PhD fees and contributions
All the PhD students are bound to pay yearly € 1640,00 (including insurance against accidents and third-party liability, duty stamp, regional tax and contributions for thee admission to and the attendance at the courses).
For the PhD Course inm olecular Medicine, during the joint year between the Residency Program and PhD, the students with a PhS fellowship will pay only the fees required for enrollment and attendance to the Residency Program, while the 2nd and 3rd year are required to pay the above amounts for students enrolled in the PhD Course.
The sums to be paid may be subject to change at the time of enrollment to the following years.
The fees are to be paid in two installments that, for the first year, are divided as follows:
- The first payment is € 900 to be paid at the time of enrollment;
- The second payment is € 740 to be paid by the deadlines indicated in the call for applications for the year of enrollment .