Interfaculty centre for gender studies
Publications and conference attendance
Here below the publications related to gender studies written by the members of the Centre.
Bianchi, C. (2023) “Ecco perché la parola è un esercizio di potere”, Corriere della Sera, 12 settembre 2023, p. 48.
Cepollaro, B., Sulpizio, S., Bianchi, C., Stojanovic. I. (2023) “Slurs in Quarantine”, Mind & Language, pp. 1-16.
Bianchi, C. (2023) “Varieties of Uptake”, in Caponetto, L. & Labinaz, P. (eds.), Sbisà on Speech as Action, London, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 75-95.
Bianchi, C. (2022) “How Does Language Impact Notions of Gender?”, in Elmgreen, M. & Dragset, I. (eds.), Useless Bodies, Milano, Fondazione Prada, pp. 267-268.
Bianchi, C. (2022) “Le parole dell’odio”, Magazine Lingua
Bianchi, C. (2015) “Parole come pietre: atti linguistici e subordinazione”, Esercizi Filosofici, 10, pp. 115-135, ISSN 1970-0164.
Bianchi, C. (2014) “Slurs and appropriation: an echoic account”, Journal of Pragmatics, 66, pp. 35-44, DOI 10.1016/j.pragma.2014.02.009.
Bianchi, C. (2009) “La parola”, in Vassallo, N. (a cura di) Donna m’apparve, Torino, Codice Edizioni, pp. 83-99, ISBN 978-88-7578-125-5.
Caponetto, L., Cepollaro, B. (forthcoming), “Bending as Counterspeech”, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Special Issue on Counterspeech, ed. by Fumagalli, C.
Caponetto, L. (forthcoming), Illocutionary Silencing: Meaning, Dynamics, and Conceptual Significance, monografia.
Caponetto, L. (forthcoming), “On Refusing”, Synthese, Special Issue on Non-Assertoric Speech Acts, ed. by Incurvati, L., Bussière-Caraes, L., Sbardolini, G., Schlöder, J.
Caponetto, L. (forthcoming), “Pornografia e atti linguistici”, APhEx, Sezione “Temi”, ed. by Labinaz, P., Ervas, F.
Caponetto, L. (forthcoming), “Silencing and Resistance”, OUP volume on Resistance, ed. by Medina, J., Townsend, L., Townsend, D.
Caponetto, L. (2016), “Silencing Speech with Pornography“, Phenomenology and Mind, Special Issue on Emotions, Normativity, and Social Life, 11, pp. 182-191.
Conference attendance
2016, July 1: “Pornography, Speech Acts, and Silencing”, Conference by Women in Philosophy, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.
2016, March 8: “Silencing Speech with Pornography: the Case of the Unsuccessful Refusal”, International Women’s Day Conference, Resounding Voices: Women, Silence, and the Production of Knowledge, St. Aidan’s College, Durham University, Durham (UK).
Cepollaro, B. (forthcoming), “Blocking Toxic Speech Online”, in Connolly, P., Goldberg, S., Saul, J. (eds.), “Conversations Online”, Oxford University Press.
Caponetto, L., Cepollaro, B. (forthcoming), “The Philosophy of Counter-Language”, in Ullmann, S. (ed.), “Counterspeech”, Routledge.
Cepollaro, B., Lepoutre, M., Simpson, M. (2023), “Counterspeech”, Philosophy Compass, 18 (1), e12890. 10.1111/phc3.12890. (fascia A).
Cepollaro, B. (2023), “Experimentally-Informed Philosophy of Hate Speech”, in Bordonaba, D. (ed.), “Experimental Philosophy of Language: Perspectives, Methods and Prospects”, Springer - Logic, Argumentation, and Reasoning, pp. 173-187.
Lewiński, M., Cepollaro, B., Oswald, S., Witek, M. (2023), “Norms of Public Argument: A Speech Act Perspective”, Topoi, 42 (2), pp. 349-356. (fascia A).
- Cavaliere, G., Cesarano, F. (2023) “Misunderstanding moral status: a reply to Robinson”, Journal of Medical Ethics, Online First.
Fregna, L., Attanasio, F., Travaini, G., Colombo, C. (2023) “Letter to the Editor: Interpersonal Violent Behavior in Bipolar Disorder: A Preliminary Study on Gender Differences”, in Violence and Gender, 10:3, pp. 173-174, ISSN 2326-7852, 10.1089/vio.2023.0020.
Manfredi, E., Attanasio, F., Fazio, V., Mazzi, F., Maccario, M., Carminati, M., Colombo, C., Zanardi, R. (2022) “Aggressiveness in bipolar disorder – when gender differences mismatch common thinking”, Neuroscience Applied, Volume 1, Supplement 2, 100465, ISSN 2772-4085
De Monticelli, R. (2017), “Sensibility, Values and Selfhood. For a Phenomenology of the Emotional Life”, The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 2016.
De Monticelli, R. (2017), “The Rescued Self. Value Experience and the Moral Conflict. A case study”, Philosophical Inquiries Vol 5, No 1, Special Issue on Emotions and Conflict, ed. by Fussi, A., pp. 34-54, ISSN 2282-0248.
De Monticelli, R. (2016), Il volto e l’anima in “società degli individui (La)” 57/2016, pp. 103-111, DOI 10.3280/LAS2016-057019.
De Monticelli, R. (2016), “Is the Perceptual Model of Emotions Still A Good Competitor? A Small Phenomenology of Feeling”, Phenomenology and Mind, No 11 (2016), Emotions, Normativity, and Social Life, Edited by Forlè, F., Songhorian, S., pp. 32-47, ISSN 2280-7853 (print), ISSN 2239-4028 (online).
De Monticelli, R. (2016) “Sensibility and Values. Toward a Phenomenological Theory of the Emotional Life”, Analytic and Continental Philosophy – Methods and Perspectives. Proceedings of the 37th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Ed. by Rinofner-Kreidl, S., Wiltsche, H. A., Series: Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society – New Series (N.S.) 23, ISBN 978-3-11-045065-1, pp. 381-400.
De Monticelli, R. (2015) “Acts, Normativity, Personhood – Outline of a Theory of Embodied Rationality”, in Petit J-L. (ed.), La naturalisation de la phénomenologie, 20ans après, “Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg”, 38, Second Semester 2015, ISSN 1254-5740, ISBN 978-2-86820-917-7, pp. 175-194.
De Monticelli, R. (2015) “The Sensibility of Reason – Outline of a Phenomenology of Feeling”, Thaumazein, vol. 3 (2015), ISSN 2284-2918, Max Scheler and the Emotional Turn, Ed. By Bruttomesso, M.C., pp. 139-160.
De Monticelli, R. (2014) “Haecceity? A Phenomenological Perspective”, Phenomenology and Mind, 7, 2014, ISSN 22807853 (print), ISSN 22394028 (online), pp. 98-117.
De Vecchi, F. (2023) “A personally embedded qualitative social ontology: issues from Stein and Husserl”, in Lebech, M., Hagengruber, R. (eds.) “Person and Intersubjectivity. Edith Stein’s and Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenology of the Social 1916-25 with focus on Ideas II”, Springer, Series Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences (forthcoming).
De Vecchi, F., Forlè, F. (forthcoming) “Eidetics of gender: wholes, parts and personal layers”, Journal of Philosophy.
De Vecchi, F. “I, you, and we: varieties of heterotropic intentionality and personal collectives – issues from Stein’s and Husserl’s social ontology”, in Lebech, M., Hagengruber, R. (eds.) “Stein’s and Husserl’s intertwined Itineraries 1916-25 with focus on Ideas II”, Springer Series Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences.
De Vecchi, F. (2015) “Edith Stein’s Social Ontology of the State, the Law and Social Acts”, Studia Phaenomenologica, XV (2015), pp. 303-330.
De Vecchi, F. (2015) Soggetti plurali. L’ontologia sociale di Margaret Gilbert, in Gilbert, M., Il noi collettivo. Impegno congiunto e mondo sociale, IX-XXVII.
De Vecchi, F. (2008) “Il fondamento assoluto e plurale dei diritti umani”, in Hersch, J., I diritti umani da un punto di vista filosofico, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, pp. 9-55.
De Vecchi, F. (2008) “Jeanne Hersch, philosophe des droits humains”, in Hersch. J., L’exigence absolue de la liberté. Textes sur les droits humains (1973-1995), Genève, MetisPresses, pp. 11-50.
De Vecchi, F. (2008) La libertà incarnata. Filosofia, etica e diritti umani secondo Jeanne Hersch, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, pp. 1-279.
De Vecchi, F. (2006) “Filosofia e libertà: pensare, vivere e fare secondo Jeanne Hersch”, in: Hersch, J., Rischiarare l’oscuro. Autoritratto a viva voce, Milano Baldini Castoldi Dalai, pp. 343-362.
De Vecchi, F. (2005) “Jeanne Hersch: duplicità della filosofia e filosofia come pratica”, Discipline filosofiche, vol. XV-1, pp. 229-254.
De Vecchi, F. (2004) “Figure dell’empatia a partire da Edith Stein. Relazione, contrattazione (Auseinandersetzung) e ascolto interiore in Etty Hillesum”, Fenomenologia e società, vol. XXVII-1.
De Vecchi, F. (2001) Filosofia, ritratti, corrispondenze. Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil, Edith Stein, Maria Zambiano (ed.), Mantova, Tre Lune.
De Vecchi, F. (1998) “Ein Ich im Kontext des Schreibens. Überlegungen zu Malina von Ingeborg Bachmann”, Script, vol. 15.
Conference attendance
2016, February 29: “Jeanne Hersch, filosofa dei diritti umani”, seminars on “Memoria e Diritto”, Università degli Studi di Trento.
2016, January 21: “Fenomenologia, metodo e genere” (together with Francesca Forlè), seminar on “Filosofia e discriminazione”, Circolo dei Lettori, Torino.
2015, February 18: “Obblighi e aspettative indotti dalle pubblicità di alimenti”, Pubblicità alimentari, tra stereotipi e rappresentazioni di genere, Centro di ricerca interuniversitario in Culture di genere, Casa della Cultura, Milano.
2014, September 24: Organisation (together with Roberta Sala) of the seminar “Linguaggio e genere”, in collaboration with Centro di ricerca interuniversitario in Culture di genere and Il tempo delle donne (Corriere della Sera). Speakers: Claudia Bianchi, Anna Ogliari, Sarah Songhorian, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele.
2014, May 12: “Ontologia sociale: un approccio di genere”, nell’ambito di Il genere: più di un luogo comune. Sei Università milanesi discutono di genere, Casa della Cultura, Milano.
2013, December 16: “Edith Stein’s Social Ontology of the State, the Law and Social Acts”, workshop on “Empathy, Community and the State: The Social Philosophy of Edith Stein”, University College Dublin.
2010, June 17: “L’exigence absolue de la liberté: le fondament des droits de l’homme selon Jeanne Hersch”, Suisse Institut, Roma.
2007, October 15: “Existentialism and Realisms in Jeanne Hersch. Free-will and Human Rights”, within the frame of “El seminari filosofia i gènere: Pensadores del segle XX. Jeanne Hersch, Rachel Bespaloff, Iris Murdoch”, organised by Rosa Rius, Carmen Revilla, Fina Birules, Department of Philosophy, University of Barcellona.
Esposito, A., De Cobelli, F., Colantoni, C., Perseghin, G., del Vecchio, A., Canu, T., Calandrino, R., Del Maschio, A. (2012) “Gender influence on dose saving allowed by prospective-triggered 64-slice multidetector computed tomography coronary angiography as compared with retrospective-gated mode”, International Journal of Cardiology, 158(2), pp. 253-259.
Di Mattei, V. E., Taranto, P., Perego, G., Desimone, S., Rancoita, P. M. V., Catarinella, A., ... & Candiani, M. (2023) “Identification of Psychological Profiles of Cancer Patients Undergoing Fertility Preservation Counseling”, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(12), 4011.
Di Mattei, V. E., Perego, G., Taranto, P., Mazzetti, M., Ferrari, F., Derna, N., ... & Candiani, M. (2023) “Psychological issues in breast cancer survivors confronted with motherhood: Literature review and a call to action”, Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1133204.
Perego, G., Di Mattei, V. E., Mazzetti, M., Milano, F., Gatti, C., Rancoita, P. M. V., ... & Candiani, M. (2023) “The Experience of COVID-19 in a Sample of Gynecological Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Focus on the Psychological Implications”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5), 3851.
Di Mattei, V. E., Perego, G., Taranto, P., Mazzetti, M., Rancoita, P., Milano, F., … & Cioffi, R. (2022) “Socio-demographic and psychological factors associated with quality of life of women undergoing chemotherapy treatment for gynecological cancer”, Supportive Care in Cancer, 30(9), pp. 7333-7339.
Di Mattei, V. E., Carnelli, L., Bernardi, M., Pagani Bagliacca E., Zucchi, P., Lavezzari, L., Giorgione, V., Ambrosi, A., Mangili, G., Candiani, M., Sarno, L. (2015) “An investigative study into psychological and fertility sequelae of gestational trophoblastic disease: The impact on patients’ perceived fertility, anxiety and depression”, PLoS ONE, 10 (6), art. no. e0128354, ISSN 1932-6203, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0128354,
Di Mattei, V. E., Carnelli, L., Pagani Bagliacca E., et al. (2015) “A Project of the Humanization of Medical Care”, PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY, Volume 24, 2, 120.
Di Mattei V. E., Pagani Bagliacca E., Lavezzari L., Di Pierro R., Carnelli L., Zucchi P., Preis B. F., Sarno L. (2015) “Body image and personality in aesthetic plastic surgery: a case-control study”, Open Journal of Medical Psychology 4, pp. 35-44, ISSN: 2165-9370.
Di Mattei V. E., Carnelli L., Carrara L., Bernardi M., Crespi G., Rancoita P. M. V., Bergamini, A., Petrone, M., Ritella C., Rabaiotti E., Mangili, G. (2015) “Chemotherapy induced Nausea and Vomiting in women with gynecological cancer: a preliminary single-center study investigating medical and psycho-social risk factors”, Cancer Nurs.
Sigismondi, C., Papaleo, E., Viganò, P., Vailati, S., Candiani, M., Ottolina, J., Di Mattei, V. E., Mangili, G. (2015) “Fertility preservation in female cancer patients: A single center experience”, Chinese Journal of Cancer, 34 (1), pp. 56-60, ISSN: 1000-467X.
Di Mattei, V. E., Carnelli, L., Pagani Bagliacca E., Zucchi, P., Ambrosi, A., Mangili, G., Candiani, M., Sarno, L. (2015) “Health in the Mirror: A Psychosocial Support Project”, PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY, Volume 23, 3, pp. 197-198.
Di Mattei, V. E., Carnelli, L., Ambrosi, A., Mangili, G., Candiani, M., Sarno, L. (2014) “Gestational trophoblastic disease: psychological aspects and fertility issues”, The Journal of reproductive medicine, 59 (9-10), pp. 488-495, ISSN 0024-7758.
Di Mattei, V. E., Carnelli, L., Pagani Bagliacca E., et al. (2014) “Salute allo Specchio: A Reflection of Health”, International Psychological Applications Trends, pp. 262-264.
Dakanalis, A., Di Mattei, V. E., Zanetti, A. M., Clerici, M., Madeddu, F., Riva, G., Lanfranchi, L., Preis, F.B. (2013) “Personality and Body Image Disorders in Cosmetic Surgery Settings: Prevalence, Comorbidity and Evaluation of Their Impact on Post-Operative Patient’s Satisfaction”, European Psychiatry 28, 1, 2811.
Dakanalis, A., Di Mattei, V. E., Pagani Bagliacca E., Prunas, A., Sarno, L., Riva, G., Zanetti, M. A. (2012) “Disordered Eating Behaviors Among Italian Men: Objectifying Media and Sexual Orientation Differences”, Eating Disorders, 20 (5), pp. 356-367, ISSN: 1064-0266.
Conference attendance
2022-2023, 1 dicembre-6 gennaio: Organizzatore della mostra Hypnotic Pink, in collaborazione con Stayonboard Art Gallery, a favore di Salute allo Specchio ETS – Stayonboard Art Gallery, Milano.
2022, 19 novembre: Bookcity Milano – Relatore alla tavola rotonda di presentazione del libro: “Divenire genitori e divenire figli” – Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Milano.
2022, 19 ottobre-9 novembre: “Yoga allo Specchio”, lezioni di yoga dedicati alle pazienti oncologiche dell’Ospedale San Raffaele.
2022, 4 maggio: Avvio della terza edizione del progetto “Back to work”, servizio gratuito di supporto al reinserimento lavorativo per pazienti oncologici, in collaborazione con ACTL – Associazione per la Cultura e il Tempo Libero, AVO Segrate e Amici della Casa dei Diritti.
Dal 2022: Partecipazione come membro al Tavolo della Rete Regionale Lombarda Ostetrico-Ginecologica e Neonatale per endometriosi, PMA, oncologia e promozione e prevenzione della salute della donna e della Commissione Salute della Donna.
Dal 2022: Referente per l’U.O. di Psicologia Clinica del Team GEDI (GEnder, Diversity and Inclusion in medicine, research and governance) dell’Ospedale San Raffaele.
Rosola, M., Frenda, S., Cignarella, A., Pellegrini, M., Marra, A., Floris, M. (forthcoming) “Beyond Obscuration and Visibility: Thoughts on the Different Strategies of Gender-Fair Language in Italian”, Proceedings of the Ninth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, CLiC-it 2023, Venice.
Floris, M. (2023) “Bias di genere e intelligenza artificiale: una mancanza di competenze?”, in Raus, R., Per un'intelligenza artificiale a favore del multilinguismo europeo. Raccomandazioni strategiche rivolte ai decisori europei, Ledizioni.
- Forlè, F. (2023) (forthcoming), Fenomenologia di genere. Strumenti filosofici per la parità di genere, Editoriale Scientifica.
Miglio, N. (forthcoming), “Why is pregnancy a philosophical topic?”, PhiloSophia.
Miglio, N. (re-submitted), “The Radical Intercorporeality of Pregnancy”, Continental Philosophy Review.
Miglio, N., Argirò, A. (forthcoming), “Unveiling the Relational Origin of the Self. Hannah Arendt’s Notion of Natality in Dialogue with Feminist Phenomenology”, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology.
Miglio, N., Sartori, S. (forthcoming), traduzione italiana di Van Dijck, The Transparent Body, Meltemi.
Miglio, N., Shabot Cohen, S. (forthcoming), “Something is wrong - Obstetric violence and body image”, Human Studies.
Miglio, N., Stanier J. (forthcoming), “Pain and metaphor: a critical reappraisal of the narrative dimension in the health care context”, Discipline Filosofiche, Special Issue on Pain.
Caminiti, S. P., Boccalini, C., Nicastro, N., Garibotto, V., Perani, D., Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2023) “Sex differences in brain metabolic connectivity architecture in probable dementia with Lewy bodies”, Neurobiol Aging, 126:14-24, DOI 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2023.02.004, Epub 2023 Feb 17, PMID 36905876.
Boccalini, C., Nicastro, N., Peretti, D. E., Caminiti, S. P., Perani, D., Garibotto, V. (2023) “Sex differences in dementia with Lewy bodies: an imaging study of neurotransmission pathways”, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 50(7), pp. 2036-2046, DOI 10.1007/s00259-023-06132-4, Epub 2023 Feb 24.
Boccalini, C., Carli, G., Pilotto, A., Padovani, A., Perani, D. (submitted), “Gender differences in dopaminergic system dysfunction in Parkinson's disease clinical subtypes”, Neurobiology of Disease.
Pola, F. (2023) ““Planet” di Simone Forti (1976): “morphing” performativo tra dialogo interspecie ed ecologia”, Elephant & Castle, vol. 17, pp. 4-23.
Volta, E. (2023) “La misoginia in atto nel discorso giuridico: victim blaming e riduzione al silenzio”, Versus n. 136 - 1/2023, Linguaggio, violenza e pratiche simboliche, DOI 10.14649/107733.
Volta, E. (2023) “Un ascolto parziale: il lavoro ideologico dei miti di stupro in aula di giustizia”, Questione Giustizia n. 4 - 1/2023, Ed. speciale sul Diritto femminile.
De Monticelli R. (2017) “Sensibility, Values and Selfhood. For a Phenomenology of the Emotional Life”, The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy.
De Monticelli R. (2017) “The Rescued Self. Value Experience and the Moral Conflict. A case study”, Philosophical Inquiries Vol 5, No 1, Special Issue on Emotions and Conflict, ed. by Fussi A., pp. 34-54, ISSN 2282-0248.
Caponetto, L. (2016), “Silencing Speech with Pornography“, Phenomenology and Mind, Special Issue on Emotions, Normativity, and Social Life, 11, pp. 182-191.
De Monticelli, R. (2016), Il volto e l’anima in “società degli individui (La)” 57/2016, pp. 103-111, DOI 10.3280/LAS2016-057019.
De Monticelli, R. (2016), “Is the Perceptual Model of Emotions Still A Good Competitor? A Small Phenomenology of Feeling”, Phenomenology and Mind, No 11 (2016), Emotions, Normativity, and Social Life, Edited by Forlè, F., Songhorian, S., pp. 32-47, ISSN 2280-7853 (print), ISSN 2239-4028 (online).
De Monticelli, R. (2016) “Sensibility and Values. Toward a Phenomenological Theory of the Emotional Life”, Analytic and Continental Philosophy – Methods and Perspectives. Proceedings of the 37th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Ed. by Rinofner-Kreidl, S., Wiltsche, H. A., Series: Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society – New Series (N.S.) 23, ISBN 978-3-11-045065-1, pp. 381-400.
Bianchi, C. (2015) “Parole come pietre: atti linguistici e subordinazione”, Esercizi Filosofici, 10, pp. 115-135, ISSN 1970-0164.
De Monticelli, R. (2015) “Acts, Normativity, Personhood – Outline of a Theory of Embodied Rationality”, in Petit J-L. (ed.), La naturalisation de la phénomenologie, 20ans après, “Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg”, 38, Second Semester 2015, ISSN 1254-5740, ISBN 978-2-86820-917-7, pp. 175-194.
De Monticelli, R. (2015) “The Sensibility of Reason – Outline of a Phenomenology of Feeling”, Thaumazein, vol. 3 (2015), ISSN 2284-2918, Max Scheler and the Emotional Turn, Ed. By Bruttomesso, M.C., pp. 139-160.
De Vecchi, F. (2015) “Edith Stein’s Social Ontology of the State, the Law and Social Acts”, Studia Phaenomenologica, XV (2015), pp. 303-330.
De Vecchi, F. (2015) Soggetti plurali. L’ontologia sociale di Margaret Gilbert, in Gilbert, M., Il noi collettivo. Impegno congiunto e mondo sociale, IX-XXVII.
Di Mattei, V. E., Carnelli, L., Bernardi, M., Pagani Bagliacca E., Zucchi, P., Lavezzari, L., Giorgione, V., Ambrosi, A., Mangili, G., Candiani, M., Sarno, L. (2015) “An investigative study into psychological and fertility sequelae of gestational trophoblastic disease: The impact on patients’ perceived fertility, anxiety and depression”, PLoS ONE, 10 (6), art. no. e0128354, ISSN 1932-6203, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0128354,
Di Mattei, V. E., Carnelli, L., Pagani Bagliacca E., et al. (2015) “A Project of the Humanization of Medical Care”, PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY, Volume 24, 2, 120.
Di Mattei V. E., Pagani Bagliacca E., Lavezzari L., Di Pierro R., Carnelli L., Zucchi P., Preis B. F., Sarno L. (2015) “Body image and personality in aesthetic plastic surgery: a case-control study”, Open Journal of Medical Psychology 4, pp. 35-44, ISSN: 2165-9370.
Di Mattei V. E., Carnelli L., Carrara L., Bernardi M., Crespi G., Rancoita P. M. V., Bergamini, A., Petrone, M., Ritella C., Rabaiotti E., Mangili, G. (2015) “Chemotherapy induced Nausea and Vomiting in women with gynecological cancer: a preliminary single-center study investigating medical and psycho-social risk factors”, Cancer Nurs.
Sigismondi, C., Papaleo, E., Viganò, P., Vailati, S., Candiani, M., Ottolina, J., Di Mattei, V. E., Mangili, G. (2015) “Fertility preservation in female cancer patients: A single center experience”, Chinese Journal of Cancer, 34 (1), pp. 56-60, ISSN: 1000-467X.
Di Mattei, V. E., Carnelli, L., Pagani Bagliacca E., Zucchi, P., Ambrosi, A., Mangili, G., Candiani, M., Sarno, L. (2015) “Health in the Mirror: A Psychosocial Support Project”, PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY, Volume 23, 3, pp. 197-198.
De Monticelli, R. (2014) “Haecceity? A Phenomenological Perspective”, Phenomenology and Mind, 7, 2014, ISSN 22807853 (print), ISSN 22394028 (online), pp. 98-117.
Di Mattei, V. E., Carnelli, L., Ambrosi, A., Mangili, G., Candiani, M., Sarno, L. (2014) “Gestational trophoblastic disease: psychological aspects and fertility issues”, The Journal of reproductive medicine, 59 (9-10), pp. 488-495, ISSN 0024-7758.
Di Mattei, V. E., Carnelli, L., Pagani Bagliacca E., et al. (2014) “Salute allo Specchio: A Reflection of Health”, International Psychological Applications Trends, pp. 262-264.
Dakanalis, A., Di Mattei, V. E., Zanetti, A. M., Clerici, M., Madeddu, F., Riva, G., Lanfranchi, L., Preis, F.B. (2013) “Personality and Body Image Disorders in Cosmetic Surgery Settings: Prevalence, Comorbidity and Evaluation of Their Impact on Post-Operative Patient’s Satisfaction”, European Psychiatry 28, 1, 2811.
Esposito, A., De Cobelli, F., Colantoni, C., Perseghin, G., del Vecchio, A., Canu, T., Calandrino, R., Del Maschio, A. (2012) “Gender influence on dose saving allowed by prospective-triggered 64-slice multidetector computed tomography coronary angiography as compared with retrospective-gated mode”, International Journal of Cardiology, 158(2), pp. 253-259.
Dakanalis, A., Di Mattei, V. E., Pagani Bagliacca E., Prunas, A., Sarno, L., Riva, G., Zanetti, M. A. (2012) “Disordered Eating Behaviors Among Italian Men: Objectifying Media and Sexual Orientation Differences”, Eating Disorders, 20 (5), pp. 356-367, ISSN: 1064-0266.