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New provisions SARS-CoV-2 for UniSR members

15 May 2020
The University

To all UniSR Members

Considering the epidemiological situation, up until July 31 2020, all lessons of all UniSR programs (undergraduate and post graduate) will be exclusively delivered on line.

Admission tests

Information on the admission tests will be sent by the University through official emails and published on the admission page and on the news section which is constantly updated and available here: Admission tests.

Students under collaboration contract

Up until July 31, 2020 students under a collaboration contract carrying out an activity which can be done remotely, will be able to work from home if already required by the UniSR Service they are cooperating with.

Post-graduate internship for admission to the state licensing examination for professional practice in psychology

The post-graduate internship for admission to the state licensing examination for professional practice in psychology continues regularly; however, up until July 31 2020, it is suggested that the trainees carry out part of the internship at their own place under agreement with the host institution and through the assignment of specific tasks relating to the internship (as indicative and non-exhaustive examples, analysis of clinical cases, videos, individual studies, in-depth literature study).

On the Medical Licensing examination and further provisions for the healthcare area

Please remember that, as stated in the attached decree, students who are entitled the MD title Laurea Magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia (LM-41) are automatically licensed if the internship has been successfully attended as foreseen by the attached decree. Moreover, as stated in the attached document, the final exam of the second session relating to the AY 2018/2019 for the Programs in the healthcare area can be taken on line.

Decreto Rettorale 6412/2020

Provisions relating to the continuity of the education activity

As stated in the attached decree:

  • The last session of the final exams for the AY 2018/2019 is postponed on June 15. Therefore, all deadlines related to it are postponed as well.        
  • Activities carried out remotely following the instructions given by UniSR are considered valid according the modality described in the regulation.
Decreto Rettorale 6412/2020

Didactic activities

Up until July 31 2020, all lessons of all UniSR programs (undergraduate and postgraduate) will be exclusively delivered on line. Distance learning activities can be delivered, according to the methods communicated by the University, both with live streaming system mode and through video recording mode without live streaming.

Until July 31 2020, exams as well as thesis discussions will preferably held on line, as foreseen in UniSR Regulation. They may, however, also be held in person, if conditions allow to.

Medical and healthcare area internships start regularly again following the new organization decided with the host institutions and according to a schedule which will be agreed with the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.

Internships of all remaining degree programs can be carried out either on line or in person, according to the instructions of the host institutions and following a schedule approved by each Dean of Faculty and under the responsibility of the internship tutors. Residents will carry out with their activity regularly as before. Practical activities will start again also for residents of the healthcare areas (no medical schools) and for those attending a Psychology Specialization, under the responsibility of the respective Director.

Research activity

Tenured professors, fix-term researcher, research fellows and collaborators will start again their research activity in agreement with the person in charge of the laboratory and following the instructions given by the host institutions.  Where possible, the remote working method remains privileged up until July 31, 2020.

PhD students research activity will start regularly again under the responsibility of the respective DOS. Where possible, the remote working method remains privileged up until July 31, 2020.

Technical-Administrative Activities

The University staff will resume their activities on the University premises, however remote working will be allowed where possible up until July 31, 2020.

Library and Study Rooms

The UniSR library will resume book lending by appointment.

The University study rooms are open and access will be allowed according to the indications hung outside each study room entrances.

Travels and Business Trips

All travels, departures and business trips of teaching and research staff, of technical-administrative staff, of collaborators and students enrolled in all UniSR undergraduate and postgraduate courses remain suspended until July 31, 2020, except those travels, departures and business trips that are deemed essential or that cannot be put off by the University, in relation to their institutional activity and in compliance with the provisions of the Authorities and only with the authorization of the Rector.


Until July 31, 2020, the meetings of the University collective bodies will continue to take place exclusively electronically.

Electoral Procedures for The Renewal of Collegiate and Monocratic Bodies

The electoral procedures for the renewal of the University collegiate and monocratic bodies, which were ongoing as of April 9, 2020, will remain suspended for the whole duration of the state of emergency, or rather to be held during the state of emergency approved by the Council of Ministers on January 31, 2020.

For the duration of the aforementioned state of emergency and in the case of impossibility or failure to continue the assignment by the monocratic organs occurred after April 9, 2020, a substitute identified by law or by the University statutes, or rather in the absence of, the dean of full professors of the structures concerned takes over the assignment.

The subjects who, for any reason, performed the functions of the aforementioned bodies, that is those who took over, on April 9, 2020, continue in the office until the new bodies take over, also in derogation of the durations provided for the individual mandates, as well as the legal or statutory regulations that provide for limitations on the relative functions. At the end of the state of emergency, the University will renew the documents relating to the electoral procedures and carry them out within the terms indicated by the Statutes and internal Regulations.

University Student Halls of Residence

The University Student halls of residence remain open.

Final Provisions

The activities which can be carried out on University premises will be organized in compliance with all the health and hygiene measures envisaged by current legal provisions.

Coming into Force

The above provisions will come into force on May 18, 2020. We will inform students, staff and citizens quickly about any relevant update.

The Chancellor

Prof. Enrico Gherlone


Phase 2 Guidelines

The protocol regulating the measures to combat and contain the spread of the COVID-19 infection is attached.

UniSR Linee Guida Fase 2 COVID-19

Key Recommendations on Sanitation and Hygiene

a) Wash your hands often;

b) Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections;

c) Avoid hugs and handshakes;

d) Keep a safe social distance of at least 1 meter;

e) Practice respiratory hygiene (sneezing and/or coughing in a handkerchief avoiding contact of the hands with respiratory secretions);

f)  Avoid the promiscuous use of bottles and glasses, in particular during sports activities;

g) Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands;

h) Cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough;

i)  Do not take antiviral drugs and antibiotics, unless they are prescribed by your physician;

j)  Clean the surfaces with chlorine or alcohol-based disinfectants;

k) Wear a respiratory protective mask (cover nose and mouth) in compliance with the provisions set by the ordinances of the Lombardy Region.

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