After Graduation
Post-Graduate Internships for Psychology Masters students
For admission to the state licensing examination to practise as a psychologist (Albo A), candidates must have completed a 12-month professional internship involving a total of at least 1000 hours of attendance, after the award of their Master's degree.
Internships are undertaken in 2 consecutive semesters of at least 500 hours each, and must cover the applicational aspects of at least two of the following areas:
- General and Experimental Psychology: cognitive psychology, psychology of learning, psychology of the personality, cognitive neuroscience.
- Developmental and Educational Psychology: educational psychology, emotional-relational development psychology, cognitive developmental psychology, developmental disorders.
- Clinical Psychology: dynamic psychology, hospital psychology, addiction psychology, clinical neuropsychology, rehabilitation neuropsychology.
- Social, Labour and Organisational Psychology: labour psychology, communication psychology, health psychology, community psychology, ergonomics.
In accordance with the national guidelines for post-graduate professional internships published by the National Council of Psychologists (CNOP), Organisations and Tutors must be accredited by the Lombardy Order of Psychologists (OPL), which has delegated this function to its new Joint Committee consisting of members of the Order itself and the Internship Officers of all Lombardy Universities (Sacro Cuore University – Milan and Brescia campuses, Bergamo University, Milan-Bicocca University, Pavia University, e-Campus Digital University, and Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan).
Organisations cannot apply to the Universities for agreements enabling them to host interns at their locations until they have this accreditation.
Graduates from other Italian Universities who wish to carry out a licensing internship in Psychology at San Raffaele Hospital, can directly contact the tutors on the list available on the OPL website, contacting their university of origin for insurance practices.
Organisations already accredited with the universities in the past
All Organisations already accredited with a Lombardy university are automatically included in a regional list available for consultation at, which university internship offices can use as a basis for the signing of new agreements. However, these Organisations are required to update their details directly online (at using the credentials they will shortly receive from the OPL, to provide the other information required for the assessment of their accreditation). Organisations already on the list are kindly requested to contact the university internship office to activate the agreement. Those not included should follow the instructions provided below for new Organisations.
New organisations - never previously accredited with universities
Applications from new Organisations - never previously accredited with any Lombardy universities - will be assessed by the Joint Committee.
New Organisations may submit applications at any time (by visiting to enter their basic data and then using the credentials provided by the OPL to provide the other details required for assessment of the accreditation), but applications will only be assessed and put forward for the activation of agreements at two sessions:
end of May (for internships beginning in October)
end of December (for internships beginning in April)
Therefore, to enable applications to be processed in time for internships to start, they must be submitted to the OPL:
- By 1 May for internships beginning in October
- By 1 December for internships beginning in April
No exceptions to these deadlines are granted in any circumstances.
After accreditation, organisations will be able to request the activation of the relative agreements with Lombardy universities.
For any queries, please contact:
Tutors already accredited with the universities in the past
Internship Tutors already accredited with the various Lombardy universities are automatically also accredited at the regional level and may be assigned to manage internships by university offices.
New tutors - never previously accredited
Applications from new Tutors - never previously accredited with any Lombardy universities - will be assessed by the Joint Committee.
New Tutors may submit applications from November (by visiting and using the credentials provided by the OPL) and then at any time of year, but applications will only be assessed and put forward for the activation of agreements at two sessions:
end of May (for internships beginning in October)
end of December (for internships beginning in April)
Therefore, to enable applications to be processed in time for internships to start, they must be submitted to the OPL:
- By 1 May for internships beginning in October
- By 1 December for internships beginning in April
For any queries, please contact:
After accreditation with the OLP as instructed, Organisations may contact the Internships Office to finalise agreements and thus launch post-graduate internships.
The process requires the Organisation to compile the AGREEMENT APPLICATION FORM.
The Office will then send the text of the agreement currently in use by email to the address of the administrative Contact indicated in the form. This text, approved by the Legal Affairs department and agreed with all the offices and services involved, must be printed and signed in two copies by the organisation's Legal Representative, and then dispatched by traditional mail to
Internships Office
Guidance and Tutoring Service
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
Via Olgettina 58, 20132 MILAN
Both copies will be signed by the UniSR Legal Representative and returned to the applicant Organisation, using its registered office address unless otherwise specified.
To speed up the signing procedures, the signed agreement may also be returned to the office by email to, after which a copy will be returned to the Organisation.
For annual internships starting in April, agreement requests will be accepted up to the end of the previous February; for annual internships starting in October, applications will be accepted up to the end of the previous June.
Interns must consign annual internship applications to the Office by 15 days before the start of the internship; applications must include both semesters with organisations already accredited and with agreements in force at the time of presentation.
Richiesta convenzione tirocini 2021