Graduate Schools for non-Physician Health Professionals
Health Area Graduate Schools for non-physicians are university study courses which teach a high level of professional skills, intended to train specialists.
At the end of the course of study, participants are issued with a diploma of specialisation in their chosen sector.
Specialist training is provided on a full-time basis.
Admission to the Schools is by competitive examination open to candidates with the necessary educational qualifications, with a planned number of places.
The relevant regulations, educational objectives and admission procedures are published on the specific webpages of each individual School.
Regulations of health area graduate schools for non-physicians
Health Area Graduate Schools for non-physicians are university study courses which teach a high level of professional skills, intended to train specialists.
At the end of the course of study, participants are issued with a diploma of specialisation in their chosen sector.
Specialist training is provided on a full-time basis.
Admission to the Schools is by competitive examination open to candidates with the necessary educational qualifications, with a planned number of places.
The relevant regulations, educational objectives and admission procedures are published on the specific webpages of each individual School.
Regulations of health area graduate schools for non-physicians