Post lauream

International PhD Course in Molecular Medicine


Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, top-ranked among the research universities in Italy, offers a PhD course in Molecular Medicine providing excellence in science, training, guidance, and support to graduate students interested in understanding the molecular processes underlying human diseases and in designing new approaches for their treatment.

The PhD program operates within IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele (OSR), enabling the students to undergo their practical training in the hospital facilities (both clinical departments and research laboratories) and undertake a major research project in one of the OSR research laboratories.

The PhD course is organized into five curricula that span the broader area of molecular medicine:

Cellular and Molecular Biology

Basic and Applied Immunology and Oncology

Experimental and Clinical Medicine

Gene and Cell Therapy

Neuroscience and Experimental Neurology

The International PhD Course in Molecular Medicine offers also a program called “Physician-Scientist” that allows students of the final year of a UniSR Residency Program to attend simultaneously the 1st year of the PhD Course.

PhD Course Coordinator: Prof. Carlo Tacchetti

The admission procedures for the academic year 2024/2025 are now opened.

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