Center for Behavioral Neuroscience and Communication
Lamanna, J., Isotti, F., Ferro, M., Racchetti, G., Anchora, L., Rucco, D., & Malgaroli, A. (2021). Facilitation of dopamine‐dependent long‐term potentiation in the medial prefrontal cortex of male rats follows the behavioral effects of stress. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 99(2), 662-678.
Previdi, A., Piazzoni, C., Borghi, F., Schulte, C., Lorenzelli, L., Giacomozzi, F., ... & Milani, P. (2021). Micropatterning of Substrates for the Culture of Cell Networks by Stencil-Assisted Additive Nanofabrication. Micromachines, 12(1), 94.
Lamanna, J., Sulpizio, S., Ferro, M., Martoni, R., Abutalebi, J., Malgaroli, A. Behavioral assessment of activity-based-anorexia: how cognition can become the drive wheel (2019) Physiology and Behavior, 202, pp. 1-7.
Schulte, C., Lamanna, J., Moro, A.S., Piazzoni, C., Borghi, F., Chighizola, M., Ortoleva, S., Racchetti, G., Lenardi, C., Podestà, A., Malgaroli, A., Milani, P. Neuronal Cells Confinement by Micropatterned Cluster-Assembled Dots with Mechanotransductive Nanotopography (2018) AC1S Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 4 (12), pp. 4062-4075.
Putzu, A., Valtorta, S., Di Grigoli, G., Haenggi, M., Belloli, S., Malgaroli, A., Gemma, M., Landoni, G., Beretta, L., Moresco, R.M. Regional Differences in Cerebral Glucose Metabolism After Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation in Rats Using [18F]FDG Positron Emission Tomography and Autoradiography (2018) Neurocritical Care, 28 (3), pp. 370-378.
Briguglio, M., Dell’Osso, B., Panzica, G., Malgaroli, A., Banfi, G., Dina, C.Z., Galentino, R., Porta, M. Dietary neurotransmitters: A narrative review on current knowledge (2018) Nutrients, 10 (5), art. no. 591.
Ferro, M., Lamanna, J., Ripamonti, M., Racchetti, G., Arena, A., Spadini, S., Montesano, G., Cortese, R., Zimarino, V., Malgaroli, A. Functional mapping of brain synapses by the enriching activity-marker SynaptoZip (2017) Nature Communications, 8 (1), art. no. 1229.
Criscuolo, E., Spadini, S., Lamanna, J., Ferro, M., Burioni, R. Bacteriophages and Their Immunological Applications against Infectious Threats (2017) Journal of Immunology Research, 2017, art. no. 3780697.
Arena, A., Lamanna, J., Gemma, M., Ripamonti, M., Ravasio, G., Zimarino, V., De Vitis, A., Beretta, L., Malgaroli, A. Linear transformation of the encoding mechanism for light intensity underlies the paradoxical enhancement of cortical visual responses by sevoflurane (2017) Journal of Physiology, 595 (1), pp. 321-339.
Schulte, C., Ripamonti, M., Maffioli, E., Cappelluti, M.A., Nonnis, S., Puricelli, L., Lamanna, J., Piazzoni, C., Podestà, A., Lenardi, C., Tedeschi, G., Malgaroli, A., Milani, P. Scale invariant disordered nanotopography promotes hippocampal neuron development and maturation with involvement of mechanotransductive pathways (2016) Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 10 (NOV2016), art. no. 267.
Montesano, G., Belfiore, M., Ripamonti, M., Arena, A., Lamanna, J., Ferro, M., Zimarino, V., Ambrosi, A., Malgaroli, A. Effects of the concomitant activation of ON and OFF retinal ganglion cells on the visual thalamus: Evidence for an enhanced recruitment of GABAergic cells (2015) Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 9 (November), pp. 1-19.
Lamanna, J., Signorini, M. G., Cerutti, S., & Malgaroli, A. A pre-docking source for the power-law behavior of spontaneous quantal release: application to the analysis of LTP (2015) Frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 9, 44.
D'Acunzo, P., Badaloni, A., Ferro, M., Ripamonti, M., Zimarino, V., Malgaroli, A., Consalez, G.G. A conditional transgenic reporter of presynaptic terminals reveals novel features of the mouse corticospinal tract (2014) Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 7 (JAN), art. no. 50.
Treccani, G., Musazzi, L., Perego, C., Milanese, M., Nava, N., Bonifacino, T., Lamanna, J., Malgaroli, A., Drago, F., Racagni, G., Nyengaard, J.R., Wegener, G., Bonanno, G., Popoli, M. Stress and corticosterone increase the readily releasable pool of glutamate vesicles in synaptic terminals of prefrontal and frontal cortex (2014) Molecular Psychiatry, 19 (4), pp. 433-443.
Treccani, G., Musazzi, L., Perego, C., Milanese, M., Nava, N., Bonifacino, T., Lamanna, J., Malgaroli, A., Drago, F., Racagni, G., Nyengaard, J.R., Wegener, G., Bonanno, G., Popoli, M. Acute stress rapidly increases the readily releasable pool of glutamate vesicles in prefrontal and frontal cortex through non-genomic action of corticosterone (2014) Molecular Psychiatry, 19 (4), p. 401.
Lamanna, J., Malgaroli, A., Cerutti, S., Signorini, M.G. Detection of fractal behavior in temporal series of synaptic quantal release events: A feasibility study (2012) Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2012, art. no. 704673.
Anelli, T., Bergamelli, L., Margittai, E., Rimessi, A., Fagioli, C., Malgaroli, A., Pinton, P., Ripamonti, M., Rizzuto, R., Sitia, R. Ero1α regulates Ca 2+ fluxes at the endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria interface (MAM) (2012) Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 16 (10), pp. 1077-1087.
Zimarino, V., Ripamonti, M., Belfiore, M., Ferro, M., Malgaroli, A. Synaptic changes in multiple sclerosis: Do they occur? How effectively can they be analyzed (2010) Multiple Sclerosis: Recovery of Function and Neurorehabilitation, pp. 22-28.
Croccolo, F., Quintini, A., Barni, R., Ripamonti, M., Malgaroli, A., Riccardi, C.
H-mode inductive coupling plasma for PVC surface treatment (2009) European Physical Journal D, 54 (2), pp. 477-480.
Torta, F., Usuelli, V., Malgaroli, A., Bachi, A. Proteomic analysis of protein S-nitrosylation (2008) Proteomics, 8 (21), pp. 4484-4494.
Corti, V., Sanchez-Ruiz, Y., Piccoli, G., Bergamaschi, A., Cannistraci, C.V., Pattini, L., Cerutti, S., Bachi, A., Alessio, M., Malgaroli, A. Protein fingerprints of cultured CA3-CA1 hippocampal neurons: Comparative analysis of the distribution of synaptosomal and cytosolic proteins (2008) BMC Neuroscience, 9, art. no. 36.
Moresco, R.M., Lavazza, T., Belloli, S., Lecchi, M., Pezzola, A., Todde, S., Matarrese, M., Carpinelli, A., Turolla, E., Zimarino, V., Popoli, P., Malgaroli, A., Fazio, F. Quinolinic acid induced neurodegeneration in the striatum: A combined in vivo and in vitro analysis of receptor changes and microglia activation (2008) European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 35 (4), pp. 704-715.
De Filippis, L., Lamorte, G., Snyder, E. Y., Malgaroli, A., & Vescovi, A. L. A novel, immortal, and multipotent human neural stem cell line generating functional neurons and oligodendrocytes (2007) Stem Cells, 25(9), 2312-2321.
Camerini, S., Polci, M.L., Restuccia, U., Usuelli, V., Malgaroli, A., Bachi, A. A novel approach to identify proteins modified by nitric oxide: The HIS-TAG switch method (2007) Journal of Proteome Research, 6 (8), pp. 3224-3231.
Bernasconi, F., Malgaroli, A., Vallar, L. Independent regulation of Rap1 and mitogen-activated protein kinase by the α chain of Go (2007) NeuroSignals, 15 (4), pp. 180-189.
Thiagarajan, T.C., Lindskog, M., Malgaroli, A., Tsien, R.W. LTP and adaptation to inactivity: Overlapping mechanisms and implications for metaplasticity (2007) Neuropharmacology, 52 (1), pp. 156-175.
Malgaroli, A., Vallar, L., Zimarino, V. Protein homeostasis in neurons and its pathological alterations (2006) Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 16 (3), pp. 270-274.
Rastaldi, M.P., Armelloni, S., Berra, S., Calvaresi, N., Corbelli, A., Giardino, L.A., Li, M., Wang, G.Q., Fornasieri, A., Villa, A., Heikkila, E., Soliymani, R., Boucherot, A., Cohen, C.D., Kretzler, M., Nitsche, A., Ripamonti, M., Malgaroli, A., Pesaresi, M., Forloni, G.L., Schlöndorff, D., Holthofer, H., D'Amico, G. Glomerular podocytes contain neuron-like functional synaptic vesicles (2006) FASEB Journal, 20 (7), pp. E88-E98.
Lundstrom, K., Abenavoli, A., Malgaroli, A., Ehrengruber, M.U. Novel Semliki Forest virus vectors with reduced cytotoxicity and temperature sensitivity for long-term enhancement of transgene expression (2003) Molecular Therapy, 7 (2), pp. 202-209.
Abenavoli, A., Forti, L., Bossi, M., Bergamaschi, A., Villa, A., Malgaroli, A. Multimodal quantal release at individual hippocampal synapses: Evidence for no lateral inhibition (2002) Journal of Neuroscience, 22 (15), pp. 6336-6346.
Moroni, A., Gorza, L., Beltrame, M., Gravante, B., Vaccari, T., Bianchi, M.E., Altomare, C., Longhi, R., Heurteaux, C., Vitadello, M., Malgaroli, A., DiFrancesco, D. Hyperpolarization-activated Cyclic Nucleotide-gated Channel 1 Is a Molecular Determinant of the Cardiac Pacemaker Current If (2001) Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276 (31), pp. 29233-29241.
Abenavoli, A., Montagna, M., Malgaroli, A. Calcium: The common theme in vesicular cycling (2001) Nature Neuroscience, 4 (2), pp. 117-118.
Böse, C.M., Qiu, D., Bergamaschi, A., Gravante, B., Bossi, M., Villa, A., Rupp, F., Malgaroli, A. Agrin controls synaptic differentiation in hippocampal neurons
(2000) Journal of Neuroscience, 20 (24), pp. 9086-9095.
Abenavoli, A., Forti, L., Malgaroli, A. Mechanisms of spontaneous miniature activity at CA3-CA1 synapses: Evidence for a divergence from a random poisson process (2000) Biological Bulletin, 199 (2), pp. 184-186.
Malgaroli, A. Silent synapses: I can't hear you! Could you please speak aloud?
(1999) Nature Neuroscience, 2 (1), pp. 3-5.
Forti, L., Bossi, M., Bergamaschi, A., Villa, A., Malgaroli, A. Loose-patch recordings of single quanta at individual hippocampal synapses (1997) Nature, 388 (6645), pp. 874-878.
Malgaroli, A., Ting, A.E., Wendland, B., Bergamaschi, A., Villa, A., Tsien, R.W., Scheller, R.H. Presynaptic component of long-term potentiation visualized at individual hippocampal synapses (1995) Science, 268 (5217), pp. 1624-1628.
Malgaroli, A., Tsien, R.W. Glutamate-induced long-term potentiation of the frequency of miniature synaptic currents in cultured hippocampal neurons (1992) Nature, 357 (6374), pp. 134-139.