Di Resta Chiara Ricercatore tempo determinato tipo bMedicineMED/05



Doctor Chiara Di Resta obtained a degree in Biological Sciences (2005) and the PhD in Translational and Molecular Medicine (2008) at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy). Then, she obtained a Specialization in Clinical Pathology (2016) at the University of Pavia (Italy). She holds the position of Researcher (rtd) at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University since 2015, carrying out teaching activities in the field of clinical laboratory medicine. Since 2016, she is a member of the Specialization School in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry at UniSR and she holds the role of supervisor or co-supervisor in several students’ thesis works.


Her main research activity is focused on the application of molecular medicine for the study of inherited diseases.  In particular, the main purpose of her studies is the characterization of the molecular basis of the genetic cardiac forms, which are still unknown. Indeed, the most advanced molecular techniques and new sequencing approaches of the post-genomic era offer the possibility of identifying new causative genes and novel mutations. So, her main laboratory activities are therefore characterized by close collaboration with clinicians in molecular and translational research projects. Her work has been published in relevant scientific journals.

Moreover, she has contributed to the field of Personalized Medicine, participating in the activities of the dedicated working group (WG-PLM) of the European Federation of Laboratory Medicine (EFLM).



2016: Specialization in Clinical Pathology; University of Pavia, Italy 

Thesis project published: Hum Mol Genet. 2015 Oct 15;24(20):5828-35

2008: Ph.D. in Traslational and Molecular Medicine (DIMET); University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy

Thesis project published: Eur J Pharmacol. 2010 Sep 15;643(1):13-20

2005: Degree in Biological Sciences (5 years); University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Milan, Italy

Thesis project published: Am J Hum Genet. 2006 Aug;79(2):342-50

2000: Diploma of High School (Classical Lyceum "Ettore Majorana”, Desio, Italy)

Unique identifiers

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2880-6631

Scopus Author ID: 36157555900

Participation in Editorial Boards of Scientific Journals

From 2022: Topic editor for the Special Issue: “Whole Genome Sequencing for Rare Diseases” in Frontiers in Medicine (ISSN: 2296-858X; IF: 5.05)


From 2021: Guest editor for the Special Issue “Advance in Genomics of Rare Genetic Diseases”, Section of Molecular

Genetics, in Biomolecules (ISSN 2218-273X; IF: 6.06)  


From 2019:  Review Editor for Genetics of Common and Rare Diseases for Frontiers in Genetics (eISSN: 1664-8021;

Impact Factor 2020: 4.7)  


From 2019: Review Editor for Genetics of Common and Rare Diseases for Frontiers in Pediatrics (eISNN: 2296-2360; Impact Factor 2020: 3.569)



2021–today:    Member of the EFLM Academy (European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine)

2019 - today: Member of Task Force Young Scientists of the IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Biochemistry)

2013 - 2018: Young Scientist Member of the European Working Group on Personalized Laboratory Medicine of the             European Federation of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine (EFLM).

2011– today:   Member of the Italian Network of Laminopathies (NIL)

(Update january 2023)

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