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Origins and Varieties of Logicism – II – Further Explorations

07 febbraio 2017
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Workshop announcement

20th-21st February 2017

PhD programme in Philosophy (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University)
PhD programme in Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind (School of Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia & Vita-Salute San Raffaele University)
CRESA (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University)
NeTS Centre @ IUSS
Under the auspices of
Italian Network for the Philosophy of Mathematics, FilMat

This workshop is a follow-up to a previous meeting on the Origins and Varieties of Logicism (http://www.iusspavia.it/news.php?id=2262&menu=menu-news.html). Among traditional foundational programmes in the philosophy of mathematics, Logicism still attracts much attention, witnessed by a revival of studies on its origins and on logicist-oriented issues tightly connected with present research developments. By focussing on these issues, and extending the range of topics from the previous conference, the workshop aims at providing both further historical investigations on full-flegded Logicists and other authors standing in connection or opposition to such a view – such as Frege, Wittgestein, Ramsey, and Hilbert – and theoretical explorations of recent research – such as numerical cognition, ordinal abstraction, Neo-Logicism – in order to shed new light on the legacy of various kinds of Logicism for contemporary philosophy of mathematics.

Monday February 20
14.00-14.15 Welcome greetings: Massimo Reichlin (UniSR, PhD programme coordinator), Francesca Boccuni (UniSR), Andrea Sereni (IUSS, Pavia)
Bob Hale
 (University of Sheffield)
Ordinals by Abstraction

Salvatore Florio
 (University of Birmingham)
Abstraction without Reference 


Coffee break

Lieven Decock
 (Vrije University Amsterdam)
Logicism and Numerical Cognition

Tuesday February 21

Michael Potter
 (University of Cambridge)
Wittgenstein on Ramsey’s Logicism

10.30-11.00 Coffee break

Fiona Doherty
 (University of Cambridge)
Frege, Hilbert and Neo-Fregean Logicism: What’s in a Name?

Michael Hallett (McGill University)
Frege, Gödel and Creation

Organized by:
Francesca Boccuni (Vita-Salute San Raffaele University)
Andrea Sereni (School of Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia)

Conference Venue:
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
Via Olgettina, 58, 20132 Milano, Italy
Room: Agnodice, Dibit 1


Attendance is free. Everyone is invited!
Info: boccuni.francesca@unisr.it  andrea.sereni@iusspavia.it

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