana.mente, Rivista di Estetica, Rivista internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, Language and Communication, Metodo: International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy, Filosofia Neo-scolastica, Continental Philosophy Review, e for Springer, Oxford University Press, De Gruyter, Routledge.

(Update july 2022)

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