PhD Students
Marta Boniardi
She received her Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the University of Milan, presenting a dissertation on medieval philosophy. She then attended her Master’s in Philosophical Sciences at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, where she specialized in public ethics. She graduated cum laude in July 2016, with a thesis on the ethical issues that lie under the mental health service in Italy (A public ethic perspective on the Italian psychiatric landscape. Supervisor: Professor Roberta Sala). From the following October, she’s a PhD student at this same University. Her main academic interest is the Ethics of Psychiatry, and her research project investigates the issues of cultural psychiatry. For that purpose, she cooperates with the Casa della carità foundation in Milan, and with the connected research center Centro Studi Sofferenza Urbana (Souq).
Giovanni Marco Martino
Research Interest: Frege’s Philosophy of Mathematics, Abstraction Principles, Abstract Objects, Foundations of Mathematics.
From October 2016 he is a PhD student in Philosophy of Mind, Cognition and Language at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan.
In July 2013 he graduated in Philosophy at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna with a thesis titled “Analitico, a priori e necessità: Frege e i Fondamenti dell’Aritmetica”, supervisor: prof.ssa Eva Picardi.
He took his master’s degree in Philosophy, at the same University in March 2016. His thesis was titled “Principio del contesto e oggetti astratti fregeani”, supervisor: prof.ssa Eva Picardi, co-supervisor: prof.ssa Francesca Boccuni.
His research in Philosophy of Mathematics is focused on a formal theory of fregean abstract objects based on Frege’s Context Principle and Boolos and Zalta intuition that abstraction principles rely on explicit existential assumptions. In this abstractionist framework, his proposal is to recover set theory and real analysis.
Antonella Carbone
Antonella Carbone ( Barletta 1992) is Ph.D Scholar at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan. She graduated top of her Bachelor class in 2013 in University in Bari with a thesis about Nietzsche and Nihilisme ( “Nietzsche and Circe’s truth: the genealogy applied to the tragedy birth”) and top of her Master of Arts class in Padua in 2016 with a thesis about J.G. Fichte and his Gotteslehre between 1798-1811.
She spent a studying period in Germany (Erasmus +), in Albert- Ludwig Universität in Freiburg, where she had the possibility to examine in deepth themes related to Nihilisme matter.
Subjects of the research: J.G. Fichte and german idealism, Nihilisme and Romanticism, Nietzsche