Internship Office
Training and guidance internships
Training and guidance internships enable students to put what they have learnt in the classroom into practice in real life: an internship is a learning activity which takes place within a company or a public or private organisation intended to "provide alternation of study and work within learning processes and facilitate career choices through direct knowledge of the world of work".
From the university and legal point of view, a training and guidance internship does not constitute employment but is an integral part of the educational process, assessed and monitored by the academic authorities, to deliver real added value to the student's CV and in some cases to provide ECTS-credits.
Institutional agreements with UniSR
Companies or organisations interested in hosting UniSR students and graduates within their organisations may contact the Internships Office by email, sending a short job description which specifies the location, times, duties, responsibilities and any expense refund offered. It should be remembered that interns on extra-curricular training and guidance internships (Post-Graduate Internships) are entitled to an expense refund set by Law for each of the host organisation's Regional specialisms.
The Office will publicise the internship offer to Students and Graduates as appropriate to their educational programmes and in agreement with the Internship Officer of each degree course involved. Once a candidate has been selected, the relative formalities will be finalised; for UniSR this is a streamlined process involving simply the acceptance and signing of its own standard forms, approved by the Lombardy Region Authority in June 2018.
Any organisation which has previously signed an internship agreement with UniSR but is no longer on the list because documents have expired can simply apply to the Office for renewal of the agreement, and will receive details of the relevant procedure within a short time.
For any further information, please contact the Internships Office on the telephone numbers provided.
Convenzione: atto in base al quale si istituisce formalmente il rapporto tra l’Ente promotore (Università) e l’Ente ospitante (azienda, associazione, ecc.)
Per poter svolgere uno stage, è necessario che tra l’ente proponente (UniSR) e l’ente ospitante (l’azienda esterna) si stipuli una convenzione che ne regoli l’accordo e stabilisca tutti i diritti e i doveri di ciascuna parte.
Qualora lo studente o il laureato volesse intraprendere un tirocinio di formazione e orientamento presso un ente non convenzionato, può inviare il modulo relativo alla richiesta di convenzione all’ente, il quale, in seguito può contattare l’Ufficio Stage e Tirocini per poter avviare l’iter di convenzionamento e ricevere tutte le informazioni necessarie.
Qualora sia invece un’azienda a volersi candidare spontaneamente, può scaricare il modulo e inviarlo all’Ufficio Stage corredato degli allegati indicati nel modulo stesso, e poi contattare l’Ufficio per le informazioni del caso.
Ricevuto il modulo di richiesta convenzione, l’Ufficio si occuperà di ottenere tutte le approvazioni del caso e si metterà in contatto direttamente con l’azienda per poter seguire l’iter previsto.
Progetto formativo: documento che definisce gli obiettivi e le modalità di svolgimento dello stage. Viene concordato tra Università (studente o neolaureato e docente di riferimento) e l’azienda (referente aziendale). Consta in UniSR della DOMANDA DI STAGE scaricabile da intranet per gli studenti che hanno lo stage nel piano di studi oppure richiedibile direttamente via mail all’ufficio.
Per lo studente o neolaureato lo stage è una preziosa opportunità di conoscenza del mondo del lavoro tramite un contatto diretto. Intende promuovere una maggiore integrazione tra mondo universitario e sistema produttivo, tra il tempo della formazione e il tempo del lavoro.
Per l’Università è un’occasione per verificare la congruenza tra i percorsi formativi e gli sbocchi potenziali cui gli studenti aspirano.
Per l’azienda è una vantaggiosa opportunità di confronto con il mondo universitario, nonché anche quella di formare “giovani talenti” da inserire eventualmente, una volta laureati, nel proprio organico.
Training and guidance internships are only possible at organisations with which a relevant agreement is in force. It may take a few days to finalise a new agreement: applications for internships at companies which do not have agreements, or with agreements not updated to the latest regional regulations, must be made to the Office at least 3 weeks before the planned start of the internship. However, the times required may vary since they depend not only on the Office but also on the Host Organisation. Please contact the Office for any information.
The first step for intending interns is to apply to a company relevant to their academic career. They may do so:
- by keeping an eye on the Online Noticeboard, where the Office posts the various internship offers it receives from companies with which agreements are in force;
- by personally checking the "work for us" section of the websites of the relevant companies of interest; applications are normally submitted by filling in the forms provided and attaching a CV, or by following the procedures specified on the website. The Internships Office will then step in to manage the administrative and insurance formalities;
- by asking the Internships Office to contact one of the companies covered by an agreement on their behalf (by submitting a CV and letter of presentation, initially selecting 5 companies to which the Office will write directly);
- by talking to their Academic Tutor, who will help them to choose the most appropriate internship for their career;
- by directly contacting a company which does not have an agreement but which provides useful training for their career: the agreement signing procedure will now have to be activated, and the student is responsible for consigning the AGREEMENT APPLICATION to the company and ensuring that it is then submitted to the office, which will handle all the contacts and formalities necessary for signing.
For advice on writing the CV and letter, students are advised to refer to the relative section of this page, but naturally the Office is happy to support students in the preparation of their CV and letter of presentation to companies, and to provide advice and instructions.
If the chosen company, at which the student has attended an interview and agreed an internship, has an agreement with the University, or a new agreement has been signed, the internship can be started by submitting the INTERNSHIP APPLICATION form, duly compiled in all parts and signed by the Student - company Internship Tutor - Academic Tutor.
The day after the day when the application was submitted to the Internship Office can be specified as the internship start date.
Once the internship actually starts, the INTERNSHIP START CONFIRMATION form, signed by the company Internship Tutor and the Student, must be consigned to the Internship Office within the next 24 hours, by the student in person or by fax/email.
During the week after the end of the internship, consign the Internship assessment forms, one signed by the student and the other by the External Tutor. If the student is about to graduate, the deadline for handing in these forms is the last date available for taking the academic examinations.
For those graduating from UniSR only, the Office provides support for administrative formalities until 12 months after the award of the degree, as required by the relevant law. Extra-curricular internships may last up to 6 months, with an extension for up to a further 6 months if envisaged by the skills to be acquired, in accordance with the legislation. Interns on extra-curricular internships must receive a remuneration as decided by the relevant Regional Authority; unpaid extra-curricular internships are not permitted.
Please contact the Office for all relevant information.