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San Raffaele School of Philosophy 2022

20 settembre 2022

San Raffaele University is pleased to announce the 12th edition of its School of Philosophy, one of the annual key events of the San Raffaele Faculty of Philosophy.

The 2022 San Raffaele School of Philosophy “The True, the Valid and the Normative” will be held on September 20-21-22, 2022 in Sala Aurora, Palazzo Arese Borromeo (Cesano Maderno) and will host both invited lectures and contributions by PhD students, post-docs, and more experienced researchers selected through a double-blind peer-review process. 

LOCANDINA Spring School of Philosophy 2022

The True, the Valid and the Normative

San Raffaele School of Philosophy 2022

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan

September 20-21-22, 2022

Download the SRSP’s program here:

PROGRAMMA Spring School of Philosophy 2022

The True, the Valid and the Normative

The inquiry into the concepts of true and false has generally privileged, in contemporary philosophy, apophantic truth, that is, the truth of dicta (sentences, propositions, statements, or utterances). However, the predicates ‘true’ and ‘false’ seem to also apply to other entities apart from dicta. Amedeo Giovanni Conte, among others, brought back attention to the not infrequent cases where we speak of the truth and falsity of res, of things. In what sense, for instance, can we speak of true gold, a true diamond, a true warrior, or the true Kant? And in what sense can we speak of false gold, a false diamond, a false name, a false will, or a false banknote? Further, can we argue that a true warrior ought to be brave? The answer to such questions seems to imply the distinction introduced by Conte (2016) between two species of truth: de dicto, or semantic truth, which specifically pertains to a dictum qua dictum, and de re, or ontological truth, which generally pertains to a res qua res, to a thing qua thing. What are the relations between the two species of truth? What do they have in common, and in what do they differ?

The introduction of the distinction between de re and de dicto truth into the debate on normativity and related issues discloses new perspectives that participants in this School are invited to explore.

The School will also host a special section devoted to the presentation of the results of CoRC (Covid Rules and Compliance). The project aimed at investigating the motivations for the violation and compliance of the norms Italian institutions enforced during the Covid-19 pandemic. The project, funded by MUR (code: FISR2020IP_04500), is an interesting case study for many of the issues the other sections of the School will focus on. 

For more information visit our dedicated page at San Raffaele School of Philosophy

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