Malgaroli Antonio Professore ordinarioPsychologyBIO/09
Full Professor of Physiology
1985 Università Degli Studi di Milano, M.D. (Major in Pharmacology)
1985 Università Degli Studi di Milano, Board certified in Medicine
1990 Università Degli Studi di Milano, Postgraduate Degree in Psychiatry
2016-present Clinical appointment as a Psychiatric Consultant at the Ospedale Ville Turro San Raffaele, Psychiatric Clinics, Center for Eating Disorders and OCD, Milano
2004-present Full Professor of Physiology, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano
1999-2003 Associate Professor of Physiology, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano
2000-Summer MBL investigator, Marine Biological Laboratories, MBL, Woods Hole
1999-Summer MBL investigator, Marine Biological Laboratories, MBL, Woods Hole
1999-2009 Adjunct Professor in Physiology, Università Degli Studi di Milano, Milano
1993-present Director of the “Neurobiology of Learning” Unit, DIBIT, Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milano
1989-1993 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University, Stanford
1988-1989 Visiting fellow, Department of Physiology, School of Biology, University Degli Studi di Milano, Milano
1985‑1988 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Università Degli Studi di Milano, Milano
1985‑1989 Clinical fellow in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Postgraduate Degree in Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Università Degli Studi di Milano, Milano
1982-1985 Junior Research Fellow, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Università Degli Studi di Milano, Milano
1983-Summer Visiting Student, Department of Neurological Sciences, School of Medicine, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh
1985-88 Recipient of the AIRC research fellowship
1988-89 Recipient of the Monte Tabor research fellowship
1988 DeVisart award
1989-91 Recipient of the G. Moruzzi FIDIA research fellowship
1991 Chemofux prize, University of Vienna (Co-Recipient with Anna Teti)
1998-2001 Human Frontier grant award
1999 Herbert W. Rand Award, MBL
2000 Frank Lillie Award, MBL
2000 Elected as a member of the Physiological Society London
2000 Elected as a member of EMBO
How is our brain modified by experience, sensory deprivation, drugs and diseases? It is unquestionable that behind any behavior there are molecular and functional changes in synapses and synaptic circuits. Despite in the last 20 years we have been spectators of an incredible progress in the elucidation of the molecular machinery of synapses, the exact functional mechanisms behind synaptic communication and plasticity are still largely unknown. This partial failure has indeed some solid grounds. Even today, brain synapses are approached very indirectly because of the very small size (less than 1 micron), because they produce small signals (a few picoAmps), and are difficult to access, being located on thin and complex dendritic cables, also being highly heterogeneous in structure and biochemical composition. To overcome some of these limitations, our lab is trying to develop novel electrophysiological and molecular tools for the investigation of synapses. Among our current research interests: i) Defining the nature of the basic parameters of quantal transmission and how these are changed by plasticity processes; ii) Understanding the mechanisms of LTP maintenance in the hippocampus; iii) Investigate medial Prefrontal Cortex circuitry and its role in decisional processes; iv) Validate a novel and efficient tool recently developed in our lab, the Synaptozip-Synbond pair, which can report the activity of individual synaptic boutons in the in vivo brain.
- Schulte , M. Ripamonti , E. Maffioli, M.A. Cappelluti, S. Nonnis, L. Puricelli, J. Lamanna, C. Piazzoni, A. Podestà, C. Lenardi, G. Tedeschi* , A. Malgaroli* & P. Milani* (2016) Scale invariant disordered nanotopography promotes hippocampal neuron development and maturation with involvement of mechanotransductive pathway. Frontiers Cell Neuroscience. In press (* shared last authors)
Arena A, Lamanna J, Gemma M, Ripamonit M, Ravasio G, Zimarino V, De Vitis A, Beretta L, & Malgaroli A (2017) A linear transformation of the encoding mechanism for light-intensity underlies paradoxical enhancement of cortical visual responses by sevoflurane. J. Physiology 595(1):321-339.
Montesano G, Belfiore M, Ripamonti M, Arena A, Lamanna J, Ferro M, Zimarino V, Ambrosi A, Malgaroli A. (2015) Effects of the Concomitant Activation of ON and OFF Retinal Ganglion Cells on the Visual Thalamus: Evidence for an Enhanced Recruitment of GABAergic Cells. Front Neural Circuits. 9: 77, 1-19.
Lamanna J, Signorini MG, Cerutti S, Malgaroli A.(2015) A pre-docking source for the power-law behavior of spontaneous quantal release: application to the analysis of LTP. Front Cell Neurosci. 9: 44, 1-13.
Treccani G, Musazzi L, Perego C, Milanese M, Nava N, Bonifacino T, Lamanna J, Malgaroli A, Drago F, Racagni G, Nyengaard JR, Wegener G, Bonanno G, Popoli M. (2014) Acute stress rapidly increases the readily releasable pool of glutamate vesicles in prefrontal and frontal cortex through non-genomic action of corticosterone. Mol Psychiatry. 19(4):401-
Treccani G, Musazzi L, Perego C, Milanese M, Nava N, Bonifacino T, Lamanna J, Malgaroli A, Drago F, Racagni G, Nyengaard JR, Wegener G, Bonanno G, Popoli M. (2014) Acute stress rapidly increases the readily releasable pool of glutamate vesicles in prefrontal and frontal cortex through non-genomic action of corticosterone. Mol Psychiatry. 19:433-43
D’Acunzo P, Badaloni A, Ferro M, Ripamonti M, Zimarino V, Malgaroli A*, Consalez GG*. (2014) A conditional transgenic reporter of presynaptic terminals reveals novel features of the mouse corticospinal tract. Frontiers Neuroanatomy 7:50, 1-12. (* shared corresponding authors)
Lamanna J, Malgaroli A, Cerutti S, Signorini MG. (2012) Detection of fractal behavior in temporal series of synaptic quantal release events: a feasibility study. Comput Intell Neurosci. 704673: 1-9
Corti V, Sanchez-Ruiz Y, Piccoli G, Bergamaschi A, Cannistraci CV, Pattini L, Cerutti S, Bachi A, Alessio M, Malgaroli A. (2008) Protein fingerprints of cultured CA3-CA1 hippocampal neurons: comparative analysis of the distribution of synaptosomal and cytosolic proteins. BMC Neurosci. 9:36-52
Thiagarajan TC, Lindskog M, Malgaroli A, Tsien RW. (2007) LTP and adaptation to inactivity: overlapping mechanisms and implications for metaplasticity. Neuropharmacology 2007 52:156-75.
Malgaroli A, Vallar L, Zimarino V. (2006) Links Protein homeostasis in neurons and its pathological alterations.Current Opinion Neurobiology 16:270-4.
Rastaldi MP, et al. (2006) Glomerular podocytes contain neuron-like functional synaptic vesicles. FASEB Journal 20:976-8.
Lundstrom K, Abenavoli A, Malgaroli A, Ehrengruber MU (2003) Novel Semliki Forest Virus vectors with reduced cytotoxicity and temperature-sensitivity: long-term enhancement of transgene expression. Mol Theraphy, 7 :202-9.
Abenavoli, A., L. Forti, Bossi M., Bergamaschi A., Villa A. & Malgaroli A. (2002) Multimodal quantal release at hippocampal synapses: evidence for lack of lateral inhibition. J. Neuroscience 22: 6336-6346.
Moroni A, Gorza L, Beltrame M, Gravante B, Vaccari T, Bianchi ME, Altomare C, Longhi R, Heurteaux C, Vitadello M, Malgaroli A & DiFrancesco D. (2001) HCN1 is a molecular determinant of the cardiac pacemaker current If. J Biol Chem 31: 29233-29241.
Abenavoli, A., Montagna, M. & Antonio Malgaroli. (2001) Calcium: the common theme in vesicular cycling, Nature Neuroscience, 4: 117-118.
Böse, CM, Qiu D., Bergamaschi, A., Gravante, B., Bossi M., Villa, A, Rupp F, & Malgaroli A. (2000) Agrin controls synaptic differentiation in hippocampal neurons. J. Neuroscience 20:9086-9095.
Abenavoli A, Forti L & Malgaroli A (2000) Mechanisms of spontaneous miniature activity at CA3‑CA1 synapses: evidence for a divergence from a random Poisson process. Biology Bull. 199:184‑6.
Malgaroli, A.(1999) Silent synapses: I can’t hear you! Could you please speak aloud. Nature Neuroscience, 2 : 3-5.
Forti, L., Bossi, M., Bergamaschi, A., Villa, A. & Malgaroli, A. (1997) Loose-patch recordings of single quanta at individual hippocampal synapses, Nature 338: 874-878.
Malgaroli, A., Ting, A.E., Wendland, B., Bergamaschi, A., Villa, A., Tsien, R.W., & Scheller, R.H. (1995) Presynaptic Component of Long-term Potentiation Visualized at Individual Hippocampal Synapses. Science 268: 1624-1628.
Malgaroli, A. & Tsien, R.W.(1992) Glutamate-induced long-term potentiation of the frequency of miniature synaptic currents in cultured hippocampal neurons. Nature, 357: 134-139.
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