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UniScience&Research October issue is out!

17 ottobre 2017

The October issue of UniScience&Research, the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University blog, is out today!

UniScience&Research is a space where you can learn new things, read many curiosities and discover the fascinating, exciting and fun side of UniSR science and research. Every month it tells, in a communicative way, the extraordinary research made by our researchers within their labs.

This October issue opens with an encouraging piece of news: the Kymriah therapy (approved for now in the US), for the first time aspiring to cure acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a pathology with no treatment so far. How does it work? What is the state of experimentation in Italy? And why is it so expensive? We talk about it in an interview with our Dr. Attilio Bondanza.

Among the other news of the month: Dr. Cesana and Montini tell about a possible mechanism HIV virus might exploit to escape the immune system, a research they recently published on the prestigious Nature journal. At the end of MEETmeTONIGHT, the Milan Researchers’ Night, we receive and publish the testimony of a visitor who shared the charm of our fluorescent laboratory! In addition: Dr. Lorenzo Iuliano, a neo-specialized Ophthalmologist at our University, reports his passionate considerations on the first 3D eye surgery streaming, a primacy achieved also thanks to his collaboration. October is the month of Nobel Prizes: Prof. Luigi Ferini Strambi explains what is the circadian rhythm, the Nobel winner for Physiology or Medicine 2017. Finally, the “Curiosiscience” of the issue is about the funny IgNobel Prizes 2017, bizarre scientific discoveries with exhilarating facets.

Find this and much more surfing our blog’s pages!

Enjoy the reading and…have a good science!



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