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SINe-INS Conference: New Ways of Investigating the Brain –Postponed - May 2021

17 febbraio 2020

Postponed - May 2021

The spreading of the Corona virus and the traveling restrictions many governments have imposed to decrease the velocity of the spreading has led the Organizing Committee of the 12th International Scientific Conference on Neuroethics (Neuroethics: New Ways of Investigating the Brain. Meetings on Neuroscience and Society, XII Edition) – after careful consideration and not without some regrets – to the painful decision to postpone our annual international conference for one year.

The conference, organized by the Italian Society for Neuroethics and the International Neuroethics Society, will, thus, be held in May 2021 (the exact dates will be announced as soon as possible) at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan and not in May 13th-15th, 2020, as previously announced.

First, we thought of a plan B—moving the conference to September 2020—but, as it is unclear whether large international meetings would be a good idea by then, we decided that the most responsible thing to do to allow all of our participants to attend the conference safely and enjoy it as usual would be to avoid that period.

All papers already accepted will be presented next year, but we will also offer an additional call in October.

To follow the updates on the conference, see: https://societadineuroetica.wordpress.com

We would have loved to meet you all  in 2020 and we very much look forward to doing so in 2021.

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