PhD Courses

Our PhD Courses offer opportunity of research in various fields and are designed to provide students with the ability to take on new and original research developing both the technical capabilities and the intellectual approach.

The PhD title will provide a professional preparation suited to both the academic career and other research careers.

In the national ranking of the best Italian Universities referred to the Higher Education University, drawn up based on the ANVUR evaluation (Nazional Agency for the evalutazione of the University and Research System), the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University was ranked overall in 2nd (2.2) after the ROMA LUISS (2.6 ).


The doctoral student has the opportunity to expand their knowledge and experiences at the international level earning a double title with Co-Supervised PhD Thesis.

Need more info?

Contact us by filling the form or call at 0291751500 

PhD Fellowships funded in the context of EU funds

At University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, we are always committed to providing high-level learning opportunities and supporting students in every aspect of their academic journey. Thanks to the exceptional opportunity of European funding, many PhD projects have been announced and initiated, funded by EU allocations deriving from PON (DM 106/2021) and PNRR (DM 351 and 352/2022 and DM 117 and 118/2023) funds.

More details available here: page dedicated to EU funds

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