European Research Center in History and Theory of the Image (ICONE)

European Research Center in History and Theory of the Image (ICONE)


The European Research Center in History and Theory of the Image (ICONE) aims at becoming a landmark for the research on visual culture, forming a ‘hub’ with other similar centers in Europe, such as the Warburg Institute in London (, the Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento in Florence (, the Centre d’étude de l’écriture et de l’image (CEEI) – Université Paris-Diderot (, the ASAC of the Biennale di Venezia (, the Laboratoire Interactions Culturelles et Discursives – Université François Rabelais di Tours (,  and others.
Its activities will be:

bibliographic, analytic, theoretic, and critical research encompassing the whole of Western civilization, inquiring into the relations between knowledge and visual cultures;
the constitution of a library specialized in visual culture and the related research fields;
organizing seminars, lectures, conferences, round-tables, courses and master-classes concerning the contemporary reflection on the relations between philosophical, metaphysic, scientific, historical, theological, anthropological, aesthetic, social, economic, politic, linguistic, philological thought and visual culture.
hosting interdisciplinary studies and promoting the formation of a network with other research institutions in Italy and abroad;
publish proceedings, books, documents, and journal issues presenting the results of the research carried out by the center, with a special attention to outreach.

The center is located in the Palazzo Arese Borromeo of Cesano Maderno, in the immediate outskirts of the city of Milan:

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