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FameLab 2022: registrations for the international science communication competition are now open in Milan

04 April 2022
The University

Young researchers and university students will compete to win over an expert panel of judges, by telling their science in just 3 minutes

After a one-year break, the Milan local selection for FameLab, the science communication talent show, is back: the participants will compete for the international title by telling their science in the most engaging, clear and passionate way possible.

The Milan local selection of FameLab is promoted and organized by a consortium of research institutes and universities: the coordinator Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, together with IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, INAF – Astronomical Observatory of Brera, the Italian Institute of Technology - IIT, the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci and the Polytechnic University of Milan.

The contest rules

Participants must deliver a short talk of maximum 3 minutes of lengthwithout supporting slides or videos – to explain a chosen scientific topic and convey all the wonder of science just by using their words, with clarity, precision and charisma. A panel of experts in science communication will evaluate their performance and declare the winner before an audience of high school students.

Participants of all nationalities can compete in the local Italian selections of FameLab. The only requirements are being older than 21 and younger than 39 years old, having a bachelor degree in science, medicine and engineering or being enrolled in the 4th year of a single-cycle master degree.

To register for the competition, participants must fill in the online registration form no later than April 27, 2022. Additional information and requirements can be found here.

Save the dates for the Milan local selection of FameLab!

Participants will compete in two rounds:

  • The first round of the competition will be held in May 3 and 4, respectively at the Polytechnic University of Milan and at the Auditorium of the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci.
  • The winners of the first round will compete in the final selection event on Friday, May 27, at Spazio Polene, within the naval-air pavilion of the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci.

The winners of the Milan local selection will have the opportunity to join a training Masterclass taking place during the summer and will compete for FameLab national final, which will be held in autumn 2022.

The preparatory mini-masterclass

Researchers and students interested in the competition can obtain all the information needed to prepare a successful 3 minutes talk by participating to the free preparatory mini-masterclass that will be held on April 22 at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University. You can register for the mini-masterclass using this online form.

Participants and jury experts of the Milan local selection of FameLab 2020, held in Jenuary at San Raffaele Hospital.
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