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"Fuoriporta" project: realize your sports itinerary

30 November 2021

Fuoriporta is the call4ideas dedicated to sport, outdoor activities and the exploitation of the territory.

Fuoriporta is for you if you are a sportsperson, you are passionate about your territory and have an outdoor itinerary that you are fond of (trekking, hiking, running, biking or swimming in open water) and that you would like to share with other people, with values ​​and passions similar to yours.

Submit your favorite itinerary on by January 15 2022. Should your itinerary be selected, you will have the opportunity to organize, under the guidance of a promoter and coordinator, your personal 'Meet-up', a small sports group meeting (max 30 people) with enthusiasts like you who love to discover the culture, history and nature of new places, through itineraries yet to be explored!

Find out the regulation here

Project in collaboration with Altroconsumo, Advanced Technology in Health and Well-being - San Raffaele Scientific Institute di Ospedale San Raffaele  and TriO Events

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