18-19 July 2019
Second Graduate Conference of the Italian Network for the Philosophy of Mathematics – FilMat
Aula S. Agostino, Dibit 2
The FilMat network promotes workshops and conferences open to Italian and international researchers in the philosophy of mathematics. To emphasise its attention to those at early stages of their careers, the network is glad to announce, in addition to its biennial main conferences, its second graduate conference. The conference will host seven contributed talks by graduate and early career speakers of any nationality, selected by double-blind review. Original contributions were selected in any area of philosophy of mathematics, especially those connected with philosophical issues at the crossroads between the philosophy of mathematics and the philosophy of language and logic, and the use of formal methods for modelling them.
Sponsored by:
PhD in Philosophy, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele (UniSR), Milan
IUSS Pavia – UniSR PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind
Under the auspices of:
The Italian Network for the Philosohy of Mathematics - FilMat
University Vita-Salute San Raffaele
School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia
EMath Project - Epistemology and Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic (NEtS IUSS - Pavia)
Salvatore Florio (University of Birmingham)
Lavinia Picollo (UCL)
Jack Woods (University of Leeds)
Marco Panza (IHPST - Paris; Chapman University)
Matteo Plebani (University of Turin)
Luca San Mauro (Wien University of Technology)
Andrea Sereni (IUSS – Pavia)
Daniel Waxman (Lingnan University)
Conference website: https://filmatnetwork.com/activities/gradconf2019/